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1) Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect simple form:

A short history of Brighton

Brighton is a city on the south coast of England. People ___________ (live) there
for hundreds of years, although it ______________ (only / be) a city since 2000.
Brighton ___________ (begin) as a village in the 5th century. At that time it was
called Beorthelms Tun. The village ___________ (grow) bigger, and by the 14th
century it ___________ (be) a busy market town. It ___________ (be) called
Brighton since 1660. Today Brighton is an exciting and popular city but it
___________ (experience) problems over the years. The French ___________
(destroy) many of its houses in the 16th century, and at the beginning of the 18th
century a terrible storm ___________ (kill) many people.
Things ___________ (change) in the late 18th century when the Prince of Wales
and his friends ___________ (visit) Brighton. Since then, many tourists
___________ (make) Brighton their holiday choice. There ___________ (be) a
railway station in Brighton since the middle of the 19th century, as well as a
hospital, a museum and a library. The town's swimming pools and cinemas
___________ (open) a few decades after that. In recent years, several big music
festivals ___________ (bring) a party feeling to the city.
Today the population of Brighton is 156,000. In the last few years it ___________
(become) a very expensive place to live, but it is a still a great place to visit.

2) Make sentences with “for” and “since”

Business name: Sean's Cafe

Activity: serves food
Date: 1900
Sean's Cafe _____________________________ 1900.

Business name: Château de Goulaine

Activity: makes wine
Date: 1100
Château de Goulaine _______________________________ almost 1,000 years
Business name: Hotel Hoshi Ryokan
Activity: provides rooms
Date: 718
Hotel Hoshi Ryokan _______________________________ 718.

Business name: Barts Hospital

Activity: cares for patients
Date: 1123
Barts Hospital _______________________________ nine centuries.
Business name: Gazzetta di Mantova
Activity: prints newspapers
Date: 1664
Gazzetta di Mantova _______________________________ many years.

Complete the text with words from the box.

has been - has been - has been -has had - have had - has met - haven't eaten -
had ate - met - was - was

7 p.m., 12th January

It _______ a good day. In fact, it _______ a good month so far. I _______ some
good meetings at work and I _______ any chocolate since the end of last year
(well, apart from that piece I _______ last night, which _______ very small ☺). I
_______ Sophie in town this morning. She _______ in London for the last six
months but she's back for a job interview. It _______ really good to see her. She
hasn't changed since the last time we met! She told me all about the amazing
experiences she _______ and all the famous people she _______ . She makes
me smile with all her stories! I just sat and listened for 20 minutes and then we
_______ a proper conversation. OK, I'm going to stop now!
Tense Time words Examples

Simple Every day, month, week, year; George jogs three miles every day.
present always; sometimes; never;
frequently Mary always has salad for lunch.

I sometimes go to New York City.

Simple past Yesterday; # years, weeks, Tom went to Los Angeles yesterday.
months, days, hours ago; in
(past year); last (month, week, Charles Lindbergh flew to Paris in
year) 1927.

Simple future Tomorrow; in (future year, Mary will go to Hawaii in two weeks.
month, week); on (future day);
next (month, week, year, name Ed will drive to Toronto next Saturday.
of day); # days, months, weeks,
years from now; this month, George will paint his house six days
week, afternoon, year; someday from now.

Present Now; right now; at this moment You are reading sentences about verb
Progressive tenses right now.

Many students are taking calculus this


Future At this time tomorrow At this time tomorrow, I will be cleaning

progressive my house.

Present For; since; yet; never; always; Sam has visited Hawaii many times.
Perfect so far; # times; many times;
lately; recently; already Paul has been here for six hours.

Yoko has known Mary since 1994.

I have already written a letter to the


Present For; since; lately; recently Rita has been jogging for two hours.

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