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Multimedia Design Document:

Brock Hoffman


Needs Assessment:
The learning need I will be working on for my lesson is on the Targeting penalty in
college football that was put in place in order to protect players and if confirmed by the
referees in the game it can result in an ejection from the game. The NCAA passed the targeting
penalty back in 2008 but it hadn’t become a penalty that results in ejection until 2013. This rule
was amplified up to worthy of an ejection right around the research behind concussions and
CTE started to get more press in the media. After 2013 there has been a lot of controversy
around the penalty itself because the penalty has been enforced on a variety of hard collisions
that weren’t directly toward a player’s head which is why everyone thought the rule was put in
place to begin with, to protect against concussions. With the reasoning why, the targeting rule
was put in place around the time of concussion research becoming popular and the penalties
that have been called for targeting that don’t fit the initial thought of the rule there has been
controversy from 2013 all the way to now in 2021. The most recent case was in the CFB Playoff
game there was a targeting penalty that many believed was clean hard hit to the body but it
was called a penalty and the LB for Clemson was ejected. After that hit, social media took off
with it and demanded the NCAA clarify the rules. The NCAA put out the rules in their rule book
about targeting and they state:
 Launch — a player leaving his feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward
thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area
 A crouch followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at
the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground
 Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible
contact at the head or neck area
 Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of the
Now, even after reading those rules it can still be difficult to completely understand exactly
what the referees are trained to look for in targeting, because the only training on this topic is
by the teams coaches and it is based off their perspective of the rule, so, It is my goal in this
lesson is to teach college football players that play defense (defensive line, line backers,
defensive back) for Virginia Tech exactly what the rule of targeting is as well as how to avoid
getting penalized for it and hurting their team and risking their health. This audience will be
men that range from 18-23 years old. The unique thing about football is players come from all
different backgrounds and have a bunch of different perspectives but come together to play on
one team so I will consider the variety of backgrounds for the players when making this lesson. I
believe my target audience will be highly motivated to learn the topic because it will allow them
to play the game they love safely and not hurt their team.
I believe that I will be able to create a fun and innovative way to address the issue and
controversy over the targeting penalty by using multimedia. I plan on addressing this side of the
lesson by implementing different video and picture examples of targeting examples and how to
avoid targeting. I believe by applying text, sound, and visuals it will allow me to keep my
audience engaged and interested as well as get across to them what this penalty exactly is and
how to avoid it and not hurt themselves or the team.
Goal Statement:
Given appropriate protective gear, a football, and an opposing team, defense players on the Virginia
Tech football team will identify what the targeting penalty is, recognize the consequences of receiving
the penalty, and perform clean and legal tackles on offensive players when required during all regulation
Learner Analysis:

For my lesson plan the general characteristics of the target population will be males that have an age
range from 18-23 years old. They are a mix of all races as well as sociographic backgrounds.
They are college football players so education levels they range from freshman to post-grad
students. Some general entry behaviors I believe it is essential to possess in order to perform
clean tackles are aggression, athletic ability (strength and speed), and high football IQ. My
learners know how to perform a tackle because they wouldn’t have made it this far in their
career if they didn’t, but they lack knowledge of the targeting rule and with the inconsistency of
the calls for targeting, my athletes have a poor attitude towards the penalty. I believe the
attitude of my audience on the delivery system will be positive because they will be able to
learn how to prevent targeting penalties as well as be in an environment they are used to in a
film room with PowerPoint slides and film examples. I firmly believe the academic motivation
will be high because if the players know how to avoid targeting penalties they will be able to
stay healthy off the field and make big plays on the field. Along with the motivation being high I
believe it is reasonable for the learners to want to learn the material because nobody likes
being injured or hurting the team and avoiding a targeting penalty will do so. My learners have
a combination of different learning styles, my learners prefer a mix between face-to-face
classroom setting as well as hands on examples. Combining these two preferences allow me to
show both visual teachings (PowerPoint/Film) as well as hands on examples (practice). I believe
being a collegiate football player and having those same experiences as the learners will allow
me to build credibility with them which gives me reason to believe they will have a positive
attitude towards the training organization. Being on a college football team it is very diverse but
at the end of the day you are all together for one common goal to win so I don’t believe being a
diverse group will cause any issues. Being a college football player, I know exactly what their
perspectives are on topics like the one I am instructing, so having that inside view on things
allows me to be a great instructor for the topic.

Context Analysis:

Performance Context:

Being a college football player on the defensive side of the ball you are always ready to have
that one big hit a game that makes the crowd go crazy. 1) Once I have taught my learners the
proper techniques on tackling and how to avoid getting a targeting penalty they will be ready to
show me what they learned in a game situation. Once the players execute the proper tackle
they will receive praise from teammates and coaches during the game and the next day when
watching it in the film room. On the other side of things if they don’t execute a tackle well and
get a targeting penalty they will receive backlash from others, it is my job to provide support
both applause for when they do it correctly and corrections to make when it isn’t performed
the right way. 2) The new skill they are learning won’t depend on any equipment necessarily
but in order to play football you do have to have protective gear (helmet, shoulder pads, leg
pads, mouthguard). With football games being played across the country among different
stadiums and features this will require players to have to adapt to all forms of weather,
stadiums, and field surfaces (grass or turf). 3) When using these new skills, they will work in a
group with 11 total defensive players on the field at once. Each player has an assigned task and
job to complete in order to stop the team on offense. They have to have trust in order to know
each individual is willing to do their job for the team and when needed, execute the tackle. 4)
The new skills the players are learning are 100% relevant in the actual workplace. During a
football game there are around 65+ football plays where one team is trying to get the
advantage on another, being on defense this means they need to execute as many tackles as
possible while limiting the offense to gaining any yards. Outside of the game field as the
performance setting executing proper tackles are not to be used in everyday life. 5) Being a
collegiate football player, I understand the performance context that football players perform
their skills in, it is a lot of high-pressured environments with varying factors like field surface,
weather, stadium structure, crowds, etc. All of these factors are what make the game so fun
and to give my learners the ability to execute at a high level is the goal.

Learning Context:

For my instruction, learners will be required to finish an asynchronous online instruction where
the learners will be able to move at their own pace but required to finish the instruction within
a 2-week period. Students will be allowed to complete this lesson wherever they feel the most
comfortable (dorm, library, home, etc.) on their personal computer. The tools needed for this
instruction will be a computer, internet access in order to download the software for the
instruction, and a notebook and pencil (optional) for note taking, that the student provides on
their own. I believe allowing the students to complete this instruction wherever they seem fit
will allow the learners to be comfortable and work diligently. My online learning site doesn’t
exactly replicate the performance context, but by me adding game film to the instruction will
give the learners real examples of the skills in a live performance context. Upon completion of
the online learning instruction I plan to have to learners meet for a live-in person discussion on
what they have learned and then take them to a practice field for them to work on the skills.
Lastly, I obtained this information by being a collegiate athlete here at Virginia Tech and
knowing what allows the student athletes the best opportunity at success.


Terminal Objective:

Given appropriate protective gear, a football, and an opposing team, defense players on the Virginia
Tech football team will accurately identify what the targeting penalty is and perform clean and legal
tackles on offensive players when required during all regulation games

- Objective 1.0: From memory, learners will correctly identify key components of the targeting
rule and real game examples of the targeting penalty.
o Objective 1.1: Given the rules of the targeting penalty learners will be able to accurately
identify the components of the rule.
o Objective 1.2: Given game film learners will be able to correctly identify real game
examples of the targeting penalty.
- Objective 2.0: From memory, learners will accurately identify the health and game
consequences of receiving a targeting penalty
o Objective 2.1: From memory, learners should be able to accurately identify all the health
o Objective 2.2: From memory, learners should be able to accurately identify all of the in-
game consequences
- Objective 3.0: Given the execution of a play, learners will accurately identify the opposing team
player that has the football.
- Objective 4.0: Given the location of the opposing player with the ball, learners will successfully
attain proper field position to safely and legally execute the tackle
o Objective 4.1: Given the location of the opposing player with the ball, learners will run at
angle toward the opponent as fast as possible.
o Objective 4.2: Given the location of the opposing player with the ball, learners will
successfully aim themselves towards the opponents near hip and pectoral muscle.
 Objective 4.0.1: From memory, learners will accurately identify the proper and
legal areas to hit on the body during a tackle
- Objective 5.0: Given the previous information on tackling the learner should accurately perform
the tackle
o Objective 5.1: The learner needs to keep his head up through the tackle
o Objective 5.2: Using the learners’ body, the learner should violently wrap his arms
around the opposing player
o Objective 5.3: Using the learners’ muscles and body movements the learners should
bring the opposing player to the ground with force.

- Assessment Item 1.0: From memory, list [X] key components of the NCAA Targeting rule
o Assessment Item 1.1: Identify the key components of the targeting rule from the choices
listed below. Please select all that apply.
a. The targeting rule defines ‘targeting as a player taking aim at an opponent for
purposes of attacking with forcible contact that goes beyond making a legal tackle or a
legal block or playing the ball.
b. The targeting rule bans players from making forcible contact with another player with
the crown of the helmet.
c. The targeting rule bans players from making forcible contact with the head or neck
region of a defenseless player.
d. The targeting rule requires that a player disqualification be reviewed by Instant
[CORRECT Answers: a, b, c, d]
o Assessment Item 1.2:  Watch the 3 game film clips provided below and identify the clip
that shows an example of targeting.
a. Game film clip 1
b. Game film clip 2
c. Game film clip 3
[CORRECT Answer: a]
- Assessment Item 2.0: Learners will have to choose all that apply from which ones are the
consequences of conducting a targeting penalty.
a. Health Consequences
b. Tackle doesn’t look cool
c. Hurts the team with penalties
d. The tackle is a really hard hit
e. A & C
f. B & D
o Assessment Item 2.1: Learners will be required to type a paragraph on the potential
health problems committing a targeting penalty can cause [5-7 sentences]
o Assessment Item 2.2: Learners will be required to type a paragraph about all of the in-
game consequences for the player and his team once committing a targeting penalty [5-
7 sentences]
- Assessment Item 3.0: Learners will have to choose from 3 pictures of the opposing team but
only 1 is holding the ball in his hand.
a. Picture 1
b. Picture 2
c. Picture 3
- Checklist Item 4.0: Player attained proper field position to safely and legally execute the tackle
o Checklist Item 4.1 (A): Player approached the opposing player at an appropriate angle
o Checklist Item 4.1 (B): Player ran as fast as possible when making their approach
o Checklist Item 4.2: Player attained proper field position by aiming at the near hip and
pectoral muscle of the ball carrier [YES/NO]
 Assessment Item 4.0.1: Learners will have to fill out a fill in the blank worksheet
that list all of the potential areas of the body they can hit during a tackle.
Areas You Can Hit:
 _____
 _____
 _____
 _____
Correct Answer [Legs, Arms, Torso, Back]
- Checklist Item 5.0: Player applied previous information learned and performed a safe and well
executed tackle [YES/NO]
o Checklist Item 5.1: Player kept his head up through the contact of the tackle [YES/NO]
o Checklist Item 5.2: Player violently wrapped his arms around the opposing players body
o Checklist Item 5.3: Player used all of the possible body movements and muscles
required to bring the opposing player to the ground [YES/NO]
Sequence and Clustering of Objectives


1 - Objectives 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0 30 Mins

2 - Objectives 3.0, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0.1, 4.0, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1 5,0 30 Mins

- Preinstructional, Assessment, and Follow-Through Activities

Motivation: I plan on motivating my learners by first grabbing their attention in presenting them a
highlight video of all of the big legal hits in college football from the previous season. After I have
grabbed their attention I will then show two videos to the learners one video is a player getting a
targeting penalty on a very crucial part of the game that cost his team the win and the other video will
be a player cleanly hitting the ball carrier for a big stop. In doing this I want to show the learners a
little snippet of all they will learn in this course.

Objectives: Once I have shown the videos to my students I plan on adding a narration of myself just
giving a broad run through of the objectives of the course.


Pretest: I believe this will be a crucial part for my instruction because I would like to give my learners
a pretest in order to determine the level to which they know the content. This test will be before the
lesson and allow me to gauge what level of understanding my learners are on since there has been a
high level of controversy in the targeting penalties. (Online Testing)

Posttest: The posttest will be a mixture of assessment items like multiple choice, matching, and short
answer questions as well as an in-person session will be held in order for me to visually see in person
my learners practice executing tackles legally.


Memory Aids: A memory aid I plan to leave my learners with is a note sheet that has fill in the blank
spots. In doing this it will allow my students to one go back through the material and two allow them
to easily find the information missing.

Transfer: Through consistently watching film and performing the required tackle it will transfer into
the game. As an extra assignment in the course I will assign the learners a specific game where they
are required to watch and find examples of good and bad tackles and why.

- Content Presentation and Student Participation
OBJECTIVE: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 1


Content: In order to correctly teach objectives 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 I will present the learners with a
PowerPoint slide that information about the definition side of the targeting penalty. In doing this I will
breakdown the components into their own slides where the learners have the ability to put extreme
focus on each little detail. I will also have slides that have video examples of targeting penalties so my
learners can start to see different visualizations of the penalty.

Examples: I will give the learners the different components that make up the updated targeting
penalty, in doing this it will allow my learners the ability to visually see the definition.

Media Selection: In this section of my instruction I will provide my learners a PowerPoint slide that
has the written components of the updated targeting definition, images that have correct and
incorrect ways of tackling, and video examples of correct and incorrect tackling.


Practice Items: I will provide my learners with an interactive assignment where I will provide them
with 4 clips of game film. From there they will have to click on the interactive buttons if its “Targeting”
or “Not Targeting”

Feedback: Depending on what answer choice my learners choose I will provide them with a message
that appears as “Correct! Good Job!” or “Sorry, that’s incorrect!”

Media Selection: Will be completed online and submitted through the student grading portal.
Students will also receive grades via the portal.
OBJECTIVE: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 2


Content: In order to teach objectives 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 to the best of my ability I will be providing my
learners with a word document that has both the health risk and in-game consequences a player can
get when they perform an illegal tackle and receive a targeting penalty. Along with the written-out
issues on the document I will be presenting a PowerPoint presentation that covers the information
provided in the word document along with images and videos to incorporate more forms of
multimedia in order to best help my learners.

Examples: I will show both text and images of the in-game consequences and health risk of the
targeting penalty

Media Selection: I will use Microsoft word in order to present the information to my learners.


Practice Items: I will provide my learners a quiz that will have both multiple-choice questions as well
as multiple essay questions in order for me to determine one, that they can see what the two main
issues of targeting are, and two that they can explain them.

Feedback: I will provide feedback for the multiple-choice questions by a green check or a red X
appearing on the screen depending on their answer choice. As for the essay questions it will allow me
to go in and see their responses before grading and leaving comments.

Media Selection: Will be completed online and submitted through the student grading portal.
Students will also receive grades via the portal.

OBJECTIVE: 3.0, 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.1, 4.2, 3

Content: In order to present this content of objectives 3.0, 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.1, and 4.2 to the best of my
ability I will provide my learners a PowerPoint presentation that allows me the ability to show text,
images, and videos to help present my instruction. Within the PowerPoint I will provide my learners
images and/or videos of opposing teams jerseys, different angles one can take when locating the ball
carrier, where they should aim on the ball carrier, and the different areas of the body that are legal to

Examples: I plan to show both images and videos of what the opposing teams jersey will look like, the
correct and incorrect angles to take, where to aim on the body, and what areas of the body are legal
to hit.

Media Selection: I believe using PowerPoint will allow me to easily present images, text, and videos
for the learners.


Practice Items: I will provide my learners with a game that requires them to select what team they
want to be on out of two options, from there the game will put them in a mini simulation that ask
them questions on what angles they should take once the ball carrier takes direction, ask questions
on where to aim when close enough to the body, and lastly allow them to click the areas of the
opponents body to hit.

Feedback: I will provide feedback by having a message pop up as “Correct!” if they’re right and a
“Sorry! Please Try Again!” if they’re incorrect.

Media Selection: Will be completed online and submitted through the student grading portal.
Students will also receive grades via the portal.

OBJECTIVE: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 4


Content: In order for me to teach the content of objectives 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 to the best of my ability I
plan on providing the learners with a PowerPoint presentation. I believe I will be able to do a great job
of presenting this content because I will provide both video and images on players keeping their head
up through contact, violently wrapping up through the tackle, and using different muscles and body
movements to tackle opposing players.

Examples: The examples I will provide will mainly be video examples so that the learners can see
cleanly executed tackles live.

Media Selection: I will use PowerPoint along with images and videos to present the content.


Practice Items: I will provide my learners a quiz that has image examples of the different required
objectives executed correctly or incorrectly and they will be asked to choose yes or no if they player
performed it correctly.

Feedback: I will provide feedback by having a message pop up as “Correct!” if they’re right and a
“Sorry! Please Try Again!” if they’re incorrect.

Media Selection: Will be completed online and submitted through the student grading portal.
Students will also receive grades via the portal.

- Choice of Authoring Program and Delivery System

Limitations I will have to consider are:

Website (Google Sites) – I Virtually (Online) - Internet connection

will provide a link to the - Bandwidth Issues
website via their school - Computer Hardware/Software Issues
email - I will embed my
presentations, and
downloadable word
documents into my

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