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Title: Things I didn't know when I started Rollworks [Part 2]

If you’ve seen my last post, you know that I recently started the journey that many of our

customers take with Rollworks and learned quite a few lessons along the way. This is my
second takeaway from using RollWorks all by myself.

1. You need a privacy notice on every page that you’re tracking pixels.

I read the Help Center article that said I need a privacy notice, but did you know that you need a
notice on every page?

Here’s my homepage...

And sure enough, here’s the next page… NO PRIVACY NOTICE. Big mistake.

Luckily, I hadn’t utilized any campaigns before catching these mistakes, but it’s an important
thing to check so that you’re above board when it comes to data compliance. Keep your
company in the clear.

We even had to rephrase our opt-in choices on the registration page to make sure that all of the
terms and conditions were included. I guess in this case Legal really is your friend. Make sure
that all of your bases are covered before deploying ads.

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