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Learning Experience




Learning Experience


The Big Umbrella is among the children's picture books used to teach various

contemporary social issues in society. Amy June Bates wrote the book. It is an extremely simple

book applied to teach inclusion, equity, and diversity to children of different ages.

Issue represented in the book

Diversity, equality, and inclusion is the social justice issue represented in the book. The

book highlights that as the child goes out with the Umbrella on a rainy day, the Umbrella

welcomes everyone to seek shelter irrespective of who they are, hence signifying the need to

respect diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Umbrella signifies a symbol for inclusion in society;

hence can be explored as a fundamental tool for understanding the given social justice issue

(Grubbs, 2020, pg.383). Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential in maintaining and

developing a successful society or school founded on a principle that everyone requires equal

treatment and access to opportunities in all life spheres. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are

interconnected and recognize the value of having diverse human beings by putting everyone’s

wellbeing and inclusivity as the key facet for success in any setting such as schools or

organizations (Grubbs, 2020, pg.383). Therefore, schools and organizations must always strive

to implement diversity, equity and inclusion by implementing various initiatives and programs

that make the places highly inclusive, diverse, and equitable.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are connected to the curriculum's theoretical perspective

of equity and diversity. Based on the theoretical perspective, the identity of children and the

family’s cultural histories are pivotal in shaping the development and learning of the children.

The children learn well whenever the teachers acknowledge and respect their different identities

(Garvis et al., 2011, pg.13). The theoretical perspective also highlights that providing equitable

opportunities for the children is vital in promoting development and learning outcomes.

Therefore, the teachers or professionals should acknowledge that all children can succeed

irrespective of their abilities and circumstances (Garvis et al., 2011, pg.13). The sense of identity

for children is always higher whenever the teachers respect and acknowledge their different

identities. All early childhood teachers should comprehend the families’ and children’s

experiences and individual capabilities in implementing inclusion.

What is noticed

Reading the book aloud offers an opportunity to make different observations vital in

improving the children’s understanding of the social justice issue and their overall learning

experience. It sounds interesting to read the book aloud with children since it offers an

opportunity of understanding the reading and comprehension abilities of different children

towards the given social justice issue. Children were very keen and followed every word and

sentence I read aloud. Some children asked questions whenever they did not understand what

was being read, offering an opportunity for me to clarify before continuing with the reading

session. I noticed that the book opened my eyes to how adults take diversity, equity, and

inclusion for granted. Reading aloud provided an avenue of connecting to different concepts in

the book. I connected to the story of the Umbrella accommodating and welcoming everyone to

take shelter while it was raining since it reminded me of my own life experience where I have

been denied equal opportunities due to my identity and socioeconomic status. I also connected to

the inclusivity concept in the book since it portrayed an opposite scenario that happens in

different schools across the country. Many schools are not highly inclusive since some children

are discriminated against based on their abilities, identity, or socioeconomic status.


The reading experience will be set up in the classroom and will entail sitting down closer

with the children to easily hear and see all the words and sentences being read out. The children

will be eight in the classroom and sit facing me. The materials for the reading session will entail

an umbrella and dolls of different genders and colors. Additionally, the picture book will also be

available during the reading session. The Umbrella and the dolls of different genders relate to the

element of diversity, equity, and inclusion since it helps illustrate the need to treat everyone

equally irrespective of their age, gender, race, and other socioeconomic factors. I will use various

open-ended questions and vocabulary in illustrating and ensuring an adequate understanding of

various concepts from the book by the children. Do the open-ended questions include why you

think the Umbrella welcomes everyone in? How would you feel if you were not allowed to take

shelter in the Umbrella? On the other hand, the vocabularies I will use entails fairness, non-

discrimination, and human rights.

Supporting independent play is a key factor in achieving an effective reading session. I

will support independent play by creating an enabling environment for a child to undertake

independent play easily. I will also read aloud with them before allowing every child to

undertake independent play (Rivera, 2019). Additionally, I will stay upbeat and ensure the child

knows the next move. Independent play will also be supported by staying close to the children

throughout the session and will avoid commenting on the child’s independent play since it will

shift the focus and attention of the child from it. Lastly, I will support independent play by

making it a daily routine, thus becoming familiar.


Playing will support the children to engage with the message since it helps boost the

creativity and confidence of the child. Furthermore, playing will help the children engage with

the message since it helps build self-regulation, language, and cognitive skills that are vital to

comprehending the book's concepts (Rivera, 2019). Independent play will also build problem-

solving skills and teach resilience and patience to the children. Problem-solving skills are

important in understanding challenging aspects of the book concepts, thus increasing the child's

understanding and learning ability.


The reading session of the book is important because it will help me evaluate various

learning and teaching approaches that can be applied in early childhood education. Additionally,

the reading session is part of the reflective practice and other practice principles important for the

child’s development and learning (Garvis et al., 2011, pg.13). The reading session also offers an

opportunity to understand how to undertake responsive engagement and develop respectful

relationships with children. Lastly, the reading session has provided an opportunity to assess

every child's development and learning process to understand every child's ability.


Garvis, S., Pendergast, D., Twigg, D., Flückiger, B., Dachs, T. and Kanasa, H., 2011. Evaluation

of the implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework:

For all children from birth to eight years. Interim report, 9.

Grubbs, V., 2020. Diversity, equity, and inclusion matter. New England Journal of

Medicine, 383(4), p.e25.

Rivera, B.L., 2019. Supporting Preschoolers’ Narrative Development through Play and

Vocabulary Instruction (Doctoral dissertation, Vanderbilt University).

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