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3.1 Homeostasis 体内平衡 in Living Things 生物

1 In human body, there is a regulatory 控制 system which functions 功能 like thermostat.调温器
2 Homeostasis the process of controlling physical 物理的 factors such as body temperature 体温 and
chemical factors such as blood pH in the body with the normal range.一般范围幅度
3 A stable 稳定 and balanced 平衡 internal environment 内在环境 allows biochemical reaction to occur 发
生 smoothly 顺利 and at an optimum 最佳 level.水平
4 Any deviation 远离 from the normal range will trigger 激起 the homeostasis control mechanism.控制机制
Through this mechanism, cells can function efficiently.有效地
5 Figure 3.1 shows the homeostasis control mechanism.

(a) A value chat increases 增加 above the normal range is reduced 降低 to the normal value.正常价值
(h) A value chat decreases 减少 below the normal value is raised 提升 to the normal value.
5. Animals' characteristics 特质 and behaviours 行为 also help in maintaining 保持 a homeostasis condition
情况 in the body.

6. For example:
(a) Animals that live in a cold habitat 冷的栖息地 have thick furs.厚毛
(b) In the winter 冬天, most animals hibernate.冬眠
(c) Buffaloes 犀牛 wallow 打滚 in mud 泥沼 during hot days 热天

Regulation of body temperature in the body

Body temperature rises above 37°C

detected 觉察 by

Temperature control centre 控制中心 in the brain

Sends 输送 impulse 脉冲

Blood vessels 血管 Body hairs 身体毛发 Sweat gland 汗腺 Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌
•Blood vessels dilate 扩 • The skin hairs lie flat • Sweat gland is • Skeletal muscles are
张 and more blood flows 平躺 to the skin surface. stimulated 刺激 to not stimulated and body
流 to the skin surface 表 • A thinner layer 薄层 of release 释放 more sweat. does not shiver.发抖
面 to remove 去除 air is trapped 困住 • When sweat 汗水
excess 多余 heat to the against the skin evaporates 蒸发, heat is
surrounding. 周围 and heat 热 can lose 消 Absorbed 吸收 and
失 quickly to the removed from the skin.

Body temperature drops to normal value of 37°C

Body temperature drops below 37°C

detected by

Temperature control centre in the brain

sends impulse

Blood vessels Body hairs Sweat gland Skeletal muscle

•Blood vessels constrict • Skin hairs stand • Sweat gland is not • Skeletal muscles are
收缩 and less 少 blood upright。站起来 Stimulated. Sweating Stimulated
flows to the skin surface • A thicker layer of air is does not happen. Body shivers 发抖 and
so less heat is released trapped on the skin • Heat is not lost 消失 to generates heat.产生热
which prevents 阻止 heat the surrounding.
loss by radiation 辐射 to
the surrounding.

Body temperature rises to normal value of 37°C

Regulation 控制 of water content 水容量 in the body

1 Sweating or eating too much salt 盐 1 Less sweating 流汗 or drink too much water

2. Water level in the blood decreases 2. Water level in the blood increases
3 Brain cells trigger 激起 signals 讯号 which are 3 Brain cells trigger signals which are sent to the
sent to the kidneys 肾脏 through the nervous 神经 kidneys through the nervous system and the
system and the endocrine 内分泌 system. endocrine system.
4 More water is reabsorbed 再吸回 by the kidneys. 4.Less water is reabsorbed by the kidneys.
5 Urine 尿 excreted 排泄 is concentrated 浓缩 and in 5 Urine excreted is diluted 淡的 and in large volume
small volume 小容量 大容量

Regulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide content in the during vigorous activity
1. During vigorous activity 激烈运动,
• breathing 呼吸 rate 率 and heart 心跳 rate (pulse 脉搏 rate) increase.增加
• the exchange 互相交换 rate of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur 发生 faster 比较快 in the lungs.
• blood transports 运输 more oxygen and glucose 葡萄糖 to muscle cells rapidly.快速
• Cell respiration 细胞呼吸作用 increases.
• Additional 多余的 energy is generated 产生
• Carbon dioxide is removed 去除 at a faster rate from the lungs.肺部
Homeostasis in Animals
Animals How body temperature is regulated on How body temperature is regulated on
hot days to reduce body temperature cold days to increase body temperature

Cat Licks 舔 its furs 毛发 Body furs stand upright 站起来

Dog Sticks out 伸出 its tongue 舌头 Body furs stand upright
Lizard Metabolic 新陈代谢 rate decreases, Metabolic rate increases, movement
movement 动作 becomes slow 缓慢 becomes fast 快
Snail Produces fluid to moisturise 滋润 the skin Hides 躲藏 in the shell 壳
and reduce water evaporation 蒸发
Bee Waxy 有蜡的 outer skin Spiracle 气孔 is Vibrates 震动 flight 飞行 muscles to
closed between breathing generate heat 产生热

Homeostasis in Plants
1. Homeostasis in plants involves the shoot 枝叶,芽 system and the root 根 system.
• Transpiration 蒸腾作用 that occurs along the shoot system draws 拉 water from the roots to the leaves.
• Transpiration is a process in which water vapour 水蒸气 is lost by evaporation through plant stomata.气孔
2. The root system absorbs water and mineral salts from the soil to replace 代替 the water lost by
On a cool 冷 day: On a hot sunny day stomata will On an extreme 极端 hot 热 day:
• Excess water in open: • Continuous transpiration causes
plants evaporates • Transpiration occurs to give the plant to wilt 枯萎.
from the stomata. cooling 冷却 effects 效果 to • Stomata close to reduce
• Plants are in plants (prevents overheating) transpiration and prevent
turgid 肿胀 • Transpiration also helps dehydration.脱水
condition. plants to absorb and transport • Thus, the plant withers.枯萎
water and minerals from the • The plant becomes turgid again if
soil to all parts of the plant. it is watered 浇水 immediately.

3. Therefore, homeostasis is important to

• maintain physical and chemical factors within the normal range in living things.
• maintain normal conditions so that cells can function optimally.

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