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Admonish – usurp,

meager – scant,
alienate – estrange
merry – gay,
brim – boarder,
obstinate – stubborn
solicit – urge,
subside – wane,
furtive – stealthy,
misery – distress,
volume – quantity,
veer – diverge,
stifle – snithy,
adhesive – sticky,
hamper – obstruct
belief – conviction,
lament – wail,
incentive – spur,
inert – passive,
baffle – frustrate,
confiscate – appropriate,
covert – crave,
caprice – whim,
cargo – freight,
dispel – scatter,
divulge – reveal,
to merit – to deserve,
discretion – prudence,
emancipate – liberate,
efface – obliterate,
hover – linger,
heap – to pile,
instigate – incite,
latitude – scope,
latent – potential,
lethargy – stupor
momentary – transient,
pretentious – ostentatious,
embrace – effigy
Cliche -trite, platitude, remark
* Muggy – hot, warm, humid
* Bouillon – A thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock, broth
* Incubate- Develop under favorable conditions, hatch, develop slowly
* Prolixity- verbose, wordiness
* Inclement –bad whether
* Misapprehension- misunderstanding, misconception
* Estrange –alienate, isolate, make unfriendly
* Predominant – main, major, principal
* Mawkish — over sentimental, mushy, over emotional
* Whimsical — capricious
* Conclusive — end, final, beyond question
* Awry — crooked, twisted
* Avid — enthusiastic, passionate, eager
* Fidelity — loyalty, faithfulness, trustworthy
* Transient — temporary, momentary
* Aplomb — self-confidence, confidence
* Acerbity– A sharp bitterness
* Tarry– linger, leave slowly, related to pitch
* Dollish-
* Mullet — several kinds of marine fish
* Godly– religious
* Ignominious — shameful, humiliating
* Hidebound –narrow-minded
* Reticence– shyness, uncommunicative
* Tantamount– the same as, identical
* Probate –official proving of a bill
* Misdemeanor- misbehavior
* Bombastic– pompous, pretentious
* Repellent– repulsive
* Tenacious — stubborn, obstinate
* Dangle– hang down, swing, suspend
* Ensue — result, follow
Pillage ? steal , loot , plunder
Cleft - split , crack
Incesment ?
Brazen - bold , shameless
Awry - skewed , twisted , crooked
Remiss ? careless , negligent
Defection - desertion
Ensue - follow
Avid - keen , eager
Rupidiate Repudiate - reject,deny
Gauche - clumsy, vulgar
Intrinsic - essential
Gaudy ? flashy , showy
Hidebound ? narrow minded
Incognitent -
Intermittent ? irregular,broken
Clastrophobia - fear
Contraband ? illegal trade
Pagm concealed rapt
Voracious ? avid,hunger,greedy
Seedy ? sleazy,seamy
Omniscience ? knowing all
Diatribe ? attack,criticism
Slack - loose, relaxed
Felicitous ? fortunate,luck
Relish ? enjoy,savor
Aloofness ? unfriendliness, remoteness
Ambiguity - unknown
Baleful ? threatening, malevolent
Odium ? hatred, disgust
Gambol - skip
High handed ? dominant,imperious
Retrospection - perception
Genuflect ? kneel,bow
coerce ? force,compel
Indubitably ? undoubtedly, certainly
Extraneous ? irrelevant , unrelated
Corpulent ? fat,pump
Transient ? momentary
Spurious ? false,fake
Whimsical - fancy
Braggadocio -
Callow ? inexperience,naive
Menial ? unskilled,boring
Indigenous ? native,original
Foil ? frustrate,halt

Consensus * disagreement
Retrograde * forward looking
Chide * praise
Depravity * goodness,righteousness
Paradox * consistency
Stilted * natural
Levity * gravity

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