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Unit 8 Assignment

Tyler Davidson

Purdue University Global

EF310: Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Dr. Saeger


Unit 8 Assignment


There are many things in life that are better with consistency. Physical activity is one of

the lifestyle habits that fits this category. For many, a formalized and structured format to follow

can provide significant benefits to their consistency, productivity, and quality of their workouts.

Principles such as FITT are a trusted and validated resource for individuals and fitness

professionals to use when designing personalized workouts to help one meet their physical goals

safely and securely.

Part I, Self-Assessment FITT

  Frequency Intensity Time Type

 45-100%
Aerobic  Descending  30-60
 3x/week Run or swim
pace minutes
 60-90% max
 50-85% max
 3-4 sets Free weight
Muscle Different
 8-12 reps  45m- Resistance
Strengthening muscle 1hr 15m training
groups  6-8
exercises Body weight
 60-85% of 1-
rep max
 Light,
Flexibility  15-30  Vinyasa
 7x/week  No HR
minutes yoga

The FITT principal table I have created for myself is based upon my current physical

fitness goals. I am not meeting the requirements set by this FITT plan at this time but do plan to

build up to this. For aerobic fitness, I am to exercise three times per week, and have a descending

pace with each workout. Starting out easier and progressing in more intensity, I am to begin and

end at approximately a 45% RPE and end at 100%. My target heart rate window is 60-90%.

These workouts can be 30-60 minutes long and can either be running or swimming. For muscle

strengthening, I am to work out three times per week, with each day focusing on different large

muscle groups. A 50-85% max HR goal is set, and a 60-85% 1-rep max guideline will help

determine the number of weights I use. The style of muscle strengthening I will use are free

weights, body weights, with a resistance training style. Flexibility will be practiced and

maintained with a daily 15-30minute vinyasa yoga flow. The intensity is supposed to be light and

restorative, with no particular focus on intensity whatsoever.

Part II, Client Assessment for Carl

  Frequency Intensity Time Type

 45-90% RPE
 Mostly
Aerobic  30
 2x/week Vigorous at Run or swim
 55-90% max
 65-90% max
 3x/week HR Free weight
Muscle Different  3 sets resistance
Strengthening muscle  8-10 reps
groups  5 exercises TUT
 60-85% of 1- Body weight
rep max
 Light,  Static
Flexibility restorative  10 stretching,
 No HR target minutes dynamic


I have made this FITT plan specifically for you. This FITT plan has been created with

your busy college life in mind. This plan is designed to challenge you, but still be attainable if

you overcome some of the barriers you experience such walking across campus and feeling a

lack of time. From my understanding your biggest interests lie in building muscle. There are

more components to building muscle than just lifting weights, therefore I have included aerobic

exercises and a flexibility regimen in your FITT program along with muscle strengthening.

Incase you need more motivation to do aerobic exercise, this type of workout can boost your

ability to build muscle (Moberg et al., 2021). I wanted to keep the amount of aerobic activity

realistic for you, but also enough for you to get the benefits of the enhanced metabolism, muscle

toning and building, and cardiovascular benefits. You are two perform two 30-minute aerobic

exercises per week either running or swimming. You can vary your intensity from moderate to

more, but a specific goal is to end at a vigorous intensity, or around 90%. Take some quick

moments to calculate your heart rate and aim to be within a 55-90% target heart rate.

Muscle strengthening is your preferred, so you will be doing more of this. Three times

per week at 1hr-1hr 15-minute workouts should be realistic for you given that you already spend

time lifting with your friends. You can always do more, but your minimum requirement is 3 sets

of each exercise, totaling to 5 exercises, with 8-10 reps per set. Aim for a 60-85% of your 1-rep

for each exercise to help you determine your weight. You can vary up your type of lifting such as

free weights, body weights, utilizing resistance training and time under tension techniques.

I am not sure what your experience is with stretching or working on flexibility, but I

included that is an important element of your FITT program. Flexibility reduces the chance of

injury, promotes recovery, and is relaxing (Harvard Health, 2019). Use static and dynamic

stretching techniques to do this. If you are unsure how to stretch properly, you can utilize

credible resources like videos made from fitness professionals, or even try something new by

visiting a yoga class. The stretches are the shortest time requirements as compared to your other

two tasks but are equally as important. Be sure to not skip your stretching. Your body and mind

will thank you for completing the entirety of this FITT program that has been designed

specifically for you and your needs at this time.


Individualized programs and protocols are some of the most effective ways to help one achieve

their goals, improve their health markers, and live quality lives. There is a balance between

challenging ourselves and being realistic with what we can do when implementing plans such as

a FITT program.


Harvard Health. (2019, September 25). The importance of stretching.

Mayo Clinic. (2020a, February 5). Aerobic exercise: Top 10 reasons to get physical.


Moberg, M., Apró, W., Cervenka, I., Ekblom, B., van Hall, G., Holmberg, H. C., Ruas, J. L., &

Blomstrand, E. (2021). High-intensity leg cycling alters the molecular response to

resistance exercise in the arm muscles. Scientific Reports, 11(1).

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