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1. Present Simple -prezent acţ. …every day/week/month/year She seldom helps her husband
normală/obicei/program SB- often/always/usually/never-P with his work.
SB(III sg)+ Vb (s)/(es). oficial Sometimes/rarely(seldom) Does she often help her
Do/Does + SB+ Vb1….? Adv. de frecvenţă : from time to husband?
SB + don’t Vb/doesn’t time/once in a while/once a
Vb…. day/twice a week…..
2. Present Continuous -prezent-acţiune în Now/very now/this very Where are you leaving now?
desfăşurare acum moment/still/just

SB+ am/is/are+ VB-ing -acţiune enervantă/reproş + always He is always forgetting his

Am/Is/Are + SB+ Vb-ing ? (continually/forever/gradually) money!
SB+ am not/isn’t/aren’t Vb- -acţiune viitoare sigură
ing Who else is coming to the
3. Present Perfect Simple -perfect compus- acţ. + just/already/yet/so far/recently/ He hasn’t arrived, yet.
terminată în prezent lately/up-date/today/this…../ever/
SB+have/has Vb3. never
Have/Has + SB+ Vb3? ____________since/for She hasn’t written since she
How long…………….? left, for a month. How long
have you lived here?

- prezent( pentru verbele + since/for/How long….? We have had this car for ten
de percepţie/de posesie/de years. How long have you
plăcere/dorinţă/existenţă/ known her?
activ. mentale
4 Present Perfect Cont. - prezent: acţ. începute în + since/for/How long…? I have been living here since î
trecut care continuă în (alte vb. decât cele menţionate was born.
SB+ have/has been Vb-ing. present şi vor continua şi în anterior) How long have you been
Have/Has + SB+ been Vb- viitor working here?
1.Past Simple -perfect compus: yesterday/last…/…ago/ When did + The students didn’t pass the
acţ. terminată în trecut, SB+Vb1….?/…when…/then/ clear exam last summer.
SB+ Vb2/Vb-ed. clară ca terminată date: in 1799, on Monday/
Did+ SB+Vb1? in June
SB+ didn’t Vb1…… -acţ. obicei în trecut/ sau -often/always/usually They often played tennis
obişnuite together.( They don’t do it
2. Past Continuous -imperfect: acţ. în plină this time yesterday/ while/ __when/ He was just entering the room
desfăşurare la trecut when___/still/just/ when you left.
SB- was/were+ Vb-ing.
Was/Were+SB+Vb-ing? + always (continually/forever) = This dog was always bringing
SB+ wasn’t/weren’t+ VB- acţ. enervantă în trecut mud in!

3. Past Perfect Simple -Acţ. trecută înaintea altei ______before/By_____/ By the The play had begun before
acţ. trecute ( Mai Mult ca time…../already/yet/just you arrived.
SB+had+Vb3. Perfect)
Had+SB+ Vb3? Hardly…………………when….. Hardly had she entered the
SB+hadn’t+ Vb3. No sooner……………...than…… door when they grabbed her.
(Abia….că şi…
4. Past Perfect Continuous - acţ. progresivă în trecut ______since/for/How long…? It had been snowing for two
urmată de perioda în care days when I reached Braşov.
SB+ had+ been+Vb-ing se derula
Had+SB+been+ Vb-ing? How long had you been
SB+ hadn’t+ been+ Vb-ing working there when I retired?
1.Future Simple -viitor ( acţ.posibilă) -tomorrow/next……./soon She will come by train next
time. (It’s possible)
SB+ shall / will + Vb1
pers. I sg/pl shall- more formal than We shall deliver the goods
Shall/Will+SB+Vb1? will tomorrow.
SB+ shan’t/won’t+ Vb1
2. Future Continuous -viitor (acţ.în desfaşurare - this time tomorrow/at..(hour)… People will be flying to the
la viitor) in….( year)…/still/just/ Moon in 2050.
SB+ will+be+Vb-ing -----while—am/is/are Ving Will you be having a shower
Will+SB+be+ Vb-ing? when I arrive home?
SB+ won’t+be+Vb-ing
3. Future Perfect Simple - viitor anterior : acţ . _____before/ By______/ She will have left by the time
viitoare ce va fi finalizată By the time../ you get home/before you get
SB+ will+ have+Vb3 înaintea altei acţ. viitoare home.
SB+ won’t+ have+Vb3
4. Future Perfect Contin. -viitor: acţ. viitoare şi ________for/since/ The children will have been
progresivă cu perioada How long…?/all…… sleeping for two hours when
SB+ will+have+been+VB- desfăşurării ei menţionată we get back home.
Will+SB+have+been+Vb- How long will they have been
ing? living here when you move the
SB+ won’t+have+been+VB- house?

Near Future- sunt expresii ce conţin vb. to be şi exprimă:

_ urmarea firească: to be to../to be due to e.g. She is to come alone. They were to get married the next day.
_ intenţia : to be going to…. e.g. I am going to move to the country. She was going to win the game.
_“a-ti veni să..” / “ a fi pe punctual de a..” e.g. I am about to sneeze! She was just to burst into laughter!
: to be just to…
to be about to…

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