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Good Omens

Episode 2 (28:00 – end)

Before watching
Ex. 1 Match the words with their definitions and then translate them into Russian:

1) to torture a) information that is written on the paper/ stored in

2) records b) legs at the back of animal’s body
3) to sense smb c) female member of a religious group that lives in the
4) nun d) far away from places where people live
5) out of the ordinary e) to cause physical or mental pain to someone
6) hind legs f) strange and frightening
7) in the middle of g) to feel or experience smth without being able to
nowhere explain how
8) spooky h) unusual

Ex. 2 Answer the questions with active vocabulary telling true stories about yourself or your
relatives and friends:

1) Do you think that people who committed crimes should be tortured?

2) Do you keep records for your job?
3) Can you sense when people are lying to you?
4) Do you think it’s easy to be a nun?
5) Do you like spooky films?
6) How can you make a dog walk on its hind legs?
7) When were you in the middle of nowhere last?
8) When was the last time you did something out of the ordinary in your life?

While watching
Ex. 3 Watch the episode and insert the words from active vocabulary in ex. 1:

1) Crowley: Well, you don't think American diplomats' wives usually give birth in little
religious hospitals in the middle of nowhere, do you?
Aziraphael: No, it all had to seem to happen naturally, (31:00)
2) Witch: Then what?
Boy: Then we torture you until you say yes.
Witch: Wait, you're going to torture him?
Girl: We built a torturing machine. (33:00)
3) Crowley: What do you mean "loved"?
Aziraphael: Well, I mean the opposite of when you say, "I don't like this place. It feels
Crowley: I don't ever say that. I like spooky. Big spooky fan, me.
4) Aziraphael: You weren't by any chance, a nun here at this convent 11 years ago, were
Nun: I was. (38:00)
5) Crowley: Where did he come from and what did he do with the baby?
Nun: I don't know.
Aziraphael: Records. There must have been records.
Nuns: Yes. There were lots of records. (39:00)
6) Aziraphael: There's a very peculiar feeling to this whole area. I'm astonished you can't
feel it.
Crowley: I don't feel anything out of ordinary.
Aziraphael: But it's everywhere. All over here. (41:00)
7) Aziraphael: Humans are good at finding other humans. They've been doing it for
thousands of years. And the child is partly human. Other humans might be able to sense
him. (45:00)
8) Arthur: Arthur Young here.
Adam: Dad, look, I got Dog to walk on his hind legs!
Aziraphael: Sorry, right number!

After watching
Ex. 4 Translate the sentences using active vocabulary:

1) Ангел и демон понимали, что не просто так жена дипломата поехала рожать
ребенка у черта на куличках. Они решили найти это место, и попали в бывший
монастырь, которые казался ангелу страшным. Они встретили монашку, которая
подменила детей и попытались у неё узнать, велись ли записи в монастыре. Узнав,
что нет, они расстроились и начали думать, как можно было найти Антихриста.
Они предположили, что люди могут почувствовать его.
Angel and demon realized that diplomat’s wife went to give birth in some place in the
middle of nowhere not by accident. They decided to find this exact place and got into a
former monastery which angel found spooky. They met a nun exchanged/swapped the
children and asked her if there were any records in this church. When they found out that
all records burned in fire they get upset and started thinking about other ways of finding
the Antichrist. They assumed that people can sense him.
2) Ведьма встретила в лесу детей, которые играли в охоту на ведьм. Они воображали,
как будут их мучать, когда встретят. Позже ангел почувствовал что-то необычное,
и они встретили ведьму. Благодаря её книге ангел нашел ребенка, и когда он
услышал, что ребенок научил собаку ходить на задних лапах, он поспешил к нему.
The witch met children in the forest who was playing the witch hunting. They imagined
how they would torture them when they catch witches. Later angel felt something out of
ordinary and they met a witch. Thanks to her book, angel found the child and when he
heard that Antichrist trained his dog to walk on its hind legs he made his way to him.

Ex.5 Answer the questions using new words and retell Episode 2:

1) What do we learn about Adam’s friends? What games do they like to play? Who do they
meet in the forest?
2) Where do Aziraphael and Crowley go? What does Aziraphael feel at the place where the
convent used to be? What do they talk to the nun about?
3) What does the witch do in the forest? How do the angel and the demon meet her? What
does she lose?
4) What do Aziraphael and Crowley discuss about finding Adam? What does Aziraphael
find? How does it help him find Adam?

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