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8/12/2021 Current Issues in Education

Current Issues in Education

In your own words, describe each of the 6 Problems with Schools discussed in the video.

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6 Problems with our School System

6 Problems with our School …

Reflection Questions
In your own words, and in complete sentences, describe the 6 problems with our school system listed in
the video. 1/4
8/12/2021 Current Issues in Education

1. Industrial-Age Values *

'Industrial-Age Values' are explained in the following points:

Children in school are made to follow and listen to instructions by the teacher / lecturer.
They are encouraged in doing so by being awarded when they follow the rules and

However, these character traits were important back in the Industrial Age because it defined
whether the worker could obtain a job, earn an income, and survive in the world.

These are not important in the modern world because it values people who think creative
and out of the box, communicate their ideas efficiently, and collaborate with fellow peers /
colleagues. But children are not given a chance to develop these essential skills in school.

2. Lack of Autonomy *

'Lack of Autonomy' is explained in the following points:

At school, children do not have complete autonomy and control over their lives, as they are
told what, and when to do certain things.

In the real world, when you have landed a successful job and are working, you are making
your own decisions and managing your time cleverly.

The school system, however, sends a different message to the children, that they do not
have control over their own lives and just have to follow whatever is being told, instead of
exploring other activities / subjects and making most use of their lives. 2/4
8/12/2021 Current Issues in Education

3. Inauthentic Learning *

'Inauthentic Learning' is explained in the following points:

Learning in schools today relies on memorising facts and rote learning (repetition). The
syllabus contains some generic terms that every child has to know and test / exams
measure how much of this is retained.

This system has several disadvantages. The most prominent one is that most of the
knowledge disappears once you have written the exam, which prevents learning from being
more deep and authentic.

However, the present world only values examination scores, and has created an unhealthy
routine for students, where they undergo additional stress through tuitions, and memorising
facts just before examinations.

4. No Room for Passions & Interests *

'No Room for Passions & Interests' is explained in the following points:

The standardised school system requires students to learn the same facts, at the same
time, and in the same method, as everyone else.

As good as it seems, this does not help students develop their passion and help them think
what they are good at, and what they would like to become in the future.

There is no way of measuring talent and there could be a tremendous amount of

unrecognised talent which is not detected in the system following in the current day and

5. How We Learn *

'How We Learn' is explained in the following points:

All students have a difference in how they learn, their learning pace, and what resources and
material will greatly help them to succeed in life.

However, in the education system, when certain peers are slow in learning, they are
considered failures, when all they needed was additional time to catch up. 3/4
8/12/2021 Current Issues in Education

6. Lecturing *

'Lecturing' is explained in the following points:

In the educational system, peers are lectured for more than 5 hours a day on end.

However, in the classroom, they are bound to be students who are either bored because they
are ahead in the subject or are behind because they are confused in the material taught by
the lecturer.

Due to the Internet, a wide variety of information is available online and children have at
their fingertips the ability to learn anything. But technology is not used widely in fear of
losing control.

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