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Project Proposal

Brock Hoffman
Project and Report

Project Description:
As College Football has been the biggest money maker in all of college athletics nation wide
and is still growing till this day, fan bases and universities care deeply about the success of their
team. With that deep love and care it comes with expectations in terms of wins on the record
and in order for coaches to win in this modern world of social media they have to be able to
promote their university and football program on these different platforms. As Virginia Tech is
heading into a new era with new Head Coach Brent Pry he is tasked with large ask being VT
has always had a rich football tradition. In order for him to gain the recruits he needs in order to
build a roster of his liking both talent and character wise as well as gain the support of the
fanbase before the season begins he is going to need to promote the change that he plans on
bringing to the program on social media.
Upon completion of this project I will be enhancing my knowledge on the different software’s
and creative media mindsets in order to develop the content to better help my future as well as
enhance the promotion of the new era in Virginia Tech football in order to gain the attention of
not only recruits but the fan base as well. When it comes to social media content there is two
sides with videos and graphics/images so I will be working with Jamaal Simmons – Director of
Creative Video when it comes to the video side of things and Zach Lantz – Creative Director for
the images and graphics pieces. Specifically, what I mean by working with these two individuals
is I will be helping them both with the filming and taking pictures as well as doing the editing for
both videos and images/graphics. So, I will be there along side them for the workouts, practices
as well as there in the offices helping out.
Specific Objectives:
1. Work with Jamaal and the video team to create videos for winter workouts
2. Work with Jamaal and the video team to create videos for spring ball
3. Work with Zach Lantz to develop graphics and images that can boost recruiting
Materials & Methods:
To develop the material and content needed for the project the media team for videos will use
adobe premier and the graphic/image team uses Adobe Photoshop, so as of now those will be
the main two software’s. The plan is to video the workouts over the coming weeks and post
videos periodically about the workouts that are currently going on. As we work into spring ball I
believe the plan will be to post at least one video weekly highlighting the practices throughout
the week. In terms of graphics and images there will be feed post after major workouts and all
the spring practices. Recruiting graphics will be designed and posted when the staff sees fit
throughout the spring.
Justification for Project:
As I mentioned earlier the Virginia Tech football program is heading into a new era under a new
staff and will need to build back the program the way they see fit. In order to do this in a modern
world of football social media will play a major roll in that in terms of getting recruits attention as
well as enhancing the support of the fan base. I believe this project will have a rolling effect in
who it benefits, to start it will benefit the players on the team which in return benefits the staff
which will help the program which all in all will help the University, as I said earlier the biggest
revenue builder is collegiate football.
Criteria for Evaluation:
To evaluate my project and the content created Coach Pry and 2 leaders of the football team
will review each piece of my content and see if it is fitting enough to post out on platforms.

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