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The second term examination of english

Level: 2nd year School year: 2021-2022.

Full Name: ……………………………… Mark:………………………..

The Algerian economy is expected to recover in 2022 from the crises caused by
the COVID-19 pandemic. The country however, is expecting many challenges on the way
to achieve prosperity, one of which : the issue of unequal wealth sharing.

Wealth inequality is the uneven distribution of wealth among residents of the same
country. High unemployment for women and youth and inequality among its different
regions is very common is Algeria. Most employees are underpaid and can’t afford
housing. Some people own many houses, while others have to pay rent for years. The
problem of wealth inequality is a dangerous threat to its future since poverty rises as
wealth inequality continues.
Companies, by their very nature, are highly competitive and have no natural
emotions, such as love or the desire to share with others. Companies operate just to
make profits. So it is a responsible government's duty to encourage those companies
that lack the drive to share their wealth to contribute to the general public's well-
being. The obvious tool to do so is taxation in its various forms. 

Algeria had better make efforts to ensure that every citizen gets a fair share of
the nation's wealth. Sharing is a human trait.

A/ Comprehension:
1.What does the text speak about? Justify your choice:
A) _ Economical challenges in Algeria
B) –the issue of housing and underpayment
C) – The uneven wealth distribution

2. Say whether the following statements are” true “or “false “ :

A) Wealth inequality is one of so many problems that Algeria is expected to face....................
B) –Citizens from different regions have equal opportunities in Algeria...............
C)-imposing taxes on companies can contribute to the nation’s well-being..................
D)-Sharing is natural tendency ……….
3. Answer the following questions according to the text:
A) What is the challenge Algeria expected to face?
b) – What can the Algerian government do to solve the problem?

C) –Do Algerian citizens enjoy equal rights? Justify.

B/ Text Exploration:
1. WHAT or WHO do the underlined words refer to in the text?

Which (§1): …………………. its (§2): …………………………..

2- Find in the text words that are similar in meaning to the following:

Predicaments (§1) =......................... provide (§2) =...................... several (§3) = ……............

3. Find in the text words that are opposite to the following:

Poverty (§1) =/=…………… unthreatening (§2) =/=………………. barely (§3) =/=……………………

4. Complete the following chart:

verb noun adjective

……………………. prosperity ……………………….
to distribute ……………………. …………………………
…………………. ..………………….. sustainable

5. Write sentence (b) so it means the same as sentence (a):

A-Algerian authorities must impose taxes on companies
B- Taxes on companies ………………………………………………… …………………………………………
A-the Covid -19 pandemic has weakened the Algerian economy
B- The Algerian economy………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Complete the following passage with words from the list below:
“Lives, industrial, air, respiratory”
Life in the city is becoming dangerous every minute our………. are in danger. Our old people are
suffering from………. diseases. The pollution in the……….hurts our eyes, our noses and throat. Our
rivers are polluted by ……….chemicals. And who knows how many of these chemicals are still in the
water when we drink it?
C/Written Expression:
Topic01: Human beings are depleting the planet's natural resources in the worst possible ways.
Sustainability is therefore needed. Suggest ways to reduce energy consumptions and save it for coming
generations. Use the notes below for guidance:
- Recycling and reusing old items.
- Using renewable energies
- sensitize people of the importance being eco-friendly
- Encouraging water purification factories ...ect
Topic02: in no more than 10 lines describe how life would be like in a “pollution-free” city?

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