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Psychology Human Growth & Development Integrated Assignment

In this assignment, I will answer questions based on the scenario of a patient

child who goes by the name of Daniel. The tasks/questions will be answered
with reference to the scenario the patient Daniel is going through.
1. Identify two needs being met in the case study
One example of needs being met in the case study of Daniel is regarding his
need for physical welfare and health. Daniel is cared for appropriately
regarding his physical welfare and physiological needs. He is cared for in his
home and seems undisturbed in terms of physical health. This is an important
need being met as it is referenced in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as the first
block. The physiological needs of Daniel involve his requirement of nutrients
and essentials for his survival. As stated by McLeod (2018) in his information
booklet regarding the theory of Abraham Maslow in the physiological needs
section, “these are the biological requirements for human survival, e.g.:

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