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Title: Things I didn't know when I started Rollworks [Part 3]

If you’ve seen my last posts, you know that I recently started the journey that many of our

customers take with Rollworks and learned quite a few lessons along the way. This is my 3rd
takeaway from using RollWorks all by myself.

Ad creatives don’t have to be perfect

I’ll admit that the thought of designing graphics breaks me out into hives. I usually end up on
Canva with just a blank screen and my imagination…

When it comes to ad creatives, you’ve got options.

1. I had a friend recommend that I check out Moat to get inspiration and study what a good
ad looks like:
2. Check out Canva to do a simple job, or think about investing in an Adobe tool for more
complex jobs.
3. If you work in a company that has a lot of resources, talk to your creative team and see if
they have the bandwidth to take on your project. Always give at least 3 weeks for your
creative team.
4. Outsource the work to an agency that specializes in graphic design for advertisements.
5. Find a contractor that will give you a price quote for a small ad project (Maybe even hit
up an old college friend and see if they’ll whip you up something)

After you’ve created the ads, watch this video to learn about next steps. Your Onboarding
Manager can always help with resizing.

Thanks for following along on this journey with me! We’re learning and growing together.

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