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Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.

2 February 2004

Autophagy: in sickness and in health

Ana Maria Cuervo
Department of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Marion Bessin Liver Research Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
1300 Morris Park Avenue, Ullmann B. 614, Bronx, NY 10461, USA

The degradation of intracellular components in lyso- studies will determine whether a similar function is also
somes (autophagy) has recaptured the attention of cell present in mammals.
biologists in recent years. The main reason for this Because the emphasis of this review is on the role of
renewed interest is the dissection of the molecular autophagy in human disease, most of the work discussed
machinery that participates in this process, because the refers to mammalian systems. However, recent advances in
identification of new intracellular elements involved in the molecular dissection of autophagy originate from studies
autophagy has provided new tools to trace, quantify in other species – predominantly yeast but also flies, worms
and manipulate autophagy in a growing number of and protozoa. Readers are encouraged to find out about these
organisms. As a result, a better understanding of the exciting data in more focused reviews [4,13–15].
physiological roles of autophagy, the consequences of
its malfunctioning and its participation in different The different flavors of autophagy
pathological processes has emerged. This article Based on the ways substrates reach the lysosomal lumen,
reviews our current knowledge of the role of autophagy three major forms of autophagy have been described in
in disease and the efforts to reconcile its proposed dual mammalian cells: macroautophagy, microautophagy and
function as both a cell protector and a cell killer. chaperone-mediated autophagy (Figure 1) [1 –4]. As more
is learnt about each of these, variations depending on the
Autophagy (self-eating) is the generic name used for any nature of the substrate, cell type or cellular conditions
intracellular process that results in the degradation of become evident and consequently some of these processes
cytosolic components inside lysosomes. The outcome of have gained their own names; for example, macropex-
autophagy is always the same – a complete and irrevers- ophagy and micropexophagy describe the degradation
ible dissociation of the substrate into its essential con- of peroxisomes by macro- or microautophagy, respectively
stituents (e.g. proteins into amino acids or nucleic acids [7,16]. In macroautophagy, the cytosolic elements that
into nucleotides) by lysosomal enzymes. Although there must be degraded are sequestered by an isolating
are evolutionary variations in the mechanisms by which membrane of nonlysosomal origin that seals, creating an
substrates are delivered to lysosomes, autophagy itself is a autophagic vacuole or autophagosome [17,18]. Fusion of
well-conserved process [1– 4]. lysosomes with autophagosomes provides the enzymes
The best understood role of autophagy is cellular required for the degradation of the sequestered com-
housekeeping, a function that extends beyond the simple ponents. Although still controversial, the isolating
removal of damaged or unwanted products [1 – 5]. In fact, membrane is thought to form from small preformed
along with other proteolytic systems, lysosomes partici- membranous structures of unknown origin (autophago-
pate in the continuous turnover of intracellular constitu- some precursors or phagophores) [19]. A similar process of
ents. Not only soluble cytosolic proteins but also sequestration occurs in microautophagy, but, in this case,
organelles, such as mitochondria and peroxisomes, or it is the lysosomal membrane itself that deforms to engulf
parts of organelles, such as regions of Golgi and endo- the cytosolic substrates [3,20]. In both macro- and
plasmic reticulum and even, as recently shown in yeast, microautophagy the membrane of the vesicle that carries
selective areas of the nucleus, can be removed by substrates to the lysosomal lumen is rapidly degraded,
autophagy [6– 8]. granting lysosomal hydrolases access to internalized
In addition to maintaining cellular homeostasis, there substrates. In the third form of autophagy, chaperone-
is growing evidence for the participation of autophagy in mediated, soluble cytosolic proteins selectively bind to a
processes such as cellular differentiation, tissue remodel- receptor at the lysosomal membrane that mediates their
ing, growth control, cell defense and adaptation to adverse translocation into the lysosomal lumen [3,4]. Selectivity
environments [9– 12]. As research in this field expands, depends on the recognition of a targeting signal in the
this list grows accordingly. For example, under specific amino acid sequence of the substrate proteins by a
conditions in yeast, autophagy can deliver into the vacuole cytosolic chaperone. The chaperone – substrate complex
(equivalent of a lysosome) both the substrates and the then binds to the lysosomal membrane receptor. A second
enzymes required for their degradation, replacing the chaperone located in the lysosomal lumen is required for
cytoplasm to vacuole targeting pathway (CVT) [2]. Further substrate translocation [3,4]. Table 1 summarizes simi-
larities and differences among these three main forms of
Corresponding author: Ana Maria Cuervo ( autophagy. 0962-8924/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2003.12.002
Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.2 February 2004 71

Peroxisome Pre-
Micropexophagy Macropexophagy

Microautophagy Isolating


Membrane Cytosolic chaperone
receptor and cochaperones

Cytosolic protein
Chaperone-mediated autophagy

TRENDS in Cell Biology

Figure 1. Types of autophagy in mammalian cells. Three main forms of autophagy exist: macroautophagy, microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy. Interna-
lized substrates could be different cytosolic organelles (circles) and/or single proteins (strings). As an example of selective autophagy of organelles, peroxisomes are
shown as they are delivered to the lysosome by peroxisomes-specific macroautophagy (macropexophagy). The arrow with broken line indicates the degradation of peroxi-
somes by microautophagy (micropexophagy), which has only been described in yeast. Note that chaperone-mediated autophagy is shown at higher magnification to eluci-
date the proteins at the lysosomal membrane that participate in the internalization of the substrate proteins.

Table 1. Comparison of the three main forms of autophagy in mammalsa

Characteristic Macroautophagy Microautophagy Chaperone-mediated autophagy
Activation Stress Constitutive Stress
Mammals Yes Yes Yes
Nonmammals Yes Yes ?b
Engulfment Yes Yes No
Sequestering membrane Nonlysosomal Lysosomal –
Receptor mediated No No Yes
ATP Yes Yes Yes
GTP and GTPases Yes Yes No
Cytoskeleton Yes No ?b
Chaperones ?b ?b Yes
Acidic vacuolar pH Yes Yes No
Membrane potential ?b Yes Yes
PI3 kinases Yes ?b No
Organelles All types All types No
Soluble cytosolic proteins All types All types KFERQd-tagged
Targeting signals Ubiquitination?e ?b KFERQd-like motif
Removal of glucose?e
Unfolding No No Yes
Selectivity Some formsf Some formsf Always
Data have been compiled from the literature cited throughout the text.
Requirements refers only to the uptake and/or internalization steps, but not to degradation in the lysosomal lumen, which has the same requirements for all three types of
One-letter code for amino acids.
Although these are not generalized targeting signals, both the ubiquitinization of some cytosolic enzymes [69] and the removal of glucose from N-glycans of glycoproteins
[70] are reported to be necessary for their degradation by macroautophagy.
Selective macro- and microautophagy for some organelles have been mainly described in yeast and are not included in this comparison.
72 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.2 February 2004

Molecular dissection of an ‘old’ process conditions. Degradation of intracellular macromolecules

Morphological evidence for macro- and microautophagy in provides the energy required for minimal cell functioning
mammals was first reported almost forty years ago [21]. A when nutrients are scarce [2,3]. Specific toxins and
common method for analyzing the activity of macro- and pathogens are sequestered and degraded through auto-
microautophagy in tissues is to quantify the number of phagy [26,27]. In addition, autophagy-mediated elimin-
autophagic vacuoles and multivesiculated lysosomes in ation of altered cytosolic constituents, such as aggregated
their cells. However, an increase in the number of proteins or damaged organelles, preserves cells from
autophagic structures does not always mean activation further damage [6,28]. Consequently, the activation of
of autophagy. Not only the increased formation of autophagy could play a protective role in early stages of
autophagic vacuoles but also a decrease in their ability several diseases.
to fuse with lysosomes, and thereby be eliminated from the There is also extensive number of studies reporting a
cytosol, can result in their accumulation inside cells. To role for autophagy in programmed cell-death (PCD) type
differentiate between these two possibilities, dynamic II, or nonapoptotic death [29– 31]. Morphological features
studies, such as measurement of protein turnover or distinguish this form of PCD from the classical type I, or
autophagosome clearance, should accompany morphologi- apoptosis. In autophagic PCD, Golgi cisterna, polyribo-
cal data. Indeed, studies combining morphological and somes and endoplasmic reticulum are degraded before
dynamic assays have provided valuable information about nuclear destruction, and in contrast to apoptosis, the
the regulation of autophagy and the changes in autophagic cytoskeleton is largely preserved [29]. However, the two
activity under different physiological and pathological forms of PCD also have common aspects. Some of the
conditions [1,5,22]. However, a lack of both information intracellular signals that activate or block apoptosis have
about the molecular players in autophagy and selective similar effects on autophagy [6,32]. Certain proteins are
markers for each autophagic pathway was the common required for the formation of both apoptotic nuclear blebs
limitation for the researchers in this area. and autophagic vacuoles [33]. Sometimes, both forms of
Fortunately, during the past decade, systematic screen- PCD can coexist in the same cell [29,32]. Inhibiting the
ings of yeast mutants, carried out simultaneously in sequestration of cytosolic elements inside autophagosomes
several laboratories worldwide, have led to a molecular delays apoptosis; however, inhibiting the later autophagic
dissection of macro- and microautophagy and their steps, such as the fusion between autophagosomes and
variations [13,17,23]. Orthologs of many of the yeast lysosomes or the degradation by proteases in the lysosomal
genes have been rapidly identified in different species, lumen, does not prevent apoptosis [34]. Thus, it is possible
from amoebae to mammals, supporting the conserved that, by eliminating endogenous repressors of the apopto-
nature of these types of autophagy [19,23,24]. The tic process, autophagy guarantees complete execution of
identification of genes involved in macro- and microauto- cell death.
phagy – recently unified under the term ATG (autophagy Recent reports reconcile these opposing roles of auto-
related) [23] – has provided the necessary markers for phagy in disease and show that autophagy can act as both
these forms of autophagy and the chance to manipulate protector and killer of the cell, depending on the stage of
these processes genetically [25]. the disease, the surrounding cellular environment or the
Chaperone-mediated autophagy has not benefited from therapeutic interventions attempted [35]. The initial
the genetic screenings in yeast because its occurrence in activation of autophagy in response to cellular damage
nonmammalian cells has not been demonstrated. How- probably aims to protect the cell by sequestering and,
ever, recently a lysosomal receptor for the substrates of when possible, degrading the altered macromolecules or
this pathway was identified [3,4], the levels of which were organelles. Once a certain level of intracellular damage is
found to determine the rates of internalization of sub- reached, autophagy might instead become an effective way
strates into lysosomes by chaperone-mediated autophagy. of removing the injured cell from a tissue. Examples of this
This allows the manipulation of the activity of chaperone- dual role of autophagy in several pathologies and the
mediated autophagy by modifying the expression of different outcomes of the activation or inactivation of
this receptor. autophagy are shown in Table 2 and discussed below.
The following sections describe the implications of
Autophagy and pathology: a guardian angel or the touch autophagy in disease, most of which involve macroauto-
of death? phagy (often referred to as autophagy). Pathological roles
The molecular dissection of autophagy and the growing of other autophagic pathways are also emerging, examples
number of physiological functions attributed to this process of which are provided throughout the text.
are leading to a better understanding of the role of autophagy
in disease. In fact, since the term autophagy was linked to Cancer
devastating human pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s dis- To understand the role of autophagy in the progress of
ease, Parkinson’s disease and different forms of cancer, cancer, investigators have compared the rate of autophagy
research in this topic has grown exponentially. in tumoral cells with that in their corresponding nontumor
When analyzing the role of autophagy in disease, cells; even for the same type of tumor, different labora-
independent of the specific details of each disorder, a tories found an increase, decrease or no net change in the
common challenge is to determine whether autophagy rate of autophagy [35]. In theory, both activation and
protects or contributes to cell damage. Autophagy is inactivation of autophagy could benefit cancer cells.
crucial for cell adaptation and survival under extreme Cellular growth stops when cells switch from an anabolic
Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.2 February 2004 73

Table 2. Possible outcomes of the activation and inactivation of autophagy in different pathologiesa
Disease Activation of autophagy Inactivation of autophagy
Early stages Blocks tumor growth Favors tumor growth
Makes cells unable to enter autophagic cell death after
exposure to anticancer treatments
Late stages Favors survival of cells in low-vascularized tumors Prevents survival of cells in low-vascularized tumors
Favors removal of damaged intracellular macromolecules Increases efficiency of anticancer treatments because
after anticancer treatments damaged macromolecules cannot be eliminated
Vacuolar myopathies Promotes elimination of the cytosolic autophagic vacuoles Results in the accumulation of autophagic vacuoles that
weaken skeletal and cardiac muscles
If hyperactivated, could result in muscle waste
Early stages Favors removal of cytosolic protein aggregates Increases accumulation of cytosolic protein aggregates
Late stages Destroys irreversibly damaged neurons by autophagic cell
Axonal injury Favors removal of neurotransmitter vesicles and damaged Prevents removal of damaged organelles and
organelles neurotransmitter vesicles.
Cytosolic release of neurotransmitters induces apoptosis
Provides energy and membranes for regeneration Slows down regeneration
Infectious disease Contributes to the elimination of bacterial and viral particles Offers a survival environment for the bacteria that are able
to inhibit autophagosome maturation
Facilitates viral infection
Outcomes that favor progression of the disease are annotated in red; those that prevent it are annotated in blue. Data have been compiled from the literature cited throughout
the text.

(protein synthesis greater than protein degradation) to a malignant phenotype of these cells. When beclin 1 was
catabolic state after reaching confluence [10]. If cells overexpressed in these cancerous cells, autophagy was
cannot activate autophagy, protein synthesis predomin- restored, and malignancy was reverted [38]. In fact, some
ates over protein degradation and cellular growth con- cancer drugs, such as tamoxifen, seem to function by
tinues (typical characteristic of tumoral cells). In addition, inducing the expression of beclin 1. Finally, some cancer
these cells would be insensitive to agents that mediate cells that cannot undergo apoptosis because of specific
cellular death by autophagy because this program is mutations in the apoptotic pathway, can still be removed
inactive. By contrast, autophagy could be activated in by autophagy [36].
more advanced stages of cancer to guarantee survival The increasing evidence connecting cancer and auto-
of cancer cells under extreme conditions, such as the phagy makes the manipulation of autophagy a very
restricted access of cells located in the inner areas of solid attractive prospect for the treatment of cancer. However,
tumors to nutrients. The activation of autophagy in some the immediate priority is to understand the role of
types of tumoral cells in response to radiation and autophagy in specific stages of cancer development.
chemotherapy is also beneficial for these cells because it
contributes to eliminate damaged organelles from their
cytosol, thereby preventing the activation of apoptosis that Muscular disorders
would kill them [36]. Reports of cytosolic vacuoles in the muscle cells of patients
These opposite functions of autophagy in cancer can be with altered muscular function are numerous. However,
reconciled considering oncogenesis as a dynamic process only recently have some of these pathologies been related
(Figure 2). For example, in solid tumors, during the early to alteration in autophagy [39,40]. The introduction of
stages of development, blockage of autophagy maintains new autophagic markers has been pivotal in proving the
continuous growth. As the tumor mass grows, although autophagic nature of the vacuoles in muscle cells.
cells in the periphery close to blood vessels can maintain Direct evidence for impaired autophagy in a myopathy
the anabolic state, internal cells will probably switch to a was first obtained when the gene encoding a lysosomal
catabolic state to guarantee their survival. In addition to membrane protein (lamp 2) was knocked out in mice
the stage of cancer, the level of cell differentiation, type of [41,42]. The predominant phenotype of these mice is a
tissue, surrounding conditions and genetic background massive accumulation of autophagic vacuoles in their
influence autophagic activity in cancer cells [35,37]. liver, muscle and heart cells. Despite the increased
A definitive proof for the role of autophagy in different number of autophagic vesicles, the rate of lysosomal
stages of cancer development would be to show that the protein degradation is reduced because autophagosome
blockage of autophagy-related genes affects sensitivity to clearance through lysosomal fusion is impaired. The
tumorigenesis. The only gene studied in this context is histological resemblance of the skeletal and heart muscles
beclin 1, the human homolog of ATG 6 in yeast, which is of the lamp2 knockout mice to those from patients with
required for autophagosome formation. One of the alleles Danon disease led to the identification of mutations in
for the beclin 1 gene is deleted in several types of breast lamp2 as the primary defect in this lysosomal storage
cancer that are unable to activate autophagy [38]; the disease the clinical characteristics of which are cardiomyo-
shut down of autophagy is essential for maintaining the pathy, myopathy and variable mental retardation [43].
74 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.2 February 2004

(a) Initial stage (b) Advanced stage

Decreased autophagy Increased autophagy favours
favors tumor growth tumoral cells survival

Source of nutrients for hipoxic areas

Defense against therapeutic drugs
Defense against irradiation damage


Synthesis > Degradation = Growth
Death by autography not possible

TRENDS in Cell Biology

Figure 2. Hypothetical model for the double role of macroautophagy in cancer. Depending on their maturation stage, a switch from the inhibition of macroautophagy to
maximum activation, could be beneficial for some types of cancer, especially those forming solid tumors. (a) In the early stages of the tumor development, a decrease in
protein degradation by autophagy would shift the balance between protein synthesis and degradation towards synthesis, increasing intracellular protein content and thus
favoring cellular growth. Also, the low rates of autophagy might render these cells resistant to death after some courses of treatment because autophagic programmed cell
death (PCD) could not be activated. (b) In advanced stages of cancer, activation of autophagy might allow the survival of the cells located in central areas of the tumor
(blue), which show low vascularization. To compensate for the low supply of nutrients coming to these cells from the blood stream, they could activate autophagy to
degrade dispensable intracellular macromolecules, thereby obtaining the building blocks required for the synthesis of the more essential components. Some of these
tumoral cells could also activate autophagy when exposed to different cancer treatments as a defensive mechanism. By eliminating intracellular damaged structures before
they accumulate inside, these cells prevent the activation of PCD.

Recently, a second myopathy, characterized by both neurons in several neurodegenerative disorders. Although
muscle weakness at birth and early death, has been linked the mutated protein is different in each of these disorders,
to a defect in myotubularin, a phosphatase that modulates the sequence of events leading to protein aggregation is
the levels of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns); PtdIns has been apparently the same (Figure 3) and as follows: (i) the
implicated in vesicular trafficking and autophagy [44]. abnormal conformation (misfolding) of the affected protein
The identification of these and other possible mutations in exposes normally hidden hydrophobic residues; (ii) the cell
autophagy-related genes are helping to redefine and classify responds to these abnormal proteins by activating the
these muscular pathologies [43]. However, a pending chaperone system (to promote refolding) and cytosolic
question is that, despite the ubiquitous distribution of proteases (to promote removal); and (iii) in the initial
the mutated genes, why vacuoles accumulate in some stages of the disorder, chaperones and proteases can
tissues but not in others. sometimes revert, or at least slow down, protein aggrega-
tion; however, as the levels of the altered protein increase,
Neurodegeneration the process becomes irreversible and these ‘helpers’
Alterations in the lysosomal compartment have been become trapped in the aggregates [53]. Although aggrega-
linked to neuronal death in many neurodegenerative tion might also be a defensive mechanism against the
disorders, as well as in transmissible neuronal pathologies hydrophobic patches, it makes these proteins resistant to
(prion diseases) [31,45,46]. The morphology of the lyso- attack by cytosolic proteases, leaving their removal by
somal system changes dramatically in experimental macroautophagy the only viable possibility [53]. Recent
models for Alzheimer’s [45], Huntington’s [47] and studies show that, at least in experimental systems, the
Parkinson’s diseases [48], and signaling cascades that activation of macroautophagy facilitates the removal of
regulate autophagy are also altered [49]. Furthermore, newly formed aggregates [28,54]. However, as the disease
dopamine, a neurotransmitter with a known role in neuro- progresses, the increasing number of aggregates, their
degeneration, also triggers autophagy-mediated PCD decreased susceptibility to degradation by lysosomal
[50,51]. By contrast, a possible protective role for auto- enzymes and the maintained activation of autophagy
hagy in neurodegeneration had not been reported until might lead to cell exhaustion and engagement in PCD type
recently. Activation of autophagy might facilitate the II (Figure 3).
removal of intracellular protein aggregates – a hallmark The main challenge in this field is, thus, to prevent or
of neurodegenerative diseases [31,52]. slow down aggregation by facilitating the degradation of
Two features – the presence of intracellular protein the proteins still in soluble form. DiFiglia and colleagues
aggregates and alterations in the activity of the major [55] have recently reported that, in Huntington’s disease,
proteolytic systems – are commonly found in affected the degradation of small fragments of the mutant protein
Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.2 February 2004 75

renewed attention in the light of recent findings on

(a) Mutant
autophagy, and questions such as the following will be
addressed: do autophagic vesicles originate in the body
or in the axon?; what is the activating signal?; what
determines the switch from regeneration to cell death?
Pathogen-to-host response
The activation of autophagy could be an effective way of
eliminating infectious agents that access the cytosol either
directly through the plasma membrane or after being
internalized in vesicles (phagosomes). In fact, autophagy is
activated in most cases of bacterial infection [26].
However, a group of microorganisms, including Brucella
abortus and Porphyromonas gingivalis, use the auto-
Activation of autophagy facilitates phagosomes as ‘shelter’ after escaping the endophagocytic
Early stage
removal of cytosolic aggregates pathway [57]. In this case, phagosomes fuse with early
endosomes; however, instead of maturing to late endo-
somes, the presence of bacteria inside leads to the fusion of
these early endosomes with autophagosomes preventing
(b) them from subsequent fusion with lysosomes [58]. Thus,
the autophagosome offers microorganisms protection from
the lytic compartment and provides the energy sources
required for their survival – the bacteria use their own
hydrolases to process the autophagosome contents. The
audacity of other bacteria, such as Legionella pneumo-
phila, goes even farther. Legionella reaches autophago-
lysosomes that already contain lytic enzymes and
replicates there [57,59,60]. The hydrolases of the host
are, in this case, the ones processing the sequestered
products to provide energy [59]. It is unclear how
Autophagy is used to completely Legionella protects itself from these hydrolases. An
Late stage eliminate the damaged neuron
(autophagic cell death) interesting finding is that autophagy is directly activated
by a product secreted by the bacteria. If secretion in
TRENDS in Cell Biology
bacteria is blocked, autophagy is no longer stimulated and
Figure 3. Autophagy in the progression of neurodegenerative disorders. Cytosolic
the bacteria are destroyed in phagolysosomes [60]. Once
accumulation of misfolded proteins as aggregates is common to several forms of the bacterial product that stimulates autophagy is
neurodegeneration. These mutant proteins expose hydrophobic regions (red), isolated, it could be used to enhance the impaired auto-
which promote unwanted associations between their different molecules. Conse-
quently, other proteins are recruited – chaperones and proteases to assist the
phagy detected in some pathologies.
refolding and degradation of mutant proteins, respectively – but they also become Autophagy is also activated in response to viruses.
trapped in the aggregates. (a) Activation of autophagy in the early stages of the Autophagy-like vacuoles have been described in the cytosol
disease might degrade some of these aggregates, preventing, or at least slowing
down, their accumulation. (b) As the disease progresses, the presence of undi-
of cells infected with different types of virus [61]. Recently,
gested materials accumulating inside autophagic vacuoles, the sustained acti- Levine and coworkers [27] demonstrated that cells infected
vation of macroautophagy to sequester the aggregates and the removal of crucial with herpes simplex virus respond to the infection by
cellular elements by autophagy along with the aggregates, could lead to a general-
ized cellular failure. In this case, the cell can use autophagy to undergo autophagic increasing intracellular rates of autophagy, probably aiming
cell death. to eliminate the viral particles present in their cytosol. As in
the case of Legionella, here, a viral product modifies auto-
by macroautophagy prevents their aggregation; therefore, phagy antagonizing its activation, and thus allowing the
the activation of autophagy in early stages of neuro- herpes virus to escape degradation [27].
degeneration might have potential therapeutic value. The identification of bacterial and viral products that
A second case of the protective role of autophagy in modify the autophagic response could provide useful tools
neurons was reported during axonal injury [56]. When to modulate autophagy for therapeutic use.
axons are disconnected from their neuronal body, auto-
phagy is activated [56], facilitating the removal of Autophagy and aging: helping to live longer
damaged organelles and secretory vesicles that can no Morphological alterations in the lysosomal system and
longer reach the synaptic terminal. Autophagy also changes in its enzymatic content are common in almost all
contributes to axon regeneration by providing the injured old tissues [62,63]. The efficiency of at least two forms of
area with both energy sources (through the degradation of autophagy – macroautophagy and chaperone-mediated –
intracellular macromolecules to their essential constitu- decrease with age [64,65]. Considering the physiological
ents) and membranes (by direct fusion of autophagic functions of autophagy, the cellular consequences of
vesicles enriched in membranous structures with the this diminished activity are easily inferred and include
plasma membrane) [56]. This process will probably receive inefficient removal of damaged intracellular structures,
76 Review TRENDS in Cell Biology Vol.14 No.2 February 2004

alterations in cellular homeostasis, inability to adapt to In summary, the rapid advancement in our under-
extracellular changes and poor defensive response against standing of the mechanisms and regulation of autophagy
damaging agents. has placed this process in the center of current research in
Current research focuses on an understanding of the major human disorders. The future challenge is to develop
reasons behind age-dependent failure of autophagy at a easy methods to separately manipulate the activity of each
molecular level. Both the formation of autophagic vacuoles of the autophagic pathways. This would allow to further
and their removal by lysosomal fusion decrease with age understand their contribution to disease and possibly will
[66]. There might also be signaling problems, because provide therapeutic tools.
the ability to up- or downregulate macroautophagy in
response to changes in the blood levels of amino acids
and hormones is altered [65]. In chaperone-mediated Acknowledgements
autophagy, the internalization of substrate proteins into I thank Ashish Massey and Fernando Macian for critically reading the
lysosomes diminishes, at least in part, because of an age- manuscript. Special thanks to my ‘forever-mentors’ Paulo Dice and Erwin
Knecht for sharing with me their particular insights on autophagy. Also
related decrease in the levels of the lysosomal receptor that
many thanks to all the participants of the First Gordon Research
mediates substrate uptake [64]. Conference on Autophagy for the stimulating discussions during the
Proper functioning of autophagy has been related to meeting. Work in my laboratory is supported by NIH/NIA (AG021904) and
longevity. In old rodents subjected to caloric restriction an Ellison Medical Foundation Award. I apologize to colleagues whose
since early in life – an intervention that slows down aging work has not been cited owing to space limitations.
in mammals – the levels and regulation of macroauto-
phagy resemble those of young animals [67]. In addition,
the first genetic evidence linking autophagy and longevity References
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