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Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?

Accordingly, the family is the basic unit of society therefore they play the
biggest role where they are the first ones who introduce life as a whole. Meaning,
they are the ones who give us the prior influence physically, mentally,
emotionally, and socially. Moreover, our parents provide us with our first system
of values, norms, and beliefs as a reflection of our social status, religion, ethnic
group, and more. Our parents and along with the rest of our family, also teach us
about positive relationships, group socialization, responsibilities, and experiences.
They also introduce us to a different environment, future perspectives,
educational learning, and choices, and skills discovery, life aspirations, and social
discipline among others. They lead and prepare us in facing real-life outside and
on how to fit in our society. But all of these are not easy, they come in a process
Indeed, the role of the family plays an important part in our social development.

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