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Learner and Context Analyses:

Brock Hoffman


Learner Analysis:
Describes general characteristics of target population.

- People who are aspiring to be competitive boxers have to have a different level of motivation
within them than most. Getting inside a boxing ring is dangerous and brings out the ultimate
fighter within yourself. Making it to be a professional boxer and even further a champion within
your division is a long hard road that many never achieve but the motivation to achieve that
goal is what drives competitive boxers. In addition, I will be targeting boxers that are in between
the ages of 15-30 and are going to be competing professionally and not just doing it for
recreational uses. I chose this age range because this is when beginner boxers can start to build
their way up to professional fights which if they do good enough can get them to title fights. The
group I am focusing on isn’t limited to gender it can be male or female. The group will be a
heterogenous group and not limited to any cultural or socioeconomical background the only
common characteristic is their motivation to be professional boxers one day.

Describes general entry skills.

- First learners will need to have a general understanding of the sport of boxing and all it entails.
Some other entry skills they will need for the instruction is how to use a tape measure as well as
using a scale. Lastly, they need to be able to read and interpret charts.

Describes prior knowledge of learners.

- The learners will need to know why having the correct size and weighted gloves is important as
well as why have gloves fit for your comfort are important, this is something that all beginner
boxers need to know and understand in order for the instruction to be beneficial. As I have
mentioned before boxing isn’t a traditional support so I believe this is where my instruction
comes into play, and shows them the proper steps in order to obtain the perfect glove as well as
why it is important.

Describes learners’ attitude towards the content and the delivery system.
- I believe that the learner’s attitude toward the content and delivery system will be positive
because they know and understand the instruction is going to help them in their career. I want
my instruction to always inspire and motivate my learners in order to get the best results. I
believe that my delivery system will be fun and innovative causing my students to having a
positive outlook on the entire instruction. My delivery system will be a good mix between
lecture and hands on activities which will keep the learners up and moving as well as learning
why certain parts of the instruction are important.

Describes the academic motivation of the learners.

- The motivation of my learners is going to be high and they will have a deep desire to be the best
they can be. In order to be a boxer you have to have gloves and in providing this instruction on
how to get the best fit for them personally they will be motivated to learn.

Describes learners' educational and ability levels.

- I plan on the education and ability levels of my learners to vary since I am focusing on ages 15-
30 and some may have different experiences in life than others. I also believe that the younger
crowd of my age range will have some sense of maturity and discipline so that should help
eliminate the majority of the issues. I believe that having discipline and maturity will allow my
learners to succeed in this instruction.

Describes learners' general learning preferences.

- I believe my leaners preferences for this course would be best done through face-to-face
learning. Because my instruction is dealing with finding the right size fit for a glove and require
physically being there it would be best for face-to-face. I also believe my learners preference will
be to work alone because this instruction is for their personal fitting of the glove. Lastly, I believe
my learners will prefer to be on a controlled schedule because it is a process to find the right
glove, so going through each step on a controlled schedule will limit the mistakes made.

Describes learners’ attitude regarding the organization providing the instruction.

- I believe that learners’ attitude toward the organization providing the instruction will be positive
and they will be encouraged to learn the material. I believe it will be positive because at the
beginning of this course I will share my background in order to show the learners that I have
credibility to what I am saying and they can trust I will lead them in the right direction. I also
believe they will have a positive attitude because this instruction will allow them to start their
career on the right foot.

Describes any important group characteristics.

- With boxing being a sport that both men and women compete in it still has similar
characteristics. No matter the gender both have to have a level of self-confidence, motivation,
and anger within themselves in order to be a great boxer.

Describes how they obtained learner analysis information.

- Learner analysis information was obtained through communication with my boxing trainer and
his outlook on the boxing world.

Summary description of learner analysis

- The learners of my instruction are going to be people determined and driven to be the best they
can be at boxing. Although the group will be consisted of males and females ranging from 15-30
which will allow them the ability to be mature and have discipline. Ultimately, they will be
connected by one common theme and that is to be the best boxer possible. My learners’
preferences will be face-to-face instruction on a controlled setting working alone. In doing this it
will allow the learners to go through a step by step process on finding the best glove for
themselves. I also believe that my learners will have a positive outlook on the instruction as well
as me giving the instruction, because I will build my credibility with them early in the instruction
and share my background as to why they should trust me and the instruction. I also believe the
learners will share characteristics of self-confidence, motivation, and anger which will allow
them a chance to be the best boxer they can. Finally, I believe my learners will enjoy my
instruction because it is the first steps to setting up their career.

Performance Context:
Describes the managerial support at the performance site.
- With this being the initial steps into becoming a boxer I believe that there should be little to
none managerial support because of how basic the concepts they’re learning will be. The little
managerial support will be when at the gym that sells gloves if someone is stuck they can ask for
some help.

Describes the physical aspects of the performance site.

- The performance site will be a new boxing gym where some of the best equipment and fighters
will train at. The boxing gym on top of having boxing equipment will also sell boxing gloves on-
site. The gym will also have a scale and tape measure on-site for all boxers in the gym.

Describes the social aspects of the performance site.

- The skills that the learners will be working on will be done mainly through individual work but
will always have the ability to ask others in the instruction as well as me if they get stuck. Since
the boxing gloves are for your own use it is best to work alone instead of groups.

Describes the relevance of new skills to workplace.

- Having the ability and skills of selecting the right size glove for your weight division as well as
finding out what features are more comfortable to you is extremely beneficial in becoming a
boxer. Without having the information my instruction provides you could potentially be setting
yourself up for failure in training with wrong size gloves and or uncomfortable gloves.

Describes how they obtained performance context information.

- Being a person that trains boxing in the offseason and I spoke with my trainer on what
performance context for a lesson like such would be beneficial and this was the conversation we

Summary description of performance context.

- The performance context where my instruction will be put to use will take place in a boxing gym
that sells boxing gloves on top of having training equipment. In having the performance context
in the gym that sells gloves it keeps everything on site in one location with a tape measure,
scale, and gloves. The social aspects of the performance context will be the learners will mainly
work individually since it is personal to them but when stuck can ask associates. The new skills
will apply to the workplace because having the right size and comfortable gloves will be
extremely beneficial to starting your career on the right foot. Ultimately, this performance
context provides the learners the ability to put their instruction to use in one location.

Learning Context
Describes the number and nature of the learning site.
- The lone site for this instruction will be in a boxing gym that has a spare room where I can use it
as a classroom. In having the classroom within the boxing gym, it gives my learners a feel of that
they are about to be actual boxers, but having the separate room it allows them to keep the
distractions away. One the instruction is complete they will be able to test their gloves on such
heavy bags and other boxing equipment.
- I have updated the goal statement and made it (State of VA instead of the US)

Describes the compatibility of the site with the instructional requirements.

- In terms of the classroom it will be provided with all the necessary equipment for the instruction
and then all the learners have to do is walk through one door to test their gloves. The classroom
will be setup with tables and chairs around them and a smart board that will allow me to have a
projector to show specific slides with instruction on it as well as go online to show specific
examples. The classroom will be big enough to hold up to 100 members and if we run over I will
make further accommodations for the over flow.

Describes the compatibility of the site with the learner needs.

- The site fits the need of the learner because it is an all in one site where the classroom provides
them distraction free learning about what gloves they need and or what features they want and
the gym fills the need of testing the gloves. This will also fit the needs of the learners because it
will allow them the ability to test gloves and work through instruction. I believe it will be
comfortable for my learners because it will be all in one location with plenty of room.

Describes the feasibility of the site to simulate the workplace.

- The site allows the students to come into a place that is distraction free as well as provides extra
motivation to learn the material. It provides extra motivation because being in a boxing gym the
learners get a feel that them becoming a boxer is real. The classroom allows them to work
through the instruction and the gym allows them to test gloves.

Describes how they obtained learning context information.

- I again gained this learning context information from my trainer as well as the gym I train in
which has the ability to fit these needs and gave me the confidence to use it. I believe this will
be extremely beneficial for learners and help them along the way.
Summary description of learning context.
- I believe that I have shown that the learning context I have provided fit the needs of my learners
in setting them up to have the best possible gloves to their liking possible. I believe that having a
stable and distraction free room and well as an area with tables for comfortable seating, a
projector, and a smart board will allow the students a comfortable environment as well as fit the
learners needs to test the gloves all in one building will keep things simple, effective, and
ultimately help the learners. I believe focusing the site to people of VA will allow me the ability
to keep numbers down and give the learners a more individualized instruction. I believe I have
provided the best learning context for my students.

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