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ze 433-4533 -Hod y Bry atfen aouzonw SERCH RAPE 1 Goodin T come fron the tmmofi of your capitol to the tranquility of your ‘campus to apeck shout the future of your country. The Bresidency is a restless place. It ds beset by the cleuor of current crisis, the insistence of iumedicte tomes, the denands of devstop- ™y Ang.danges, To steer the nation through nonentary prescure toward fixed contd ‘purpose Jo one of the highest duties of ny office, ad Dut the Peeoidengr has also a profunder chard, Ho must sense ons ast antdst SEGRE SPEMATGG proshecieg the stave of things to cone. * He mist look beyond/dmpending hazard to widening horizons, beyond todsy dont A ‘to tomorrow. And-he-miet-set-hiscourse-se-that,—in decades to comes bs a ee a oa For fron the clarity of cuz vision, and the gourage with vibich we net pune thet vision, vill energe the civilization tn which you ani your vou children vill Live ané labor. andl T do not nov talk of the great dames of foreign affairs. They ‘wild consume oar energies and concern our leaders for as long as ve can So ‘the foresee. On their wise resolution will deyend/future of cour country, . = and the Flourishing of Ske civilization feamaeialumonelas. we | But ve most alco renouber that we protect the Lire of our nation and noaaeuve the Liberty of our eitizens, thet ve my mnmue the hapsiness ve of cuz people. a. nat ° ur succoas' in ‘het purousytée%q our success acs nation. Tt e walerlion all our Poulter, our programs and our gugapects Zor the future, + ie stand et a mmentous taming point in the pursuit of Avertcan happiness. ye conty tH = re the Cy OF RE - ce, pos too geese Ba Ua ig 3 piace bor ‘iye_ ammonite of

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