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Jane Goodall's interview.

1. Dr. Jane Goodall is a world-renowned primatologist for her studies with

chimpanzees in the Gombe Game Reserve in Tanzania.
2. She wrote a wonderful book called "Hopes for animals in the world, how
endangered species are rescued from the brink of the abyss".
3. Dr. Jane believes that each of us chooses to be empathic with animals.
4. She says that she feels the same empathy for chimpanzees as she does for
5. Jane Goodall tells that during her life there are two very emotional moments
studying chimpanzees.
6. She says that the first was when the first chimpanzee who lost his fear guided her
through the jungle, she offered him a nut and he gently squeezed her hand.
7. She said the second moment was when a mother chimpanzee showed her trust
in her by holding her baby close to her and letting her touch her nose.
8. Dr. Jeni replies that she has always felt very close to the animals she works with.
9. She said that it is absolutely wrong to have a chimpanzee or any other primate as
a pet, since as adults they are very strong, unpredictable and dangerous animals
if something makes them angry.
10. The biggest difference that Jane finds is that the animals do not destroy their
environment, but rather coexist with it, respecting the natural balance.

Name: Ana Paula Arguelles Coral

Intermediate English 2 E

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