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Chapter IX

Asian Regionalism and the South China Sea Conflict

Manuscript Intended for: Students

Modality: Blended/Flexible Learning
Module No./Subject: 9, Contemporary World
Allotted time: 3 hours, 9th week

I. Learning Outcomes

This lesson intends to prepare students to:

1. Differentiate between regionalization and globalization;
2. Identify the factors leading to a greater integration of Asian region;
3. Analyze how different Asian states confront the challenges of globalization and
4. Explain how regionalization can be more fair and just; and
5. Advocate respect for dialogue and diplomacy.

II. Learning Management System

Lesson 1- Suggested Activity/Activities

Activity 1- Regional Integration: Diplomacy and Negotiation

Regional integration is a process in which

neighboring states enter into one
agreement in order to upgrade cooperation
through common institutions and rules.
Financial expert agree that Covid-19
disruptions would create a new paradigm
shift in globalization process. Global
business might turn into a more
centralized system to protect business
interest. The challenge therefore is
survival not alone making profit. Social
responsibility is everyone’s utmost
concern. Emphasized this concept by
dividing the class into five (5) groups.
Allow them to choose a leader, a secretary
and a reporter. Explain the roles of the

three (3) appointed officers and inform them that for the next activity which requires grouping
they will no longer be allowed to occupy the same position to instill in their minds that temporal
power is not absolute or for eternity. To develop all of them, each should experience to become a
leader and must know what is the real meaning of accountability and responsibility.
Assign the following bible verses:

For group 1: Isaiah 40:31, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will
soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.”
For group 2: Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of
For group 3: Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your
God I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”
For group 4: John 16: 32, “I am not alone, for my Father is with me.”
For group 5: Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Entitled this activity with the word: Manna, meaning bread from heaven. Enlighten all of them
that although the first church was drawn in vast wilderness from slavery in Egypt and going to the
promised land. God never forsakes them. They were fed daily through manna. But when some
turn out to become greedy, the kept manna consequently was rotten. Instruct them to negotiate
with the other groups by exchanging the gifts they received the manna. Each contracting parties
in the end of negotiation will explain afterwards why such verses were chosen. The secretary will
record the proceedings and will keep the minutes thereof while the leader will serve as the head
of each delegation. The focus of the report will be the consensus which had been reached by each

Lesson 2: Integration

Topic 1- Ruling that favors the Philippines

Favorable ruling was granted by the Permanent Court of Arbitration at Hague to the Republic of
the Philippines awarding ownership to disputed islands in the Philippine West Sea including
Spratly Islands which possess rich natural resources and fishing areas. Tensions between China
and both the Philippines and Vietnam have recently cooled. According to:
conflict-tracker, in 2016 the total trade that passed through the South China Sea amounted to
$3.37 trillion. In 2017, however, 40% of the global liquefied natural gas trade transited to it. The
United States has also stepped up its military activity and naval presence in the region using
international law principle the: “Freedom of Navigation Doctrine”. Passage of vessel from a
navigable international water is allowed. Since 2017, the United States has conducted six (6)
freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs). Senator Arturo Tolentino had cemented our claim
through his fiercely participation which resulted grant of 200 miles exclusive economic zones to
countries which are archipelagic in nature. The UNCLOS or the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Seas covers all countries which were signatories thereof.
Lesson 3: Motivation

Topic 1- Prophetic Destiny of the Philippines

Informed them of the prophetic destiny awarded to the Philippines

decades of years back by known American prophet. Allow them after
the session to surf the internet to have hands on data for their
additional knowledge. This will not only give hope to all students but
would encourage to discover one’s identity as patriotic Filipinos.
Recall the discussion that featured success of the Iglesia Ni Cristo,
Jesus is Lord Church, Ang Dating Daan, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and
Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle. We should be proud as Filipinos
because with their efforts our race were known worldwide for being
disciplined, intellectual, resilient, free-spirited, highly competent and
God- fearing people. Filipinos being nurtured by both western and
eastern cultures became so unique and peculiar because of the excellent features which were
infused in us.

Lesson 4: Presentation

Topic 1- 30th SEA Games

Thirtieth (30th) South East Asian Games (SEAG) brought honor and pride to all Filipinos
worldwide. After hosting the most successful biennial meet the Philippines once again has proven
that she is still a force to reckon with in this part of the world. Bagging the most coveted overall
championship taught us that we still need to provide full support to all Filipino athletes, coaches,
supporters, and sports officials. A much clearer program is essential for continued success.
Delegates and athletes from competing countries recognized the warmth hospitality given to
them. We were able to show momentarily how to experience being part and member of the whole
Filipino family.

Lesson 5: Discussion Proper

Topic 1- Regionalism defined

Regionalism is a functional relation that bundles multiple nations with political, economic and
cultural inheritance, often based on the geographical advantage. It is a political ideology that
favors a specific region over a greater area. Regionalism emphasizes on developing the
administrative power and swaying the available or some inhabitants of a region. It usually results
due to political separations, religious geography, cultural boundaries, linguistic regions, and
managerial decisions.
Topic 2- Asian Regionalism

Asian regionalism focuses on the relationship between

ideas and politics and examines rapid growth of Asia’s
economy, financial stability and regional economic
integration. Asia’s development has had a massive,
positive impact on people’s lives. Most Asian
economies have made remarkable progress in reducing
poverty. Regional integration fosters inclusive
development. Governments need to connect the poor
to the thriving regional economy by eliminating labor
market barriers, investing in workers’ capabilities, and
building infrastructure to connect disadvantaged regions with economic centers.

Topic 3- Three (3) Factors Leading to greater integration

The three (3) factors leading to greater integration of the Asian region are as follows:
1. Trade. In ancient times, regions of Asia had commercial relations among themselves as well as
with parts of Europe and Africa. Nomadic peoples traded over considerable distances using
“barter” as the medium of exchange. Ancient people were so honest and truthful, as no
businessman was aggrieved and defrauded.
2. Similar Culture. The culture of Asia is diverse but they do share many things. This makes it an
easier fit during times of negotiations.
3. Common Goals. The Asian region recognize the mutual benefits of a slow integration.

Topic 4- Significance of Regionalism

The following are considered as significant ingredients of regionalism:

1. Common sense of identity.
2. Combines creation and implementation of institution.
3. Shape a collective action within a geographical region.

Topic 5- ASEAN- the Association of South East Asian Nations

The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional grouping founded to
promote accelerated economic growth, facilitate social progress and cultural development, pursue
regional peace in the Southeast Asian region through multilateral cooperation. ASEAN was
founded on August 8, 1968. Its original members are Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand,
and Singapore. Curently it has ten (10) members which included: Vietnam, Myanmar, Brunei
Darrusalam, Laos, and Timor Leste. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) has
been formed which included mutual agreement with the United States, China, Japan, and South
Topic 6- APEC- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was institutionalized with the goal of monitoring
and analyzing regional markers and institutes as well as governing rules and norms for facilitating
transparent and effective business transactions. It operates on the basis of non-binding
commitments, open dialogue and equal respect for views of all participating economies. APEC
was founded in 1989 consisting of 21 member-states. It is established to eliminate trade and
investment barriers in Asia Pacific region. Its secretariat was based in Singapore and operates as
the core support mechanism for the APEC. Thirty (30%) percent of the world population is
covered by APEC economies. It remains as a regional economic forum to leverage the growing
interdependence of Asia Pacific.

III. Process Questions

The following questions are laid down to assess effectiveness of teaching-learning process. It will
also help them remember important concepts and principles discussed earlier and to apply what
they have learned in daily lives.
1. Middle of 17th, 19th, and mid-20th centuries were three (3) periods which aptly described
hegemonic domination of super power countries in the modern world. Economy, military, and
ideology were three (3) burdens in maintaining this said hegemonic position. Since 2017, the
United States had conducted six (6) freedom of navigation operations (FONOPs). Is this action of
showing military power in South China Sea can be considered dangerous? What is its impact
regarding the claim of the Philippines?
2. Please explain how protectionism and free trade from countries included in ASEAN and APEC
would help Philippines economy to progress.

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