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Velocity of Sound in Vegetable Oils

By Clurissa J a v a n a u d andR.R. R a h a l k a r *

The velocity of sound in seven vegetable oils has been measured to an Uber die Schallgeschwindigkeitin pflanzlichen Olen
accuracy o f f 0.3 ms-'. The different values of the velocities are correlated
Es wurde die Schallgeschwindigkeitin sieben pflanzlichen Olen mit
einer Genauigkeit von f 0.3 ms-' gemessen. Die unterschiedlichen
on the basis of composition. Average values for the temperaturecoefficient Geschwindigkeitswerte korrelieren mit der Zusammensetzung. Durch-
schnittswerte fur den Temperaturkoeffizienten der Geschwindigkeit bei
of velocity, at room temperature, and for the dispersion between 2 and 10
Raumtemperatur und fur die Dispersion zwischen 2 und 10 MHz werden
MHz are also given. ebenfalls angegeben.

Previous measurements of the velocity of sound in vege- the other frequencies were not possible due to the great
table oils have had an accuracy of at best k 1ms-'. The most distance between nulls). From these measurements, the
extensive work, including over forty oils, was that by Gouw velocity of sound in the oils at 200 C and 6 MHz has been
and Vlugter'. Less accurate measurements on four oils, but estimated graphically and the results recorded in column 1
coveringa wide temperature range (10- 500 C) were carried
Table 1
out by Kuo2.
Vegetable oils are composed of mixtures of triglycerides Speed of Sound in Castor Oil
whose own physical properties differ from one another by (i) T = 19.4OC
only a few percent. Furthermore, all the oils studied here
are composed of glycerides containing mainly only oleic Frequency (MHz) Velocity (ms-')
and linoleic acids. The proportion of these acids in a given 2.042 1523.4
oil can vary by up to ten percent of the total oil content so 6.180 1527.0
that any accurate measurement or theoretical evaluation of 10.318 1530.7
the speed of sound should be linked with the actual compo-
sition of the oils used. (ii) T = 23.9OC
In this paper it is intended to relate some accurate experi-
mental measurements to a development of the theory of the Frequency (MHz) Velocity (ms-')
velocity of ultrasound in liquid mixtures.
2.040 1509.3
6.190 1511.9
The equipment used was a modem version of Carstensen's of Table 3. The estimated accuracy of these velocities is
double liquid system3 to which the reader is referred for k 0.3 ms-I. Also recorded is the average temperature coef-
details. A thin mylar film separates the oil from pure dis- ficient of velocity and the average dispersionbetween 2 and
tilled water and when taking measurements the ultrasonic 10 MHz. The former quantity agrees well with the measure-
tranducers are moved together at a fmed separation using a ments by Kuo2. In column 3 of the table Gouw and Vlugter's
BBC microcomputer. The transducers are quartz crystals results' for the same oils at 4OoChave been listed. Fatty
operating at 2MHz and odd harmonics thereof. acid composition of the oils was determined by gas chroma-
By using this velocity difference technique, it is possible tography of the derived methyl esters7; the results are
to obtain as much accuracy in velocity differences as would shown in Table 2.
normally be obtained in the velocity alone, provided that In order to predict the velocity of sound in an oil from the
adequate temperature stabilisation is available. The bath oil's constituent triglycerides, two steps are necessary. The
containing the liquid is immersed in a water bath which is first involves a knowledge or estimate of the speed of sound
stable to k 0.1' C and this is the ultimate limit on the achiev- in the relevant triglycerides. The second involves combin-
able accuracy. The liquid bath possesses a thin lid separat- ing the component velocities correctly to obtain an appro-
ing it from air,but even so it is desirable to work within a few priate value for a mixture.
degrees of room temperature to prevent temperature gra- The way in which the fatty acids are distributed amon
dients from being set up in the oils. The accuracy of the the triglycerides in each oil has not been well known 8,
apparatus has been checked using castor oil, the results of although liquid chromatography may soon provide a
which are shown in Table 1. These measurements compare method of achievingthisg.Furthermore, the speed of sound
well with previously accepted values4v5.At all times, the has not been measured in all the relevant triglycerides.
values for the speed of sound in distilled water were taken However, two facts are well established, viz. the speed of
from Del Gross0 and Mader' to five significant figures. sound in all the fatty acid methyl esters from acetate to
nonadecanoate lo and the speed of sound in certain triglyce-
Results a n d Discussion rides. Examination of these data suggeststhe use of a simple
Measurements on the speed of sound in the oils were car- approximate formula for the contribution to the speed of
ried out at three frequencies (2,6 and 10 MHz) at 22.0 and sound in a triglyceride molecule from a given fatty acid,
23.90 C and at 6 MHz, only, at 19.4' C. (Measurements at namely

Authors' address: Dr. ClarissaJavanaud and Dr. R R Rahalkar, u = u~ + uln + u2m (1)
Food Research Institute, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UA,
Great Britain. where n = number of carbon atoms in the component fatty
Fat Sa. Technol.
9O.Jahrgang Nr.2 1988 73
acid (12 < n < 24 for the oils studied here) and m = number view of the simple approximations made throughout this
of carbon double bonds. Q, u1and u2 are constants. treatment. However, it should be borne in mind that neither
Three important points concerning the use of this equa- equation is reliable for the lower members of thC homolog-
tion follow: ous series, viz n Q 6.
1.The constants Q, uI and u2 are here chosen to have the The formula governing the speed of sound in a mixture
values 1333, 7 and 8 ms-I, respectively, at 2OOC so that of triglycerides, for each of which the speed of sound is
equation (1) will agree closely with those experimental known is now discussed. In general, when mixing two
values which are available,namely n = 12,m = 0 and n = 18, liquids for which the velocity of sound is known, the resul-
m = 1 and m = 2 (Gouw and VZugter').This means that u has tant speed is not simply the weighted mean of the two com-
values typical of a triglyceride rather than of a fatty acid (the ponents. Previously, a quantity uk VM has been formed,
latter being typically 60 ms-' less than the former). where u = velocity of sound and VM= molar volume, i.e.

Table 2
Fatty Acid Composition of Oilr

Acid* Safflower Sunflower Corn Soyabean Vegetable Groundnut Olive
12:o 0.36 0.18
14:O 0.19 0.10
16:O 6.79 6.00 11.33 9.73 6.12 10.74 11.16
16: 1 0.86
18:O 2.19 3.16 1.57 2.86 1.29 2.36 2.35
18: 1 13.16 23.40 27.12 27.59 54.89 54.52 71.75
18:2 76.42 66.72 58.47 50.02 27.60 24.99 12.64
18:3 0.11 0.22 0.79 8.19 7.81 0.45
20:o 0.35 0.31 0.48 1.25
20: 1 0.33 0.20 1.12 1.21
22:o 2.97
24:O 1.26

*The numbers before and after the colon denote the number of carbon atoms and of double bonds, respectively,
represented by n and m in the text.

Table 3
molecular wei ht divided by density. This quantity, for
Velocity of Sound in Vegetable Oils (ms-') H
values of k = and k = f has been found empirically to
describe resonably well a suitable additive function of velo-
Javanaud and & l k d Gouw and Vlugter' city (see Rao12 and DanursoI3). However, a different line of
f = 6.2 MHz f =2MHz
approach is taken here.
T=200C T=400C When forming an ideal solution of two liquids both the
density p and the compressibihty x of the mixture are addi-
Oil Vob Vcal vob Vcal
tive. Thus the velocity of the mixture can be calculated in
Safflower 1471.5 1471.5 1408 1408 terms of the velocities, densities and compressibilities of its
Sunflower 1470.4 1471.0 1406 1408 components. Here, we refer to an article by UrickI4, for a
Corn 1470.3 1469.5 1403 1408 derivation of the following equation (his equation (1)).
Soyabean 1469.8 1470.2 1404 1405
Vegetable 1469.0 1469.3
Groundnut 1468.2 1468.0 1400 1399
Olive 1465.9 1465.6 1400.5 1399
where u = velocity of sound in component 1, v = resultant
Average temperature coefficient velocity of sound in the mixture, p = volume fraction of
of velocity at ZBC = -3.4 *
0.1 ms-'
Average dispersion in velocity
liquid component 2
between 2MHz and lOMHz = 0.5 k 0.1 ms-' a = PZ-PI b= x2 - x2
2. It is implicitly assumed here that the velocity of sound in Similarly, it can be shown that
a mixed triglyceride is the arithmetic average of that in
simple triglycerides and furthermore that there is no differ- v2= d (3)
ence in velocity due to molecular structure. (This latter (1-aa) (1-ba)
assumption is not true, but differences in u are small, typi-
cally 1 ms-', Gouw and Vlugter'). where w = velocity of sound in component 2 and CL = 1- p
3. Equation (1)has been used here in preference to the well
known Smittenberg relation (Gouw and Vlugter", and Smit- Making use of the fact that for the triglycerides forming
tenberg and Mulder") for homologous series. The latter, the ve etable oils, a 5 0.015 and b 5 0.06, Gouw and
requiring the use of a further constant is unnecessary in K!~gter'?'~, aba2 and abp' can be neglected in comparison
Fat Sci. Technol.
74 9O.Jahrgang Nr.2 1988
with (a+b)a and (a+b) p, respectively. Then, eliminating larger number of oils, the only ones for which reasonable
(a+ b) from equations (2) and (3), it follows that agreement between theory and experiment are obtained
are the ones containing a mixture of triglycerideswith non-
2 = pd + (1-P)U2 (4) conjugated, non-polymerised, straight chain component
fatty acids. (For example, castor oil with its high proportion
Under the circumstances where u = a + 6 I , v =a + b2and of ricinoleic acid, containing OH groups, has hydrogen
w = a + h3, where 6 , , 6 2 and are << a, it follows that bonding with subsequent ,anomalous" behaviour). Thus
the approach presented here has a comparable range of
v = pw + (1-P)U (5) application and would seem to give more accurate results.

This formula has been implicitly assumed in work on the

velocity of sound in oil mixtures by Hustadet aL16.The gene- Literature
ralisation of equations (4)and (5)to a multicomponent mix-
ture follows at once, I: H. Gouw and J. C. Vlugter,Physical Properties of Triglycerides
111: Ultrasonic Sound Velocity, Fette * Seifen .Anstrichmittel69,
P 159 [1967].

v2 = c pill$
Hung-Liang Kuo, Variation of Ultrasonic Velocity and Absorp-
tion with Temperature and Frequency in High Viscosity Vege-
table Oils, Jap. J. App. Phys. 10, 167 [1979].
3 E . L. Carstmen, Measurement of Dispersion of Velocity of
Sound in Liquids, J. Acoust. SOC.Am. 26, 858 [1954].
v =
piui (7)
0. Nomoto, I: Kishimoto and I: Zkada, Ultrasonic absorption and
dispersion in castor oil, Bulletin of Kobayasi Institute 2, 72
C.Javanaud, R R. Rairalkar and I?Richmond, Measurement of the
speed and attenuation of sound in egg white and egg yolk,
where ui is the velocity of the ith component triglyceride of J. Acoust. SOC.Am. 76, 670 [1984].
ti KA. Del Cross0 and C. WMader, Speed of Sound in Pure Water,
volume fraction pi and J. Acoust. SOC.Am. 52, 1442 [1972].
P K. E. Peers and P A . I: Swoboda, Octanoate: An Assay for Oxida-
tive Deterioration in Oils and Fats, J. Sci. Food Agric. 30,876
&=1. [1979].
i=l 'E. M! Eckey, Vegetable Fats and Oils, Reinhold, New York,
p = number of components. 1954, Chaps. 11, 15, 21 and 22.
K. Takahashi, I: Hirano and K. Zama, A New Concept for Deter-
The measured chemical compositions of the oils are mining Triglyceride Composition of Fats and Oils by Liquid
Chromatography,J. Amer. Oil Chemists' SOC.61, 1226 [1984].
given in Table 2. Two approximations ensue from the use of lo I:H. Gouw andJ. C. Vlugter, Physical Properties of Fatty Acid
these figures. Firstly, the listed percentages need to be Methyl Esters IV Ultrasonic Sound Velocity,J. Amer. Oil Che-
renormalised to 100%due to the presence of small spurious mists' SOC.41, 524 [1964].
peaks. Secondly, the measured chemical compositions are " J . Smittenberg and D. Mu&, Relations between Refraction,Den-
in terms of the weights rather than the volume fractions of sity and Structure of Series of Homologous Hydrocarbons, Rec.
the fatty acids. Trav. Chim. 67, 813 [1948].
M. R. Rao, Velocity of Sound in Li uids and Chemical Constitu-
By combining equation (1) with equation (6) we obtain tion, J. Chem. Phys. 9, 682 [1941?.
the values for the velocity of sound in vegetable oils at 20° C I 3 E Danusso, Molecular Additive Functions and Pseudo Con-
given in the second column of Table 3. In view of the simple stants, Ricera Sci. 20, 1481 [1950].
approach taken here, the results are encouraging. Only RJ. Urick, A Sound Velocity Method for Determiningthe Com-
corn oil and soya oil appear in different orders in columns ressibility of Finely Divided Substances,J. Appl. Phys. 18,983
1 and 2. It is possible that the experimental value for corn is I: H. Gouw andJ. C. Vlugter,Physical Properties of Triglycerides
high, perhaps due to the presence of impurities. The range I. Densi and Refractive Index, Fette . Seifen . Anstrichmittel
of unsaponifiable matter in corn oil is 0.8-2.9%, whereas 68, 544 $9661.
for the other oils studied here it does not exceed 1.4% and is I 6 G. 0.Hustad, I: Richardson, W C. Winder and M. P Dean, Factors
typically less than 1%. Gouw and VZugte~'and Hustad et all6 Affecting Sound Velocity (Triggering Frequency) in Fats and
find the speed of sound in soya oil to be slightly higher than Oils, J. Dairy Sci. 53, 1525 [1970].
that in corn oil, while Hussinand Poveyl7 are unable to distin- " A . B. B. H. Hussin and M.J. WPovey, A Study of Dilatation and
Acoustic Propagation in Solidifying Fats and Oils: 11. Experi-
guish between them. (Variabilityin the composition of oils mental, J. Amer. Oil Chemists' SOC.61, 560 [1984].
from different sources could affect the velocity by up to 0.8
Finally, in column 4 of Table 3 are presented values of the Acknowledgements
speed of sound at 400C derived by Gouw and Vlugte~'from
The authors would like to express their thanks to Dr. P Richmond
the measured density, refractive index and iodine value of and Dr. D . C. Steytlcr for helpful suggestions concerning this works,
the oils. Their equation (12) involving these quantities is to K. E. Peers for carrying out the fatty acid composition analysis
very complicated and gives less accurate results than our and to Dr. D . Cebula for useful comments concerning the final
own. Although they have applied their formula to a much manuscript.

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