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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 8

I. Learning objectives

 Define congruent triangles

 Solve for the measurement of congruent triangles
 Show appreciation in illustrating triangles

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
B. Reference: Learner’s Material Mathematics, Grade 8 page 19 -22
C. Materials: Chalk, blackboard

III. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
 Greetings
 Attendance
 Review
 The teacher will review the students about the previous
lesson by showing them a figure of congruent triangles and
ask them what congruence postulate does each figure

B. Lesson

a. Presentation
 The teacher will discuss:
o Once a triangle is proven as congruent triangle by its
congruence postulate (SAS, ASA, SSS), then their
corresponding parts are also congruent.
 The teacher will show a figure that shows corresponding parts of
congruent triangles are congruent.


 Given RUT ≅ HIE by SAS Congruence Postulate, then RU ≅

HI, ∠RUT ≅ ∠HIE, TU ≅ EI.
 Since △RUT and △HIE are congruent, then the lengths of the
corresponding sides and the measures of the corresponding angles of
△RUT and △HIE are equal. Therefore,

RU = HI m ∠R = m ∠H
TU = EI m ∠U = m ∠I
RT = HE m ∠T = m ∠E

b. Example:
 The teacher will show another example and will let the student help
(through recitation) solve for the measurement of the missing parts of
the congruent triangles.

Given: △AVE ≅ △IRL


13 12

V 63° E L R

∠R ≅ ∠V
∠E and ∠L are right
IR ≅ AV IL ≅ AE RL ≅ VE m ∠R =
IR = AV IL = AE RL = VE ∠V
m ∠E = 90°
IR = 13 IL = 12 RL = 5 m ∠R =
m ∠L = 90°

 Recall: The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle is

equal to 180°.
m ∠A + m ∠V + m ∠E = 180°
m ∠A + 63° + 90° = 180° ∠I ≅ ∠A
m ∠A + 153° = 180° m ∠I = m ∠A
m ∠A = 180° - 153° m ∠I = 27°
m ∠A = 27°

c. Activity
 The student will get 1 whole sheet of paper and pen.answer their
Learner’s Materials page 21, Learning Task 1 and Learning Task 2

Instructions: Answer their Learner’s Materials page 21, Learning Task
1 and Learning Task 2

d. Analysis
 How did you solve for the measurements of angles in both Learning
 How did you solve for the measurements of sides in both Learning
 Are the triangles congruent?
 Do they have congruent sides and angles?
 How did you measure the missing angle on Learning Task 2?

e. Abstraction
 From the activity you had, when can you say that two triangles are
Two triangles are congruent if they have the same three sides and
exactly the same three angles. The equal sides and angles may not
be in the same position (if there is a turn or a flip), but they are there.

IV. Assessment:
Instruction: On ½ crosswise illustrate the given congruent triangles and answer
the questions that follow.
Given: △ART ≅ △YOU, if m ∠A = 20°, m ∠R = 54°, RT = 16, AR = 31, and
AT = 27.

1. What is the measure of m ∠Y?

2. What is the largest angle in △YOU?
3. Which side in △YOU is congruent to RT?
4. What is the measure of side YU?
5. What is the shortest side in △YOU?


Student Teacher

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