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Chapter VI

Earth Hour and the Seventeen (17) Sustainable Development Goals

Manuscript Intended for: Students

Modality: Blended/Flexible Learning
Module No./Subject: 6, Contemporary World
Allotted time: 3 hours, 6th week
Author: Dr. Arsenio M. Escalona

I. Learning Outcomes
This lesson intends to prepare students to:
1. Differentiate stability from sustainability;
2. Articulate models of global sustainable development;
3. Take responsibility in being an active partner of SDGs;
4. Demonstrate love for the planet earth; and
5. Involve himself/herself in achieving solutions to seventeen sustainable goals.

II. Learning Management System

Lesson 1- Suggested Activity/Activities

Activity 1- Decrease of Air-pollutants

Ask all of them what everyone had notice in the sky

after one month of enhanced community quarantine?
Expect a common answer: the sky becomes clearer
because manufacturing industries that pollute our
atmosphere had stop in their operations. In similar vein,
cite that the European Union (EU) since 1997 has taken
initiative to build a sustainable low-carbon and low-
input economy to increase resource efficiency, to
decrease energy consumption. Ask them if they do
advocate the Earth Hour Movement which invites
awareness to protect planet earth by switching off
electricity consumption at least in an hour from 8:00 pm
to 9:00 pm. Introduce the concept of “paradigm
shifting” by asking them to close all their eyes
temporarily. While all of them see nothing but darkness,
explain to all of them that such time and that place
occupies a virtual world. In reality since all of them are
majority are adolescent expect that they could not easily
the activity. But, try to get an answer from them still.
What they see in darkness? Introduce at this stage
virtual learning. Explain that since face to face contact
in education is not allowed the use of internet and lap
top are conduit to be in a virtual reality or a virtual
Activity 2- Foot prints in the Sand.

Ask some of them if they are familiar to the famous narrative entitled: “Foot prints in the Sand”. Try to be
creative ask those who are knowledgeable to present the narrative in the class. If possible show a video
clip portraying this and emphasized that there is only one set of foot prints in the sand. Allow some
students to hypothesize. Why there is only one set of foot prints? Where is the other one? Was the person
left alone? Where is Jesus? Specify that the Lord Jesus carries the problematic person. He was not left
alone. Instead, there is only one set of foot prints because God lifted him up. Jesus never fails. As our
Redeemer He is always there to share with us in our sufferings. We should never think that God will
forsake us. Explain that there is indeed a need for all of us to response positively in what we are
experiencing at present. We should get rid of negativism because it will not help us anyway. This is the
New Normal we need to face and accept what is happening today is real not virtual. Emphasize that the
United Nations sustainable goals have to be responded positively and it is imperative to contribute in its
full attainment or accomplishment. Countries around the globe have to address the great challenges that
humanity faces. Hence, in order to ensure that all people will partner with these seventeen (17) goals
everyone is asked to live a better life without compromising our planet.

Lesson 2- Integration
Topic 1- Test, Trace, Isolate and Treatment
Ask all of them about their understanding about the following: Test, Trace, Isolate and Treatment. Inform
them that Covid-19 patient is in need of half a million pesos (Php 500,000.00) for his treatment alone.
Challenge all of them if they are all willing to compromise their lives? The best way to save lives is to
faithfully observe health protocols like: frequent washing of hands, sanitizing it with 70% alcohol, eating
fruits and vegetables, and strictly following social or physical distancing. Let them define sustainable
development based on 1997 Bruntland Commission Report as “development that meet the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs”. Inform them also
how expensive is the cost of undergoing in the process of cremation. Deceased Covid-19 patient to avoid
transmission of the virus were outright cremated. Showcase that adaptability in this most challenging time
has to be sustained daily to survive.

Lesson 3: Motivation
Topic 1- Darkness Challenges Sun
Ask all of them to turn off the light for a
moment. This is done to reinforce the first
activity. If this activity is not possible again
just ask them to close their eyes. Ask what
they can see in darkness? Wait for their
different answers. Of course, some might
answer virtual world or virtual reality. Praise
them. Others might give different answers.
Recognize them. Explain that in Art,
darkness is defined as the absence of “light”.
In order to convince them fully, illustrate
this by simply narrating this story. “Darkness is living in a cave. Such cave full of stalactites and
stalagmites was located exactly at the middle of a huge forest. Darkness so envied of the Sun challenged
him to go down in order to see the beauty of darkness. True to his mission of being a “light bringer”, Sun
let some of his rays to go down and find darkness in the cave. As light passes from the terrain, towards
huge forest everything becomes brighter. Darkness is overcome. “Where are you, darkness? I am already
here!!” Asked by Sun. “Come on, I am just here!” challenged by Darkness. “Where? I am already in the
entrance of the cave!” request of Sun. “Enter the cave go on. You are in the right path.” Persuasion of
darkness. Headway Sun travels until he reaches the innermost part of the cave but he doesn’t find any
darkness. He left the cave and goes up again in the sky. Purposely motivated by his mission to always
bring sunshine and lightness he never left his domain.” Ask all of them about the lesson one can get out of
the story. Emphasized that God is the Only Source of Life and God dwells in all of us. No one will be on
darkness because God’s words would sustain us because we are His greatest creation.

Topic 2- II Chronicles 7:14

If my people, which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and
turn away from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal
their land.
When our Lord Jesus Christ is born, angels in heaven rejoices. Gloria in excelcis Deo. Peace here on earth
reigns. Emmanuel was the Name given meaning: God is with us! We need to firmly believe in our faith
that those who walked in this world fulfilling the will of God, that is, being obedient in His laws- God
will forever be with him. Philippines derived its name from Apostle Phillip who followed Lord Jesus
faithfully. We are the only Christian dominated country in Asia let us all journey with God. Amen.

Lesson 4: Presentation

Topic 1- Two (2) Key Concepts in Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development can be reduced to two (2) key concepts: needs and limitations. Needs refer to
those in need, that is, the world’s poor sectors. And, the limitations are those “imposed by the state of
technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs”.

Topic 2- Sources of Renewable Energy

Randomly, call the attention of some students and through the use of the class record ask them to respond.
What are the resources so abundant in our environment which can be used but not so harmful in our
planet? The answers are the following:
1. Solar Energy: The greatest advantages of solar energy are that it is completely free and is available in
limitless supply. Both of these factors provide a huge benefit to consumers and help reduce pollution.
Replacing non-renewable energy with this type of energy is both environmentally and financially
2. Wind Energy: Wind energy is another readily available energy source. Harnessing the power of wind
energy necessitates the use of windmills; however, due to construction cost and finding a suitable
location, this kind of energy is meant to service more than just an individual. Wind energy can
supplement or even replace the cost of grid power, and therefore, may be a good investment and remains
a great example of sustainable development.
3. Green Space: Green spaces include parks and other areas where plants and wildlife are encouraged to
thrive. These spaces also offer the public great opportunities to enjoy outdoor recreation, especially in
dense, urban areas. According to the UW-Madison Department of urban and Regional Planning,
advantages of green spaces include,” helping regulate air quality and climate; reducing energy
consumption by countering the warming effects of paved surfaces; recharging groundwater supplies and
protecting lakes and streams from polluted runoff”. Research conducted in the United Kingdom
specifically by one of the most prestigious University in the country: the University of Exeter Medical
School has found out that moving to a greener area could lead to significant and lasting improvements to
an individual’s mental health.

Lesson 5: Discussion Proper

Topic 1- PRRD’s Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) despite some criticism had significant progress especially
when it comes to the goals of eradicating poverty and improving access to education. PRRD’s best
contribution towards this goal is the enactment of Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Law
providing free education to all college students. In its second year of implementation, the Commission on
Higher Education is faced with great challenges. Despite Covid-19 pandemic HEIs officials are moving
heaven and earth to fulfill sacred duty to promote social contract to Filipino people especially equipping
professional skills to future generations.
Topic 2-The seventeen (17) Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which took effect in 2015 set out to tackle a whole range of
issues, from gender inequality to climate change. These seventeen (17) goals are the call of United
Nations to all countries to address the great challenges that humanity faces. This is the blueprint to
achieve a better and more sustainable future to all.
Goal 1: No Poverty, end poverty in all its forms everywhere. Economic growth must be inclusive to
provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.
Goal 2: Zero Hunger, end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable
agriculture. The food and agriculture sector offers key solution for development, and is central for hunger
and poverty eradication.
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, ensure healthy lives for all at all ages. Ensuring the healthy lives
and promoting well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.
Goal 4: Quality Education, ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all. Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and
sustainable development.
Goal 5: Gender Equality. It is regarded not only as a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation
for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we
want to live in.
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.
Goal 8: Descent Work and Economic Growth. Sustainable economic growth will require societies to
create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving
sustainable development.
Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities. Reduce inequality within and among countries. To reduce inequalities,
policies should be universal in principle, paying much attention to the needs of disadvantaged and
marginalized populations.
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient, and sustainable. There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with
access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.
Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption. Ensure sustainable consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate Action. Take urgent action to combat climate change is a global challenge that affects
everyone, everywhere.
Goal 14: Life Below Water. Conserve and sustain-ably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for
sustainable development. Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a
sustainable future.
Goal 15: Life on Land. Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land
degradation, halt biodiversity loss.
Goal 16: peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Access to justice for all and building effective,
accountable institutions at all levels.
Goal 17: Partnership for the Goals. Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Topic 3: Three Pillars of Sustainable of Sustainable Development

1. Environmental Sustainability. It means that we are living within the means of our natural resources. To
live in true environmental sustainability, we need to ensure that we are consuming our natural resources
such as energy, fuels, lands, water, etc. at a sustainable rate.
2. Economic Sustainability. Requires that a business or country uses it resources efficiently and
responsibly so that it can operate in a sustainable manner to consistently produce an operational profit.
3. Social Sustainability. The social pillar ties back into another poorly defined concept: social license. A
sustainable business should have the support and approval of its employees, stakeholders and community
it operates in. The approaches to securing and maintaining this support are various, but it comes down to
beating a good neighbor and community member, both locally and globally.

Topic 4- Difference between Stability and Sustainability

Sustainability is the ability to be maintained at a certain level; while, Stability is the state of something
that is not easily changed or moved or the state wherein very little or no movement can be detected.
Topic 5- Four (4) Dimensions of Sustainable Development
1. Environmental Sustainability- the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution, creation and non-
renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely.
2. Social Sustainability- a process that promotes well-being within an organization’s own members while
also supporting the ability of future generations to maintain a healthy community.
3. Economical Sustainability- practices that support long-term economic growth without negatively
impacting social, environmental and cultural aspects of the community.
4. Cultural Sustainability- as it relates sustainable development, it has to do with the maintaining of
cultural beliefs, cultural practices, heritages conservation, culture as its own entity and attempts to answer
question whether or not any given cultures will exist in the context of the future.

III. Process Questions

The following questions are laid down to assess effectiveness of teaching-learning process. It will also
help them remember important concepts and principles discussed earlier and to apply what they have
learned in daily lives.

1. Some companies are focusing on reducing their carbon foot-prints, packaging waste, water usage and
their overall effect on environment. Companies have found that a beneficial impact on the planet can also
have a positive financial impact. Is it true that lessening the amount of material used in packaging reduces
the overall spending on those materials? Please comment on the use of “plastics” as packages.

2. Are you in favor that in order to achieve true sustainability, we need to balance economic, social and
environmental sustainability factors in equal harmony? How would you implement or do it?

3. Please comment on the water supply in your community? How clean it is? How about energy supply?

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