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Reflection of Past Practices:

Brock Hoffman



- Prior to the ITMA program I wouldn’t say I have much experience in a classroom
instructional environment as most of my work was done through simulated assignments in
the ITMA program. One of the projects I did do before the ITMA Program was I put on an
Offensive Line Football Camp where kids in high school could pay to come and get a 4-5-
hour workout on Offensive Line play. The result of the camp was very good and beneficial
for the kids because I felt like me and my marketing team did a good job of designing the
camp. One of the things that we found difficult was none of us had any experience with
designing a football camp so in order to overcome that we went and found other successful
camps and figured out what was some of the similarities in the scheduling of those and
pulled from each. I believe my focus and attention to detail in the design process of the
schedule and wanting to put on a camp to benefit the athletes as much as possible allowed
me to put on a successful camp.


- Once we completed the design process of the camp it was time to go to work and develop the
actual camp. The difficulties we faced with this was finding the perfect location that allowed us
to be logistically close enough to the target audience, had enough space to fit the projected
number of players, had the equipment we needed, and a principal to approve the use of the
facility. We overcame that difficulty through a lot of phone calls with trial and error because we
had some schools willing to give us some but not all of the things we needed for the camp.
Eventually we were able to use a facility within Statesville, NC which is a town near Charlotte
that allowed us to attract the city and suburban kids. We got permission from the high school
principal with a layout of the field and facilities, which allowed us to develop a blueprint of
where we were going to run certain drills and at what time based on the schedule. I believe
having a great focus on the development stage is crucial in the success of my camp.


- Utilization has always been something I felt like I had good experience with because of the
different projects I have done within school and utilizing different forms of technology. One of
the difficulties like I said was finding a facility that had all of our requirements for the camp. I
utilized my contacts with coaches and administrators within the area to find a perfect fit. The
difficulty in this was getting in contact with them all but I overcame that by using my phone to
call people and time to go in and meet with them in person to build the connection and sell my
reasoning for the camp. I believe utilizing my contacts gave me the ability to find the perfect

- Being a collegiate student-athlete, you have to be able to manage your own life. With the
rigorous schedule of workouts, meetings, practices, and games throughout the year on top
of classes as well as homework and studying that go with those classes you have to be able
to manage time on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. The difficulty I faced in this
was in my Freshman year becoming a collegiate athlete I really struggled with time
management and having to follow a strict routine and schedule. The way I overcame this
was the help that was provided by the football support staff as they helped me adjust to
being a collegiate athlete and allowed me to overcome those challenges. In terms of the
camp, the difficulty I overcame was physically managing the camp on the camp day. I did
this through the delegation of the hired people to work the camp with me. Having the
experience of being a team captain for the VT Football team has given me great real-world
experience on how to deal with and handle a variety of people and their different


- When it comes to evaluations I would say I have had some but a little amount of
experience. The reason I say I have had some is because at the end of every Spring and Fall
semester I have a sit-down meeting with my position coach and the head coach to go over
the progress they believe I have made based off their evaluation and what they believe the
next steps for me to take are. I always knew evaluations were tools that people and
companies used to find ways to improve but I believe working through the evaluation of
the camp as It came time to run another one the next year it allowed me real world
practice as sought to improve my camp in year 2.

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