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Water Supply

Subject: Water supply

Name: Shadiyar Idris Radha

Date: 16th,feb,2022
Both terms can be defined as the following(s):

Sewered community: sewerage system, network of pipes, pumps, and force mains for the collection
of wastewater, or sewage, from a community.

Unsewered community: is a community, city … etc., in which it does not have a sewage system, or it
does have it, but it is not modern and not available everywhere throughout the whole city.

Sewered communities:
Centuries ago, instead of sewages, open channels were used in the cities for the transportation of the
waste, this wasn’t very efficient and safe, it was not safe because diseases could spread much faster,
and during storms, the channel would overflow and cause floods in the city.
Nowadays in most of the cities, sewage system is implemented in the cities, septic tanks could also be
used, but it requires lots of maintenance. So, pipes are used so that the waste transported to water
treatment plants, this is the ideal scenario, which the water treatment system is in a lower elevation
than every house.

but in cases where this is not the case, pressure pumps are used, and they are position in lower
Unsewered communities:
Cities, communities, villages or any sort of residential, industrial place, where a sewage system
is not available, the sewage can be collected by trucks and then transported to specific places, or
to be pumped into wells.

Usage of Water:
The usage of water can vary between sewered and unsewered communities, for the sewered
communities, they could use more water, because they do not worry about the transportation
of their waste by trucks which they the can be charged for(which is true for non-sewage
systems), but in non-sewage communities, diseases can spread much faster, diseases such as
diarrhea, the population could go to hospitals and stay there for days, and for this individual or
the whole community (endemic), a lot of more water is used.
In general, rural areas, which are less educated the urban ones, they use more water, and
generally they have no or not a complete sewage compared to the urban areas so they use more
water than sewage-system areas.
In contrast to the point above, because the urban areas which they have a sewage, have more
population and thus the whole city uses more water than the rural areas with non-sewage, but
individually the rural uses more water, because they have more green areas individually.

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