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6th Class

Trainee Teacher: Santiago Rende - Lautaro Leotta

Supervising Teacher: Gabriela Duaigues
School: E.E.T.P. N° 402 “Manuel Belgrano”
Grade: 6th DCM
Objectives: For students to revise: yes/no questions; wh- questions; verbs; food and

Warm up:
The TT will start the class asking them what they remember about Mark and Allie’s
storyline. He will stick pieces of cardboard on the BB with question words like
“What”, “Where”, “When”, “Who”. The students will have to match those words with
the rest of the sentences to form the questions about the listenings from the previous
classes. After that, they will have to match those questions with the answers
E.G: Who ---- spilled the coffee? --- Mark did.
Where --- did they go after the coffee shop? --- They went to the shopping.
What --- size did Allie want? --- She wanted a medium.
When --- was Mark’s birthday? --- It was that same day.

Food revision:
The TT will deliver a set of handouts. It will have a picture of two boys, Matt and
Tom, playing a guessing game with food vocabulary. Matt says the riddles and Tom
guesses which food it is, but they are a bit difficult for Tom to guess them alone, so
the students will have to help him.

1. “You need me to make a sandwich or a toast.” _______________

2. “We are red fruit that grow on trees.” _______________
3. “I’m white and make your coffee sweet.” _______________
4. “I’m a popular fast food and have a sausage in the middle” _______________
5. “I’m a long, yellow fruit.” _______________
6. “I’m yellow and people like me on their pizza.” _______________
7. “I’m cold and sweet. I’m usually eaten in summer.” _______________
8. “I’m a delicious fried, roasted or grilled meat.” _______________
9. “You can eat me boiled, fried or scrambled.” _______________
10. “Kids like me with their cereal. Cats just love me.” _______________
The TT will do the first one as modeling, and then, the TT will ask the students to
solve the rest of it. It will be corrected orally.

Clothing revision:
The TT will ask the students to describe how he/she is dressed using the following
structures: “what am I wearing?” “I am wearing …..” As the students provide him with
answers he will write the model on the BB. Then, the TT will ask each student to
write a description on his/her folder of what he/she and two other classmates are
wearing. The students will be told that their productions are meant for a fashion
magazine, which is doing a survey. Then, the activity will be socialized and corrected

Wh-questions revision:
The TT will deliver a handout with a multiple choice about the student’s information.
After some minutes, it will be shared and corrected orally; the TT will write down the
answers on the BB.
1) (A) _________ does Brisa live?
(B) She lives in Venado Tuerto.
a. When b. Where c. Who
2) (A) __________ is this?
(B) It’s a handout.
a. What b. Where c. Who
3) (A) _________ is Ignacio’s phone?
(B) I think I saw it on the table
a. Where b. What c. When
4) (A) _________ does Abigail like to eat?
(B) She likes to eat sweets.
a. Where b. What c. When
5) (A) _________ is your best friend?
(B) Sofia is my best friend.
a. What b. Who c. Which
6) (A) _________ does Valentina usually get up?
(B) She usually gets up at ten o’clock.
a. When b. What c. Who
7) (A) _________ is your name?
(B) My name is Franco.
a. What b. Who c. When
8) (A) _________ day is it?
(B) It’s Wednesday.
a. When b. What c. Who
9) (A) _________ can students start working?
(B) They can start now!
a. What b. When c. Who
10) (A) _________ time is it?
(B) It’s 2:15.
a. Which b. When c. What
Verbs revision:
The TT will tell the students to imagine that they are in a very important pictionary
competition. He will divide the students into two teams. They will take turns to pick a
tag from an envelope. The tags have different verbs written on them. Once the tag is
picked, the student will have to draw that action on the board and his/her team will
have one minute to guess the action. If they guess correctly, they win a point. After
the guesses are done, the TT will write all of the verbs on the board.
Verbs: Throw - Think - Run - Sit - Swim - Ride - Eat - Sleep - Sing - Read
Then, he will deliver a handout with an activity of fill in the blanks. They will have to
complete the sentences in the correct form with the verbs written on the board.
1) Anthony _______________ the ball. (Present continuous)
2) He _______________ about his stupid mistake in the test. (Past simple)
3) The dog _______________ across the yard. (Past simple)
4) The cat _______________ by the window. (Past simple)
5) In the summer, we _______________ in our pool. (Future will)
6) He _______________ his new bike around the block for hours. (Past
7) We _______________ dinner. (Past continuous)
8) She lay on the couch and _______________ there all night. (Past perfect)
9) The bird _______________ a nice song every morning. (Present simple)
10) The teacher _______________ a book to her students. (Present simple)

Yes/no questions revision:

The TT will draw a playing field on the BB
Then, the TT will divide the students into two teams. He will place a “ball” token at
the center of the field. Then, students must take a strip of paper with a question
from an envelope, in turns, and answer those questions correctly. to approach the
posts and score a goal. For example, Team A answers correctly and moves right
one step closer to their goal. Team B answers correctly and moves the ball left back
to the center. When a team scores (gets the ball in the goal) the ball will move back
to the center. The game will last for 10 minutes or until a team scores 3 times. When
the game ends, the team with the most scores wins.
Do lions eat apples?
Does your best friend have long hair?
Have you got a pet?
Have you ever been to another country?
Were you born in Venado Tuerto?
Was this school year difficult for you?
Would you like to go to college in another city?
Can you bake a cake?
Is Valentina wearing a black t-shirt today?
Is Nicolas wearing sneakers?
Is Candela a good singer?
Is it cold outside?
Is your birthday in September?
Have you watched The Joker already?
Will you answer correctly?
Are Axel and Angeles best friends?
Did you dance last weekend?
Would you like to be famous?
Are you cooking dinner tonight?
Have you had breakfast this morning?

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