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1 Module Description Economics Education

Introduction to Education Science

module code studentcredits semester frequency duration

UNIVUM6011 workload
(accordin 1 or 2 each semester 1 semester
83 hours g to
1 Types of courses contact hours independent study class size
Lectures 23 hours 60 hours 40 students
2 Prerequisites for participation: N/A
3 Learning outcomes
To possess values and insights of education and learning science in a theoretical and
applicative manner in the framework of Indonesian culture, in the role as an educator and
education staff that is critical, innovative, adaptive, and communicative according to the
character and culture of students in the global era.
4 Subject aims
Students are able to:
1. study the basics of education
2. analyze education science
3. analyze aspects of education dynamics
1. Basics of education, covering the essence of humanity and its development, history of
education, foundations of education, and principles of education, including materials on
dimensions of individuality, dimensions of society, dimensions of morals, dimensions of
religion, development of dimensions of humanity, history of world and Indonesian
education, and ethics of the educator profession
2. Education science, covering the theory of education (grand theory), education as science,
and education as a system, including materials on the theories of nativism, empirism,
naturalism, convergence, and its development
3. Aspects of education dynamics, covering the renewal of education and problems in
education, including materials on character education and multiculturalism in education
5 Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
6 Assessment methods
Structured assignments
Midterm examination
Final examination
7 This module is used in the following degree programmes as well
All S1 Education Degree
8 Responsibility for module
Dr. Ellyn Sugeng Desyanty, M.Pd
9 Other information, references
Ahmadi, Abu. 1991. Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Alwisol. 2004. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Pres
Darmaningtyas & Edi Subkhan. 2012. Manipulasi Kebijakan Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Resist
Hasbullah. 2005. Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada
Merry, M. Merryfield and Wilson, Angene. 2005. Social Studies and The World: Teaching
Global Perspectives. United States of America: National Council for The Social Studies.
Moisio, O.P. & Suoranta, J. 2007. Hope and Education In The Era Of Globalization. In Klas Roth
And Ilan Gur-Ze’ev (Eds.). Education In The Era Of Globalization, Chapter 13. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Springer.
Ornstein, A.C. & Levine, D.U. 2008. Foundations of Education. 10th Ed. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Company.
Redja Mudyahardjo. 2006. Pengantar Pendidikan; Sebuah Studi Awal Tentang Dasar-dasar
Pendidikan pada Umumnya dan Pendidikan Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
Rohman, A. 2009. Memahami Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Laksbang
Sadulloh, U. 2007. Pengantar Filsafat Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Salam, Burhanuddin. 2002. Pengantar Paedagogik (Dasar-dasar Ilmu Mendidik). Jakarta: PT
Rineka Cipta.
Siswoyo, D. 2008. Ilmu Pendidikan. Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta: UNY Press.
Tilaar, H.A.R. 2009. Kekuasaan dan Pendidikan: Manajemen Pendidikan Nasional dalam
Pusaran Kekuasaan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Tilaar. 2002. Membedah Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Triwiyanto, T. 2014. Pengantar Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
Undang-undang RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003. Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Bandung:
Citra Umbara.
Undang-undang RI Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen. Bandung: Citra Umbara.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2012. Education
for Sustainable Development: A Source Book. Paris, France: UNESCO
Winarno Surakhmad. 2009. Pendidikan Nasional: Strategi dan Tragedi. Jakarta: Kompas.
William F. O'neil. 2008. Ideologi-Ideologi Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Learner Development

module code student credits semester frequency duration

UNIVUM6012 workload (accordin 1 or 2 each semester 1 semester
123 hours g to
1 Types of courses contact hours independent study class size
Lectures 35 hours 88 hours 40 students
2 Prerequisites for participation: N/A
3 Learning outcomes
To possess values and insights of education and learning science in a theoretical and
applicative manner in the framework of Indonesian culture, in the role as an educator and
education staff that is critical, innovative, adaptive, and communicative according to the
character and culture of students in the global era.
4 Subject aims
Students are able to:
1. study in depth the essence of learner development
2. study the theory of development
3. study aspects of learner development
4. study the developmental characteristics of children with special needs
5. apply steps of diagnosis for learner development
6. analyze the task achievement of learner development
1. Essence of learner development and the perspective of the human lifetime
2. Essence of growth and development
3. Issues and factors of development
4. Principles and laws of development
5. Developmental tasks of each period of learner development
6. Theory of development (psychoanalytic, behavioristic, cognitive)
7. Developmental aspects of learners (physical-psychomotor, cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, moral-spiritual)
8. Characteristics of children with special needs from the physical-psychomotor, social-
emotional, and cognitive aspects
9. Assessment of individual understanding of learners (test and non-test techniques)
10. Analysis of learner development and solutions to problems of learner development
11. Role of teacher/educator in development intervention
5 Teaching methods
Lectures, modelling, presentations, discussions, observations
6 Assessment methods
10% Attitude
15% Assignments
35% Midterm examination
40% Final Examination
7 This module is used in the following degree programmes as well
All S1 Education Degree
8 Responsibility for module
Nugraheni Warih Utami , S.Pd, M.Pd
9 Other information, references
Delphie, B. 2006. Pembelajaran Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus, dalam Setting Pendidikan Inklusi.
Jakarta: PT. Refika Aditama
Desmita. 2013. Psikologi Perkembangan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Elliot, S. N.; Kratochwill, T. R.; Littlefield, J; dan Travers, J. F. 1996. Educational Psychology:
Effective Teaching, Effective Learning. Chicago: Brown & Bencmark.
Hallahan, D.P. & Kauffman, J.M. 2006. Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special
Education. USA: Pearson.
Hurlock, E.B. 1991. Psikologi Perkembangan Suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan.
Terjemahan oleh Istiwidayanti, dkk. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
Hurlock, E. B. 2002. Psikologi Perkembangan. Jakarta: Erlangga
Kail, R.V. 2010. Children and Their Development. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Santrock. J. W. 2002. Life-Span Development: Perkembangan Masa Hidup.(edisi kelima)
Jakarta: Erlangga
Santrock, J.W. 2004. Child Development. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Santrock, J.W. 2012. Adolescence: Perkembangan Remaja. Alih Bahasa: Shinto D. Adelar &
Sherly Saragih. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Slavin, R. E. 2006. Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. Boston: Pearson Education,
Triyono, dkk. 2012. Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Malang: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UM.
Wade, C. & Tavris, C. 2008. Psikologi. Alih bahasa: Benedictine Widyasinta. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Artikel yang relevan
Learning & Instruction

module code student credits semester frequency duration

UNIVUM6013 workload (accordin 3 or 4 each semester 1 semester
123 hours g to
1 Types of courses contact hours independent study class size
Lectures 35 hours 88 hours 40 students
2 Prerequisites for participation
UNIVUM6011 Introduction to Education Science
UNIVUM6012 Learner Development
3 Learning outcomes
To possess values and insights of education and learning science in a theoretical and
applicative manner in the framework of Indonesian culture, in the role as an educator and
education staff that is critical, innovative, adaptive, and communicative according to the
character and culture of students in the global era.
4 Subject aims
Students are able to:
1. explain comprehensively theories of learning and instruction based on prominent
2. analyze various learning conditions in various educational units
3. analyze the components of learning both individually and together as an interrelated
4. design learning that is oriented to the needs of learners based on appropriate principles of
learning and instruction
1. Studies of theories of learning and instruction
2. Paradigms of learning and their implications in learning
3. Learning conditions
4. Learning methods
5. Learning results
5 Teaching methods
lectures, project based-learning, group discussions, group presentations
6 Assessment methods
20% Project
20% Presentation
30% Midterm examination
30% Final examination
7 This module is used in the following degree programmes as well
All S1 Education Degree
8 Responsibility for module
Dr. Agus Wedi , M.Pd
9 Other information, references
Hamzah B. Uno. Model Pembelajaran: Menciptakan Proses Belajar Mengajar yang Kreatif dan
Robert E. Slavin. Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (8th edition).
Bruce Joyce, M.; Weil, & E. Calhoun. Models of Teaching (8th edition).
Margareth Gredler. Learning and Instruction (Theory and Practice).
Richard E. Mayer. Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction (Educational Psychology
Handbook Series).
Ratna Wilis Dahar. Teori-Teori Belajar.
C. Asri Budiningsih. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran
Student Community Engagement

module code student credits semester frequency duration

UKKNUM6090 workload (accordin 1 each semester 1 semester
181 hours g to
1 Types of courses contact hours independent study class size
a) Lectures 53 hours 128 hours N/A
b) Community Services
2 Prerequisites for participation
For input to high schools, a minimum of 100 credits earned
For input to early undergraduates and Diploma III students, a minimum of 30 credits earned
3 Learning outcomes
To possess knowledge and skills that exhibit the behavior as a religious citizen who
appreciates the state, nation, and culture of Indonesia based on the spirit of Pancasila, and to
possess independence in working in an innovative, adaptive, and critical manner according to
global dynamics.
4 Subject aims
1. To provide a meaningful experience to students according to their study programs,
increase scientific competence, and provide experience in solving problems that exist in
society that is conducted through both mono- and multi-disciplinary methods;
2. To be able to utilize products of science and technology that result from studies that
provide practical benefits for improving the quality of institutional functions that exist in
society, as well as the quality of life in society, in a sustainable manner through
development villages;
3. To provide a significant learning experience to students through involvement in society
that directly allows to find, formulate, solve, and overcome problems of development in a
practical and interdisciplinary manner;
4. To improve scientific competence and provide experience of solving problems that exist in
society across disciplines and sectors;
5. To increase the social and emotional intelligence of students (sensitivity, care, partiality,
commitment, empathy, and adaptation) by providing a learning experience that is
integrated in the reality and dynamics of living in society;
6. To establish partnerships and develop networks of cooperation with regional
governments, state enterprises, regional enterprises, businesses, and industries in a
synergistic manner between higher education and society.
1. Essence of Community Engagement
2. Policies of Community Engagement
3. Characteristics of the Community Engagement program
4. Administration of Community Engagement
5. Reporting and output
6. Technique of writing the community engagement article
7. Organization of Community Engagement
8. Potential village locations for Community Engagement
9. Thematic (according to the type of community engagement)
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, group work, lectures, discussions, training and counseling of
society; engagement with the online model (specifically during COVID-19) with the theme of
“students creating efforts of engagement from home”
6 Assessment methods
1. Participation and activeness in orientation (10%)
2. Quality of program composition (20%)
3. Execution and achievement of the program (35%)
4. Final report and output (25%)
5. Peer review (10%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programmes as well
All S1 Degree
8 Responsibility for module
Dr. Agung Winarno
9 Other information, references
Undang-Udang RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
Undang-Undang RI Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen
Undang-Undang RI Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah
Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah
Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 tentang Guru
Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 16 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Kualifikasi
Akademik dan Kompetensi Guru.
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 27 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Kualifikasi
Akademik dan Kompetensi Konselor
Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 44 tahun 2015 tentang
Standar Nasional PendidikanTinggi
Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 55 Tahun 2017 tentang
Standar Pendidikan Guru
Panduan Program Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan Program Sarjana Pendidikan,
Direktorat Pembelajaran Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kementerian
Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Tahun 2017
Buku Pedoman Pendidikan UM Tahun Akademik 2018/2019
Buku Panduan PLP Universitas Negeri Malang
Teaching Internship

Module code student credits semester frequency duration

UPLPUM6090 workload (ECTS) 1 each semester 1 semester
181 hours 7.25
1 Types of courses contact hours independent study class size
N/A 53 hours 128 hours N/A
2 Prerequisites for participation:
Completed the core courses of the study field, which are Basic Teaching Skills, Curriculum
Studies, Learning Methods/Strategies, Teaching Materials Development, Evaluation of
Learning Outcomes, Micro Teaching, and other subjects (as presented in the curriculum of
respective Study Program
3 Learning outcomes
Having values and scientific insights into education and learning theoretically which are
applicable within the frame of Indonesian culture, in their role as educators and education
personnel who are critical, innovative, and communicative, as well as adaptive to the
students’ character and culture in this global era.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to:
2. Describe the common characteristics of participants of whom will be the students’
responsibility in educational practice
3. Describe organizational structure, and school rules
4. Identify routine activities, practice of habituation and positive habits in school
5. Examine the curriculum and learning tools used by the teachers
6. Examine the learning strategies and evaluation systems used by the teacher
7. Develop lesson plans, learning media teaching materials, and evaluation tools
8. Examine the use of information technology and communication in learning activities
9. Practice teaching under the guidance of a teacher and lecturer
10. Accomplish the tasks to mentor students and extracurricular activities
11. Accomplish the administrative tasks of a teacher.
1. Preparation of learning tools
2. Implementation of learning methods and models to SK and KD that will be practiced in
3. Preparation and implementation of Lesson Study
4. Preparation and implementation of programs and their supporting components
5. Implementation of professional attitudes and behaviors as prospective teachers and
education personnel
5 Teaching methods
6 Assessment methods
KPL I (on Campus): Preparation of RPP (S1), Practice of Peer Teaching (S2), Student Attitudes
and Behaviours (S3) assessed by Mentor Lecturer.
KPL 2 (is School): Preparation of RPP (S4), Practice of Learning (S5), Preparation of RPP (S6),
Practice of Learning (S7), Student Attitudes and Behaviours (S8). S4 & S5 assessed by Mentor
Lecturer, S6, S7 & S8 assessed by Mentor Teacher.
7 This module is used in the following degree programmes as well
All S1 Education Degree
8 Responsibility for module
Dr. A. Yusuf Sobri, M.Pd
9 Other information, references
1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional
2. Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen
3. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 13 Tahun 2015 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan
4. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 tentang Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia
5. Permendikbud Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah
6. Permendikbud Nomor 21 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Isi Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan
7. Permendikbud Nomor 22 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan
8. Permendikbud Nomor 23 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan untuk
Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
9. Permendikbud Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi
10. Peraturan Rektor UM Nomor 22 Tahun 2020 tentang Standar Pendidikan Universitas
Negeri Malang
11. Peraturan Rektor UM Nomor 24 Tahun 2020 tentang Pedoman Pendidikan Universitas
Negeri Malang Edisi 2020
12. Buku Panduan KPL Keguruan Universitas Negeri Malang
Introduction to Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

FEKOUM6001 Workload (ECTS) 1 Every Year (August) 1 semester
123 hours 4.92
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: (-)
3 Learning outcomes
a) Master the concepts, scope, and basic principles of Economics, hence possessing a correct
understanding of economic activities within the scope of Micro- and Macroeconomics.
b) Be able to understand various basic definitions and terms used in Micro- and
Macroeconomic concepts, both normative and empirical.
c) Be able to analytically and logically identify Micro- and Macroeconomic concepts, which
impact society activities in a wider context.
d) Be able to creatively explain basic concepts used in identifying various state, individual, and
corporate financial activities in relation to Micro- and Macroeconomics both qualitatively
and quantitatively.
4 Subject aims/contents
Basic economic concepts, introduction to market systems, market structures (perfect
competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition), markets for factors of
production, market failure, public economics, the fundamentals in macroeconomics (national
income, consumption, saving, and investment), equilibrium level of national income, fiscal
and monetary policies, and international trade
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: Yes [ √ ]
This course is compulsory to all students of Bachelor’s and diploma study programs in the
Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Rizky Dwi Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Case and Fair - Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Edisi 8 Jilid 1
2. Mankiw - Principles of Economics, Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro, 3rd edition
3. Pindyck, Robert S and Daniel L. Rubienfield - Mikroekonomi Edisi Kedelapan
4. Salvatore, Dominick - Mikroekonomi Edisi Keempat
5. Case and Fair – Prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Edisi 8 jilid 2
6. Introduction to Macroeconomics, Alan C. Stockman
7. Macroeconomics in Context, Second Edition, Neva Goodwin, Jonathan Harris, Julie
Nelson, Brian Roach, & Mariano Torras
8. Samuelson, Paul A. & Nordhaus, W.D. Macroeconomics. 17nd Edition. New York: The
McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.
9. Pengantar Ekonomi Makro, N. Gregory Mankiw, Euston Quah, Dan Peter Wilson
10. Referensi lain dan jurnal yang relevan dengan Materi Perkuliahan
11. Internet and youtube site.
Introduction to Management

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

FEKOUM6002 Workload (ECTS) 1 Every Year (August) 1 semester
123 4.92

1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size

Lecture 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students gain excellence in management theory concepts and have the ability to apply the
knowledge logically, critically, systematically, and innovatively while still paying attention to
values of humanities and ethics in business and non-business organizations to demonstrate a
sense of responsibility toward the nation.
4 Subject aims
Students understand theoretical concepts in management and have the ability to apply the
knowledge in business and non-business organizations to demonstrate a sense of
responsibility toward the nation. The course will provide an understanding of what
management is, the history of management, and how managers make decisions. This course
also provides concepts about four functions of management, namely planning (defining
organizational goals and establishing strategies), organizing (structuring work activities),
leading (influencing and motivating people), and controlling (monitoring and correcting
organizational performance). After taking this course, students are expected to have a better
understanding of management implementations in business contexts. Specifically, students
1. understand the development of the Management science in line with the needs for
managing profit and non-profit organizations,
2. be able to analyze the importance of planning preparation and planning stages,
3. be able to analyze organizing aspects and organizational structure design alternatives,
4. understand aspects of human resource development,
5. understand functions of management and the skills required for managers to work
with different concepts of motivation, and
6. be able to analyze aspects of supervision to control organizational activities.
Course contents
● Management definition
● Management history
● Management scope (process, subject, science, and art)
● Managers in decision-making
● Management functions
● Planning
● Organizing
● Leading
● Controlling
● Leadership
● Human resource development
5 Teaching methods
The teaching process is organized through lectures by applying interactive discussions, team
works, and presentations by students, which will be discussed during the class. Problem-
based learning is also applied.
6 Assessment methods
10% Active Participation in the Class
10% Individual Assignment
20% Group Assignment
25% Mid-term Exam
35% Final Exam
● Ratio of the theoretical to practical part of teaching: 40% of the course is based on theory
teaching, whereas 60% is organized practically through case studies, discussions, and
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This subject is compulsory to all Bachelor students in the Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course: Emma Yunika P., M.Pd
9 Reference
Daft,Richard L, (2010), New Era Of Management 9 th) Ed, Terjemaahan Tita Maria Kanita,
Salemba Empat, Jakarta
Robbns,Stephen P: Coulter, Mary: DeCenco, David A,(2017) Fundamentals of Management,
Management Myths Debunked !, Tenth Edition, Pearson Education Limited
Robbins, Stephen P: Coulter, Mary (2012), Management, Eleventh Edition, Pearson Education
Introduction to Accounting
Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration
FEKOUM6003 Workload (ECTS) 1 Every Year 1 Semester
123 hours 4.92 (August)
1 Type of Course Contact Hours Independent Class Size
a) Lecture 35 Study 30 students
b) Classroom-based training 88

2 Prerequisites for participation (if applicable): -

3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to master the theoretical concepts of financial accounting independently and
comprehensively, so they have an optimal ability to make and interprete financial statements
according to accounting standards and based on religious norms and professional ethics, taking
advantage of scientific and technological development, enabling them to contribute to society and
state life.
4 Subject aims
1. Students master the concepts, scope, and basic principles of financial accounting in the context
of service and merchandising businesses, so they have a sufficient fundamental understanding of
the principles of financial accounting and the differences that may arise in different types of
2. Students, in a logical, critical, creative, analytical-systematic, innovative manner, recognize,
record, and present transactions of service and merchandising businesses in reverence for
professional ethics, hence able to make financial statements reasonably and impartially
3. Students are analytically able to make financial statements for service and merchandising
businesses based on applicable accounting standards in reverence for professional accountant
code of ethics.
Course contents
1. Basic accounting concepts: ownership types and users of accounting information
2. Basic accounting equations and accounting cycles
3. Transaction analysis and journal recording
4. General and subsidiary ledgers
5. Adjustment entries
6. Financial statements: service and merchandising business
5 Teaching methods
Lectures, project-based learning, class discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (30%), Mid-term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (30%)
7 This module/course is used in the following study programs as well:
This course is compulsory to all students of Bachelor’s and diploma study programs in the Faculty
of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course: Ani Wilujeng Suryani, S.E., M.AcctgFin, Ph.D
9 Reading lists:
1. Weygandt, Jerry J., Donald E. Kieso & Paul D. Kimmel, 2019, Financial Accounting – IFRS
Edition, 4th ed, John Wiley & Sons,Inc: New York-USA
2. Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, 2019. Standar Akuntansi Keuangan 2018-efektif per 1 Januari 2018.
Jakarta: Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan Salemba Empat

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

FEKOUM6004 Workload (ECTS) 2 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) Lecture 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) Tutorial
2 Prerequisites for participation (if applicable): -
3 Learning outcomes
Master economic analytical instruments to study economic problems and analyze
developmental economic problems critically, logically, and systematically using science and
4 Subject aims
a) Students are able to understand definitions of statistics and collect and organize data
to generate useful information by data presentation in tables, charts, and diagrams.
b) Students are able to compute, analyze, and conclude parameters or statistics.
c) Students are able to identify data and statistic methods that are appropriate to use in
data analysis, and they are able to apply analytical tools in statistical decision-making
and conclusion-drawing.
d) Students are able to interpret analysis results and formulate possible economic
policies based on empirical data which are processed using appropriate statistical
Course Contents
(1) Understanding
(2) Frequency table, frequency distribution, and graphic presentation
(3) Numerical measures
(4) Displaying and exploring data
(5) Survey of probability concept: discrete and continuous probability
(6) Sampling method and central limit theorem
(7) Estimation and confidence intervals
(8) One-sample test of hypothesis
(9) Two-sample test of hypothesis
(10) Analysis of Variance
(11) Time series and forecasting
(12) Correlation and linear regression
(13) Non-parametric method: goodness-of-fit tests
(14) Non-parametric method: analysis of ranked data
5 Teaching methods
Lectures, project-based learning, problem-based learning, tutorials (statistical software
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (30%), Final Exam (30%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: Yes [ √ ]
This course is compulsory to all students of Bachelor’s and diploma study programs in the
Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Inayati Nuraini Dwiputri, S.Si., M.Sc.
9 Reading List
1. Lind, D.A., Marchal, W. G., dan Wathen, S.A., (2013). Statistical Techniques in Business
and Economics. 15th Edition. Mc Graw Hill.
2. Supranto. J. 2003. Statistik Teori dan Aplikasi, Edisi Lima. Jakarta: Erlangga.
3. Nurgiyantoro, B., Gunawan dan Marzuki. 2000. Statistik Terapan untuk Penelitian
Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
4. Suharyadi dan Purwanto S.K. 2016. Statistika untuk Ekonomi dan Keuangan Modern,
Edisi. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
English for Economics and Business

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

FEKOUM6005 Workload (ECTS) 2 Every Year 1 semester(s)
123 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) group discussion
d) individual work
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students have the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to speak English at the intermediate level in
reading, speaking, and writing in the fields of Management, Economics, and Business.
4 Subject aims
1. Understand reading materials on basic concepts of economics and business, which can
help understand textbooks
2. Understand reading materials on basic concepts of economics and business, which can
help with pronunciation and vocabulary development in business English
3. Understand and implement business letter writing in English relevant to basic concepts
of economics and business, which can help with business correspondence
4. Understand and implement business letter writing by translating from the Indonesian
language to English, which can help with business correspondence
5. Have improved English speaking skills through conversations on topics designed for the
English for Business class
Course Contents
1. Reading: Careers as Economists and Businesspersons
2. Reading: Recruitment and Job Interviewing – Getting Down to the Basics
3. Reading: Business Etiquette and Management
4. Reading: Marketing
5. Writing: Basic Knowledge of English Business Correspondence and Sales Letters
6. Commonly Used Grammar in Correspondence
7. Writing: Letters of Enquiry
8. Writing: Letters of Order
9. Writing: Letters of Complaint
10. Writing: Letters of Condolence
5 Teaching methods
1. In lectures, lecturers convey the topics that will be presented during the lectures,
convey basic concepts of English for Economics and Business, and provide feedback
on results of conceptual and empirical studies during lecture periods.
2. In group discussions, students are tasked to review and analyze reading materials
according to predetermined subjects.
3. In individual assignments, students are assigned to write letters relevant to
economics and business and discuss their works together.
4. In class discussions, students practice listening and speaking (conveying ideas) in
English and engage in question and answer sessions related to assignments and
discussions on economic and business topics.
6 Assessment methods
Group Discussion Assignment
Individual Assignment
Final Project (Revised Selected Assignment)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well:
This course is compulsory to all students of Bachelor’s and diploma study programs in the
Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module
Drs. Ir. Yohanes Hadi Soesilo, S.Th., M.Div., M.E
9 Reading List
Hermawan, A. 2014. English for Economic and business, FE UM, buku Ajar tidak
Philips, D . 2001. Longman Complete course for TOEL Test Preparation for Computer and
Paper Based Test. Longman.
Digital Economics and Business

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6006 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students show an analytical, creative ability in economic and business managerial aspects,
apply special skills in digital economic and business environments, design digital-based
business models, and design business plans in the form of business proposals.
4 Subject aims/content
a. Students have conceptual knowledge of economic aspects in education.
b. Students are able to analyze the relationship between education and economic growth.
c. Students are able to analyze markets in education.
d. Students are able to apply the concept of cost and benefit analysis.
e. Students are able to analyze educational resources.
f. Students are able to analyze educational financing and budgeting.
Course Contents
This course aims to study economic and business development in the digital era and to
answer complex problems posed by rapid changes in the economic environment,
technological development, introduction of new business models, and digital products
development. In this course, an understanding of economics and business is necessary.
Through this course students are expected to understand the concepts and practices of
capturing opportunities from rapid environmental changes and putting them into digital-
based business models. This course uses such methods as lectures, presentations, case
studies, and self-learning or learning by project. Students are also expected to understand
digital economic and business concepts comprehensively and apply their understanding in
designing digital products.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussions, project-based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignment (20%), Mid-term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all Bachelor students in the Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Magistyo Purboyo Priambodo, S.E, M.E
9 Reading List
a. E-conomy SEA 2019
b. Malecki, E.J. & Moriset, B. (2008). Digital Economy: Business Organization,
Production, Processes, and regional development. London: Routledge.
c. Skala, S. (2019). Digital Startups in Transition Economies: Challenges for Management,
Entrepreneurship and Education. Cham: Palgrave Pivot.
d. Lowrey, Y. (2018). The Alibaba Way: Rahasia Sukses Alibaba Menuju E-commerce
No.1 Dunia. Jakarta: BIP
e. Chaffey, D. (2015). Digital Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy,
Implementation, and Practise Sixth Eddition. London: Pearson .
f. Wirtz, B.W. (2019). Digital Business Models: Concepts, Models, and The Aphabet Case
Study.Switzerland: Springer.
g. Chishti, S. & Barberis, J. 2016. The FINTECH Book: The Financial Technology Handbook
for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries. Cornwall: Wiley.
h. Lynn,T., Mooney, J.G., Rosati,J., & Cummins, M. (2019). Disrupting Finance: FinTech
and Strategy in the 21st Century. Cham: Palgrave Pivot
i. Baierl, R, Behrens, R, & Brem, A. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurship: Interfaces Between
Digital Technologies And Entrepreneurship.Cham: Springer .
j. Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2019).Business Model Generation. New Jersey: John
Wiley & Son, Inc.
Development Economics Learning Materials and Media
Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration
PEKOUM6001 Workload (Accordin 3 Every Year (August) 1 semester
158 hours g to ECTS)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation : (-)
3 Learning outcomes
a) Students are able to understand and skilfully apply the basic concepts, principles, and
procedures of learning materials and media development for Economics learning.
b) Students are able to understand and skilfully analyze the Economics curriculum for senior
high schools, either individually or collectively (properly integrated).
c) Students are able to develop economics learning materials and media in accordance with
scientific and technological developments.
4 Subject aims/contents
Basic concepts of teaching materials and learning media, characteristics of teaching materials
and learning media, types of teaching materials and learning media, functions of teaching
materials and learning media, advantages and limitations of teaching materials and learning
media, analysis of the Economics curriculum for higher education (covering analysis of core
competences and basic competences and formulation of learning objectives and indicators),
instructional analysis (including understanding of behavior structure and identification of
student initial characteristics and behavior), and development of teaching materials and
economics learning media.
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well:
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Educaton Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Rizza Megasari, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Lestari, Ika. 2013. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Kompetensi. Padang: Akademia
2. Permendikbud No.20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Tahun 2016
3. Setyosari, P., Sihkabuden. 2005. Media Pembelajaran. Malang: Elang Mas
4. Sharon, E. Smaldino, dkk, (2008) “Instructional Technology and Media for Learning”, Ninth
Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA
5. Heinich, R.,dkk (2001) Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning (7 th Edition).
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA
6. Musfiqon. Pengembangan Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran
7. Soekartawi. 2007. Merancang dan Menyelenggarakan E-Learning. Yogyakarta: Ardana
8. Murtiyasa, B., 2006, Pemanfaatan TIK untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran,
Surakarta : MUP
9. Internet and youtube site.
Economics Instructional Strategies

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6002 Workload (according 2 Every Year 1 semester
158 hours to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: (-)
3 Learning outcomes
a) Students are able to understand and skilfully apply the basic concepts, principles, and
procedures of learning materials and media development for Economics learning.
b) Students are able to understand and are skilfully analyze the Economics curriculum for
senior high schools, either individually or collectively (properly integrated).
c) Students are able to develop economics learning materials and media in accordance with
scientific and technological developments.
4 Subject aims/content
Basic concepts of teaching materials and learning media, characteristics of teaching materials
and learning media, types of teaching materials and learning media, functions of teaching
materials and learning media, advantages and limitations of teaching materials and learning
media, analysis of the Economics curriculum for higher education (covering analysis of core
competences and basic competences and formulation of learning objectives and indicators),
instructional analysis (including understanding of behavior structure and identification of
student initial characteristics and behaviors), and development of teaching materials and
economics learning media.
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well:
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Joyce, B., Weil, M., 1967. Models of Teaching. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
2. Bruce Joyce, Marsha Weil, Emily Calhoun. 2017. Models Of Teaching: Model-Model
Pengajaran Edisi Kedelapan. Pustaka Belajar
3. Wena, Made. . Strategi Pmeblejaran Kontemporer. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
4. Depdiknas. 2014. Kurikulum/Silabus Ekonomi K 13 SMA, MA, SMP.
5. Permendiknas 2013 tentang standar proses dan standar penilaian.
Economics Learning Process and Outcomes Evaluation

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6003 Workload (Accordin 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours
Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students master the concepts and principles of economics instructions and skilfully apply
them in the instructional process, supported by capabilities in economics education and a
high level of professional integrity.
4 Subject aims/contents
This course covers basic concepts of evaluations of economics instructions, types of
evaluation of economics learning outcomes, planning of economics evaluation, evaluation
techniques, evaluation of learning process and outcomes, standards of evaluation of
economics learning outcomes, development of economics evaluation instruments, scoring
and score processing techniques, analysis of economics instruction evaluation results, and
reporting of economics instruction evaluation results.
1. Students are able to understand and skilfully apply the principles, procedures, and
techniques of economics learning process and outcomes evaluation (elementary and
middle educational levels).
2. Students are able to understand, master, and analyze the procedures of students’
learning process and outcomes evaluation (the economics subject).
3. Students are able to develop an economics learning process and outcomes evaluation.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Drs. Prih Hardinto, M.Si
9 Reading List
1. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2012. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
2. Sudjiono, Anas. 2010. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
3. Sudjana, Nana. 2010. Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Remaja R.
4. Sapir. 2014. Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar (Pendekatan Praktis Operasional). Buku
Ajar untuk Mahasiswa Calon Guru Profesional. Kementrian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan. FE – UM.
5. Supranata, Sumarna. 2004. Panduan Penulisan Tes Tertulis, Implementasi Kurikulum
2004, Penilaian Berbasis Kelas. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya
6. _____________, 2004. Analisis, Validitas, Reliabilitas dan Interpretasi Hasil Tes,
Implementasi Kurikulum 2004. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
7. _____________, 2004. Penilaian Portofolio, Implementasi Kurikulum 2004. Bandung:
Remaja Rosdakarya.
8. Depdiknas. 2013. Kurikulum Ekonomi SMA dan SMP, Pedoman Pelaksanaan Penilaian
Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik SMP, SMA, MA. Jakarta: Balitbang Pusat Kurikulum
9. Permendikbud RI No.66 Tahun 2013.Tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan
Economics Lesson Plan

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6004 Workload (ECTS) 5 Every Year (August) 1 semester
158 hours 6.5
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation : (-)
3 Learning outcomes
a) Students are capable of mastering and skilfully applying planning approaches, procedures,
and techniques and of carrying out instructions in accordance with the characteristics of
the competences being taught, the ongoing conditions, and the needs of the students.
b) Students are able to understand and skilfully apply the economics curriculum for senior
high school (based on the core competences, basic competences, and indicators) to
preparing lesson plans.
c) Students are able to develop lesson plans which consist of educational calendars, effective
hours and days, annual programs, semester programs, syllabi, and lesson plans at certain
educational levels.
4 Subject aims/contents
Basic concepts of lesson planning, the system approach model in learning design, educational
calendar along with calculation of effective days, annual programs, semester programs,
syllabus development, lesson plan development, and designing and carrying out competency-
based instructions
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Emma Yunika Puspasari, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Mulyasa, E. 2014. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya.
2. Mulyasa, E. 2014. Guru dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT Remaja
3. Sapir dan Prih Hardinto. 2010. Perencanaan Pembelajaran Ekonomi. FE UM.
4. Permendikbud No. 64 Tahun 2013Tentang Standar Isi Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
5. Permendikbud No. 65 Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan
6. Permendikbud No. 66 Tahun 2013 Tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan.
7. Permendikbud No. 69 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Skolah
Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah.
8. Permendikbud No. 81 A Tahun 2013 Tentang Implementasi Kurikulum 2013.
9. Permendikbud No. ...Tahun 2016 Tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan sekolah Dasar dan
10. Hamalik, Oemar. 2005. Perencanaan Pengajaran Berdasarkan Pendekatan
Sistem. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
11. Majid, Abdul. 2006. Perencanaan Pembelajaran, Mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi
Guru. Guru: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
12. Mulyasa, E. 2007. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
13. Mulyasa, E. 2014. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya.
14. Mulyasa, E. 2014. Guru dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT Remaja
15. Prawiradilaga, D.S. 2008. Prinsip Disain Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
16. Sapir dan Prih Hardinto. 2010. Perencanaan Pembelajaran Ekonomi. FE UM.
17. UU RI No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang SISDIKNAS.
18. UU RI No. 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen
Economics Education Research

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6005 Workload (ECTS) 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to analytically and creatively design and conduct research in the field of
economics education based on the mastery of concepts, principles, procedures, approaches,
and the applicable scientific method and on the ability to use data processing technologies.
4 Subject aims/content
a. Students are able to identify research problems.
b. Students are able to conduct a theoretical review which is relevant to the problem
c. Students are able to design research in the field of education.
d. Students conduct quantitative and qualitative class action research.
e. Students are able to select and analyze research data descriptively and inferentially.
f. Students are able to make a research proposal.
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Prof. Dr. Sri Umi Mintarti, SE., M.P., Ak.
9 Reading List
a. Leksono, Sonny. 2013. Penelitian Kualitatif Ilmu Ekonomi, Cetakan Pertama,Jakarta:
Rajawali Pers.
b. Creswell, John. 2015. Riset Pendidikan, diterjemahkan oleh Helly Prajitno Soetjipto dan Sri
Mulyantini Soetjipto, Cetakan Pertama, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
c. Hayes, F. Andrew. 2013. Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process
Analysis, New York: The Guilford Press.
d. Tashakkori, Abbas & Charles Teddlie. 2010. Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and
Behavioral Research. diterjemahkan oleh Daryatno.Cetakan Pertama.Yogyakarta: Pustaka
e. Ahmadi, Rulam. 2016. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6006 Workload (ECTS) 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) Practice
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students have a deep mastery of learner characteristics and foundations of education in the
frame of Indonesian culture and in the context of civilized global life according to instructional
theories and practices using information and communications technologies responsibly,
taking into consideration scientific procedures and methods, with a logical, critical,
anticipative, creative, innovative, flexible thinking
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to understand and skilfully apply microteaching.
2. Students are able to understand and skilfully apply the eight basic skills required for
teaching, both individually and collectively (in a properly integrated way)
Course contents
1. Basic micro-teaching concepts
2. Micro-teaching planning
3. Questionning skills
4. Explaining skills
5. Lesson opening and closing skills
6. Reinforcement providing skills
7. Varying skills
8. Class management skills
9. Small-group teaching skills
10. Small-group guiding skills
5 Teaching methods
Project-based learning, practices, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignment (20%), Mid-term Exam (30%), and Student practice (40%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Ro’ufah Inayati, S.Pd, M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Inayati, Roufah. 2014. Buku Ajar : Kemampuan Dasar Mengajar Bidang Ekonomi. Malang:
2. Shoffan Shoffa. 2017. Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar (Microteaching). Surabaya: Mavendra
3. Dr.Hj.Helmiati M.Ag. 2013. MICRO TEACHING: Melatih Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar.
Jogjakarta: Aswaja Pressindo.
4. Prof. Dr. Hamid Darmadi M.Pd. 2010. Kemampuan dasar Mengajar. Bandung: Alfabeta
5. Barnawi dan M. Arifin. 2016. MICROTEACHING (Teori & Praktik Pengajaran yang Efektif &
Kreatif). Jogjakarta: AR-RUZZ MEDIA
6. Arends, Richard I. 2013. Belajar untuk Mengajar Edisi 9 Buku 1. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.
7. Hasibuan, J. J. & Sulthoni. 2003. Kemampuan Dasar Mengajar. Malang: UM 
Seminar on Economic Education

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6007 Workload (ECTS) 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a. lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b. laboratory course
c. directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students are expected to be able to analytically and creatively design and conduct research in
the field of economic education based on the mastery of concepts, principles, procedures,
approaches, and the applicable scientific method and on the ability to use data processing
4 Subject aims/contents
This course designs and conducts research in the field of economic education based on the
mastery of concepts, principles, procedures, approaches, and the applicable scientific method
and on the ability to use data processing technologies.
Students are able to
a. Identify research problems
b. Write the first chapter of a research work
c. Formulate a research background
d. Write problem formulation/research focus/research objectives
e. Make research assumptions and delimitation
f. Write research significances
g. Make operational definitions
h. Explain a theoretical foundation (if included in the first chapter)
i. Write the second chapter of a reseach work, which contains a theoretical study relevant to
the research to be conducted, be it quantitative, qualitative, or classroom action research.
j. Write the third chapter of a research work
k. Determine the design and type of the reseach to be conducted
l. Determine the sample of a research work
m. Determine the instruments of a research work
n. Conduct data collection
o. Conduct data analysis
p. Make a research proposal
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Prof. Dr. Sri Umi Mintarti, SE., M.P., Ak..
9 Reading List
a. Leksono, Sonny. 2013. Penelitian Kualitatif Ilmu Ekonomi, Cetakan Pertama,Jakarta:
Rajawali Pers.
b. Creswell, John. 2015. Riset Pendidikan, diterjemahkan oleh Helly Prajitno Soetjipto dan Sri
Mulyantini Soetjipto, Cetakan Pertama, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
c. Hayes, F. Andrew. 2013. Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process
Analysis, New York: The Guilford Press.
d. Tashakkori, Abbas & Charles Teddlie. 2010. Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and
Behavioral Research. diterjemahkan oleh Daryatno.Cetakan Pertama.Yogyakarta: Pustaka
e. Ahmadi, Rulam. 2016. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media
English Proficiency

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6008 Workload (ECTS) 1 Every Year (August) 1 semester
123 hours 4.92
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) Lecture 35 hours 88 hours 25–30 students
b) Tutorial
2 Prerequisites for participation (if applicable): -
3 Learning outcomes
Through the study of developmental economics students are able to analyze developmental
economic problems critically, logically, and skilfully using science and technology.
4 Subject aims
a) Students are able to use English words orally correctly and accurately (Speaking).
b) Students are able to understand the meaning of the English news they receive correctly
and accurately (Listening).
c) Students are able to write down their intentions and ideas in English correctly and
accurately (Writing).
d) Students are able to capture the main ideas of various English written news reports
correctly and accurately (Reading).
Course contents
1) Express and defend opinions, present reseach on a topic, and ask and answer questions
2) Construct and perform dialogs using new vocabulary and make suggestions (Speaking)
3) Identify messages and strategies, main topics, and details (Listening)
4) Identify arguments and evaluate the persuasiveness of the arguments (Writing)
5) Infer information not explicit in texts and match headings (Reading)
6) Express opinions, make predictions, and give examples to illustrate new vocabulary
7) Determine a speaker’s point of view and integrate information from two sources
8) Agree or disagree with statements, express and defend opinions, and make comparative
statements (Speaking)
9) Have the ability to translate and identify main ideas (Reading)
10) Review articles and report findings (Writing)
11) Listen to student presentation and take notes, make outlines, and rehearse and present
12) Rewrite statements, conclusions, and critiques (Writing)
13) Write and explain trends
14) Write abstracts and papers
5 Teaching methods
Lecture, project-based learning, problem-based learning, game-based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (30%), Final Exam (30%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: Yes [ √ ]
This course is compulsory to all students of the Bachelor and diploma study programs in the
Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Vidya Purnamasari, S.E., M.Sc
9 Reading List
1. Wilson, M. 1987. Writing for Business. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd
2. Bailey, S. 2006. Academic Writing A handbook for International Student 2 nd Edition.
3. Weissberg, R., & Suzanne, B. 1990. Writing Up Research Experimental research Report
Writing for Students of English. Prentice Hall Regents
4. Azar, B. 2009. Understanding and Using English Grammar 4 th Edition. Prentice Hall Regents
5. Soesilo, Y. H. 2014. English for Business. Compiled materials. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas
Negeri Malang.
Development Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6009 Workload (ECTS) 5 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation:
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to understand and apply economics concepts independently in an attempt
to understand economic development using the basics in developmental economics.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to understand basic concepts in developmental economics,
evolution of development paradigms, development theory, and developmental
2. Students are able to apply economic development theory to analyze developmental
problems in Indonesia.
3. Students are able to interpret existing developmental problems and policies and then
provide recommendations for instructions in middle and higher education.
Course contents
Students are able to explain the history of development definitions and theories, market
dualism and segmentation, development theory in investigations into the main institutional
problems in development, development theory in investigations into industrial developments,
agriculture and village, and financial sector, interpret the outcomes of development policies,
and offer some recommendations for development policies through theoretical review,
application, and the developmental problems that arise.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
Student presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Bachelor and diploma study programs in the
Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Nur Anita Yunikawati, M.Pd
9 Reading List
1) Todaro, Michael P., and Stephen C. Smith. 2014. Economic Development (12th
Edition). Pearson.
2) Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2010. Ekonomika Pembangunan. Erlangga.
3) Articles in Journals
Financial Accounting

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6010 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a. lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b. laboratory course
c. directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to understand accounting at an advanced level in relation to special journal,
manufacturing firm accounting, cash, receivables, inventory, short- and long-term
investments, fixed assets, debts, and owner’s equity.
4 Subject aims/contents
This course discusses the following: internal control systems and the accounting of cash,
accounts receivables, and notes receivables; inventory, fixed assets, procurement, and
depreciation; termination of fixed assets, natural resources, and intangible assets; the
accounting of current liabilities and payrolls; short-term liabilities; capital stock and retained
earnings; temporary investments and long-term investments; and manufacturing firms’
1. Cash
2. Receivables
3. Inventory
4. Short-Term and Long-Term Investments
5. Debts
6. Owner’s Equity
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Prof. Dr. Sri Umi Mintarti, SE., M.P., Ak..
9 Reading List
1. IAI, 2009, Stándar Akuntansi Keuangan Jakarta: Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.
2. Jerry J. Weygant, Donald. D. Kieso, Paul D, Kimmel, 2005, Accounting Principles. Edisi ke 7
3. Rudianto. 2009 Pengantar Akuntansi. Edisi ke1 Jakarta : Penerbit ERLANGGA.
4. Dasar Dasar Akuntansi  jilid 1 oleh Al – Haryono Yusuf
Microeconomics 1

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6011 Workload (Accordin 2 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students master education concepts and economic theories to design, implement, and
evaluate instructions based on Indonesian values.
4 Subject aims/contents
This course discusses the following: basic concepts of microeconomics, demand, supply, and
market equilibrium; consumer behaviors (cardinal, ordinal, and attributive approaches);
producer behaviors (production theory and cost theory); market structure (competition,
monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition) and markets for factors of production;
and introduction to the concepts of general equilibrium, economic efficiency, information
asymmetry, externality, and public goods.
1. Students are able to analyze basic economic concepts.
2. Students are able to understand and skilfully analyze consumer behaviors individually.
3. Students are able to understand and skilfully analyze producer behaviors individually.
4. Students are able to identify and rationalize the concept of costs.
5. Students are able to analyze the concept of market mechanisms.
6. Students are able to analyze the concept of market structures.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Dr. Agung Haryono, S.E., M.P., Ak.
9 Reading List
1. Case and Fair. 2007. Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Jilid I. Jakarta: Erlangga
2. Mankiw, N. Gregory. 2002. Principles of Economics, Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro.Jakarta:
Salemba Empat.
3. Pindyck, Robert S and Daniel L. Rubienfield. 2014. Mikroekonomi Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta:
4. Salvatore, Dominick. 2006. Mikroekonomi Edisi Keempat. Jakarta: Erlangga.
5. Bebas
Macroeconomics 1

Module Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

Code Workload (Accordin 2 Every Year 1 semester
PEKOUM6012 123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 25-30 students
b) tutorial
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to understand and apply economic concepts independently in order to gain
an understanding of economic development by mastering the basics of developmental
4 Subject aims
1. Master the concepts, scope, and basic principles in macroeconomics so that students are
able to gain an accurate understanding of economic activities in the scope of macro-
2. Be able to understand various macroeconomic problems.
3. Be able to analytically and comprehensively identify the models and calculations used in
4. Be able to creatively explain the basic concepts used to identify various activities related
to macroeconomics both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Course contents
1. Review of basic macroeconomic concepts
2. Measurement of domestic outputs and national income
3. Introduction to economic growth and instability
4. Income, consumption, and income-saving
5. Aggregate expenditure model
6. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply
7. Fiscal policies
8. Monetary policies
9. Money-saving creation
10. Extension of analysis of aggregate supply
11. Economic growth
12. Deficit, surplus, and public debt
5 Teaching methods
Problem based learning, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Prof. Dr. Wahjoedi, M.E.
9 Reading List
1. Principles of Macroeconomics, 11th Edition. Karl E. Case, Ray C. Fair, & Sharon E. Oster
2. Pengantar Ekonomi Makro, N. Gregory Mankiw, Euston Quah, Dan Peter Wilson
3. Introduction to Macroeconomics, Alan C. Stockman
4. Macroeconomics in Context, Second Edition, Neva Goodwin, Jonathan Harris, Julie
Nelson, Brian Roach, & Mariano Torras
5. Samuelson, Paul A. & Nordhaus, W.D. Macroeconomics. 17nd Edition. New York: The
McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.
6. Referensi lain dan jurnal yang relevan dengan Materi Perkuliahan
Indonesian Economy

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6013 Workload (Accordin 5 Every Year (August) 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: (-)

3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to understand and apply economic concepts independently in order to gain
an understanding of economic development by mastering the basics of developmental
4 Subject aims/contents
This course provides an understanding of the scope of the economy of Indonesia which covers
the following: economic systems; economic growth; economic structures; economic
development; income distribution; even development; fiscal and monetary policies;
Indonesia’s balance of payment; and development of the industrial sector and the agricultural
sector in Indonesia.
1. Students are able to understand the dynamics of the economy of Indonesia from time
to time, so they can understand the history of the economic development of
Indonesia and forecast the direction in which the economy of Indonesia is to develop.
2. Students are able to analyze the various policies that have been implemented by the
Indonesian government in given time periods, so they can design future policies.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course:
Annisya’, S.Pd., M.Pd.
9 Reading List
1. Drs. Dumairy, M.A. 2007. Perekonomian Indonesia. Jakarta. Erlangga
2. Faisal Basri. 2009. Lanskap Ekonomi Indonesia. Jakarta. Kencana.
3. Hal & Hill, 2000. The Indonesian Economy. Cambridge University Press, Singapore.
4. Julius R. 2015. Latumaerissa. Perekonomian Indonesia dan Dinamika Ekonomi Global.
Mitra Wacana Medika.
5. Jurnal-jurnal Internasional dari sumber-sumber seperti Jstor, NBER, Science Direct dll.
6. Website milik ASEAN, World Bank, IMF, BPS, BI dll.
International Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6014 Workload (ECTS) 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: (-)
3 Learning outcomes
By mastering the basics in developmental economics, students are able to apply economic
concepts to understand economic development.
4 Subject aims/contents
Introduction, international economics, international trade theory (absolute advantages and
comparative advantages), Heckscher-Ohlin theory, balance of payment and current account,
economic scale and imperfectly competitive market, monopolistic competition and
international trade, economic growth and trade, trade barriers: tariffs, trade barriers: non-
tarrifs and protection, international trade and economic development, and economic
1. Understand the various rationales for and backgrounds of international economics.
2. Explain various basic international trade theories.
3. Understand international trade under various market conditions.
4. Understand and applay various policies and organizations in international trade.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Dr. Imam Mukhlis, S.E., M.Si
9 Reading List
1. Paul R Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz, International Economics Theory
and Policy Ninth Edition. 2012 (KRU)
2. Salvatore. Dominick. 1996. Ekonomi Internasional Jilid I. Jakarta. Erlangga (SAL)
3. Kindleberger, International Economics, Richard D. Irwin Inc. (LIN)
4. Halwani. Hendra. 2005.Ekonomi Internasional dan Globalisasi Ekonomi. Bogor. Ghalia
5. Nopirin Ph.D. Ekonomi Internasional Edisi Ketiga. 1996 (NOP)
Monetary Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6015 Workload (ECTS) 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: (-)
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to understand and apply economic concepts independently in order to gain
an understanding of economic development by mastering the basics of developmental
4 Subject aims/content
This course provides an understanding on the concepts and critical analysis of the concepts
and applications of monetary issues. This course covers materials on money, interest rate,
capital market, financial structure analysis, central banks and general banks, monetary
policies, conventional financial systems, and sharia financial systems.
1. Master the concepts, scope, and basic principles in monetary economics, so that
students are able to gain an accurate understanding of economic activities in the
scope of monetary economics.
2. Be able to understand the various definitions and basic terms used in monetary
economic concepts, normative and empirical.
3. Be able to analytically and logically identify monetary economic concepts that impact
society’s activities in general.
4. Analyze various activities related to monetary economics qualitatively and
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Dr. Lisa Rokhmani, M.Si
9 Reading List
1) Iskandar, S. (2014). Pengantar Kebansetralan: Teori dan Praktik di Indonesia. Jakarta:
Rajawali Press
2) Handa, J. (2000). Monetary Economics, New York, Routledge
Microeconomics 2

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6016 Workload (ECTS) 5 Every Year (August) 1 semester
123 hours 4.92
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to understand and apply economic concepts independently in order to gain
an understanding of economic development by mastering the basics of developmental
4 Subject aims/contents
This course discusses the following: comparative statistics and paradigms in economics;
mathematical foundations and microeconomic applications; producer theory; envelope
theorem and duality; depreciated cost function; production function and cost function;
consumer theory: declining demand curve; special topics in consumer theory; behaviors in
uncertainties; general equilibrium; production; welfare economics; externality; and public
1. Students gain an understanding of the optimization of consumer economic resources
use for maximum satisfaction from literature review on consumer behaviors.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang
8 Responsibility for module/course
Dr. Agung Haryono, S.E., AK., M.P
9 Reading List
1) Jehle G.A. and Reny P.J. 2011. Advanced Microeconomics Theory, Third Edition,
Addison Wesley, Boston.
2) 2. Nicholson, W. 2010. Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Aplication, 11th Edition,
South-Western Cengage Learning.
3) 3. Pindick, R.S and Rubinfeld, D.L, 2017. Microeconomics, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall,
New York.
Macroeconomics 2

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6017 Workload (ECTS) 3 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) tutorial
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to apply economic concepts in order to understand the development of
economic activities by mastering the basics in developmental economics.
4 Subject aims
1. Master the concepts, scope, and basic principles in macroeconomics to a greater depth so
that students are able to gain an accurate understanding of economic activities in the
scope of macroeconomics.
2. Be able to understand the various definitions and basic terms used in macroeconomic
concepts, normative and empirical.
3. Be able to analyze and process the comparison between theoretical concepts and
empirical field conditions and then present the activity results.
4. Be able to creatively explain the basic concepts used in identifying various activities
related to macroeconomics qualitatively and quantitatively.
Course contents
1. An overview of macroeconomic theoretical concepts and real conditions.
2. Use economic models formally to learn various problems in macroeconomics.
5 Teaching methods
Problem based learning, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course
Prof. Dr. Wahjoedi, M.E
9 Reading List
1. Macroeconomics, 12th Edition. Rudiger Dornbusch and Stanley Fischer.
2. Macroeconomics 8th Edition,(2016) N. Gregory Mankiw.
3. Advanced Macroeconomics, David Romer
4. Principles of Macroeconomics, 11th Edition. Karl E. Case, Ray C. Fair, & Sharon E. Oster
5. Macroeconomics in Context, Second Edition, Neva Goodwin, Jonathan Harris, Julie
Nelson, Brian Roach, & Mariano Torras
Public Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6018 Workload (ECTS) 5 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation
Students have a mastery of economic analytical tools to study economic problems and to
analyze economic problems critically, logically, and systematically.
3 Learning outcomes
Students have a mastery of economic analytical tools to study economic problems and to
analyze economic problems critically, logically, and systematically.
4 Subject aims/contents
This course discusses the characteristics of public goods, the differences between public
goods and private goods, externality and market failure, government economic functions
(functions of allocation, stability, and distribution), cost and benefit analysis in government
project organization, the State Budget (APBN), and fiscal policy instruments and their impacts
on the economy.
1. Students are able to explain market failure in the economy.
2. Students are able to explain government economic functions, including the functions of
allocation, stabilization, and distribution.
3. Students are able to explain fiscal policy instruments and transmission in the economy.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Syahrul Munir, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Mangkoesoebroto, Guritno. 2008. Ekonomi Publik. Yogyakarta: BPFE.
2. Musgrave, Richard A. dan Peggy B Musgrave. 2003. Public Finance in Theory and Practise.
New York: McGraw-Hill. Diterjemahkan Alfonsus Sirait. Keuangan Negara dalam Teori dan
Praktek. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
3. Rosen, Harvey S. 2005. Public Finance 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
4. Noor, Henry Faizal. 2013. Ekonomi Publik Ekonomi Kesejahteraan untuk Rakyat. Padang:
Mathematics for Economics and Business

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6019 Workload (ECTS) 3 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.9 (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study class size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 25–30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Through the study of developmental economics students are able to critically, logically,
mathematically, and systematically analyze developmental economic problems using science
and technology.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to master the basic mathematical concepts applied in economics.
2. Students are able to put mathematic formulas to use in applications related to economic
phenomena that arise in society.
3. Students have the skills and expertise in offering decision-making alternatives using
mathematical approaches.
Course contents
This course discusses the basic mathematical concepts used in economics, linear function,
non-linear function, mathematics in the financial sector, differential, and integral.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, discussions
6 Assessment methods
Direct assessment – classroom assessment, content analysis, and collective portofolio
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: Yes [ √ ]
8 Responsibility for module/course
Yogi Dwi Satrio, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Jacques, Ian. 2015. Mathematics for Economics and Business. 8th Edition. London:
Pearson Education.
2. Widayat, Wahyu. 2008. Matematika Ekonomi, Edisi 2. Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta.
3. Dumairy. 1999. Matematika Terapan untuk Bisnis dan Ekonomi. Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta:
4. Chiang Alpha C.,1984. Fundamental Method of Mathematical Economics. 3 rd Edition.
Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
5. Edward T. Dowling. 1988. Theory and Problems of Mathematics for Economist, Schaum’s
Outline. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
6. Sydsaester K dan Peter Hammond.1985. Mathematical for Economics Analysis. New York:
Prentice Hall.
7. Soeheroe Tjokroprajitno. 1994. Matematika Ekonomi. Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian FEUI
History of Economic Thought

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6020 Workload (ECTS) 5 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students master economic concepts and theories, general and global analysis and its
applications, the economic system in Indonesia, and the implications for economic
4 Subject aims/contents
This course discusses history and schools of thought of eras spanning from the classical to the
present, the similarities and differences of economic systems across the world, value and
wealth, capital and labor union (wage), income distribution and government control
(interventions), and development of economic thoughts in Indonesia.
1. Creatively and analytically identify the similarities and differences of economic systems
across the world, hence able to understand value and wealth, capital and labor union
(wage), and income distribution and government control (interventions) according to the
economic school of thought adhered to.
2. Master the concepts, theories, and understanding of the development of economic
thoughts in Indonesia.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Dr. Dwi Wulandari, S.E., M.M., CFP
9 Reading List
1. Skousen, Mark. 2006. Sang Maestro Teori-Teori Ekonomi Modern. Jakarta. Prenada
2. Deliarnov. 2003. Perkembangan Pemikiran Ekonomi. Jakarta. PT RajaGrafindo Persada
3. Jaribah, bin Ahmad Al-Haritsi. 2015. Fikih Ekonomi Umar Bin Al-Khatab. Jakarta Timur: Al-
4. Kosters, Paul Heinz.1998. Tokoh-tokoh Ekonomi Mengubah Dunia. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia.
5. Lekachman, Robert. 1976. A History of Economic Ideas. Mc Graw Hill Company: USA.
6. Pressman, Steven. 2000. Lima Puluh Pemikir Ekonomi Dunia. Jakarta. PT Raja Grafindo
7. Tarmizi, Erwandi. 2016. Harta Haram Muamalat Kontemporer. Bogor: BMI Publishing
8. Winardi, 1990. Ilmu Ekonomi (Aspek-Aspek Sejarahnya). Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti
9. Winardi. 1985. Sejarah Perkembangan Ilmu Ekonomi. Bandung: Penerbit Tarsito.
Econometrics 2
Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency  Duration
PEKOUM6021 Workload (ECTS) 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Independent Class Size
a. lecture class Hours Study 30
b. laboratory course 46 hours 112 hours students
c. directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes
Students master and apply economic analytical tools to study economic problems and to
critically, logically, and systematically analyze developmental economic problems using
science and technology.
4 Subject aims/contents 
This course is designed to enable students to apply econometrics to data analysis, hence
useable in decision- and policy-making in the economic field.
a. Students are able to understand and apply the Time Series Model.
b. Students are able to understand and apply dynamic linear models and panel data.
c. Students are able to understand and apply the ARCH-GARCH Volatility Model.
d. Students are able to understand and apply the Dynamic Econometric Model.
e. Students are able to understand and apply the Cointegration Analysis.
f. Students are able to understand and apply the Simultaneous Equation Model.
g. Students are able to understand and apply
h. Students are able to apply every model using EViews/Stata analysis tool.
5 Teaching methods
Project work, case studies, lectures, discussions, problem-based learning, tutorial
(statistical software training)
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: 
This course is compulsory to all students of the Economics Education Study Program of the
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang.
8 Responsibility for module/course:
Dr. Inayati Nuraini Dwiputri, S.Si., M.Sc.
9 Reading List
1. Gujarati, D.N. (2012). Basic Econometrics, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill
2. Hair,Joseph, 2010. Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson: USA
3. Mukhlis, I,2012. Analisis volatilitas nilai tukar mata uang rupiah terhadap dolar.
Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics.
4. Wooldridge, J.M (2012) Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach. Fifth
Edition. South Western Cengage Learning

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6022 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes:
Students are able to master socioeconomic and institutional theories and to formulate
innovative, transdisciplinary developmental economic policies with a spirit of
4 Subject aims
1. Students understand and master basic entrepreneurship principles, including the
description, scope, values, characteristics, and ethics and attitudes of entrepreneurship.
2. Students are able to develop and apply the skills needed for analysing business and
business plans according to market needs.
3. Students are able and skilled in mastering and conducting entrepreneurial activities in
their journey into becoming successful entrepreneurs.
Course contents
This course allows students basic abilities in entrepreneurship with well-calculated
preparation and strategic implementation. This course discusses basic entrepreneurship
concepts, entrepreneurship process, functions and models of roles in entrepreneurship,
entrepreneurship ideas and opportunities, starting up a new business and making its
development model, business management and entrepreneurship strategies, core
competences and competitive strategies in entrepreneurship, business ethics in
entrepreneurship, business analysis and business feasibility study, and creative and start-up
business projects execution.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (20%), Assignment (30%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%)
Student presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well:
This course is compulsory to all students in the Bachelor’s and Diploma study programs in the
Faculty of Economics, UM.
8 Responsibility for module/course:
Rizky Dwi Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1) Hisrich, Robert D., & Michael P. Peters. 2002. Entrepreneurship – fifth edition.
McGraw- Hill Irwing. Boston.
2) Jeff Madura. “Introduction to Business 2 nd Edition “2001bySouth Western College
Publishing., a Division of Thomson Learning. (Chapter 9
3) Mudjiarto,Aliaras Wahid “Kewirausahaan” Motivasi dan Prestasi dalam karier
Wirausaha UIEU University Press 2008 (Bab I & II).
4) Justin G.Longenecker, Carlos W. Moore, J. William Petty, “Small BusinessManagement
“ @ 2000 South-Western College Publishing. (Chapter 1).
Institutional Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6023 Workload (According to 5 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours ECTS) (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes:
Students master the materials, principles, and implementations of institutional economics
according to the reality independently through a critical, systematic, innovative thinking,
hence able to analyze a range of empirical conditions to implement institutional economics in
society realistically and to use resources and information technologies according to religious
norms, social norms, and professional ethics for the interest of society welfare.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to analyze theoretical and empirical reviews based on literature or field
studies on society’s economic institutions.
2. Students are able to apply analyitical tools in mapping and grasping institutional economic
problems in the context of economic development.
3. Students are able to interpret analysis results and formulate them into policies, which are
to be implemented in economic development nationally and locally.
Course contents
This course departs from the assumption that market instruments, as basic classical and
neoclassical economic philosophies put it, are not always suitable to be implemented in any
state, especially in developing economies. For this reason, institutional economics emerges as
an alternative school of thought that subject economic activities to the strong influence of
non-market institutions for the purpose of protecting the market against incessant failure,
that is, by designing institutional policies. This course discusses cost transaction, contract
theory, property right theory, and social capital theory.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Emma Yunika Puspasari, S.Pd, M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Erani, Yustika, 2014, Ekonomi Kelembagaan, definisi, Teori dan Strategi, Bayumedia,
2. Vaight, Stevan. 2019. Institutional Economics an Introduction. Cambridge University Press.
3. Kap, William. 2012. The Foundation An Insttitutional Economics. Routledge USA and
4. Arifin, Bustanul, 2012, Ekonomi Kelembagaan Pangan, LP3ES, Jakarta
Bank and Non-Bank Financial Institutions

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6024 Workload (ECTS) 5 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation : -
3 Learning outcomes
Students understand banking and non-banking economics, development planning, and
banking and sharia finance and are able to offer alternative solutions to national
developmental economic problems.
4 Subject aims
1. Students understand basic concepts of banks and non-bank institutions.
2. Students are able to understand sharia and conventional principles.
3. Students are able to understand types of bank financial institutions.
4. Students are able to understand types of non-bank financial institutions.
Course contents
Various bank and non-bank financial institutions (recognizing their functions, how they work,
and their roles) in national and international economic contexts in terms of their forms and
organizations or their business activities.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course:
Dr. Lisa Rokhmani, M.Si
9 Reading List
1) Kasmir. 2008. Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lainnya. Jakarta: Rajawali Press
2) Siamat. Dahlan. 2005. Manajemen Keuangan: Kebijakan Moneter dan Perbankan. Jakarta
Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia
3) Totok Budisantoso dan Nuritomo. 2014. Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Lain. Jakarta:
Salemba Empat
4) Darmawi, Herman. 2006. Pasar Finansial dan Lembaga-lembaga finansial. Jakarta: Bumi
Regional Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6025 Workload (Accordin 7 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students master and apply economic analytical tools to study economic problems and to
critically, logically, and systematically analyze developmental economic problems using
science and technology.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to understand basic regional economic concepts, including the
definitions, aims, functions, history, basic economic theories, regional economic growth
theory, and location theory.
2. Students are able to analyze the relative potentials of regional economies using various
analytical tools.
3. Students are able to interpret analysis results and conclude them into policy
Course contents
This course discusses basic concepts of regional economic theory, regional income, basic and
non-basic theories, location theory, agglomeration, regional economic planning, and regional
economic analytical tools (input-output, shift-share, LQ, overlay, linear programming, DEA,
SFA, intra-industry trade).
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Annisya’, S.Pd., M.Pd.
9 Reading List
1. Stimpson, R., Stough, R., and Roberts, B. 2006. Regional Economic Development: Analysis
and Planning Strategy. Springer: New York.
2. John P. Blair & Michael C. Carrol. 2009. Local Economic Development: Analysis, Practices,
and Globalization. SAGE Publication Inc: USA
3. Nugroho, I & Rokhmin, D. 2012. Pembangunan Wilayah. LPES: Jakarta.
4. Roberta Capello. 2016. Regional Economics, Second Edition.
5. Philip Mc Cann. 2013. Moderrn Urban and Regional Economics, Second edition Oxford
University Press
Advanced Mathematics for Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6026 Workload (Accordin 7 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation
Students must have taken and completed the Mathematics for Economics and Business
3 Learning outcomes
Through the study of developmental economics students are able to critically, logically,
mathematically, and systematically analyze developmental economic problems using science
and technology.
4 Subject aims
Through the study of developmental economics students are able to critically, logically,
mathematically, and systematically analyze developmental economic problems using science
and technology.
1. Students are able to master advanced mathematical concepts that are applied in
2. Students are able to put mathematic formulas to use in applications related to economic
phenomena that arise in society.
3. Students have the skills and expertise in offering decision-making alternatives using
mathematical approaches.
4. Students are able to perform mathematical modelling over phenomena pertaining to
economic problems.
Course contents
1. Limit and differential of a function
2. Integral
3. Matrix
4. Input-output analysis
5. Linear programming
6. Function optimization
7. Game theory
5 Teaching methods
Seminar, case studies, class discussions, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Drs. Ir. Yohanes Hadi Soesilo, STh., M.Div., M.E
9 Reading List
1) Jacques, Ian. 2015. Mathematics for Economics and Business. 8th Edition. London: Pearson
2) Widayat, Wahyu. 2008. Matematika Ekonomi, Edisi 2. Yogyakarta: BPFE-Yogyakarta.
3) Chiang Alpha C.,1984. Fundamental Method of Mathematical Economics. 3 rd Edition.
Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
4) Edward T. Dowling. 1988. Theory and Problems of Mathematics for Economist, Schaum’s
Outline. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
5) Sydsaester K dan Peter Hammond.1985. Mathematical for Economics Analysis. New York:
Prentice Hall.
6) Soeheroe Tjokroprajitno. 1994. Matematika Ekonomi. Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian FEUI
Legal Aspects in Economics and Business

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6027 Workload (Accordin 3 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes:
Students are able to master socioeconomic and institutional theories, and they are able to
formulate innovative, transdisciplinary developmental economic policies with a spirit of
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to understand the definition of law and laws related to economics.
2. Students have an in-depth mastery of the regulations applied by business stakeholders and
the penalties imposed upon violation of such regulations.
3. Students are able to solve economic problems in legal aspects that arise in daily life and in
the immediate environment.
Course contents
The definition of law, sources and principles of law in economics including the agreement law,
forms of business entity, consumer protection law, Intellectual Property Rights, competition
law, business incorporation, management, development, and dissolution, and related
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Annisya’, S.Pd., M.Pd.
9 Reading List
1. Abdulkadir, Muhammad. 2010. Hukum Perusahaan Indonesia. Bandung: Citra Aditya
2. Silondae, Arus Akbar dan Andi Fariana. 2010. Aspek Hukum dalam Ekonomi dan Bisnis.
Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media
3. Sari, Elsi Kartika. 2005. Hukum Dalam Ekonomi,Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Grasindo.
4. Simatupang, Richard Burton. 2003. Aspek Hukum Dalam Bisnis. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Co-operative Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6028 Workload (accordin 3 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to master socioeconomic and institutional theories and to formulate
innovative, transdisciplinary developmental economic policies with a spirit of
4 Subject aims
1. Be able to master the concepts, scope, and basic principles of cooperative economics.
2. Implement values, norms, and ethics in the cooperative economics learning process.
3. Be able to run the working mechanisms of cooperatives and analyze the economic effects
rendered by cooperatives, the roles played by cooperatives in the market, and the
development of cooperatives in Indonesia.
4. Students are able to solve problems, as well as tasks, related to cooperative economic case
Course contents
This course discusses Indonesian cooperatives in terms of their early history, incorporation
process, growth, faced challenges, development, and existence in present day. The materials
to be presented in the classes include the dynamics of cooperative economics and micro,
small, and medium enterprises as an economic movement in Indonesia.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Emma Yunika Puspasari, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. M. Fathorrazi. 2013. Ekonomi Koperasi. Lembaga Universitas.
2. Suhardi. Moh. Taufik Makarao. Fauziah, 2012. Hukum Koperasi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan
Menengah di Indonesia.
3. Tanjung, M. Azul. 2016. Koperasi dan UMKM Sebagai Fondasi Perekonomian Indonesia.
Jakarta. Erlangga.
4. Kanaidi. 2015. Koperasi dan UMKM (Koperasi, Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah)
Tantangan dalam Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan. Bandung. Politeknik Pos Indonesia.
5. Undang – Undang Koperasi No. 25 1992
6. Firdaus. M dan Agus Edhi S., 2002. Perkoperasian (Sejarah, Teori dan Praktek). Jakarta.
Ghalia Indonesia.
7. Kartasapoetra. 2005. Praktek Pengelolaan Koperasi. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta.
8. Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM.
9. Anggota Koperasi dan UMKM
Feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6029 Workload (Accordin 5 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (August)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students understand issues related to people’s economy, development planning, and banking
and sharia finance and have the ability to offer alternative solutions to national
developmental economic problems.
4 Subject aims
1. Students understand the basic concepts of feasibility study and project evaluation.
2. Students are able to evaluate the feasibility of a business project or a government project
that is being or to be carried out in the immediate environment.
3. Students are able to design a feasibility study and a project evaluation.
Course contents
This course discusses the basic concepts of feasibility study, designs of project feasibility
studies seen from various aspects (market and marketing aspect, technical and technological
aspect, organizational and managerial aspect, and economic and financial aspect), and various
investment feasibility criteria (NPV, IRR, net and gross B/C ratio, payback period, shadow
price, and sensitivity analysis).
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Rizza Megasari, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1) Subagyo, Ahmad. 2008. Studi Kelayakan: Teori dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: PT Elex Media
2) Husnan, Suad dan Suwarsono. 1994. Studi Kelayakan Proyek, Edisi 3. Yogyakarta: UPP
3) Kerzner, Harlord, Project Management: A System Approach to Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling, 2nd.ed, New Delhi: CBS Publisher & Distributor.
4) Suratman. 2001. Studi Kelayakan Proyek : Teknik dan Prosedur Penyusunan Laporan,
Yogyakarta: J&J Learning, Edisi 1.
Central Banking

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6030 Workload (Accordin 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to offer alternative solutions to developmental economic problems using
developmental economic concepts.
4 Subject aims
1. Master the concepts, scope, principles, and institutional aspect of central banks and have
a correct understanding of economic activities.
2. Be able to understand the various definitions and basic terms used in central banking
concepts, normative and empirical.
3. Be able to analytically and logically identify central banking concepts, which impact on the
4. Analyze various activities related to central banking qualitatively and quantitatively.
5. Students are able to understand conventional and sharia financial systems and their roles
in financial system stability.
Course contents
This course provides knowledge, insights, and understaning of the functions and roles of Bank
Indonesia as a central bank in advancing Indonesia’s economy. This course discusses materials
on the institutional aspect of central banks, monetary policies, conventional financial systems,
sharia financial systems, financial system stability, and payment systems.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Nur Anita Yunikawati, S.Pd
9 Reading List
1) Iskandar, S. (2014). Pengantar Kebanksentralan: Teori dan Praktik di Indonesia. Jakarta:
Rajawali Press
2) Warjiyo, P., & Juhro, M, S. (2016). Kebijakan Bank Sentral: Teori dan Praktik. Jakarta:
Rajawali Press
3) Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (Journal)
Human Resource Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6031 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: -.
3 Learning outcomes:
Students master socioeconomic and institutional theories and have the ability to formulate
innovative policies in developmental economics on a transdisciplinary basis with an
entrepreneurship spirit.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to understand the definitions and scope of human resource
economics and the role of human resources in economic development.
2. Students are able to understand and critically analyze human resources building and
employment in relation to economic development.
3. Students are able to critically analyze Indonesian demography and employment,
hence able to solve problems related to both.
Course contents
This course discusses the following: demographic dynamics; employment in Indonesia;
employment structure; development in the informal and formal sectors in Indonesia;
population mobility and migration; population and economic development; Indonesian
human resources in the agricultural and maritime sectors; and population and development.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Ni’matul Istiqomahi, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Feriyanto, Nur. 2014. Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Perspektif Indonesia.
Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN.
2. Borjas, George J. 2005. Labor Economics. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill.
3. Mantra, Ida Bagoes. 2007. Demografi Umum, edisi ke-2. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6032 Workload (ECTS) 5 Sem. Every Year 1 semester
123 hours 4.92 (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
b) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes:
Students understand issues related to people’s economy, development plan, and banking and
sharia finance and have the ability to offer alternative solutions to national developmental
economic problems.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to analyze theoretical and empirical reviews based on literature or
field studies to examine the various policies implemented in economic development
nationally and locally.
2. Students are able to examine the various problems faced by Indonesia in carrying out
economic development to raise awareness in sustainable natural resources use.
3. Students have the skills to analyze how economic institutions (governments, private
entities, society, higher education institutions) review policies which cause some
changes to the balance of economic activities using natural resources.
Course contents
This course discusses basic concepts of economic activities and natural resources use along
with their impacts on the environment based on economic-ecological studies by studying the
use of natural resources as factors of production and various problems that are resulted from
economic activities and conflicts in economic development, development economic policies
aimed at maintaining natural ecosystems and in turn realizing sustainable development, and
the implications of Indonesia’s economic policies for fair resources use.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Rizky Dwi Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Fauzi, Akhmad. 2008. Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan., Jakarta:
Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
2. Scott J. Callan dan J.M. Thomas, 200. Environmental Economics and Management:
Theory, Policy, and Applicatios. Tokyo: The Dryden Press.
3. Sukanto Reksohadiprodjo dan Dybio Prabowo, 1998. Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam
dan Energi. Yogyakarta: BPFE UGM.
4. Suparmoko. 2010. Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan suatu pendekatan
teoritis Yogyakarta: BPFE.
Development Planning

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6033 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Students understand issues in people’s economy, development planning, and banking and
sharia finance and have the ability to offer alternative solutions to national development
economic problems.
4 Subject aims/contents
Basic concepts of economic development (definitions and scope of economic development
planning), basic principles and considerations in choosing development plans, main elements
and process of development planning, types of development planning and their
implementations in various economic systems, types of development planning models, formal
status and duration of a plan, and advantages and disadvantages of development planning in
developing countries.
1. Students are able to understand development concepts and theories as well as the
economic development policies in Indonesia.
2. Students are able to understand the science of development planning.
3. Students are able to understand the economic development transformation in
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Emma Yunika Puspasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.
9 Reading List
1. Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2011. Perencanaan Daerah. Salemba Empat: Jakarta
2. Balassa, B. 2012. The Theory of Economic Integration. Routledge.
3. Chowdhury, A & Colin, K. 2005. Development Policy And Planning. Taylor & Francis e-
Library: NY.
4. Saragih, J.R. 2015. Perencanaan Wilayah dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal Berbasis
pertanian. Pustaka Belajar: Yogyakarta.
5. Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2007. Ekonomika Industri Indonesia. CV Andi Offset: Yogyakarta.
6. Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2017. Otonomi & Pembangunan Daerah. Erlangga: Jakarta
Economic Demography

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6034 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation
3 Learning outcomes:
Students master socioeconomic and institutional theories and have the ability to formulate
innovative policies in developmental economics on a transdisciplinary basis with an
entrepreneurship spirit.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to analyze theoretical and empirical reviews based on literature or
field studies on demographic economics.
2. Students are able to apply analytical tools to mapping and understanding
demographic economic problems in the context of economic development.
3. Students are able to interpret analysis results and formulate them into demographic
policies that are to be applied in national and local economic development.
Basic economic concepts, introduction to market systems, market structures (competition,
monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition), markets for factors of production,
market failure, public economy, fundementals in macroeconomics (national income,
consumption, saving, and investment), equilibrium level of national income, fiscal and
monetary policies, and international trade
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Emma Yunika Puspasari, S.Pd, M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Kuncoro, Ari, 2012, Mozaik Demografi, Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
2. Adioetomo,Sri dkk, 2010, Dasar-Dasar Demografi, Salemba Empat, Jakarta.
3. Suryadinata, Leo, 2010, Southeast Asian Personalities of Descent: A Biographical
Dictionary, Institute of The Asian Studies, Iseas, Singapore
4. Booth, Ane, 2010, The Indonesian economy in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries : a history of missed opportunities, St. Martin's Press in association with the
Australian National University, Canberra, New York
Economic Systems

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6035 Workload (Accordin 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation : -
3 Learning outcomes:
Students are able to formulate innovative policies in the field of development economics by
linking the subject on a transdisciplinary basis, hence possessing the capability of becoming
economic developers with an entrepreneurship spirit.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to explain specific differences between the economic systems
applied by various countries.
2. Students understand and critically examine the thoughts and philosophies behind
economic system development, the characteristics of various economic systems and
the countries that apply them, Indonesia’s economic system, and alternative
economic systems.
3. Students are able to formulate policies innovatively and responsively based on the
knowledge of the positive points of various economic systems.
Course contents
This course discusses matters related to a comparison of values and practices between the
various economic systems that are developing across the globe, including the Islamic
economic system as an alternative.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Nur Anita Yunikawati, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Ismail, Munawar. 2015. Sistem Ekonomi Indonesia: Tafsiran Pancasila dan UUD 1945,
penerbit Airlangga
2. Ahmadi, 1983. Kriteria-kriteria Dalam Perbandingan Sistem Ekonomi, Surabaya,
3. Grossman, Gregory. 1995. Sistem-Sistem Ekonomi, terjemahan Anas Sidik, Jakarta:
Bumi Aksara.
4. M. Sharif Chaudry. 2016. Sistem Ekonomi Islam: Prinsip Dasar
5. Semua buku yang relevan
Economics of Taxation 1

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6036 Workload (According to 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class Hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course 35 hours
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students master economic analytical tools to study economic problems and have the ability to
analyze developmental economic problems critically, logically, and systematically using
science and technology.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to understand legislation related to taxation economics and to
discuss the effects of tax collection on economic development and society welfare.
2. Students are able to understand the importance of efficient fund allocation in
government expenditure and to understand fair, even fund distribution.
3. Students are able to understand tax roles in economics and to understand policy
implications in macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects.
4. Students are able to understand the concepts, theories, and strategies of tax
5. Students are able to understand the technicalities of income tax deduction.
Course contents
This course discusses taxation to a greater depth through the understanding of legislation
related to taxation economics, the effects of tax collection on economic development and
society welfare, the importance of efficient fund allocation in government expenditure and its
fair, even distribution, tax roles in economics and policy implications in macroeconomic and
microeconomic aspects, tax’s critical position in the fiscal decentralization era as a means for
balance fund transfer in local development and welfare, and the concepts, theories, and
strategies of tax compliance.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Rizky Dwi Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Simanjuntak, Timbul Hamonangan dan Imam Mukhlis. 2012. Dimensi Ekonomi
Perpajakan dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi. Jakarta.
2. Direktorat Penyuluhan, Pelayanan dan Hubungan Masyarakat. 2013. Undang-
undang Pajak Penghasilan dan Peraturannya. Direktorat jendral Pajak. Kementerian
Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia
3. Latihan soal dari
4. Jurnal terkait
Econometrics 1

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6037 Workload (According 4 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 35 hours 88 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes:
Through this interdisciplinary course students are expected to be able to analyze and apply
econometrics critically, logically, mathematically, and systematically to research and decision-
making related to empirical developmental economic data using science and technology.
4 Subject aims
This course discusses basic econometric concepts and applications of analysis methods such
as regression analysis and correlation analysis, along with classical assumption testing, logistic
regression, and time-series, cross-sectional, and panel data estimate using appropriate
analysis methods.
1. Students are able to identify data and apply econometrics in data analysis.
2. Students are able to apply analytical tools in decision-making and conclusion-drawing.
3. Students are able to interpret analysis results and formulate possible economic policies
based on econometrically processed empirical data.
Course contents
This course discusses basic econometric concepts and applications of analysis methods such
as regression analysis and correlation analysis, along with classical assumption testing, logistic
regression, and time-series, cross-sectional, and panel data estimate using appropriate
analysis methods.
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Drs. Ir. Yohanes Hadi Soesilo, STh., M.Div, M.E
9 Reading List
1. Gujarati, D.N. (2012). Basic Econometrics, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill (versi Bahasa
Inggris atau terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia)
2. Widarjono, Agus.(2009). Ekonometrika Pengantar dan Aplikasinya.Edisi Ketiga.
EKONISIA. Yogyakarta.
Education of Economics

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6038 Workload (Accordin 6 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours g to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes
Students are able to analytically and creatively design and develop education economic
materials based on the mastery of concepts, principles, procedures, approaches, and the
applicable scientific method and the ability to use data-processing technologies.
4 Subject aims
a. Students have conceptual knowledge of economic aspects in education.
b. Students are able to analyze the relationship between education and economic
c. Students are able to analyze markets in education.
d. Students are able to apply cost and benefit analysis concepts.
e. Students are able to analyze educational resources.
f. Students are able to analyze education funding and budgeting.
Course contents
This course discusses economic aspects in education that account for how education may run
effectively. This course regards education as a human investment that may produce human
capital, hence education’s positioning as an industry that entails inputs, processes, and
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Ro’ufah Inayati, S.Pd, M.Pd
9 Reading List
1. Sudarwan, Danim. 2004. Ekonomi Sumber Daya Manusia. Pustaka Setia. Bandung
2. Supriadi,Dedi.2004. Satuan Biaya pendidikan. Remaja Rosda Karya. bandung
3. Sampurno.2007. Knowledge-Based Economy. Pustaka Pelajar. Jakarta
4. Sutia, sabar. 2009. Investasi Human Capital. Pelangi Nusantara. Bogor
Introduction to Business

Module Code Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

PEKOUM6039 Workload (According 2 Every Year 1 semester
123 hours to ECTS) (February)
1 Types of courses Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size
a) lecture class 46 hours 112 hours 30 students
b) laboratory course
c) directed individual study
2 Prerequisites for participation: -
3 Learning outcomes:
Students master the theoretical concepts of management and have the ability to apply them
logically, critically, systematically, and innovatively while still taking into consideration values
of humanities and ethics at business and non-business organizations as a manifestation of
responsibility for the nation and state.
4 Subject aims
1. Students are able to master the theoretical concepts in the introduction to business.
2. Students are able to apply business ethics and social responsibility.
3. Students are able to develop business and entrepreneurship ideas.
4. Students are able to analyze management of human resources, finance, and
marketing in business.
5. Students are able to analyze business resources.
Course contents
This course discusses economic aspects in business, including business ethics, social
responsibility, and management of human resources, production, finance, and marketing in
5 Teaching methods
Case studies, lectures, class discussion, project based learning
6 Assessment methods
Quiz (10%), Assignments (20%), Mid-Term Exam (30%), dan Final Exam (40%)
Student Presentation
7 This module is used in the following degree programs as well: N/A
8 Responsibility for module/course
Annisya’, S.Pd, M.Pd
9 Reading List
a. Basu swastha.2015. Pengantar Bisnis Modern. Yogyakarta. Liberty
b. Griffin R.W dan Elbert R.J (2015) Business Essential. Pearson Education.
c. Pride. W.M. 2015. Introduction Business. Cengage learning
d. Madura, Jeff. 2015. Pengantar Bisnis. Salemba Empat.
Module/Course Title: Undergraduate Thesis

Module/Course Student Credits Semester Frequency Duration

Code Workload (ECTS) 7-14 1-8 Semester
PEKOUM6100 272 Every Semester

Type of Course Contact Hours Independent Study Class Size

1. Practicum - 272 hours 35 Students

2. Project work

2 Prerequisites for participation (if applicable): Educational Research of Economics,

Seminar on Economic Education and passed min. 100 SKS/158.83 ECTS

3 Learning outcomes:

Master the mechanisms, principles, and methods of information presentation and

utilization in decision making, and to process and analyze financial reports/information
as decision-making materials, on an independent, high-quality, characterized basis, to
solve problems in their own fields of expertise, with a spirit of independence, struggle,
and entrepreneurship.

4 Subject aims:
Provide students with an individual scientific research experience in the chosen topics.
Students in this course are guided to construct the research problem, apply research
methodology, conduct data analysis, perform discussion, and write research reports.

5 Teaching methods: -

6 Assessment methods: Methodology (30%), contents (30%), supervising process (20%),

oral examination (20%)

7 This module/course is used in the following study programme’s as well: This course is
compulsory for all undergraduate study programs in the Universitas Negeri Malang

8 Responsibility for module/course: Ro’ufah Inayati, S.Pd., M.Pd

1. Other information:

2. The research reports should be written to follow Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah
Universitas Negeri Malang 2017 (UM’s Academic Writing Guidance 2017)

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