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Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies

Chapter · January 2013


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3 authors:

Ágota Drégelyi-Kiss Richárd Horváth

Óbudai Egyetem Óbudai Egyetem


Balázs Mikó
Óbudai Egyetem


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Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-0



Drégelyi-Kiss Á, Horváth R, Mikó B.

Óbuda University

Abstract: This paper contains the short description of design of experiment

(DOE) methods, and practical suggestion about the use of them. In the second
part the successful application of these methods are demonstrated by four actual
projects from the field of cutting technology

Keywords: DOE methods, pocket milling, 3D surface milling, die-case aluminium


The general purpose of Design of Experiments (DOE) is to maximize the
available information obtained by given amount of experiments with the help
of well-chosen designs. The manufacturing parameters could not be searched
with the test of all possible setting parameters; the output parameter is
examined with few, appropriate experiments, and on the basis of the results
the right manufacturing setting could be obtained. These experiments must be
designed in advance to get the utmost information with the lowest cost and
In the course of Design of Experiments clear purpose must be chosen. The
target values of the setting parameters must be known precisely, have small
fluctuation and must carry enough information. It is important to measure
exactly and to determine the dependence of parameters what is intended. The
good experiments have small size, minimum cost and well-defined area of
validity. The experiments must be executed between real circumstances.
Before the execution of the experiments there are more to do. First of all the
accuracy, precision and resolution of the measurement devices have to be
controlled and then let design the experiment as simple as it can be. It is useful
to control whether every experiment can be performed. It is important to
register all the data arisen during the experiments. There is a misstatement
that plenty large enough experiment will answer to our questions. It is better
to make a small design first, and then make another one in view of the
previous results. From the analysis of the made experiments could be studied
continuously, the nature of manufacturing process is recognised, which is
more efficient procedure.
Describing the manufacturing process (Figure 1) it can be seen that there are
input variables (raw material, incoming parts) which change into final
product. The product has various quality characteristics (critical to quality
values, CTQ) which depend on the functioning of the process. The
manufacturing process and the result of the production are affected by various
effects which are the so-called factors. The factors determine the quality of the

Figure 1. Process model

The factors could be divided into two types regarding their setting. There are
controllable factors which could be set precisely during the manufacturing
process, such as feed, cutting speed, depth of the cut. The other part of the
factors are the so-called noise factors, which could affect the manufacturing
process, but it is not able to set exactly, such as environmental conditions,
temperature fluctuation, changes in the incoming material.
The factors can be interpreted in two scales; there are quantitative and
qualitative factors. The quantitative factors could be characterized by a
concrete number (e.g. feed, cutting speed, etc.), the qualitative factors are
defined at nominal scale (e.g. type of the material). The setting values of the
factors are called as the levels of the factors.
The number of the levels of the factors depends on the purpose of the
experiments, the size of the experimental plan and on the characteristics of
the effect which should be defined. Two levels are appropriate for the
examination of linear effect, three levels for square effects.
The more often used plan types are the so-called two-level experimental
designs. In the course of these experiments the various factors, which are
examined, are set up at two levels. For example let analyse a manufacturing
process where it is important to achieve the best possible surface. For this
reason some experiments are done. One of the factors could be the type of the

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
manufacturing device (i.e. A or B manufacturing machine), the other factor
could be the velocity of feeding on two levels. In this case there are totally 4
experimental set, if all combinations are examined during the study. The
factorial experiments, where all combination of the levels of the factors are
run, are usually referred
referre to as full factorial experiments. In the cases of
fractional factorial designs there are carefully chosen subsets of a full
experimental design in order to analyse the main effect of the factors with
fewer experimental runs. There are more complicated designs
designs of experiments
where the factors have 3 or more levels. In this case it is possible to fit
quadratic equation on the experimental results [1].

Figure 2. The types of experimental designs

Choosing the appropriate experimental

experimental design it is important to consider what
the main purpose of the research is. In the case of manufacturing process,
where there is no information about the process itself, it is useful to determine
all possible factors which have an effect of the manufacturing
manufacturing process with
cause and effect techniques, like Ishikawa-
Ishikawa (or fishbone-)) diagram. For the
first step the factors must be screened, which have significant effect on the
result(s) of the examined process. With the using of screening designs the key
ctors could be chosen with few experimental runs (Figure( ). To determine
the key factors the minimum number of the experimental runs equals to the
number of factors plus one. For example in the case of 7 factors the sufficient
number for the trials is 8.
Increasing the number of experimental runs it could be estimated the effects
of some interactions. These fractional factorial designs are used for 4 to 10
factors. In the case of full factorial designs all the main factors and interactions

Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242
could be estimated. Because of the large amount of the experimental runs (e.g.
6 factor means 26=64 experimental runs in a full factorial design) this type of
experimental design is used for 1-5 factors.
If the parameters affected the manufacturing process is well-known it can be
the purpose of the experiment to optimize the output parameter of the
process or to determine the response function. These can be terminated by
response surface methods which designs are capable of fitting a second-order
prediction equation as well.

Defining the experimental design consists of the following steps:

1. Defining the problem
2. Determining the factors and their level
3. Determining the output parameter (dependent variable)
4. Choosing the experimental design
5. Doing the experiments
6. Data analysis (perhaps optimization)
7. Conclusion
8. Confirmation with repeated experiments
9. Recommendations
During this chapter, several case studies are shown. First of all a pocket
milling example is written where the main goal was to estimate the
manufacturing time based on geometric parameter of the pocket. In the course
of the next study, a 3D surface milling process was analysed where the surface
roughness and the manufacturing time as output parameters were estimated
with the help of DOE. The third case study is about the Z-level milling where
the effects of the milling parameters and the position of the milled surface on
the surface roughness were calculated. These three case studies use 2-level
factorial designs. The last case study deals with turning aluminium alloys,
where equation is calculated on the surface roughness with the help of
response surface method of DOE.

Pocket milling

The manufacturing time estimation is an important phase of the

manufacturing process planning. The manufacturing time should be estimated
without full process planning, so the time data is estimated based on
geometrical parameter. There are lot of methods in the field of estimation [2],
the parametric method was used in this current project.

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
The pocket is an often used geometrical element in machine design. The
manufacturing of them is not so complicated, but need more time. Lot of CNC
controllers contains rectangular pocket milling cycle.
During the pocket milling an H depth rectangular pocket with R radius is
manufactured. The tool paths follow the contour of the pocket. Let the J is the
number of the cycle in one level, the I is the number of the levels, and the A, B,
R and H the geometric parameters of the pocket (Figure 3). If the diameter of
the milling cutter is D, than D:=2*R, in order to the shortest tool path length.
The length of the tool path and the manufacturing time are calculated based
on geometric parameter of the pocket, the tool and process parameter.

Figure 3 Parameters of the pocket and the tool path

Four geometric parameters were selected for the parametric estimation. The
type of the milling cutter and the cutting parameters were selected from the
Sandvik tool catalogue (R216.34, GC1630), the selected material of the test
part was S355 (ISO P).
In order to parametric cost estimation several test data are required, and
based on these data a mathematical model can be built up. The values of the
selected geometric parameters of the pocket were next:
A: 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250,
B: 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400
R: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,5
H: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20
The test was performed in virtual environment, so it was a fast and cheap
process, and it allowed generating lot of data. The full factorial experiment
plan was used, four parameters in 8, 10, 6 and 6 levels resulted

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
8x10x6x6=2880 cases. This plane was reduced to 2028 cases by ignore the
extreme cases.
The calculated data were processed by MiniTab v14 statistical software tool, in
order to find connection between the geometric parameters of the pocket and
the manufacturing data. After a long iterative analysis the result of the
parametric estimation is the next:

Regression Analysis: ln t versus A; A2; B; B2; R; H; H2; H3

The regression equation is
ln t = 3,33 + 0,0294 A - 0,000066 A2 + 0,0113 B - 0,000013 B2
- 0,299 R + 0,465 H - 0,0254 H2 + 0,000480 H3

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 3,33362 0,03017 110,51 0,000
A 0,0293667 0,0003926 74,81 0,000
A2 -0,00006625 0,00000142 -46,59 0,000
B 0,0112544 0,0001965 57,28 0,000
B2 -0,00001341 0,00000042 -32,28 0,000
R -0,298923 0,001683 -177,66 0,000
H 0,465276 0,005872 79,24 0,000
H2 -0,0253605 0,0005299 -47,86 0,000
H3 0,00047959 0,00001300 36,90 0,000

S = 0,217412 R-Sq = 98,4% R-Sq(adj) = 98,4%

The Figure 4 shows the ln values of the original data of the manufacturing time
and the results of the estimation. As we can see, the original and the estimated
data show appropriate accuracy.

Figure 4. The ln value of the original and the estimated manufacturing time

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
3D surface milling

The manufacturing of free form surfaces is an everyday task in the mould and
dies manufacturing industry. The engineers seek the balance between the
surface quality and the productivity.
In case of 3D finishing milling a ball-end milling cutter creates the final
surface, and the coordinate values of the tool path can be changed
continuously in X, Y and Z axis. The aim of the research was to determine the
effect of the parameters of the 3D finishing milling to the surface quality,
which allows to create a mathematical model to predict the surface roughness
and manufacturing time [3].
The size of the test part was 175x165x45 mm, which contains two cylindrical
surfaces with 100 mm radii. The material of the test part was 42CrMo4
(1.7225). Before the 3D finishing a rough milling and a pre-finishing were
applied, the allowance for finishing was 0,2 mm. A ball end milling cutter was
selected from the Fraisa catalogue (U5286.501), the diameter (Dc) was 12 mm.
The input parameters were the follows:
• Cutting speed (vc): 280 m/min, 210 m=min, 140 m/min.
• Step over (ae): 0,8 mm, 0,5 mm, 0,2 mm.
• Direction of the finishing (A2): 0°, 90º.
The fractional factorial design of experiment method was used to generate the
parameter setups in order to effective testing. The full factorial plan results
3x3x2=18 cases, but the selected DOE method reduces the number of cases to
6 (Table 1).

Table 1 Pattern of the test sets

The Figure 5 shows the CAD model of the test part and the 6 test zones with
the specific parameters (2 additional control zones were defined in order to
check the results). Instead of the cutting speed the revolutions per minute (n)

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
was programmed. The feed per tooth (fz) was 0,085 mm, and the feed speed (vf
= fz · z · n) were 1265 mm/min, 950 mm/min, 630 mm/min.
The required CNC programs were generated based on CAD model by
Pro/Engineer WF4 CAM system, and manufacturing was performed in a Mazak
Nexus 410A-II manufacturing centre.

Figure 5 Test zones and the simulation of a CNC program

During the test the following parameters were measured or recorded:

• machining time (minutes),
• cutting force components by KISTLER Type: 9257 A force measurement
unit with KISTLER 5019B131 amp and DynoWare software,
• surface roughness (Ra, Rz, Rt) in parallel and perpendicular to the
milling direction by Mitutoyo Surftest SJ – 301.
The cylindrical surfaces ensure to consider the effect of the surface gradient.
Five levels were defined in the test part, where the angle to the vertical
direction (centre of the tool) of the normal vectors were Ni: 2,9º; 11,5º; 20,4º;
30,0º; 36,9º (i=1...5).

The test sets make possible to compare each zones, because 2 zones can be
compared based on a selected parameter. For example Zone#1 differs from
Zone#3 in ae and n, from Zone#4 in A2 and n, and Zone#3 differs from Zone#4
in A2 and ae. An equal parameter can be found in every cases.
In case of centre point Zone#2 differs from Zone#5 only in A2 parameter, so
the effect of A2 can be detected. The Figure 6 shows the picture of surface
texture. The first two pictures show the Zone#2 in two positions: at the top of
the test part (Z2/N1), where the angle of the normal vector was 2,9º, and at

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
middle (Z2/N3), where the angle of the normal vector was 20,4º. The
direction of the milling is parallel with the Y axis (A = 90°). Depends on the
normal vector the surface texture is very different, cause of the change of
working diameter of the milling cutter. The different strips shows the up-
milling and down-milling paths, and the step-over parameter (ae = 0,5 mm) is
very clear in the pictures.

Figure 6 Surface texture

The other two pictures show the Zone#5 at same position (Z5/N1, Z5/N3). At
the shallow zone (N1) the difference between the up-milling and down-milling
strips very characteristic, the step-over (ae = 0,5 mm) is very clear. The
effective cutting diameter is very small. When the normal vector is larger (N3),
the effective diameter increase, and the difference will be smaller, the texture
more homogenous, the step-over parameter is invisible.

Z-level milling

The other most important finishing strategy in case of finishing milling of free
form surface is the z-level milling, when the surface is milled by 2D tool path
slice-by-slice. The aim of this research [4] was to study the effect of the milling
parameters and the position of the milled surface.

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
The test part was made of non-alloyed structural steel S355 (Fe 510). The part
contains two different test surfaces with different gradients. Three different
gradients were defined: A1 = 65° / 75° / 85°. Every test surface contains two
surfaces: the first one ensures parallel milling with the x axes (A2 = 0°), and the
second one is angled with x axes (A2 = 45°) (Figure 7).
The CAD model and the NC programs was generated by Pro/Engineer WildFire
4 integrated CAD/CAM software, and the machining was performed by Mazak
Nexus 410-A II machining centre. The surface roughness was measured by
Mitutoyo SJ-301. The surface roughness is determined by average of 3
measured values.

Figure 7 Test part

Two milling cutter was used for the tests: Fraisa U5250.445 and U5250.450,
the cutting diameter is 10 mm, in both cases, and the corner radii are 0,5 and 1
mm. The number of teeth is 6, the cutting speed (vc) 200 m/min, the
revolution (n) 6.400 1/min. The feed per teeth (fz) and the depth of cut (ap)
were varied based on tool catalogue, feed per teeth were: 0.08/0.12/0.16 mm
(feed speed: vf = 3000/4500/6000 mm/min) and the depth of cut:
0.15/0.20/0.25 mm. The profile milling strategy was selected in the CAM
system, and conventional milling was used.

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
Table 2 Pattern of the test sets

The Table 2 shows the 10 test sets, which was determined by design of
experiment (DOE) method. The DOE method ensures less number of tests with
same effectiveness. Four parameters was selected, one in 2 levels and 3 in 3
levels. In case of full factional plan 2x3x3x3=54 cases, but based on fractional
factorial plan 10 test sets ensure small machining demand but enough data for
The tests sets make possible several analyses; here only one interesting result
is highlighted. The Figure 8 shows the measured Ra surface roughness values.
The first curve (continuous blue curve) shows the surface roughness in case of
x axes parallel milling, and the second curve (interrupted red curve) shows the
45° milling. Based on the test in case of parallel milling the surface roughness
is larger in nine cases, the maximum difference is up to 35% in case of 6th test
surface. The cause of it is the less vibration, because the parallel motion of the
x and y axes don’t permit to develop the harmful vibration.

Figure 8 Surface roughness in function of milling direction

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
Die-cast aluminium part turning

The machining of aluminium parts has been made more important in recent
years and decades. The aluminium alloys are used by the automotive, aero and
war industries increasingly because of their numerous good advantageous
mechanical and chemical properties. The most often used cut types are the so-
called AlMgSi alloys, of which the most widespread are the reinforced silicon
One of the main goals when planning technology is to reach required surface
roughness values (e.g. Ra, Rz). The knowledge of surfacesurface roughness is
essential depending on the cutting parameters. The aim of this research was to
find an approximate function between surface roughness parameters and
cutting parameters with the help of DOE [5].
In this case a turning process was made where
where the examined material was AS
17 (pressure die-cast
cast aluminium alloy with 17% silicon) and the tool was PCD
with ISO geometry (Figure 9 During the examination response surface method
Figure 9).
was used because of the possible second-order
second prediction equation.
The examined part is a cylinder with diameter of 110 mm. The experimental
runs were made by every 10 mm.

Al = 74.35 %
Si = 20.03 %
Cu = 4.57 %
Fe = 1.06 %

front surface flank surface

b) examined material and its
a) the pictures of the examined tool (CVD-D,
Figure 9. The picture of the used part and tool

The set of experimental design can be seen in Table 3. There were three
controllable factors like cutting speed (vc), feed rate (f) and depth of cut (a).
Each factor has 5 different levels. In case of a full factorial design the number
of the experimental runs would be 125 instead of this case where the number
of the trials was 16. This type of response surface method is called central
composite design (CCD).

Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242
Table 3 Response surface design (CCD) parameters for turning and the measured
vc, f, a,
Runs Rz1 Rz2 Rz3 Rzaverage Rzpredicted
m/min mm mm
1 667 0.058 0.267 2.440 3.190 2.580 2.737 2.913
2 667 0.058 0.733 3.770 3.260 3.010 3.347 3.153
3 667 0.112 0.267 5.490 4.840 5.070 5.133 5.873
4 667 0.112 0.733 8.190 7.940 8.190 8.107 7.751
5 1833 0.058 0.267 2.710 2.890 3.550 3.050 3.232
6 1833 0.058 0.733 3.860 3.430 3.940 3.743 3.472
7 1833 0.112 0.267 4.640 5.320 5.220 5.060 5.077
8 1833 0.112 0.733 6.620 6.590 6.790 6.667 6.956
9 500 0.085 0.5 5.890 5.630 6.180 5.900 5.468
10 2000 0.085 0.5 5.300 5.290 5.900 5.497 5.161
11 1250 0.05 0.5 3.370 2.970 3.390 3.243 3.226
12 1250 0.12 0.5 7.900 7.860 8.380 8.047 7.402
13 1250 0.085 0.2 5.170 4.170 4.510 4.617 3.785
14 1250 0.085 0.8 5.250 4.370 4.490 4.703 5.149
15 (C) 1250 0.085 0.5 4.960 4.480 4.600 4.680 5.314
16 (C) 1250 0.085 0.5 4.210 5.470 4.710 4.797 5.314

The 15(C) and 16(C) experimental runs are control points in the centre of the
parameter range. After completing experiments, the surface roughness was
determined by the average of 3 measured values in each experimental run.
The measured Rz values and the mean of these values can be found in Table 3
as well. Regression analysis was made with Minitab14 statistical software.
The examined model was the next expression:
R z = b0 + b1 ⋅ vc + b2 ⋅ f + b3 ⋅ a + b11 ⋅ vc2 + b22 ⋅ f 2 + b33 ⋅ a 2 + b12 ⋅ vc ⋅ f + b13 ⋅ vc ⋅ a + b23 ⋅ f ⋅ a + ε
where the bj values are coefficients. ε is the measurement error.
The results of the regression analysis as it follow:

Term Coef SE Coef T P

Constant -2.1049 1.3415 -1.569 0.124
Vc [m/perc] 0.0013 0.0007 1.957 0.057
f [mm] 49.2298 13.8597 3.552 0.001
a [mm] 6.1536 3.1223 1.971 0.056
a [mm]*a [mm] -9.4139 2.6427 -3.562 0.001
Vc [m/perc]*f [mm] -0.0177 0.0076 -2.337 0.024
f [mm]*a [mm] 65.1062 18.8992 3.445 0.001

S = 0.582464 PRESS = 18.5043

R-Sq = 88.66% R-Sq(pred) = 84.92% R-Sq(adj) = 87.00%

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
It can be seen that the following factors have significant effect (at 95% level)
on the results (i.e. p is greater than 0.05). The calculated equation is:
Rz = −2.1049 + 0.0013⋅ vc + 49.2298⋅ f + 6.1536⋅ a − 9.4139⋅ a 2 − 0.0177⋅ vc ⋅ f + 65.1062⋅ f ⋅ a
This equation can be shown in the Figure 10. As can be seen there is quite
small dependence of the Rz from the cutting speed. but the feed rate has a
great impact on the results. With this method a simple connection can be
found between the surface roughness and the cutting parameter within the
examined parameters’ range because it is important in planning of the turning
technology processes.

Figure 10. Dependence of the Rz on the cutting speed and the feed rate

The project was realised through the assistance of the European Union with
the co-financing of the European Social Fund namely: TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-
11/2/KMR-2011-0001 Researches on Critical Infrastructure Protection.

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surface in case of 3D milling; 8th Int. Tool Conf. ITC2011. Zlin (Cz)
2011. CD proceeding; ISBN:978-80.7454-026-4

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-
[4.] MIKÓ B.: Study of z-level finishing milling strategy; International
Scientific Seminar “Development in Machining” DiM’2012; Krakow (Pl)
[5.] HORVÁTH R.. MÁTYÁSI GY.: Alumínium alkatrészek
forgácsolhatóságának vizsgálata kísérletterv alkalmazásával (in
Hungarian. The examination of cutting ability with design of
experiments in case of aluminium parts). FMTÜ. 2013. 03.21-22.. Cluj-
Napoca. Romania. pp. 121-125.

Drégelyi-Kiss Á., Horváth R. Mikó B.: Design of experiments (DOE) in investigation of cutting technologies;
in Development in Machining Technology Vol.3. Ed.: W. Zebala, I. Manková; Cracow University of Tehnology
2013. p.20-34. ISBN 978-83-7242-697-

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