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Great Depression Top Hits

President’s Depression
By Roosevelt Rocks

Simmone Singh
Tasnimur Rahman
U.S Histoory
Period 4
Mixtape List
๑ All I Want - Jim Garland

๑ Share The Wealth - Huey Song

๑ Brother Can You Spare A Dime - E. Yip

๑ Economic Downfall - Kendrick Jamar

๑ Debts - Irving Berlin

๑ Thriving Nation - Band of The People

๑ I Ain´t Got No Home - Woody Guthrie

๑ Forgotten Wealth - The Voice

๑ If I Ever Get A Job Again - Samuel Lewis

๑ Slow Progress - The Rolling Boats

๑ I´m In The Market For You - Joseph
We want to dedicate this album to President Franklin D. Roosevelt for all of his hard work during the Great
Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt helped everyone- the poor, the middle class and the wealthy. He not only helped
the people during this devastating time but rather, he also helped improve the country by building infrastructure
and providing jobs for people. Franklin D. Roosevelt has proven to be a very a hardworking president, putting in a
lot of his time to help improve our country’s conditions. With such applauding policies, he was able to pull us out
from the rock bottom we had hit as a country. Thank you Franklin D. Roosevelt for being so courageous. Thank
you Franklin Roosevelt for supporting us in this catastrophe. Thank you Franklin D. Roosevelt for being
understanding towards everyone in country and helping everyone whether they were homeless or had lost their
jobs. The country could not have gotten out of this devastating time without you and your amazing policies.

I wanted to bring equality, something we lack. If we look at each other differently jus because of our wealth, the
image of the future will be horrific. The upper classes were taking advantage of a large population of
immigrants. They had to work long hours with low wages. I wanted everyone to be equal because I looked at the
bigger picture, the future image. I saw a future with this continuation of inequality and so I wanted to create a
future with equality, an equal society that would work with each other to keep the community going. Also, I
want to see some real change such as an act or order to eliminate all these views in people being looked at as
unequals. The people in this world is never 100% going to show equality towards each other, and nothing can be
done about that but it's better to start somewhere, rather than never start.

- Huey Long , 1930


"Great Depression." Gale U.S. History Online Collection, Gale, 2020. Gale In Context: U.S. History, Accessed 2 June

"Commentary on Huey Long." The Great Depression and the New Deal, Primary Source Media, 1999. American Journey. Gale In Context: U.S. History, Accessed 3 June 2021.
"Commentary on Andrew W. Mellon." World War I and the Jazz Age, Primary Source Media, 1999. American Journey. Gale In Context: U.S. History, Accessed 3 June 2021.

MCELVAINE, ROBERT S. "Gender Roles and Sexual Relations, Impact of the Great Depression on." Encyclopedia of the Great Depression, edited by Robert
S. McElvaine, vol. 1, Macmillan Reference USA, 2004, pp. 390-393. Gale In Context: U.S. History, Accessed 3 June 2021.

“Fifty years after studs terkel published “hard times” … here we are again

Lawson, Alan. "New Deal." Dictionary of American History, edited by Stanley I. Kutler, 3rd ed., vol. 6, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003, pp. 41-46. Gale In
Context: U.S. History, Accessed 9 June 2021.

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