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Have everyone write out the word ATTITUDE on a piece of paper. Assign a number value to each
letter of the word: A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, and so on. Once they get the letter values assigned, have
them add the totals for the word ATTITUDE. It should add up to 100. Discuss how everything you
do in life comes down to your attitude about it. Having a positive attitude will help you get 100%
out of life.

Have the group get in groups of three. Tell them to think of twenty words in twenty seconds
that do not have letter A in them. It’s fun to see what they come up with in that short amount of
time. It seems that when you mention the letter A, you can’t help but focus on the letter A and
this simple exercise becomes difficult. (Quick Solution: Count from one to twenty. You’ve just
listed twenty words without the letter A in them. In fact, all the numbers up to one thousand do
not have the letter A in them.)


Tell everyone to stretch their arms out in front of them. Then have them clasp their hands
together, fingers interlocking. Tell them to look at which thump is on the top. Is it the left, or
right? Now have them change their grip so that the opposite thumb is on the top. Usually, it
feels very strange and unfamiliar. The lesson here is that change is often very uncomfortable.
But if you clasped your hands the opposite (uncomfortable) way for twenty-one days, it would
start to feel “normal” because new habits take that long to get established. Point out how
helpful this can be when trying to acquire good habits. Variation: Do the same exercise with
crossing your arms. It’s harder and funnier to watch.


Hold up a white piece of paper and ask the group, “What color is this?” They will answer
“White.” Ask again. “What color is this?” They again should say, “White.” Ask two more times,
each time getting the answer “white.” Finally ask, “What do cows drink?” Most of the group will
say “milk.” They’ll know you got them because they will realize quickly that the answer should
have been “water.” Use this just for fun or to talk about how easily we can get thrown off the
right track by diversions. Variation: Ask a group this series of questions.
a. What do bunnies do to move? (Hop)
b. What is on a long stick and used for cleaning? (Mop)
c. What is another word for dad? (Pop)
d. The opposite of bottom is ___. (Top)
e. What do you do at a green light? (Go) Most will answer Stop.

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