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The Chinese Fou

ndation Secondary School
S .3 In fo rm at io
n& C o m m u n ic at io
n T ec h n o lo g y (2 02 1 - 20 22 )

E x er ci se o n C
Name: 」之巳卫干乙
h ap te r 1 - S et

C la ss : 二 (乃 ) Marks:_一/2 0
I n ie o r F al se
Q u es ti o n s (5 m
ar k s)
Justify the follow
ing statements :

1. The file size 1tn t

o f an uncompres

「一f-尸 -F`
colour depth. sed digital image
can be calculated
by its resolution an
2. Resolution re d
fers to the numbe
r o f bits required
3. There is no da to represent the co
ta loss in both lo lour(s) in each pixe
ssy and lossless co l.
4. The minimum m pression.
colour depth to
16 bits. represent a digita
l image with 256
different colours
5. **There are is
three factors affe
depth and th e m cting the file size
ethod o f compres of a digital imag
sion applied. e: resolution, colo

M !! !t ip le C h o
ic e Q u es ti o n s (5 呾
(Write the correc
t answers in Page
6. Study the follow
ing image:

W hi ch o f th e fo
llowing options · the resolution oft he above image .
is ,
A. I6 x l6
B. 3 bits
~ 2 5 6 b it s
D. 1 2 x l6

n fonnation & Communication Technolo 窋
. • •'-•~,rnagc I ·1.,.,
7. Study the foU
owing image:


Wh」 ch of the following options is the minimum

colour depth to represent all colours in the abov
e image?
A. I bit
B. 2 bits
C. 3 bits
D. 4 bits

8. Which of the following options is a lossy-co

mpressed digital image file format?

9. Mr. Wo ng crea tes a Wha tsAp p animated stick

er with transparent background for sharing
He exp orts it in GIF inst ead of JPG file to his friends.
format. Which of the following options is/ar
e the reason(s)?
(I) GIF file form at supp orts transparency back
ground, but JPG file format does not. /
(2) GIF file form at supp orts animation, but JPG
file format does not. V
(3) GIF file form at is uncompressed, but JPG
file format is lossy compressed.
A. (2) only
B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (1) and (3) only

IO. **W hich of the foll owi ng desc ripti ons

is/are corr ect?

(1) The high er the colo ur dept h of a digi tal

ima ge, the mor e colo urfu l the image is.
(2) The high er the reso lutio n of a digital ima
ge, the mor e pixels are constructed in the
(3) The re is data loss duri ng loss y com pres image.
sion of an image. The refo re, the resolutio
n of an
ima ge bec ome s low er.

A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (l), (2) and (3)

- _,B Q
; _3 Jnfo nnat ion & Communication Technolo
') ~
11. Cherry uses an AI
·powered mobil e application ...
1Naturalists" to capture photos of plants in Hong Kong.
() 0 ne of the
plant species captured is "Hangebange" . Below are the h
P oto and its specifications:

Nane IMG_8300

9it 硒 24

(i) What is th e maximum number of colors that can be shown with the above photo?

?汎一一 三 ~ -
( 1 mark)

in MB. Show all calculation steps.

(ii) Estimate the file size of the image without compression

(?這 X If 36 x 汀) ~g 訂0 J.L[- 主 ID江

) 白 MB
(3 marks)

pressed file format.

(iii) State one advantage of saving the above image in uncom

氕…丐, 4』t; 1户一 』上丑口 (1 mark)

n on the above uncompressed image.

(b) **To reduce image file size, Barry applies lossy compressio
(i) Suggest a digital image file fonnat that supports lossy comp

(1 mark)

is lowered. Explain why the image

(ii) Bany fmds that the quality of a lossy-compressed image
quality is degraded after applying lossy compression.

召~ 叭 u 忥~-1,三 t--A 三三刁

(1 mark)

(iii) !三言[三王三三
(2 marks)
Information & Communication Technology
( ( I ) ,.,,.

(? 丶

Suggest a.method to reduce th.e file 缸 of a digital image without affecting image quality

, 比~-L 寸丸
~ 1 1 "l1,,忍竺竺二三?
毒严 4 圄 ·7n J J~_l {~ (1 mark)


S.3 h1formation & Communication Technolo1:,,y

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