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Nama : Annisa Hafizha Lubis

Nim :2105081028

Kelas :Ak-1D


1).The purpose of reading is

1. Enjoyment

2. Perfecting reading aloud

3. Using certain strategies

4. Renewing his knowledge about a topic

5. Relating new information to already known

Information 6. Obtaining information for oral and written reports

7. Confirming or rejecting predictions

8. Learning about structure text

9. Answering specific questions

Besides that, reading also has a purpose

That the purpose of reading is nothing but a step to obtain facts, ideas, know knowledge/stories, in
order to conclude what is read, be able to group or classify, be able to assess/evaluate, and be able
to compare or contrast

The point is reading as a means to get information. Where the information obtained is what will
affect the quality of life of the reader.

In general, these include (1) obtaining information, (2) gaining understanding, and (3) obtaining

Specifically, the purpose of reading is (1) obtaining factual information, (2) obtaining information
about something specific and problematic, (3) providing a critical assessment of one’s written work,
(4) obtaining emotional enjoyment, and (5) filling spare time.

2).A. Speed reading

Speed reading techniques can be used as an effective way of learning. Speed reading is a reading
technique by moving the eyes quickly, word by word, phrase by phrase, or line by line. Speed
reading technique aims to make the reader can understand the reading quickly. How to speed read:

1. Concentration while reading.

2. Eliminate the habit of reading aloud and moving lips.

3. Expand the reach of the eyes when reading.

4. Do not repeat the reading.

In the speed reading technique, a formula is used to calculate the reading speed. The formulas are:

KB : Number of words in reading x 100%

Time taken


KB = Reading Speed

B. Reading at a glance

Skimming ( skimming ) is usually done when reading a newspaper or other light readings. This
reading technique is done with the aim of being able to find the information needed. When reading
a newspaper, not all the information in the newspaper needs to be read, only the things that are
considered important already represent the information you want to know.

Skimming is a reading technique that is carried out at a glance at parts of the text, especially the
title, table of contents, foreword. Index or other common thing. The things that need to be
considered in skimming are as follows:

1. if you read a newspaper, read every title in the newspaper,

2. read the outline of the reading or the headline contained in the newspaper, and

3. If you have found the desired reading, start to read it.

C. Reading Scan

Scan reading is also called scanning reading , which is a reading technique used to get information
without reading anything else. But straight to the problem that is needed. Scan reading technique,
usually done when looking up phone numbers, looking up the meaning of words or terms in
dictionaries, and looking for information in encyclopedias.

D. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is a reading technique that can be applied in an effort to find detailed information.
Intensive reading can also be applied to find information for discussion. Intensive reading is also
known as careful reading. Reading carefully will get a subject or interesting subject from a reading
text to be used as discussion material.

The things that must be considered in intensive reading are as follows:

1. read carefully so that you can determine the most interesting thing from other things,

2. consider self-ability and the ability of discussion partners regarding the ability to master or
understand the subject to be discussed, and

3. consider the references held by the discussion participants regarding the things to be discussed.
E. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is a reading activity that is carried out in a less detailed way. Extensive reading
activities are aimed at obtaining information that is of important points and not details. Based on the
basic information, we can see or draw conclusions about the main subject or problem being
discussed. Extensive reading can be used when reading several texts that have the same main
problem. We can draw conclusions about texts that have the same main problem, although the
details are different.

Points to be aware of when reading an extensive two texts:

1. read the two texts as a whole, so as to get an understanding of the contents of the two texts,

2. understand the important points conveyed in each text,

3. compare the two texts, so as to obtain an overview of the similarities and differences, and

4. draw conclusions about the main problem of the two texts.

3).Reading material in a business context is to increase knowledge and broad insight in terms of
business, and to be able to see the business window out there and by reading we get information
about life in the surrounding environment, not only the knowledge we have reading also aims to
express or sounding a series of symbols of written material that he sees from letters to words, then
into phrases, sentences and so on

The example is like So what are the solid online media to be used as reliable promotional media for
your business, here are the reviews:

1. Facebook

Social media is still the choice of many people to establish communication with colleagues and
family. Their existence is one of the reasons why Facebook has become a social media that is
widely used as an online promotion media other than on business sites. The use of Facebook as
a promotional medium is also recognized as relatively easy by online business players, not even
a few of the businessmen who already have a physical store also use Facebook as a product
promotion medium.

Not infrequently also a successful business starts from introducing their products through
Facebook. How to make promotion through Facebook quite successful? First, make sure your
main Facebook page attracts consumers because this will be the attraction that makes potential
customers give Likes . Like this is the second step that you should get as much as possible. Third,
don’t forget to identify your target customers by looking for people who have an interest in your
Facebook page. Lastly, focus on creating engaging content.

2. Twitter
Besides Facebook, Twitter is also one of the online social media that is widely used as an online
business media. Although initially only designed to be able to share famous statuses with a
maximum of 160 characters, Twitter is now able to become a powerful enough medium to
market products. This media is considered easy to reach by customers of any online store
because with a smartphone (smartphone) people can easily access this microweb.

Some ways to maximize product promotion and marketing through Twitter are to increase the
number of followers, send tweets regularly, promote the site regularly, determine the timing of
posting tweets, hire a buzzer to increase promotions, or by promoting other online business
twitter accounts.

3. Instagram

It seems that this one social media is now the prima donna of online business media. Apart from
being able to show product photos, it’s also because the captions can be written longer than
Twitter. Instagram is also easily accessible from smartphones and is becoming the highest social
media presence booster among young people. This is an opportunity for you to easily promote
your products and business because more potential customers gather on this social media.
Hashtags are one of the most powerful promotional tools when you use Instagram as a business
medium. In addition, actively interacting with customers is also one of the tricks that can make
customers pay more attention to your business.

4. Path

Path was originally known as an exclusive social media because of the limited number of friends
that could be added to this account. Even so, that doesn’t mean this account can’t be used as an
online promotion and marketing medium. Dailybeautyhouse is one of the businesses that
completes their promotion by using Path. It can be said that Path is a private form of Facebook
and Twitter, but that doesn’t mean this social media can’t give you the opportunity to expand
your network and market.

5. Kaskus

This social media does not need to be doubted for its ability to promote products. Kaskus is
known as a market place that is widely used for selling and is considered the most powerful
social media for doing business, especially with the presence of the Buying and Selling Forum.
You really need to know that it is not easy to do promotion and business at Kaskus because of
the many frauds from online businesses that started on social media, but that doesn’t mean it’s
impossible for Kaskus to be a powerful business medium.

6. Google+

Facebook’s competitor social media that can be your online promotion and marketing media is
Google+. By using this account, many business people are finally able to promote their online
business. Did you know that Youtube is a Google product which is now no less busy being used
as an online promotion media? Some easy ways to maximize the use of Google+ as a medium for
your online business are to filter and organize Gmail with Google+ Circles, create interactions
with Hangouts, edit documents together with colleagues, and also plan and organize events.

7. Market Place

Well, apart from using social media as mentioned above, you can also use marketplace sites such
as,,, and others. This marketplace is very helpful for
online businesses to have their own store page and carry out promotional activities and
marketing their products. It is not uncommon for business owners who already have physical
stores to create their store pages in various marketplaces to expand their network and get more

8. Blog

This media does have similarities with the website at a glance, but the use of blogs is only limited
to supporting promotional efforts. You do this by posting various articles about online store
business and products even if you want to load the latest news about your online store and
show the achievements that have been achieved. To further optimize its use, many online
businesses who use blogs also use SEO techniques to attract more customers.

9. Email Marketing

Email marketing is considered an ancient method among other online media but don’t
underestimate the power of this one medium. Email marketing is known to have considerable
power to promote online because it is a great source for sending promotional news to the latest
product offers to customers.

10. Youtube

This broadcast website which was founded in 2005 has become a medium for many people to
express themselves through video. Youtube is one of the websites that is currently in great
demand by many people of all groups, ages and genders. Because promoting a business on
Youtube is a mandatory part of a business promotion plan. The main step if you want to
promote a business on Youtube is to upload a video through a personal account and then
choose the right category for the type of business to be promoted, the title of the video must be
interesting and contain many keywords that many people use to increase the likelihood of
appearing on the first page on Youtube when search results Videos related to keywords are out.

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