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Lesson 7

Brock Hoffman


A. Desired Outcomes
A1. Learners will learn how to stretch out their lower body muscles in order to benefit
themselves in the flexibility of their hamstring, quad, hip, calf, and groin muscles.
A2. Given five workout tasks to stretch out each of hamstrings, quads, hips, calves, and groins,
learners will be able to stretch out each lower body muscle without making mistakes.
B. General Product Description:
B1. 10 Great Stretches to Do/ SELF/ Amy Winderl
B2. The product aligns with the instructional objective because it is a software/website that
provides great step by step examples with pictures on how to stretch the specific targeted
B3. The learning environment in which this product is intended for is in a setting where the
person exercising can access it whether it be at home or in a gym.
B4. The media characteristics of the product are, the designers used both text and images to
give the viewers a clear understanding on what they need to do on each stretch. They also did a
good job of highlighting/underlining/bolding words that the viewers need to focus on.
B5. The instructional material is organized in units that show stretches that target specific
muscles then work to the next muscle.
B6. The intended users will be for people of all ages 10+ that are trying to work out and stay
C. Learning Environment/Purpose
C1. The learning environment for the instructional product which is my website of “10 Great
Stretches to Do” is Drill & Practice. I believe for this to be the learning environment because I
wouldn’t say the website is presenting new information because I assume everyone knows
about stretching but what it is doing is presenting information for the viewers to use and
practice on themselves. I believe this makes the learning objectives meaningful and purposeful
because in order to do something correctly it takes practice, so having a learning environment in
which drill & practice is the main focus it goes hand and hand with the learning objectives.
C2. I believe the instructional stage of my product to be “Instructional” because the software is
providing authentic information that will be used in real life situations as well presenting
examples of the different stretches with the use of imagery and text to go along with it.
C3. I believe that with the instructional stage being “Instructional” it fits directly into the
learning environment of the website because it addresses enough of the elements to be
effective. This website does a great job of providing authentic activities that will be useful for
the learners in real-life to try new stretches that will better help their mobility. The website also
does a great job of giving different perspectives on the stretches by showing images for the
learners to follow and also providing step-by-step instruction in text form. Lastly, I believe my
website fits the “instructional” stage because it does a good job of providing coaching to the
learners and making the end goal for them very clear in the beginning.
C4. After evaluating my website, I believe that the main motivational strategies used in the
design of it are Present Worth, Future Usefulness, and Self Confidence. I believe this because in
the beginning of the website the author writes out an introduction that goes into about how
learning the material that is about to be presented will be beneficial for the health of their
bodies for the present and future.
C5. There are some things that I would change or add to my website in order to enhance the
learning environment. The one thing that I believe would make this website a lot better is to
incorporate more of ARCS motivations into the website. I believe this could be easily done by in
the beginning adding data that shows how much stretching helps the body which would give the
site concreteness, I also believe adding participation to the website would enhance it. By making
the website have a picture example, video example, and a simulation of the stretch where the
viewer gets two examples then has to perform the stretch I believe it would benefit the learners
D. Instructional Components and Conditions
D1. I believe that the website does a good job of introducing what the learners are going to be
learning within the website as well as present the activities that the learners need to complete
and practice in order to learn the material. One downfall to the website is there is no way for
the learners to receive feedback this can cause issues for learners struggling to learn stretches. I
believe this website allows learners to apply their previous knowledge on stretching by
incorporating their own twist on the stretches learned.
D2. Learners have the ability to learn stretches for their lower body muscles that will help them
become more flexible which in return leads to them living a healthier lifestyle. As the learner
works through the website they can go from stretch to stretch that allows them to work on
different targeted muscle groups in the lower half of the body. The website does a good job of
targeting the psychomotor skills of the learners by presenting them information both in text and
image form on how they should properly execute stretches for their body. On top of that it
allows the learners to have a guide for them to practice for themselves.
D3. This software doesn’t provide any immediate feedback which I believe is one area of
improvement for this website. In order for the learners to perform the tasks correctly they have
to use their best judgement and go from there. I believe if this website had a visual component
where they could provide immediate feedback it would benefit the learners tremendously.
D4. One component not adequately addressed within my website is a review at the end of the
instruction. I believe it is essential for learners to have a review on all of the information they
have just learned in for them to touch back on everything they have learned, give them
confidence knowing they just learned all this material, and finally if they need to hit on
something more it gives them a reminder.
D5. One major change I would make in the website in terms of the lesson is adding a video
example component to it. I believe it would target all phases of multimedia for the learners and
give them a clear picture on what each stretch should look like.
D6. As I stated in D3 I believe if this website could be better in adding feedback to the learners. I
believe if an instructor used this website for instruction he or she could reference the images on
the site and check to see if the learners look like the pictured examples.

E. Instructional Message Display

E1. I believe that the website follows the horizontal-vertical and left-right organization that
is common to the culture of its intended audience. I also believe that the website is
designed in a very creative and beneficial way for the audience because, they did a good job
of bolding the names of the stretches so the audience could easily identify them as well as
changing the color of other key words and hyperlinking those. I believe that the overall
design of the website has good color as it does a good job of use white space to its
advantage with text and imagery. I believe the website is very user friendly and designed to
move at the user’s pace.
E2. I believe that the instructor could point out to the learners to make sure they continue
to scroll down when they get to pictures of stretches to find the name, and the steps
needed to complete the stretch. In doing this it will allow for crystal clear communication to
the audience. I love that they took the time to make different words and phrases they
wanted the audience to focus on either bolded or a different color. In doing this I believe it
allows the learners to go back and find specific information faster when working back
through the material. They also did a great job of using white space with imagery and
strategically spaced text around the images.
E3. I believe that the instructional website does a good job of following the principles of
effective text use and display by designing the text on screen in a logical manner with proper
spacing within lines and different segments on site. On top of the spacing, the website does
a good job of using black text on a white background so reading is made easy, on top of that
if there is specific words or phrases they want to highlight the text is either bolded or
changed to a light red color to enhance clarity more. Lastly, I believe the website does a
good job grammatically following proper text format.
E4. In my opinion, I don’t believe there are any major weaknesses in terms of text and
display with the instructional website. I believe the designer did a great job of implementing
clear readings with correct color wording as well as bolding and changing the color of words
and phrases they wanted highlighted. I also believe there is clear spacing in between the
units on the website which allow the learners to properly move from section to section
without confusion.
E5. I believe that the manner in which the following principles for effective pictures and
illustrations were used effectively throughout the entire website. I believe that the images
for the stretches were placed at the beginning to show the learners they were moving on to
the next unit. The images were placed close to text that described the steps in order to get
to the final stretch position that the instruction was teaching.
E6. I believe that the images location on the instruction was crucial for allowing the learners
to view content with clarity. Placing them next to the text that provided steps and placing
them within the units was a major strength. One weakness I would like to see is maybe
placing some arrows within the images to point out crucial parts of the stretch just to make
sure the learner doesn’t miss anything. I believe the instructor could tell the learners to
make sure they pay attention to specific steps of units to make up for the non-arrows.
E7. No Diagrams, Charts, and Graphs used in the instruction.
E8. Because there was no diagrams, charts, or graphs, I believe this is a weakness in the
E9. No audio was used in the instruction
E10. There is a weakness in this website because there is no audio. I believe having each unit
with narration and videos demonstrating how to perfectly execute the stretch allows the
learners to have a perfect view of what they need to accomplish.
E11. In terms of navigation, I believe the website has a very simplistic form of navigation as
there is no buttons to get to specific units the learners just scroll up and down the website.
E12. I believe navigation systems should be simplistic but I believe that the navigation
system for this specific instruction is too simplistic. I believe that it would be beneficial for
the website to have a menu system where the learners could click on a button that has the
title of the stretch and it would take them to the specific unit. The instructor in order to help
the learners get to each chapter needs to explain it may be difficult sliding up and down the
website but the units are in bigger font and bolded for clarity.

F. The ID Expert Review Evaluation Report: Final Thoughts

My overall impression of the product I evaluated, was this was a website that was designed for
instruction and did a really good job of presenting the material needed to the learners. I believe this
product provides a lot of value to instructors that need material on lower body stretching, as you work
through the website you see a multiple of different stretches that help with loosening the lower body
muscles of the hamstrings, glutes, quads, calves, and groins. Another reason I believe this tool has value
for instructors because of the clarity in the product, it was designed for easily legible text, strategically
spaced out units that provide images of the final stretch along with steps that allow you to get to that
point, overall it is a very easily usable product. This piece compares pretty similar to products I have
used before, I used a yoga application for a couple months and the product I evaluated was very similar
in presenting images of the different stretches one is I would say it is even better in is providing text with
the different steps to take. Lastly, I would recommend this product to my friends because a lot of my
friends are athletes and in order to stay healthy performing the activities we do, we need to be flexible
so stretching is a great way to help that.

G. Reflection

When thinking of a product or software I could use to evaluate, I wanted to do something that relates to
me and my life. Being a collegiate athlete and playing football here at VT, I wanted to do something that
relates to football in terms of helping me on the field. I first thought of different lifting and conditioning
programs but with one of the things I worked on this summer being stretching and flexibility I had to do
it. Some challenges I encountered during my evaluation was defining my objective in the form that was
required I cracked this challenge by re-reading the required material and finding my mistakes. The initial
thoughts of my evaluation were kind of confused on what all I was doing and really the purpose of the
evaluation but once I really looked at my product from the perspective of evaluation, it really opened up
my eyes. I believe this experience relates to what I’ve learned in the ITMA program by giving me a
different outlook on instructional material and being able to see if the different materials that
instructors are presenting is beneficial for learners. I will apply this experience in my future profession of
being a collegiate football coach by after teaching my players different plays and techniques I will
evaluate if the players are executing them to the level I want and if not I will see where I can make
changes as a coach to better help my players.

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