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Product Development

Process in short:

Types of raw materials:

Though all the raw materials are obtained naturally, they
can be divided into 3 types:
1.Plant/tree-based – materials like vegetables, fruits,
flowers, wood, resin, latex are obtained from plants and

2.Animal-based– materials like leather, meat, bones,

milk, wool, silk are all obtained from animals

3.Mining-based– materials like minerals, clay, metals,

crude oil, coal, etc. are obtained by mining the earth.

A manufacturing unit divides the raw materials into 2 main


• Direct raw materials. The

is a direct raw material from which furniture like chair, tables, bed,
etc. are made. Another example is leather used for making purses,
shoes, bags, etc.

• Indirect raw materials. On

the direct materials. For example, the glue, nails, varnish, etc. used
in making wooden furniture like chair, table, bed, etc. are all indirect raw materials. Similarly, the buckles, metal hoops,
zips, glue, lining fabric, colors, etc. used in making leather purses, shoes, and bags are all indirect raw materials.

We extract raw materials from nature (Raw Material). We transform the raw materials into processed materials.
(Processed Materials). We use these processed materials to make products (Finished Products).

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