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Clinical Approach to

Fever and Rash

Dr. dr. Ari Prayitno, Sp.A(K)

Departement of Child Health
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta



Clinical pathway of acute exanthema

Exanthema and enanthema diseases

Under certain circumstances a physician who examines a patient with a rash
is charged with a grave responsibility

The causes of fever with rashes very widely, ranging from mild to severe and
even life-threatening if not treated immediately

Error in diagnosis may have a profound → mismanagement :

• Effect on the patient

• Effect on contacts
• Effect on community
Effect on the Patient

Meningococcemia mistakenly diagnosed as measles

• Specific therapy not given early
• Potentially fatal cases

Scarlet fever was said to have rubella

• Complicating OMA could have been prevented if the correct
diagnosis and appropriate therapy had been instituted
Effect on the Contacts

Exanthem subitum erroneously label as rubella

• If the mother of the child was 2 month pregnant, it will create
an unnecessary period of anxiety to her who had visions of the
future birth

A child with mild measles was said to have rubella

• A young sibling contact develop severe measles complicated
by pneumonia, that could be prevented by a correct diagnosis
Effect on the Comunity

HFMD that was labeled to a 6 yrs old boy could lead to a

temporarily closing of the school which maybe a wrong decision

Occasionally a child with stomatitis only maybe erroneously

diagnosed as having the hand-food-and mouth disease.

Infection :
• Bacterial Allergic reaction
• Viruses
• Others

Infection and Rash

Fever with exanthems → disease that manifested as:

• Fever
• Diffuse skin eruption
• Related with systemic infection
• Commonly caused by virus infection

• Pathogen invasion
• Multiplication and toxin production
• Immunity host responds
Aspects of Pathogenesis in Exanthems Associated with
Blood-born Dissemination of the Infectious Agent
Fever with rashes as symptoms of serious illness and requires
immediate treatment
• Meningococcemia, Kawasaki disease, Dengue hemmorahgic fever, Rocky
mountain spotted fever

Fever with rashes that shows typhical symptoms for certain

infectious disease: mild & often does not need special therapy
• Measles, roseola infantum, eritema infeksiosum, varisela, HFMD

Fever with rashes that appears early in the disease and does not
clearly lead to a particular disease
Diagnosis Establishment
Diagnosis Establishment
Differential diagnosis
Maculopapular eruptions:

● Measles
● Rubella
● Scarlet fever
● Meningococcemia
● Toxoplasmosis
● Cytomegalovirus infecton
● Roseola infantum
● Enteroviral infection
● Drug eruptions
● Miliaria
● Kawasaki disease
● others
Differential diagnosis
Papulovesicular eruptions:

• Varicella-zoster infection
• Smallpox
• Excema herpeticum
• Coxsackie virus infection
• Rickettsial pox
• Impetigo
• Insect bites
• Drug eruptions
• Molluscum contagiosum
• Papular urticaria
• others
Rash characteristics
• Reddish brown, appears first on the face and neck, progress
downward to involve the trunk and extremities
• Generalized by the 3rd day, and tend to be confluent
• Fades by the 5th or 6th day, followed by desquamation
• Pink in color, distributed in the same way as measles, but
generalized within 24 – 48 hrs and fades by the 3rd day
• Usually discrete and does not desquamate
Rash characteristics

• Transient maculopapular eruption precede the petechial,
purpuric rash
• No regular, predictable distribution

Roseola infantum / exathem subitum

• Discrete rose-red papules frequently appear on the chest and
trunk – followed by the face and extremities
• Fades within several hrs and disappear within 2 day
Rash characteristics
• Papulovesicular eruptions in the hand and foot (palmar area), perineal and
enanthemas in the mouth
Kawasaki disease
• Generalized maculopapular rash, palm and soles are swollen and
• Rapid evolution of macules to vesicles and crusts
• Central distributions of lesions, crops
• Presence of all stages of lesions in one area
• Presence of scalp and mucous membrane lesions
Prodromal period
• Rash preceded by 3-4 days of fever, conjunctivitis, coryza and cough

• Usually no prodromal period in children
• Adolescents may have 1-2 days malaise and low fever
Scarlet fever
• Fever 12 hrs, sore throat and vomiting

• Fever, vomiting, irritability, chills, headache in 24 hrs
Prodromal period
Roseola infantum
• High fever for 3-4 days and irritability
Kawasaki disease
• Non specific fever and sore throat for 2-5 days
• Usually absent,
• in adolescent maybe 1-2 days fever, headache, malaise and anorexia
HFMD – hand, foot and mouth disease
• Flu like syndrome for 1-3 days
Onset of fever
Onset of fever
Exanthema and
enanthema diseases

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Ilustrasi Distribusi Ruam Campak dan Rubella
Ruam hari pertama Ruam hari ketiga

Koplik’s spot
pada mukosa
saling berkonfluensi

Ruam saling terpisah Ruam saling terpisah

satu sama lain satu sama lain
Ruam saling terpisah
(discrete) (discrete)
satu sama lain

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Eksantema Subitum
Demam skarlatina

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Demam skarlatina

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Demam skarlatina
Circumular pallor
Pipi kemerahan

Ilustrasi Distribusi Demam Ruam terkonsentrasi Strawberry Tongue

pada leher
skarlatina Pastia lines
Ruam terkonsentrasi
pada ketiak

Blanching test (+)

Ruam terkonsentrasi (Schultz-Charlton)
pada daerah genital

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Penyakit Kawasaki
Penyakit Kawasaki

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Penyakit Kawasaki
Penyakit Kawasaki
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Dermatitis atopik
kontagiosa bullosa

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
papular pigmentosa
Eritema multiformis
Sindrom Steven – Johnson

Putri, N.D. Buku Ilustrasi Demam Ruam. Badan Penerbit IDAI; 2018
Herpes Zoster
Herpes Simplek
Eksema herpetikum

*Pasien dengan meningitis aseptik umumnya

**Indikasi: Mioklonus persisten dan berulang, takikardia persisten, gangguan pernapasan, hipoksemi,
prognosis baik, IVIG tidak diindikasikan
kadar saturasi oksigen yang berubah-ubah, perfusi jaringan yang buruk, gangguan kesadaran
Molluscum contagiosum
kristalina rubra
Drug eruptions
Thank You

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