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The monsters most used by pop culture are also among

the best known in RPG. Were it not for Vampires, in fact, the
Storyteller system would probably never have been very successful,
and a Street Fighter RPG would not exist - or, if it did, it would be
quite different from what we know.
Even in games, they are always present, as in the famous
Castlevania series or in Capcom's Darkstalkers, with the protagonist
Demitri Maximoff. Thus, it would be natural for Street Fighter RPG to
have rules for vampires, which probably never happened because of
the short life that the game had. MANEUVERS OF THE MONTH 24
This edition features revised versions of the rules for Vampires who
appeared in the Pride of Art fanzine, also featuring a vampire arena
in Kabuki Town and the record of a powerful lady of the night, who is
passionate about sadomasochism and terrorizes the poor souls of the
city. In addition, continuing with the Tetsujin presented in edition # 4: ROLLING LESS DICE!! 30
their base, with maps and a great challenge for the player

The world of Street Fighter becomes more dangerous, and the Editors: Eric M. Souza and Odmir Fortes
motto “we’re going to meet the strongest” can mean more and more
adventures for SFRPG tables - as well as the possibility of player Texts: Davi Campino, Devayr Junior, Eric M. Souza, Gustavo Maru, Odmir
characters becoming monsters, with their corrupted humanity, Fortes, and Roberto Levita
hindering your search for harmony in martial art, tarnishing your
Honor. Map: Bruno Barbosa and Eric M. Souza

Layout: Eric M. Souza

Blood-thirsty publishers Cover: Odmir Fortes

Translation: Richard ‘Bat’ Brewster. This is not a professional translation, but

better to have something than nothing ;-) It has been done at the request of Eric
M. Souza. Original Published in January 2018.
The following are some of the characters from Rank 1
that have appeared, which allow a balanced game if
they are distributed among the players:

 Core Book: Pantara (Wu Shu), Dehrik Savitch

(Shotokan Karate), Denzil Kincaid (Capoeira)
and Amanda Raintree (Native American
 Contenders: K.O. (Muay Thai), Dana do Bastão
(Shotokan Karate), Eric (Kung Fu) and Freddy
Earther (Boxing);
 Fighter's Blood (DB # 56): Koey (Kabaddi),
Building characters is a big hit in Street Fighter. Jessica (Boxing), Chen Tsu (Native American
While some RPGs encourage the use of ready- Wrestling) and Kenny (Aikido).
made characters, such as Marvel Heroic and
Street Fighter Zero 3 (3D & T), bringing several There are also two characters from Rank 2 that can
heroes to choose from, Street Fighter: The RPG be used without adjustments or with a reduction of 1
point in three or four Techniques:
Game even allows for this possibility, but makes it
clear from the beginning that the big idea is to  Contenders: O Corrente (Special Forces) and
create your beginner fighter and follow your Ken Paducah (Sumo).
career until he becomes a legend, challenging
Finally, if the Storyteller just wants to use the
Ryu and M. Bison themselves.
character sheets as templates, or else create a group of
In certain situations, however, there is no time anti-heroes - people infiltrating Shadaloo, or who, after
to create characters. Sometimes it is a quick discovering the truth about M. Bison, decides to act with
session, mere fun, and you can choose the him as a way of investigating it -, five NPCs that
appeared in Secrets of Shadaloo are a good addition:
various fighters that appeared in the books
(depending on your rank). In other situations,  Blade (Spanish Ninjitsu), Leander (Wrestling),
such as when the group has not mastered the Lotus Blossom (Kung Fu), Siren (Capoeira) and
system, it is interesting to pick readymade Kahn (Boxing).
characters, and get to know the game, before
venturing into creating their own character.
Taking advantage of the Christmas ERIC “MUSASHI” SOUZA
atmosphere, there are 19 characters ready for
players to use in their chronicles.

4 5
After all, in the illustration above, if there is a fight in a dark
alley between two fighters and without spectators, how will
the victor vouch that he won? What if the defeated "appeal"
the result, claiming it was not an official fight? How will this
count in the fighters' rank?


How to rank fighters? How to account for the change of
The figure of the judge (or referee) is necessary to validate
rank? Who controls that? Today, we explore in this section
the outcome of a fight. Without them present (or other
of the Warrior's Fist!
means, as described below), combat is not considered for
 Storyteller: You meet at “Crime Alley” (get the character ranking. Note that the judge does not necessarily
reference?), As agreed. It is past midnight and have to intervene in the match or signal the rules of the
there is not a soul to see you two. match, he is only there to observe and record the result.
 Player A: I don't wait another second. I'm going
Judges must be affiliated with the Commission for
to fight! Speaking like the character I say “Get
International Arbitration (CIA), which in turn provides service
ready, damn you! Today you will find your
to the organizer of the world circuit of that period. It is known
end! ”
that Shadaloo currently organizes the circuit, but this is not
 Player B: "Come on, I'm ready!". Hahah with
disclosed openly (a Perception + Arena test can guarantee
this victory, finally my character will reach the
this information).
status of World Warrior!
 Storyteller: Okay, but ... how will others Thus, if two fighters intend to register their fight in order to
recognize their “new” status, without knowing move up, they must request the presence of a CIA judge to
the truth of their victory? validate the result, regardless of whether the fight has an
 Player B: What do you mean? Just win and go! audience or not.
 Storyteller: No, it's not ...
 Player B: (surprised face)!
 Player A: kkkkk now defeating you will feel
even better, in and out of the game! Large metropolises maintain branches of the CIA or, at least,
a representative of it. Whether it's an Olympic training center,
or that Boxing instructor at a peripheral neighborhood gym,
As is known, the fighters are separated by division (free, everyone can be the CIA's eyes in the city.
traditional, duelist, World Warrior) and rank (from 1 to 10).
With a Perception + Arena test (or, at the Storyteller's
However, something that was never clear is how the
discretion, Perception + Streetwise, with difficulty 8), a
counting and recording of the result of each fight is done,
success ensures the information of whether a CIA
since no specific rules or guidelines for this are mentioned Staff members can testify about a fight
representation is in that city, while three successes (if there is
in the basic book.
representation) guarantee knowing where to find them.

6 7
Having a Manager could be useful at this moment, as he 2nd – Televised fights
may be aware of the locations where the CIA keeps its If for any reason the combat between registered fighters on
employees. Of course, being a GOOD Manager... the world circuit is televised, its result will automatically be
Once you find a judge, the request to validate the fight counted for change of rank. Understand how “televised”
can be made, which does not mean that he will do it at the combats broadcast on national or international networks,
time that the players want! As “ordinary” people within the closed channels linked to the world circuit, etc ...
community, they may be busy with other things (or even
have other duels already scheduled to handle).
3rd – Remotely monitored combat
There is nothing to prevent the CIA from referring a
judge from another location to attend a fight. There are Sometimes, sending a judge to validate a fight between two
rumors that Street Fighters like Cody have this “privilege” Rank 1 fighters in the distant city of Ilhéus / BA becomes too
due to his special status (being in a prison). expensive for the CIA and / or organizers of the world circuit.
Cost that could be passed on to the fighters, in case they
want to make the commitment.
OTHER MEANS OF REGISTRATION In such cases, the organizers can signal a more distant
There are other ways to validate the outcome of a fight for location or a little busy street during the night and record the
the character's post, not counting directly on the presence of result through previously hacked surveillance cameras. The
a CIA judge. fighters receive an SMS moments before the match and go to
the place at the appointed time.

1st - Tournament affiliated to the world circuit at the time.

For example, the Martial Arts Tournament of America, of
which Ken Masters is the current champion, is affiliated with In the absence of a judge, any World Warrior has the
the world circuit (although many of its participants are not). authority to observe, record and forward combat results to
As the results will be recorded in the competition, they are the CIA. It is known, for example, that Ken Masters organizes
automatically counted towards the fighter's rank. For this to tournaments with young Street Fighters looking for some new
happen, both fighters must be registered on the world talent, but that does not stop him from counting the results of
circuit at the time. Examples: the fights.
In the absence of a judge and / or World Warrior, a
 In the semifinal of the Tournament of America, Ken
faces Guy. As both are part of the world circuit at character can assume the role. To be considered fit and
accepted as a referee, the character must have a reputation
the time, the result of the fight counts for the
of Honor and Glory at least 4, in both. In addition, he must
position of both.
bear the responsibility of sending the results in time to the
Fighting with an audience, whether in public
In the final, Ken faces the “revelation” of the CIA and dealing with the bureaucracy, at the risk of being
tournament, Rufus, an up-and-coming fighter (but who is places or private arenas, is a way to validate “barred” and having his image tarnished with the combat
unfamiliar with the underworld fight circuit and is not part combat fighters from whom he assumed the judging.
of it). In this case, the outcome of the fight does not count
for Ken's record.

8 9
Once embraced, a vampire does not have Chi, but the
score is used to represent the blood he accumulates to
activate his powers. A vampire, therefore, loses 1 point of
Chi a day whenever he wakes up. With his Chi exhausted,
he can still use Health to activate his powers, but as he
depends on blood to recover, he will be weaker and
The most famous undead, the creatures of the night that weaker.
suck the blood of the living to maintain their existence in
this world. Vampires are carriers of great power and, at So, like Animal Hybrids, a vampire can go into a frenzy
the same time, an endless curse, for they have been when his Health reaches half, representing hunger and the
denied Eternal Sleep, and now they must hide their inner beast. Your frenzy works just like the Hybrids, but your
existence from mortals and feed on their blood. They focus will be on finding prey and quenching your bloodlust.
often become antisocial, as they despise the lives of If a vampire's Health drops below zero and he receives
others and see everyone as simple food. They are aggravated damage, he will be knocked out, but will
stronger than normal humans, but have an incessant eventually wake up. He will be very weak, almost unable to
bloodlust. Some Vampires manage to hide their fight, and the bloodlust will call out to him, which may
condition, living in disguise in society, but generally trigger a frenzy. The vampire will roam until he finds prey
prefer to simply hide during the day and hunt at night. and can recover.
Each Background point costs 2 Background / Bonus /
Experience points per level. Finally, if he receives all of his Health in aggravated
damage and has no Chi points, he will go into torpor. The
Vampirism works as a Style, and a Vampire can learn torpor will have a duration according to the character's
the following Maneuvers (using the Background instead Honor: the more bestial and monstrous he is, the greater
of the Technique for damage and other effects): his torpor will be, for Honor 0 it can last a millennium, and
 Grab: Head Bite (free) for Honor 10 it lasts until the end of the scene - like this like
 Focus: Cobra Charm (3), Death’s Visage (3), the knockout in humans. The average Honor of 5 has a
Ghost Form (4), Levitation (2), Mind Control torpor of two weeks, with Honor 3 - the maximum for a
(4), Mind Reading (3), Psychic Vise (4), beginner - leads to a torpor of a year.
Regeneration (free), Speed of the Mongoose In general, it is important for the Storyteller to feel free to
(3), Telepathy (2), Toughskin (1) address torpor, without jeopardizing his campaign. If a
Head Bite: Damage is calculated with Background player character is a Vampire and has low Honor, the next
Vampirism instead of Grab. Each turn, the opponent adventure may be for the rest of the group to locate him
must roll Willpower (having difficulty 2 + the damage and spill blood into his mouth to free him from torpor.
received that turn; maximum 10), and the number of Unless the character is very virtuous, torpor can mean the
successes required to pass the test will be equal to the end of the line for him, so this should be a resource used
Background Vampirism. If he doesn't pass, the opponent carefully and in favor of the narrative.
will no longer be able to make Strength checks to try to
escape, as he will now be completely dominated by the
Vampire. Each Health point lost by the victim recovers 1
point of Chi or Health from the Vampire himself.

10 11
A vampire's blood is powerful, allowing him to perform
feats that Street Fighters can only achieve after years of
Chi training and concentration. Thus, it is possible for a
vampire, by sharing his blood with mortals, to offer • Your character has recently become a Vampire, and
them, for a time, a fraction of his powers. It is still manages to pass for a mortal without being
something that creates a bond between the vampire recognized.
and the mortal, who develops an addiction to the •• Your character already has some characteristics that
vampire's blood, but also ends up totally submitting to evidence his current condition, and this can cause
him, having all the effects of a mind control (Mind problems within a society.
••• It has been a reasonable time since your character
The vampire can create a number of ghouls equal to became a Vampire, and you will hardly be able to hide
his Background level. The bond lasts for a number of your characteristics.
days equal to the Vampire Background. Thus, if a
vampire has level 3, he can create up to three ghouls, •••• At this level, your character's appearance is TRANSFORMING INTO A VAMPIRE
and must renew the bond every 3 days. Creating / completely inhuman, and killing for food is no longer a
nuisance. A character who has been bitten by a vampire can
renewing the bond is simple: the vampire cuts himself spend experience points to acquire the Background,
off and lets the ghoul drink some of his blood (1 Health ••••• For a long time your character walks through the representing that he has been infected. If the player
point). nights looking for food. Killing the poor mortals is fun, decides not to spend, then the character just had his
In general, this works only with weaker people. The which they do with great pleasure. He has immense blood sucked, but he didn't become a vampire.
Vampire must have a higher level than the ghoul's powers, and he knows it well.
Honor to create the bond. Powerful and balanced At the Storyteller's discretion, it is possible to simulate
Advantages and Disadvantages
warriors are unlikely to be dominated that way. And what happens in films and other RPGs, and for the
even warriors who have low Honor can roll their Focus  +1 Soak against any attack (except fire). transformation it is necessary for the vampire to absorb
against the Vampire Background to resist, being  -1 Fire Soak. the victim's blood until leaving her with all her health in
dominated only if they are defeated in resisted action.  Physical attributes can be increased over 5 at aggravated damage. Then, the vampire lets the victim
normal cost (current level x4). absorb his blood, giving him back one or two Health
The ghoul gains powers depending on the level of  Receive Intimidation 2 and Mysteries 2 free of points. The new vampire will wake up thirsty, absorbing
the vampire. Toughskin for Vampire 1 to 3 and charge. what he can until he completes his Health and Chi at
Toughskin and Speed of the Mongoose for Vampire 4 maximum level.
 Cannot be destroyed unless they are beheaded or
or 5. The ghoul acts as if he has the Vampire burned.
Background at the minimum level necessary for these A new vampire can never have a background higher
 Can spend Health instead of Chi.
maneuvers, having no other power than vampires have, than that of the vampire who transformed him. If the
 Aggravated damage is recovered as normal
and neither their disadvantages. Storyteller seeks a chronicle more in line with the
Vampire: The Masquerade, he can determine that it is
As in Mind Control, the ghoul can roll his Honor to  Cannot recover Health, unless they suck human
only possible to increase the Background by defeating
resist a specific command, and must successfully blood.
and sucking all the blood of a more powerful vampire,
overcome the difference between the vampire's level  Must start with Grab 2.
until it takes him to death.
and the Honor the dominated has. For example: a  Your Chi is only recovered by absorbing human
Vampire 3 dominated a human of Honor 2. If he wants blood, with a maximum value limited to twice the
to resist, the human must roll 2 dice needing 2 level of the Background.
successes to achieve. It is very difficult for the ghoul to  If exposed to sunlight, they lose 1 Health point per DAVI CAMPINO, DEVAYR JUNIOR, ERIC “MUSASHI”
disobey, but it can happen. turn. SOUZA and ODMIR FORTES

12 13
 Magic Item: In this form, the Power Item is a
weapon or tool that allows you to perform special
Focus maneuvers, even without having such a
maneuver. A ring that emits incinerating rays
(Fireball) or a mask that manages to leave
everyone fascinated (Cobra Charm). In any case,
each item point represents 1 power point to buy the
Cursed swords, mystical rings, potions that cure all ills. maneuver and always buy it at the lowest style cost.
Magic tools have always been present in the world, and A sword that fires a strong energy in the form of a
several warriors use them to strengthen their own powers Sonic Boom, would only cost 3 points of
or acquire unique powers. Akuma's beaded necklace or antecedent, since Sonic Boom costs 3pp for Silat.
Rose's mystical scarf are just examples of how these Anyway, this maneuver will still use the character's
items are present in the world of Street Fighter. It is chi; that is, when using this Sonic Boom, the
important, therefore, that there are rules for player character would consume 1 point of his own chi
characters to use them. reserve. Additionally, if the character comes to
learn the maneuver your item has, he will receive
In terms of rules, there are 3 types of power items: +1 damage when he performs the maneuver while
 Chi Repositories: Items such as a ring, necklace carrying his Power Item. At the Storyteller's
or amulet that store mystical power and allow discretion, the Power Item may have some
the wearer to recover their chi without the need maneuver of another Technique that consists of a
for testing. For each point in the Background, chi attack (such as, for example, Shockwave). To
you can recover 1 chi point per story. At the end calculate the modifiers of the maneuver, the
of the story, your item recovers all spent chi character uses his Previous Power Item instead of
points. It is also possible, at the Storyteller's the Focus.
discretion, to recharge the item in other ways. There are also special cases, in which a maneuver
 Magic Weapons: These are weapons that have chosen by the Item has requirements. Let's say the character
unique abilities resulting from the technique has a crystal ball with Mind Reading, which has Telepathy
used in their construction (forged for 1000 days, and Focus 4 as requirements, but the character does not
tempered in the blood of a dragon, etc.). These have any of the requirements. In this case, he must perform
weapons have unique characteristics. In the first an Intelligence + Mysteries test, difficulty 8, and achieve a
point you choose any weapon from the basic number of successes equal to the number of requirements
module or from the book Competitors, and it that are still missing for the maneuver. In the above case, it
becomes indestructible by natural means. At would take 2 successes in the test to be able to use the Item,
each point above 1 in this Background, you add even without the requirements.
+1 to the Movement modifier or +1 Soak when
using the Parry action with this weapon. If you Examples of items: Shoulder pads of M. Bison, pendants
want to increase the weapon's speed or of the Monks of the supplement Secrets of Shadaloo,
damage, you can, at the cost of 2 Background among others. M. Bison's own meteorite is an extreme level
points, add +1 speed or damage. Power Item, well above that achievable by beginner
characters, being able to recover 10 Chi points and having
awakened latent superhuman powers in the dictator.


14 15
The placement of the doors to these locations is to be
determined by the Storyteller, randomly, if you want to add
to the challenge, or standard to all floors, if you want to
make it easier for the players. These doors may be visible or
hidden, requiring a Perception + Search (dif. 6) or
PLACES OF INTEREST! Investigation (dif. 8) check for identification.

ARENA TETSUJIN! Among the places of interest, the following can be

Every time the characters enter a corridor, there is a
chance that one of the traps will be activated. The Storyteller
highlighted: should roll 1d10 and consult the list of traps:
In the 4th edition of Warrior’s Fist, the Tetsujin clan of
technological ninjas was shown in Kabuki Town. Now  Training Hall: This dojo looks more like a war  Sleeping gas (as presented in Street Fighter).
we present their secret base. zone, an area marked as if it were tatami, some  Tear gas: +2 difficulty in Perception tests and -2
marks of explosions and bullet holes all over the speed penalty.
place; around, you can see some equipment,  Grenade next to a random player character.
The Tetsujin base of operations building is a restricted mechanical arms, large cylinders that may  Spears come out of the wall (Dexterity + Athletics to
access place, with cameras, doors where card contain replicas of clan battle clothes, power dodge, against 5 dice); damage 10.
identification, digital, ocular, among others, is required. cables to recharge the equipment, among others.  Shurikens coming from the end of the corridor
In this place there are businesses of all kinds, several  Cyber Lab: This is not an advisable place for (Dexterity + Athletics to dodge test); damage 5 for
offices where people go about their lives normally. those with a weak stomach, this is where the each shuriken, each success allows you to dodge
The building's elevators can take people from the magic of this clan becomes real; Brutal scenes one of them.
parking lot to the roof of the building, but a combination can be seen on monitors and photos on the walls  Darts from holes in the wall (Perception + Athletics
typed on the panel of one of the service elevators will of that area, with limbs amputated and replaced. to dodge test, against 5 dice), failure results in a
lead to a different place, the basement many meters Mere humans enter, ruthless and deadly warriors penalty of 1 point to Strength and Dexterity until the
below the parking lot where the Tetsujin facilities exist. leave. end of the scene for numbness.
 Armory: The storeroom; all kinds of cybernetic  3 meter deep pit (Perception + Alertness to avoid
This place has 3 floors that look like a maze with very parts can be found here, such as weapons, falling, needing 3 successes), with 1 point of
similar corridors and walls, making it difficult for upgrades, pistons, parts of armor and many damage from the fall - not to mention the fact that
someone who doesn't know the layout to move around things that cannot even be identified without the character who falls will end up on the lower
without getting lost. Their defense systems are always specific cybernetic knowledge. Unfortunately, floor.
active in the corridors; if a member cannot move practically none of this can be used by normal  8, 9 or 10: Nothing happens.
through these corridors without perishing he is not humans. This room has very high security
worthy of being a Tetsujin protection, the breach has a high chance of
Floors B1, B2 and B3: These floors are practically sounding the alarm throughout the complex. GUSTAVO MARU
the same in everything, with small differences:  Control Room: This is the room from which the
leader monitors the facilities, mainly laboratory
 B1: The building's elevator can only bring you to research and tests in the training hall, as well as
that floor, where the Training Hall is located. hacking cameras across the city. Several
 B2: The Cyber Lab. monitors, mice, keyboards, plugs of all types can
 B3: In the depths of the Tetsujin complex is the be seen in this location, connected to a
Armory and the Control Room. supercomputer.

16 17
Everywhere you look, there are people dressed in leather,

ARENA OF SECRET PLEASURES appeasing their fetishes, dominators and dominated,

masters and servants. Whips and handcuffs, physical
punishment and role reversal are common.

In the old industrial area, in a warehouse of an old At some points, people hang from the ceiling, trapped
steel factory, a fetishist nightclub currently operates. upside down, with slit wrists and throats, blood dripping
English Addiction (as the sadomasochistic practice in and people licking that blood from the hanging spasmodic
bodies. But at the same time, in some niches, what appear
Europe in the 19th century was known), dedicated to
to be orgies of blood are happening: several people on top
the gothic and public S&M. The facility has a very
industrial look. of one another, pleasantly offering themselves as prey.

The place has windows covered with screens and At various points, lit candles illuminate small alcoves.
painted with black paint. The sound varies between The scent of candle blends with latex and leather, an
numerous gothic bands such as: The Sisters of Mercy, intoxicating scent mixed with the scent of pleasure.
Type O Negative, Dead can Dance, The Cure, Joy But the main attraction of the club is the ring called: The
Division, Siouxie and the Banshees and The 69 Eyes. arena of secret pleasures. The arena appears in the middle
The loudness would disturb the neighbors - if there of the dance floor, whenever promising fighters appear.
were neighbors. At the entrance to the warehouse, two The ring is defined by thick chains; each corner appears to
extremely large men check whoever enters the be composed of a skull resting on a femur, and the canvas
nightclub. The muscle lack social skills, they seem to appears to be well-stretched leather. From the middle of the
follow a pre-defined script to authorize entry. The ring comes the Mistress of Pain, from what appears to be a
building looks decadent and gloomy. The corridors are coffin that has images of the Gardens of Delights,
announcing the combatants and, sometimes, taking part in
lit with black light and strobes, giving people a
supernatural air. the fights...

Upon reaching the main hall, the strangest things As an arena, it is possible to have smoke and strobe
commence. There are people trapped in cages as if lights to compel a blind fight, in addition to act as bait for
they were strippers and gogo boys, but with nails stuck fighters really worthy to live for eternity, always improving.
in their nipples, mouths and stitched eyes and leather As a haven, the club features many places protected from
pants. If the cages were not enough to give an air of sunlight and a handful of ghouls, weaker and deadly
strangeness, they still exist in suspension, like naked vampires with a twisted sense ready to protect Mistress in
case of danger. And as a hunting ground, people come to
angels, attached with hooks and chains.
the club to bleed, to be bitten and to feel pleasure while
feeding Mistress and her vampires.


20 21
Prequisites: Focus •••

Power Points: Pact (Demonic Heritage), Vampire 3;

Animal Hybird 4; Outros 5

Potence works by making muscles generate more

strength, either to control grips or to destroy opponents
like breaking old branches. Summoning this power,
the fighter has incredible strength after concentrating.

System: When using the maneuver, the character

spends 1 Chi and can only move while concentrating.
Potence / Power
On the next turn, he may choose to gain a +4
Strength bonus to increase the damage of any physical
strike or +4 dice on any Strength checks, including to
Some creatures are naturally stronger, faster or more maintain or end holds. The effects are not cumulative;
resistant than a man. This is the natural order of things; a the character must choose which one to activate.
crocodile man will have a much more resistant skin than a Additionally, you can spend 2 Chi on the execution of
man, just as a rabbit man will be faster. But a rhino man the maneuver to activate both effects on the next turn.
is infinitely stronger than a man. So it is with demonic
creatures: they appear with a myriad of powers that make In order to summon the power for the damage, a
them supreme predators, or tireless protectors. turn of concentration is always needed. However, you
can continue to maintain the bonus for strength tests
The Potence maneuver simulates the ability of certain turn the turn after the first - obviously, spending 1 Chi
creatures - as well as some fighters - to be able to use per turn. In this way, it is possible to activate the power
their Chi to increase their physical strength, increasing the while the character is trapped in a Sustained Hold.
impact of their blows or achieving great feats.
Cost: 1 Chi by effect (see description above)

Speed: +1

Damage: See description above

Movement: -1

24 25
One summer night, while doing her activities, she
ended up facing a gaijin named Lucius, who
defeated her easily because of her speed and
endurance. And at the end of the fight it became
clear why she was defeated; Lucius was a foreign
demon, a vampire who turned her into a
bloodthirsty beast. Since then, Tomoe Gozen has
ceased to exist, releasing all her most secret
desires, repressed by Japanese society.
With more and more foreigners visiting Kabuki
Town, nightclubs became more and more
common, as well as exotic clubs. It was there that
Mistress realized that she could hide in plain sight
Mistress of Pain in a fetish den. Thus came the idea of English
Addiction, which is a refuge, food area and arena.

Playing Mistress of Pain: You are proud of your

Long ago, in the 19th century, Japan experienced art, proud to have developed a technique so
its feudal period and the opening of ports to supreme that it has remained almost unchanged
foreigners. The population was still divided into until recently. You treat your opponents playfully,
castes, there were still ninjas taking advantage of almost as if they are unworthy to challenge you.
She feels immense pleasure in causing pain to her
the chaos generated by the Meiji restoration,
opponent, and whenever the fight ends, she licks
samurai and geisha divided the city streets with the bloody wounds of her defeated opponents.
foreigners who had just arrived in Japan. Samurai
families trained their children to follow the
tradition and serve to the Emperor. Tomoe Gozen Appearance: Mistress of Pain has a very peculiar
appearance. She has nails spread over her head
was one of those children, she was an Onna-
like a cenobite, and she always uses vibrant black
bugeisha. A samurai woman, she learned a leather and chains. Her clothes are tight and
karate style aimed at ending her opponents shocking, evoking her seductive power.
quickly and with bare hands. She was considered
a prodigy, and was 18 when she created one of
the style's strongest techniques, the Shoryuken
(Dragon Punch).

26 27
Style: Shotokan Karate
School: Private Teacher Maneuver Spe Dam Move Special
Concept: Sadistic Vampire
Jab 7 7 4 Basic
Signature: Lick the fallen opponent's blood
Strong 5 9 4 Basic
Strength •••• Charisma •• Perception •••• Fierce 4 11 3 Basic
Dexterity ••••• Manipulation •••• Intelligence ••• Short 6 8 4 Basic
Stamina ••••• Appearance ••• Wits •••• Forward 5 10 3 Basic
Alertness ••• Blind Fighting ••••• Arena •• Roundhouse 3 12 3 Basic
Interrogation Drive • Computer Grab 5 8 One Basic. Ignores Block
Intimidation ••••• Leadership • Investigation Block 9 - - Basic. Interrupt. +2 Speed next turn
Insight ••• Security Medicine Movement 8 - 7 Basic.
Streetwise ••• Stealth ••• Mysteries •••• Head Bite 6 12 One Sustained Hold
Subterfuge ••• Survival ••• Style Lore •• The Lunging Punch ignores blocks, unless an opponent is doing
Lunging Punch 5 9 5 a crouching block or is using Kick Defense. The Lunging Punch is
considered a Crouching Maneuver. (SoG p8 / 20th p119)
Arena ••••• Punch •••• Unless an opponent is blocking, damage is applied against only
Staff • Kick •••• Knife Hand Strike 6 7 3
half his Stamina (rounded down). (SoG p8 / 20th p119)
Vampire ••••• Block ••••• Straight Line Movement; hits all adjacent hexes and the same
Grab •••• Hurricane Kick 5 7 3 hex, dealing damage every time it moves; all targets retreat a
hex; Aerial, 1 Chi, 1 WP (Core p114 / 20th p126)
Athletics•••• Aerial; Knockdown vs. Aerial; see Jump but if used like this the
Focus Dragon Punch 5 14 2
opponent is not hit; 1 WP (Core p107 / 20th p119)
Glory ••• ••• • Honor Power Uppercut 4 11 One Knockdown vs. Aerial
Chi • • • • • • • • Willpower • • • • • • • • • • Aerial; Interruption against projectiles, must win a dispute of
Dexterity + Athletics vs. Attacker's focus; can be combined with
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Jump 8 - 4
basic kicks and punches (use the SP, DAM and MOV of the
Health • • • • • • • • • • maneuver)
Throw 3 10 One The target is thrown at (Strength) hex; Knockdown
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Back Roll Throw 4 12 One The target is thrown at (Strength + Kick) hex; Knockdown
• • • • • • • • •
Recovers 1 Health per Chi, up to maximum Focus per turn (Core
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Regeneration 4 - -
p129 / 20th p152)
Speed of the Adds +4 SPE or +6 MOV to the chosen Maneuver the next turn,
Combos: Speed of the Mongoose to Knife Hand Strike to Mongoose
6 - 2
1 Chi (PG p99 / 20th p154)
Hurricane Kick (dizzy), Block to Lunging Punch Roll Wits + Mysteries resisted roll to hypnotize the victim;
Cobra Charm 3 - 3 Sustained Holds by repeating the test; if they suffer damage, the
domination ends; 1 Chi (Core p127 / 20th p144)
Division: Free Style Rank: 7
Standing: 35 Wins, 6 Losses, 1 Draw, 30 KO

28 29
In the case of resisted actions, each player rolls
a dice and adds the result to his dice total,
dividing by two and rounding down. For Ken to
escape Zangief's Stomach Pump, he rolls 1d10
and adds 5, dividing by 2, while, to maintain
Sustained Hold, Zangief rolls 1d10 and adds 7,
dividing by 2. If Ken rolled 6 on the die, he
adds 5 and you get 11; the result considered
will be 5. If Zangief rolled 5 on the die, he adds
7, which results in 12 (6): he keeps the hold.
For damage, the same thing occurs. The
attacker rolls a d10, adds the damage of the
maneuver and divides by 2. The target, in turn,
Rolling a lot of dice can be a problem for some rolls 1d10, adds to his Soak and also divides by
players and Storytellers, although it is common 2. If Ryu uses a Dragon Punch on Fei Long,
in Storyteller, a system where a normal person's who blocks, he rolls the d10, getting a 4, and
dice pool can reach 10. In the case of a Street adds 17 damage to the maneuver. The result of
Fighter, with superhuman characteristics and 21 is divided and becomes 10. Fei Long, in
legendary maneuvers, it can easily reach 20 - turn, rolls the d10, obtaining a 6, which adds to
the damage of Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver is his Stamina + Block (10). Result 16 is divided
21, although it needs to subtract the target's by 2, becoming 8. 10-8 = 2. Ryu dealt 2 points
Soak before rolling the dice. of damage. If Fei Long had not blocked, his
Soak would be 4, which, added to the die,
This is something that does not bother most
would result in 10. Divided by 2, it would be 5.
enthusiasts, but there are people used to systems
Ryu would have caused 5 (10-5) points of
where only one dice is rolled for actions. In such
damage, stunning Fei Long.
cases, the tests can be simulated using the dice
set itself as a delimiter of the difficulty, and In prolonged actions, the Storyteller can
rolling a single dice. So if Ken, with Dexterity 5 request a set number of successes; the player
and Driving 4, wants to maneuver his Porsche by then takes a test per turn, counting whenever
dodging cars in traffic, he rolls a d10 compared he succeeds (that is, taking a number equal to
to his dice total, which adds up to 9. Any result or less than the sum of the dice total on the
equal to or below 9 means that he was die).
successful at action.
With this system, every action will always
Note that the system logic is reversed: the involve the roll of a single die on the part of
lower the dice result, the better. Therefore, 1 will each character, but still maintaining all the rest
no longer mean a failure. On the contrary, in of the Storyteller system - except for the critical
this scrolling system, a 10 is always a failure, failures, which will no longer exist.
even if the dice total adds up to 10 or more. For some groups, rolling a lot of dice is tedious, like waiting for a
chess move

30 31

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