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A very good morning .

Today, I would like to tell you all about the reason for becoming a teacher in
my life. I hope you all will lend me your ears to hear about the reason why I became a teacher. Every
time I hear the question , “why do you want to become a teacher?” The first thing that pops into my
head is every year I was able to meet someone new that connected with me and had so much
passion in teaching me new things. Every year I met a new teacher that inspired me to follow my
dreams. Every year was something new, someone knew and something that was unexpected.

First of all, the field of teaching or educating someone is really interesting field to someone to
pursue. Am really glad and proud to be in this field. It is because I thought I have the capability to
inspire an individual. Being a teacher gives me so many oppurtunities. Teachers have the capability
to inspire an individual change a student and help a student in developing their knowledge. A
teacher can be an educator , a mentor, a confidant and a friend to someone’s life. It is really inspire
me to step into teaching field. Teachers also can be a trustworthy person to share all the students’
problem for finding the solution.

Other than that, being a teacher I can help our country to improve the quality of education. We can
apply few affective ways in teaching the students to improve the quality of education. There is a lot
of work to be done, but it is the collective effort of thousands of dedicated teachers that will make
the most diffrences. Teachers contribute to our community in a meaningful way. If you are driven by
the desire to help those around you, being a teacher is an invaluable contribution.

Besides those reasons, there is another reason that inspire me to be a teacher, that is by being a
teacher I will have a secured job in the future according to Malaysian Government. For those whom
struggling financially they can use teaching as their carrier because of wide opportunity for pursuing
with fully supported by government. It will reduce someone’s burden especially family’s burden. By
being a teacher we can be a lifelong learner. There is a bonus yearly that can support the teacher’s

There are a lot of advantages that inspire me to become a teacher. A good teacher is like a candle, it
consumes itself to light the way for other. I would like to be one of the candle for someone’s life.
Teaching is the best way of self-satisfaction by doing good things .Thats all from me. Thank you
everyone to give me a chance to tell about the reasons to became a teacher. And I hope everyone in
this class will be a successful teacher in future. Thank you.

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