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This restaurant is big but that one is bigger

Sweet – sweeter Add (er) to many one and two syllable

Large – larger Add (r) if the adjective ends in (e).

One Big – bigger Double the final consonant and add (er)
if the adjective ends in a vowel +
Hot – hotter
and Two Dry – drier
Change the final (y) to (ier) if the
adjective ends in (y)
syllables Spicy – spicier

Crowded – more crowded Add more to other adjective, especially

those ending in- ing , ed, ous or ful.
Famous – more famous
Boring – more boring

Add (more) to all adjectives with three

Set words
Bad – worse
Good – better No rules
Far – further/farther New – newer
Kind – more kind
Shy – more shy
Modern- more modern
Fun – more fun

No useful expression
Huge – great
Clever – Smart

Write sentences using the comparative form :

1. Big my house is bigger than that one

2. Good Sonia is better tan Maria
3. Comfortable this sofa is more comfortable than this one
4. Nice these girls are nicer than those ones
5. Expensive the Brown wallet is more expensive than the Green one
6. Mild the ceviche is milder than the rocoto relleno
7. Tasty the ceviche is tasty but the causa is tastier
8. Popular titanic is more popular than John wick
9. Hungry I’m hungrier today than yesterday
10.Bad this tv is worse than the other one
The Veronica’s Restaurant was dirty,
The New Veronica’s Restaurant is cleaner
Use the words to make questions with which in the comparative form and answer to them :

1.Tasty / restaurant food / your own cooking.

Which is tastier restaurant food or your own cooking?
my own cooking is tastier.

2.Go well with steak / french fries / a baked potato.

Which goes better with steak a baked potato or french fries ?
french fries is better

3.Good / drinking tea / drinking coffee

Which is better drinking tea or drinking coffee?
Driking tea is better
4. Fun / eating out with family / getting fast food with Friends

Which is more fun eating out with family or getting fast food with Friends ?
Eating out with my family more fun.

5. Bad / arriving 30 minutes early to dinner party / being 30 minutes late

Which is worse arriving 30 minutes early to dinner party or being 30 minutes late?
To me being 30 minutes late is worse
1. Cheap
2. healthy
3. nervous
4. friendly
5. bad
6. unusual
7. good
8. helpful
9. tasty
My name is Ben. This is my family, my mon,
dad and my two sisters. My dad is 1.80 cm and
my mon is 1.60 cm.
My mon looks younger than she is because she
is thin and my dad is chubby. I have two old
sisters. Barry is eight and Kate is six and I’m
eleven now.
I always get high degrees of all my class and I
hope to be a good profesional someday. We
live in Lima is too cold in winter and my
grandparents live in Trujillo they say is hot
there, but I think Piura is worse anyway we
always keep on touch each other …….
Look at the picture and read: Paul
Bob John

The Green car is newer the blue one but it is

older than the red one
The red car is the newest of all.
Paula liz


1. Mercury / close / sun

2. Mars / near / Earth

3. Jupiter / big

4. Venus / hot

5. Pluton / distant / from the sun

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