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Medication  Explain to the patient and significant other the importance of

sustaining the prescribed medications and the duration of the

drug therapy in order for the client's optimum recovery.

 Teach the client and the significant other about the prescribed
medications including their names, dose, frequency, their action,
route of administration, potential adverse effects, purpose,
benefits and when the drug should be taken

 Aspirin, an antiplatelet drugs to help keep blood from clotting

 Nitroglycerin, prevent and treat angina or chest pain due to

cardiovascular diseases

Exercise  Advise the patient and the significant other to not let anybody
smoke in their home and have the patient who is smoking to stop.

 Instruct the patient to rest for at least 4-8 weeks then return to
normal activity when the physician says it's okay.

 Advice the patient to avoid lifting heavy objects and gets some
help when doing household chores.

 Tell the patient that the physician may recommend an exercise

program depending on the health case.

Treatment  Explain to the client and significant other about the important to
follow the physician's order about the monitoring, follow up and
schedules dates
 Instruct the patient and the significant other to avoid other drugs
or herbal supplements without consulting the physician first
 Instruct the patient to have extra blood tests on the regular basis
to make sure the dose is correct when taking antiplatelets drugs

Health teaching/Hygiene  Instruct the client to get plenty of sleep and follow a diet,
composed of food low in salt and fats and limit canned and fast
foods. Also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

 Instruct the patient not to drink alcohol for at least 2 weeks and if
the patient is a smoker, advice to stop smoking and explain its
bad effects to the health. If needed, ask the doctor for tips to help
the client quit smoking

 Advice the client to maintain healthy weight

 Teach the client how to take own blood pressure and pulse and to
keep the record of the results

 Encourage the patient to join heart rehabilitation program

Observable Signs and  Instruct patient and significant others about the different signs and
Symptoms symptoms of angina (chest pain) such as pressure, squeezing,
tightness or burning in the chest. Indigestion or feel sick in the
stomach and feel tired, short of breath, sweaty, lightheaded or
weak. Call the physician or go to the nearest hospital
Diet/Nutrition  Instruct client and significant other the importance of preparing
and taking balance diet to help in the patient recovery

 Encourage the patient to avoid salt, fatty foods, canned, dried and
fast food. Eat lean protein, fresh vegetables and fruits and use
low-fat dairy product

Day 1
1 cup of rice, 1 medium size boiled egg, One glass of water and
1 cup of low fat milk
Morning snack
1 pack of rebisco and 1 ½ glass of water of water
1 cup of rice, 1 serving of sinigang na isda with okra, string beans
and radish, two glass of water
Afternoon snack
1 medium sized apple and one glass of water
1 cup of rice, 1 serving of steamed chicken breast with one
serving of spinach with 2 tsp of olive oil, 2 glass of water
Total caloric intake: 1654 kcal

Day 2
1 serving of yogurt with three slices of bread, 1 cup of water
Morning snack
1 pack of fita, 1 glass of orange juice
½ cup of rice, 1 serving of adobong manok, One serving of
mashed potato, 2 glasses of water
Afternoon snack
1 medium sized orange, 1 ½ glass of water
1 cup of rice, 1 serving of sinigang na isda, 1 medium sized
mango, 1 cup of water
Total caloric intake: 1567 kcal
Day 3
1 cup of rice, 1 medium sized boiled egg, 1 cup of water, 1 cup
of low fat milk
Morning snack
1 medium sized orange, 1 ½ glass of water
2 ½ cups of Vegetable weight loss soup, 1 ½ glass of water
Afternoon snack
1 serving of smash avocado, 1 glass of water
1 cup of rice, 1 serving of steamed chicken breast with 1 serving
of spinach or kangkong, ½ cup of steamed squash mashed with
2 tsp. of olive oil, 2 glasses of water
Total caloric intake: 1761 kcal

Spirituality  Encourage the patient and the significant other to spend time
together to help the patient manage stress and avoid any mental
condition. Also ask them to pray and always seek God's guidance
during hard and challenging times

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