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Name: Hannah Fhaye Logan Grade Level: 10

Section: Franklin Date: 12/14/2020


When a researcher presents you a problem or a question, it is always your tendency to

give an answer or propose a solution.
The next step in the scientific methods is to suggest a possible answer to a problem,
which we call hypothesis. Hypothesis is often defined as an educated guess because it is
almost always based on what you already know about the problem.
Hypothesis is tested to help you see whether what you have observed is true. Stating
hypothesis helps you decide what method to use in designing the experiment and how to
interpret the data out of that experiment.

The learners shall be able to formulate hypothesis and determine the appropriate steps
in planning and designing research study.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Formulate hypothesis
2. Identify types of variables
3. Discuss the relationship between variables using conceptual framework.

Topic 1: Different Ways of Stating the Hypothesis

1. It can be stated as an “if” and “then” statement.

2. It can be specified in a null form where in the hypothesis is stated in the negative form.
This type of statement expresses equality between two variables. It is used in most researches
because it is easier to disprove then to prove a relationship between any two variables.
3. It can be asserted in the operational form (or the alternative hypothesis). In this form
affirms that there is a significant difference between two variables.
Example of “If” and “Then” hypothesis:

If pulverized glass will be added to the samples fired under different temperatures, then
0 the porosity will be improved.
Example 2
Melfei conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in water affects the
number of plants that can live in the water.

1 *Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times

Independent variables:
5mg of salt added in water
10mg of salt added in water
Hypothesis: If 5mg of salt is added, then there is more number of plants can live in water.

Example of Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the porosity of samples fired under different

Example 2
Melfei conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in water affects the
number of plants that can live in the water.
Independent variables:
5mg of salt added in water
10mg of salt added in water
Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the two different amounts of salt
added to water on the number of plants that can live in water.

Example of Operational Hypothesis

There is significant difference between the porosity of samples fired under different

Example 2
Melfei conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in water affects the
number of plants that can live in the water.
Independent variables:
5mg of salt added in water
10mg of salt added in water
Hypothesis: There is significant difference between the two different amounts of salt added to
water on the number of plants that can live in water.

Activity 1: Formulating Hypothesis

A. What hypothesis can you make from this experiment? State in an “if” and “then”

Two pots of young plants of same variety were placed in an area where both received
equal amount of light. The first plant was watered with commercially available distilled
water, while the second plant received water heated in the microwave for 15 minutes. The
distilled and microwaved water were kept at the same temperature before adding them to the

2 *Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times

plants. Every five (5) days, the plants were pruned to observe its growth. The plants
continually received distilled and microwaved water for 15 days.
If the two young plants will continiously received a commercially distilled water
and a microwaved water for 30 days, then its growth are bigger than the usual.

B. Formulate hypothesis from this experiment? State it in Null and Operational


1.A teacher demonstrated the possible effects of acid rain by placing several types of rocks in
separate beakers containing a vinegar solution with a pH of 3. As time passed, some of the
solutions retained a pH of 3 while other solutions gradually reached a pH of 7.
Null hypothesis
There is no significant difference between the porosity of samples placed within
the object.
Operational hypothesis
There is significant difference between the porosity of samples placed within the

C. Make a hypothesis based from this title of an experiment

1. The effect of the spacing of seeds on the thickness of plant stem

There is no significant difference between the spacing of seeds on the thickness
of a plant stem.
There is significant difference between the spacing of seeds on the thickness of a
2. The effect of watering schedule on the height of mongo plants
There is no significant difference between the watering schedule on the height of
mongo plants
There is significant difference between the watering schedule on the height of
mongo plants.
3. The effect of wing design on the time of flight of the plane.
There is no significant difference between the wing design on the time of flight
of the plane.
There is significant difference between the wing design on the time of flight of
the plane.

D. Formulate hypothesis from this abstract? State it in the best type of hypothesis as possible.


ABSTRACT Note : to read the full write-up, refer to
The use of natural
products for the
management of diseases
had been established in
folk medicine. Avocado
3 *Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
pear (Persea americana) is
used in traditional
medicine to manage type 2
_An_Insight_into_Mechanisms_Involve_in_Management_of_Type_2_Diabetes )

Topic 2: Types of Variables

Once a hypothesis has been stated, the next step is to plan an experiment to test its
validity. The hypothesis can either be accepted or rejected depending on the result of the
Most experiments are controlled experiments. This type always has two test groups :
the experimental and control group. The control group is the standard group. Both groups are
the same in every aspect, but the experimental group receives type of treatment which is not
applied to the control group.
In doing the experiment, there are factors which we could change or alter. This factor
is called the variable. Variables are the conditions or characteristics that the researcher
manipulates, controls, or observes. Below are the three types of variables.
1.Independent variable is a condition such as the temperature, amount of a sample or any
characteristic that is manipulated in experimental research for the purpose of determining its
relationship to an observed trend. In every experiment, there must be one independent

2. Dependent variable are characteristics that are measured and expected to change as a
result of the changes made in the independent variable.
3. Control variable are variables that are not allowed to vary .

Activity 2: Identifying Variables

Direction: read the situation below and answer the questions that follow.
Reimognd believes that mice exposed to radio waves will become extra strong. He
decided to prove this through an experiment by designing two setups. The first setup is
composed of seven mice placed near a turned-on radio for five hours. The second setup is
composed of another seven mice which are not exposed to radio waves coming from a radio.
His test also consists of heavy blocks of wood that blocked access to the mouse food. He
finds that in the first setup, six out of seven mice exposed to radio waves are able to push the
blocks away. Meanwhile, five out of seven mice that are not exposed to radios waves are able
to do the same.

Q1. Which is the control group? The seven mice

Q2. Can you identify the independent variable? Radio/radio waves

4 *Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times

How about the dependent variable? Blocks

2. Refer to the experiment below.

Lydeah wanted to find out what type of soil was suitable for growing Solonum melongena
(eggplant). She planted 3 eggplants similar in three pots, X, Y, and Z.

Pot X Pot Y Pot Z

Material Plastic Plastic Plastic
of Pot
Type of Garden Sand Clay
Soil soil
Size of 1500 1000 500
Pot cm3 cm3 cm3
Amount 200 mL 200 200
of water mL mL
The three plants were placed in the garden as shown below.

Pot X Pot Y Pot Z

Q3. What materials are readily accessible in conducting experiment on eggplant? Plastic
pots/pots, different soils and water

Q4. . How can the set of eggplant materials be changed in the study to affect the action?

Q5. How can the response of the eggplant materials to the change be measured?

Q6. Why was the experiment NOT a fair one? Because

43. If you want to help Lydeah, which will she follow?

Table I Pot X Pot Y Pot Z
Material Plastic Plastic Plastic
of Pot
Type of Garden Sand Clay
Soil soil
Size of 1500 1500 1500
Pot cm3 cm3 cm3 Table Pot X Pot Y Pot Z
Amount 200 mL 200 200 III
Table II
of Water Pot X PotmL
Y PotmLZ Materia Plastic Plastic plastic
Material Plastic Plastic Plastic B l of Pot
of Pot Type of Sand Sand Sand
Type of Garden Sand Clay Soil
Soil soil Size of 1500 1000 500
5 *Practice personal hygiene
3 protocols at all 3times
Size of 1500 1000 500 Pot cm cm 3
Pot cm3 cm3 cm3 Amount 200 200 200
Amount 200 mL 500 700 of mL mL mL
of Water mL mL Water
a. table I only b. II only c. III only d. none

3.Identify the variables in this abstract of an experiment.

Antibacterial activity of the ethanol extracts of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaves and flowers
against clinical isolates of bacteria

Crude preparations of the To read the full text:
different parts of
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
have been traditionally
used in folk medicine for
various purposes. In the
present study, we have
evaluated the antibacterial
activity of the extracts of
H. rosa-sinensis leaves
and flowers against some
clinical isolates of bacteria
by simple agar-well
diffusion and
enumeration method. In
the preliminary screening
experiment, all of the
bacterial isolates showed
varying degrees of
sensitivity to the flower
extracts excluding
Klebsiella pneumoniae.
We found Staphylococcus
aureus, a Gram-positive
bacterium as the most
sensitive to the extracts of
6 flowers at the applied *Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times
doses of 50 and 100
mg/well. On the other
hand, most of the tested

Independent variable

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked & Verified by:

HT III, Science Department

7 *Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times

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