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GEIA-HB-0005-1 


Issued 2006-06
Revised 201 6-02

Superseding GEIA-HB-0005-1

(R) Program Management/Systems Engineering Guidelines for

Managing the Transition to Lead-Free Electronics


This handbook is intended to provide guidance for the mitigation of all potential issues and risks affecting the Aerospace
Defense and High Performance (ADHP) electronics industry as a result of the transition from tin -lead (SnPb) to lead-free
(Pb-free) electronics. The guidance in this handbook has been developed to assist managers in the responsible mitigation
of the impact of the Pb-free electronics transition.

The original release of this document was written primarily from the perspective of a military program. Revision A
broadens the perceptive, and is rewritten to advise and assist the four primary stakeholders; Systems Engineering, Supply
Chain Management, Quality Assurance Management and Program Management.


The imposition of Pb-free materials is one of the most disruptive events in the ADHP electronics industry in the last 30
years. The transition to Pb-free electronics has far reaching implications on reliability, life, producibility and life cycle cost
for ADHP products.

In 2004 the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), the Avionics Maintenance Conference (AMC), and TechAmerica
formed a joint working group with the express purpose of generating a series of industry standards and handbooks to
assist in managing the risks associated with the transition to Pb-free solder and Pb-free-finished components and printed
wiring boards in ADHP electronic systems. This handbook was prepared by a successor to that group.

This document is intended to be used in concert with GEIA-STD-0005-1 , GEIA-STD-0005-2, GEIA-STD-0005-3, GEIA-HB-
0005-2 and GEIA-HB-0005-3.

It should be noted that suppliers who have implemented lead-free control plans that are in compliance with GEIA-STD-
0005-1 Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-free Solder and
GEIA-STD-0005-2 Standard for Mitigating the Risks of Tin in High-Reliability Electronic Systems and utilizing GEIA-HB-
0005-2 Technical Guidelines for Using Lead-free Solder in Aerospace Applications will have adequately addressed the
concerns and issues delineated in sections 3 through 1 3 of this handbook.

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engi neering sciences. The use of this report is
entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is th e sole responsibility of the user.”
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and
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The European Union (EU) has enacted a directive; 2002/95/EC Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances
(RoHS) that restricts or eliminates the use of various substances in a variety of products that are produced after July 2006.
It was revised and reissued as Directive 201 1 /65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment in June, 201 1 . One of the key materials restricted is lead (Pb), which is widely us ed in
electronic solder and electronic component terminations. While this regulation may appear to only affect products for sale
in the EU, due to the reduced market share of the ADHP electronics industry, many of the lower tier suppliers have
changed their products because their primary m arket is consumer electronics. Additionally, several U.S. states have
enacted similar “green” laws and many Asian electronics manufacturers have recently announced completely green
product lines.

Pb-free materials and processes are relatively immature. The ADHP electronics industry is one of the few major industrial
sectors that still repair Printed Board Assemblies (PBAs); and the perform ance of Pb-free materials are not fully
understood in harsh environments. As such, a standard ADHP industry-wide approach to the transition is deemed to be
highly valuable.


1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Applicable Documents .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Industry Standards ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Government Documents ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 General References ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Symbols and Abbreviated Terms .................................................................................................................. 7

3. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CONCERNS .................................................................................................. 8

3.1 Programmatic Concerns Associated with Pb-free Solders and Finishes ...................................................... 8

4. RELIABILITY IMPACTS ................................................................................................................................ 8

4.1 Tin Whisker Concerns ................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Solder Joint Concerns ................................................................................................................................. 1 0
4.2.1 Mixed Solder Alloys - Specific Concern with Pb-free BGA in SnPb Soldering Process .............................. 1 0
4.3 Component Concerns ................................................................................................................................. 1 0
4.3.1 Component Incompatibility with Pb-free Reflow Temperatures .................................................................. 1 0
4.3.2 Component Termination Reprocessing ...................................................................................................... 1 1
4.3.3 Printed Wiring Boards (PWB) ..................................................................................................................... 1 1
4.4 Considerations Related to COTS Electronic Components and COTS Assemblies .................................... 1 1
4.4.1 COTS Electronic Components .................................................................................................................... 1 1
4.4.2 COTS Assemblies ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1
4.4.3 Modified COTS (MOTS) .............................................................................................................................. 1 2

5. COST AND SCHEDULE IMPACTS ............................................................................................................ 1 2

6. LEAD-FREE CONTROL PLAN ................................................................................................................... 1 2

7. SYSTEM ENGINEERING IMPACTS .......................................................................................................... 1 2

7.1 Conceptual Design ...................................................................................................................................... 1 3
7.2 Preliminary System Design ......................................................................................................................... 1 3
7.3 Detail Design and Development .................................................................................................................. 1 3
7.4 System Test and Evaluation ........................................................................................................................ 1 3

8. OBSOLESCENCE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 1 4

9. QUALITY IMPACTS .................................................................................................................................... 1 4

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1 0. CONFIGURATION CONTROL ................................................................................................................... 1 4

11. IMPLEMENTATION AND FLOW-DOWN OF PB-FREE REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 1 5

1 2. REWORK AND SUSTAINING ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................ 1 5

1 3. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 1 5

1 3.1 ADHP Subcontractors ................................................................................................................................. 1 5
1 3.2 COTS Assembly Suppliers .......................................................................................................................... 1 6
1 3.3 Build to Print Suppliers ................................................................................................................................ 1 6

1 4. NOTES ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 6
1 4.1 Revision Indicator ........................................................................................................................................ 1 6


FIGURE 1 APPLICATION OF CONTROL LEVELS ....................................................................................................... 9

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND – CALCE) ................................................................................................... 1 0

TABLE 1 RISK CONTROL MECHANISMS .................................................................................................................. 9


This handbook is designed to assist a program in assuring the perform ance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and
certifiability of product(s), in accordance with GEIA-STD-0005- 1 , “Performance Standard for Aerospace and High
Perform ance Electronic Systems Containing Pb- free Solder”. Please note that the program manager, and managers of
systems engineering, Supply Chain and Quality Assurance (along with their respective organizations), and the appropriate
enterprise authority need to work together in ensuring that all impacts of Pb-free technology insertion are understood and
risks mitigated accordingly. Herein “program management (or manager), supplier chain management (or manager), quality
assurance management (or manager) and systems engineering management (or manager) and/or the appropriate
enterprise authority” shall be defined as “responsible manager” throughout the remaining document (see Section 3, Terms
and Definitions).

The basic principles delineated in this handbook can be used for program management, system eng ineering, supply chain
management and quality assurance management of any aerospace and/or high perform ance program. Appendix A
contains a General Responsible Manager Checklist for Dealing with Pb-free Issues. The checklist can be used to identify
potential issues related to the content in sections 5 through 1 5 of this handbook.

Pb-free technology can impact any program regardless of whether the program itself is exempt or bound by environmental
regulations. The industry conversion to Pb-free solder technology may affect manufacturers and consumers of ADHP
electronics in one or combinations of the following three ways: (1 ) If the program is required to implement Pb-free
technology (contract requirement, environmental regulation, etc), then the managers of organizations responsible for
program execution will need to assess the impact of in-house transition with respect to design (e.g., perform ance of
products using Pb-free) and process (e.g., processes to build Pb-free products). (2) If the program purchases COTS
(Commercial-off-the-Shelf) items for its products/systems, then there is a very good chance that these items will contain
Pb-free solder or Pb-free finishes on parts, PWBs, or PBAs. (3) Manufacturers of ADHP electronics may inadvertently
introduce Pb-free parts or assemblies (including component finish, Printed W iring Board (PWB) finish, or assembly solder)
if careful coordination between buyer and supplier is not exercised.
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2.1 Applicable Documents

The following publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications
shall apply. The applicable issue of other publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the purchase order. In th e
event of conflict between the text of this document and references cited herein, the text of this document takes
precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption
has been obtained.

2.1 .1 SAE Publications

Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 1 5096-0001 , Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA
and Canada) or +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA),

GEIA-STD-0005-1 Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing
Lead-free Solder

GEIA-STD-0005-2 Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin in Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems

GEIA-STD-0005-3 Perform ance Testing for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Interconnects Containing
Pb-Free Solder and Finishes

GEIA-HB-0005-2 Technical Guidelines for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-
free Solder

GEIA-HB-0005-3 Rework/Repair Handbook to Address the Implication of Lead-Free Electronics and Mixed
Assemblies in Aerospace and High Perform ance Electronic Systems

GEIA-STD-0006 Requirements for Using Solder Dip to Replace the Finish on Electronic Piece Parts

SAE AS91 00 Quality Systems – Aerospace - Model For Quality Assurance In Design, Development, Production,
Installation And Servicing

2.2 Industry Standards

IEC/TS 62239-1 Process Management for Avionics - Management Plan - Part 1 : Preparation and Maintenance of an
Electronic Components Management Plan

IEC/TS 62647-1 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-
free solder - Part 1 : Preparation for a lead-free control plan. This document is the IEC equivalent
to the GEIA-STD-0005-1

IEC/TS 62647-2 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-
free solder - Part 2: Mitigation of deleterious effects of tin. This document is the IEC equivalent to
the GEIA-STD-0005-2

IEC/TS 62647-3 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-
free solder - Part 3: Perform ance testing for systems containing lead-free solder and finishes. This
document is the IEC equivalent to the GEIA-STD-0005-3

IEC/PAS 62647-22 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-
free solder - Part 22: Technical guidelines. This document is the IEC equivalent to the GEIA-HB-

IEC/PAS 62647-23 Process management for avionics - Aerospace and defence electronic systems containing lead-
free solder - Part 23: Rework and repair guidance to address the implications of lead-free
electronics and mixed assemblies. This document is the IEC equivalent to the GEIA-HB-0005-3
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EIA-632 Process for Engineering a System

EIA-731 Systems Engineering Capability Model

EIA-933 Standard for Preparing a COTS Assembly Management Plan

EIA-4899 Standard for Preparing an Electronic Components Management Plan

ANSI/ASQC Q9000 Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards

ARINC Project 671 Guidance for Lead-Free Soldering, Repair and Rework

2.3 Government Documents

FM 770-78 Army Field Manual, System Engineering

5000.9, NAVAIRINST 5000.24

Naval Systems Engineering Technical Review Handbook, Version 1 .0

July 201 1 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment (commonly known as the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive).

August 201 2 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

Executive Order 1 31 48 Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management

2.4 General References

Blanchard, B. S., Fabrycky, W. J., “Systems engineering and analysis”, 2 edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,1 990.
2.5 Terms and Definitions

For purposes of this handbook, the following terms and definitions apply.

ASSEMBLIES - Are electronic items that require electrical attachments, including soldering of wires or component
terminations; examples include circuit card assemblies and wire harnesses.

COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) - One or more pieces, mechanical or electrical, developed for multiple commercial
consumers, whose design and/or configuration is controlled by the supplier's specification or an industry standard. They
can include components, subassemblies, or top level assemblies.

CRITICAL ITEM OR FUNCTION - I f defective will result in the system’s inability to retain operational capability, meet
primary objective, or affect safety.

CUSTOMER - Refers to an entity or organization that (a) integrates a component, soldered assembly, unit, or system into
a higher level system, (b) operates the higher level system, or (c) certifies the system for use. For example, this may
include end item users, integrators, regulatory agencies, operators, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and

HIGH PERFORMANCE SYSTEM OR PRODUCT - Requires continued performance or performance on demand, or

equipment down time cannot be tolerated, or end-use environment may be uncommonly harsh, and the equipment must
function when required, such as life support or other critical systems.

Pb-FREE - Is defined as less than 0.1 % by weight of lead in accordance with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) guidelines
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Pb-FREE CONTROL PLAN (LFCP) - R efers to an aerospace or military system supplier’s document that defines the
processes that assure the Plan Owners, their customers, and all other stakeholders that aerospace, defense and high
perform ance high-reliability electronics systems containing Pb-free solder and Pb-free component and PB finishes will
continue to be reliable, safe, producible, affordable, and supportable.

NOTE: An acceptable LFCP, per GEIA-STD-0005-1 , will fulfill all intentions of the standard. ANSI/ASQC Q9000
documentation may provide a strong basis for the control plan.

MAY - Indicates a course of action that is permissible within the limits of this handbook, but not required.

PARTS, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES (PMP) - Includes the disciplines that assure proper application of parts,
materials, and assembly processes to produce an item that meets system requirements.

Pb-FREE TIN - Is defined to be pure tin or any tin alloy with <3% lead (Pb) content by weight. This means that some Pb-
free finishes other than pure tin, such as tin-bismuth and tin- copper, are considered to be “tin” for the purposes of this
handbook. Many of these alloys have not been assessed for whiskering behavior.

NOTE: That this definition is different than the typical electronic industry definition of Pb-free, based on RoHS. In those
cases, the Pb-content is much lower. For the purpose of this document the higher Pb-content is required to reduce
the tin whisker risk.

Pb-FREE TIN FINISH - Is defined to be Pb-free tin final finishes or under-plates either external or internal to a device, PB
or other hardware. This includes all leads and surfaces, even those coated, encapsulated, or otherwise not exposed. It
may include finishes on electrical components, mechanical components, and PBs. It does not includ e Pb-free bulk solders,
assembly materials, solder balls, or those devices where the Pb-free tin finish has been completely replaced.

RESPONSIBLE MANAGER - For purposes of this handbook (and this handbook only), refers to program management (or
manager), systems engineering management (or manager), supply chain management (or manager), quality assurance
management (or manager) and/or the appropriate enterprise authority. The implications are that the program manager
and the other cited stakeholders work together in ensuring that all impacts of Pb-free technology insertion are understood
and risks mitigated accordingly.

REPAIR - Is the act of restoring the functional capability of a defective article in a manner that precludes compliance of the
article with applicable drawings or specifications.

REWORK - Is an action taken to return a unit (SRU/LRU/system) to a state meeting all requirements of the engineering
drawing, including both functionality and physical configuration. Or is the act of reprocessing non -complying articles,
through the use of original or equivalent processing in a manner that ensures full compliance of the article with applicable
drawings or specifications.

SHOULD - Indicates that, among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or
excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form ) a
certain course of action is discouraged but not prohibited.

SUB-CONTRACTOR - Refers to an organization, within the given high-reliability industry, that supplies, maintains, repairs,
or supports electronic systems, and is not the direct supplier to the customer or user of those systems.

SUPPLIER - Refers to an entity or organization that designs, manufactures, repairs, or maintains a component, unit, or
system. For example, this includes original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), repair facilities, subcontractors, and
component manufacturers.

SYSTEM - Is defined as one or more units that perform electrical function(s).

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TIN WHISKER - Is a spontaneous crystal growth that emanates from a tin rich finishes. They may be cylindrical, kinked, or
twisted. Typically they have an aspect ratio (length/width) greater than two, with shorter growths referred to as nodules or
odd-shaped eruptions (OSEs).

NOTE: See GEIA-STD-0005-2 for further description of tin whiskers and their physical attributes.

UNIT - Is defined as one or more assemblies within a chassis to perform electrical function(s)

2.6 Symbols and Abbreviated Terms

AIA Aerospace Industries Association

AMC Avionics Maintenance Conference

COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf

EU European Union

GEIA Government Electronics and Information Technology Association

INCOSE International Council On System Engineering

IR Infra-Red

LFCP Lead-Free Control Plan

Mil Military

MOTS Modified COTS

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

Pb-free Lead-Free

PMP Parts, Materials, and Processes

PWB Printed Wiring Board

PBA Printed Board Assembly

RoHS 2002/95/EC Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances

ROTS Ruggedized COTS

SMT Surface Mount Technology

SnPb Tin/Lead (norm ally 63% tin/37% lead)

WEEE 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

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This handbook provides guidance for the responsible manager to address potential program impacts resulting from
industry transition to Pb-free solders and finishes. Those industry changes can spawn both overt and subtle risks that pose
consequential impacts at the system, unit, assembly, sub-assembly or com ponent levels. The changes from SnPb solder
and finishes to Pb-free solder and finishes will affect all electronics programs regardless of level or size. The following
paragraphs provide insight into where Pb-free solders and finishes are being introduced in ADHP programs (e.g.,
component finishes), process changes that can result (e.g., assembly processes, rework procedures), documentation
concerns (e.g., configuration management changes), and attendant hardware performance risks ( e.g., changes in
interconnect reliability). In the Section 6 paragraphs, these concerns are identified along with recommendations for
assuring program performance in many dimensions.

3.1 Programmatic Concerns Associated with Pb-free Solders and Finishes

The industry transition to Pb-free solders and finishes may impact the following areas: hardware quality, program cost and
schedule, requirements flow-down, and training. There are also new documentation requirements for development of a
LFCP and changes in existing systems engineering processes. The following paragraphs cite those and other issues in
detail. Additionally, methods and processes for addressing and mitigating concerns in these areas are also identified.


The reliability of products with long service lives or harsh use environments will be impacted as a result of the introduction
of Pb-free termination finishes and the use of Pb-free solder processes. This is of special concern when these products
perform critical functions. Pb-free electronics can affect ADHP system reliability in several ways. The two basic reliability
areas of concern are: (1 ) failures due Pb-free electronic component finishes like pure tin, which can form tin whiskers, and
(2) failure of solder joints or circuit boards in assemblies using alloys and board materials with significantly different
properties than the traditional SnPb alloys and board materials. Pb-free reflow, wave solder, assembly and rework
processes all require additional heat and time as compared to similar processes for SnPb solder. These elevated and
lengthier temperature excursions subject all of the components to higher stress, and may result in immediate or incipient
failures as well.

The reliability sections in GEIA-STD-0005-1 and/or the IEC/TS 62647-1 detail requirements that should be considered to
address the risks that result from the introduction of Pb-free parts and finishes. These documents should be consulted for
creating a Lead Free Control Plan (LFCP) at each supplier/organization (plan owner) in the supply chain.

4.1 Tin Whisker Concerns

Pb-free tin finishes in ADHP systems can be detrimental to functionality of the system, as tin whiskers can create a latent
risk for short circuits. Tin whiskers are small conductive crystalline growth s from tin surfaces. Tin whiskers were eliminated
as a problem in the 1 950s by the addition of lead to tin solder. With the banning of lead this problem has resurfaced. The
elimination of lead has caused numerous variations in component surface finishes an d the responsible manager needs to
be aware of the possible consequences associated with some of these component surface finishes. The responsible
manager needs to ensure the program and/or the supplier has an LFCP for addressing and mitigating these risks.

GEIA-STD-0005-2 and IEC/TS 62647-2 each provide a framework and recommended methods for controlling and
mitigating the use of Pb-free tin finished components. These documents define three basic levels, with additional
sublevels, for controlling and mitigating the use of Pb-free tin finishes with regard to reliability concerns (e.g., tin whiskers).
The three levels with their associated risk control mechanisms are summarized in Table 1 .
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Table 1 - Risk control mechanisms

Level Risk Control Mechanisms

3 Control tin risk exclusively by tin avoidance

2C Control tin risk predominantly by tin avoidance, and in exceptional cases by design rules

2B Control tin risk predominantly by design rules, and in exceptional cases by tin avoidance

2A Control tin risk exclusively by design rules

1 Tin risk uncontrolled

An appropriate application of these control levels is illustrated in Figure 1 below. Higher levels of control provide: (1 ) a
perception of higher reliability on the part of your customer, (2) decreased risk of whisker induced shorting, (3) significant
constraint on selection of components and subassemblies. Lower levels of control provide: (1 ) greater flexibility in selection
of components and subassemblies, (2) increased risk of whisker induced shorting, (3) a perception of lower reliability on
the part of your customer.

Figure 1 - Application of control levels

These levels are designed to be specified in LFCPs and flowed down appropriately in requests for proposals and control
documents. The customer, in agreement with the responsible manager of the supplier (if the product is sub-contracted)
should determine the appropriate control level or levels for their product. These levels should be based on criticality of
performance or mission, level of risk, and other mitigating features of their program, such as redundancy and repairability.
For many larger programs, different subsystems or units may need different control levels.

When the customer does not specify the control level, suppliers should perform a product risk assessment as
recommended in GEIA-STD-0005-2 and/or IEC/TS62647-2 to determine the appropriate control levels. Responsible
managers should work with their internal organizations to develop a policy to harmonize requirements across programs.
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4.2 Solder Joint Concerns

Current Pb-free solders have been used in the consumer electronics market for more than 1 0 years. However, Pb-free
solders have yet to show suitable reliability history under extreme service and specific environmental conditions. While
some materials have shown comparable or better behavior during certain thermal cycle testing, some specific vibration
and shock test results have shown lower durability perform ance than SnPb baseline materials. Note that these results are
from some laboratory tests. There has been limited combined environmental testing (e.g., a combination of temperature
cycling and vibration) due to complexity and cost. Again, acquiring field data has been a challenge due to a combination of
logistical and proprietary reasons. As a result, there is still uncertainty regarding the perform ance of Pb-free systems in
harsh environments.

Solder Joint Crack from

drop test

Figure 2 - Studies have shown that some Pb free solder alloys fail at lower loads than SnPb solder when shocked,
dropped, or bent (Figure courtesy of University of Maryland – CALCE)

4.2.1 Mixed Solder Alloys - Specific Concern with Pb-free BGA in SnPb Soldering Process

Mixed solder alloys are a concern when using eutectic SnPb assembly solder. Ball grid array (BGA) packages are
increasingly popular due to their ability to provide high-density interconnection for high I/O count devices. These packages
incorporate spheres of solder on their bottom surface that mix with the assembly solder. Increasingly, BGAs are only
available with Pb-free solder spheres, and the composition of these spheres is changing. When the assembly solder has a
different composition than the solder spheres, a mixed alloy joint results. The reliability of mixed alloy joints is a complex
function of the composition of the solder sphere and the solder paste, their relative solder volumes, and the thermal reflow
profile. The alternative to mixed assembly is to replace the solder spheres on the BGA with new solder spheres that match
the composition of the assembly solder. This process is referred to as reballing, and involves its own set of costs and risks .

The challenge of mixed solder alloys creates two different types of risks. Reliable mixed alloy assem bly requires a
thorough understanding of all of the critical factors involved combined with the technical know-how to manage the process.
Unsophisticated practitioners may not fully appreciate the complexity and therefore produce solder joints that do not
perform reliably over the full intended service environment and life. The second and more insidious risk is that assemblers
may not even be aware that the solder spheres are not of the composition that they assume. This risk is exacerbated by
the fact that component suppliers have been known to change the composition of solder spheres without changing the part
number of the device.

Managing the risks associated with BGA packages requires a case-by-case assessment of the relative merits of mixed
assembling versus reballing, and continued vigilance to assure that mixed assembly is perform ed appropriately and that
the solder sphere compositions are monitored.

4.3 Component Concerns

4.3.1 Component Incompatibility with Pb-free Reflow Temperatures

The higher temperature of Pb-free soldering can lead to increased warpage of large components such as BGAs. This
warpage can compromise solder joint reliability. Some components may be damaged by exposure to Pb-free reflow
temperatures especially if they are not RoHS compliant (e.g., some active devices and passive devices). Component
compatibility with Pb-free reflow temperatures must be taken into account during parts selection.
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4.3.2 Component Termination Reprocessing

Reballing of BGAs and component finish replacement with hot solder dip are the most prevalent methods to avoid mixed
solder alloys and tin whisker risk. However, these methods may void the component manufacturer’s warranty and may
compromise component reliability if not performed properly. Appropriate measures should be taken to assure the
reprocessing does not cause unacceptable degradation to the component (e.g., hot solder dip in accordance with GEIA-
STD-0006). The program should ensure sufficient cost and schedule is planned for the activities.

4.3.3 Printed Wiring Boards (PWB)

PWB materials must be capable of withstanding the higher temperatures of Pb-free reflow. This necessitates the use of
laminates with a high glass transition temperature. These new materials are less flexible and the bond between glass
fibers and resin is more brittle, and therefore may be subject to different failure mechanisms, such as pad cratering and
Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF).

4.4 Considerations Related to COTS Electronic Components and COTS Assemblies

Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) items pose a significant challenge for use in high perform ance systems due to the
inability to specify requirements to the COTS manufacturer. Despite these challenges, COTS items must meet the system
requirements, so the responsible manager must apply suitable practices to manage Pb-free risks, as defined by GEIA-
STD-0005-1 and GEIA-STD-0005-2 and/or IEC/TS62647-1 and IEC/TS62647-2.

Risk management will differ for COTS components and for COTS assemblies. Pb-free risks associated with discrete
components derive from the following: pure tin terminations, Pb-free solder balls, and the ability of the part to withstand the
thermal stresses associated with soldering and rework. Assemblies have all the risks associated with their components,
but in addition, there is the reliability risk associated with the solder joints used to connect the components to the assembly
and materials used to manufacture the PWB.

If Pb-free COTS is used, appropriate levels of reliability, mitigation schemes, and configuration control should be
demonstrated at each level (components, PWBs, assemblies) with respect to the targeted applications and service

4.4.1 COTS Electronic Components

Component COTS are managed for Pb-free risk just like many other part risks (reference EIA-4899 and/or IEC TS 62239-
1 for needed considerations). The Pb-free components pose a special challenge in that the part manufacturers may
change the configuration of their product in important ways without necessarily providing this information to all downstream
users in a timely fashion. The two cases of greatest concern are a switch to pure tin termination, and changing of BGA
solder ball alloy composition. It is important that the program parts management team has access to process control
notifications (PCNs) that are issued relative to the parts used on their program so that appropriate mitigations can be
implemented without disrupting the program schedule. Program parts management team should develop and maintain
close relationship with the original component manufacturers or their franchised distributors for getting up-to-date insight
into roadmaps and anticipated strategies. Direct inspection of surface finishes and solder ball alloy content may be
necessary in some instances.

4.4.2 COTS Assemblies

The use of COTS assemblies has become a widespread approach to meeting system level perform ance requirements
and cost constraints. Due to the inability to specify requirements for the COTS manufacturer these COTS items require
risk management (reference EIA-933 for COTS management plan requirements). COTS assemblies that are marketed to
segments other than ADHP may be subject to regulations that prohibit the use of lead, so these COTS assemblies pose a
significant risk of using Pb-free assembly materials including solder alloys and components with pure tin finish
terminations. The risks associated with these Pb-free materials are just one class of risk that will need to be assessed
early in the design phase, when the use of COTS assemblies is under consideration. Once a program has committed to
use a particular COTS assembly and system architecture, and software requirements have been based upon an
assumption of its use, changes to the COTS selection will be very disruptive. It is therefore imperative that the risks
associated with Pb-free COTS assemblies be considered as early as possible during preliminary design.
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COTS assembly assessments should include review of manufacturer reliability data and/or system specific testing to verify
suitable system performance. GEIA STD-0005-3 and/or IEC/TS62647-3 provides approaches to assess the performance
of Pb-free assemblies.

4.4.3 Modified COTS (MOTS)

A continuum of possibilities exists between strictly commercial COTS items selected from a catalog, and custom -designed
items controlled down to the component level by contractor drawings. Some suppliers are willing to modify their catalog
items to accommodate the needs of specific customers, and identify them with special part numbers. Products altered in
this way are often referred to as Modified COTS (MOTS) or Ruggedized COTS (ROTS). The modifications of greatest
importance relative to Pb-free risk management are the substitution of Pb-free solder in lieu of SnPb solder, and the
addition of conformal coating. It is recommended that inquiries be made of potential suppliers during the COTS selection
process to determine their willingness to perform such modifications without unreasonable cost or schedule


The greatest life cycle cost and schedule risks to the program associated with the global Pb-free transition will result from
out of phase activities due to poor planning, or a lack of knowledge. Some real life examples include: qualification test
failures due to improper mixed alloy assembly, and recall of h ardware from the field due to improper tin whisker risk
mitigation during design. The dynamic state of the industry relative to Pb-free implies that knowledge will never be perfect,
so even the best plans may not completely eliminate negative cost and schedule impacts. However, the best means to
assure proper planning is to employ a well-crafted LFCP, and require well-crafted LFCPs from suppliers.


A Lead-Free Control Plan (LFCP) is referred to many times in this handbook. An LFCP is a n ADHP systems supplier’s
document that defines the processes that assure the Plan owners, their customers, and all other stakeholders that ADHP
high-reliability electronics systems containing Pb-free solder and Pb-free electronic components and PWB finishes will
continue to be reliable, safe, producible, affordable, and supportable. The objectives and requirements for an LFCP are
specified in GEIA-STD-0005- 1 , “Performance Standard for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems
Containing Lead-free S older” and/or IEC/TS 62647 -1 . A compliant plan may be required by a customer and contractually
deliverable for review and approval. Typically the plan owner of an LFCP is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).
The requirement for use of an LFCP may be flowed down through several tiers of the supply chain for large, complex
systems. The LFCP is considered accepted when the Plan owner and their customer agree it is acceptable to both parties,
if the customer chooses to exercise the right of acceptance.

Regardless of the contractual need for availability and delivery of a LFCP, it is a vehicle that documents those processes
important to managing Pb-free risks.


Lead-free issues are best addressed throughout the life-cycle process through application of a generic system engineering
process. Systems engineering considerations for Pb-free in a concurrent design must begin early in the development
phase. Classical literature [Blanchard] and legacy government/industry (Naval Systems Engineering Technical Review
Handbook, ARMY Field Manual 770-78, INCOSE, EIA 731 ) and current industry standards, such as EIA 632 are useful
references that provide background on a generic systems engineering process.
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7.1 Conceptual Design

A Pb-free mandate is unlikely to be given in the needs statements or customer contract for ADHP product development.
Nonetheless, Pb-free issues will need consideration in the systems engineering process during Feasibility Studies when
Defining System Requirements. For example, this may occur when defining a given system architecture leading to a
Feasibility Trade Study of various processor options. During the evaluation of possible processor technologies, the effect
of the reliability of Pb-free parts and Pb-free assemblies would need to be taken into account. This can affect the
effectiveness factors, in particular mean time between maintenance (MTBM) and failure rate during the System
Operational Requirements and System Maintenance Concept development. In Preliminary Systems Analysis, satisfying
the operational and maintenance requirements requires that both cost and logistics considerations be considered including
repair and necessary spares. Regarding maintenance and repair operations, mixed alloys should be avoided in Sn -Pb
legacy product to avoid risk on component replacements, mainly when replacing Sn-Pb components where they could be
soldered in Pb-free soldering process. For example, alloys containing Bismuth and SnPb product present at the same time
could compromise solder joint integrity. In the development of the System Specification, Pb-free considerations should be
incorporated into the sections on reliability, maintainability, supportability, producibility, interchangeability, and materi als,
processes, components and parts management.

7.2 Preliminary System Design

The architecture and requirements are finalized during the preliminary system design phase Successful completion of this
phase essentially is a “green light” to proceed with generation of detailed drawings and specifications. At this phase, the
systems engineer needs to properly account for the impact of Pb-free on reliability and other performance requirements.
Also, strategies related to electronic components, PWB substrates, and soldering processes, need to be defined
consistantly with requirem ents

7.3 Detail Design and Development

At this phase, designs are near final and drawings/specifications, at the hardware level, are ready for release. Efforts on
make/buy decisions should be well underway. Confirmations of suppliers’ ability to produce these items are in hand. Also
at this stage, it is important that informed decisions have been made regarding COTS items (at all levels) as the design
process not only includes selection of the COTS themselves but realization of potential Pb-free materials that may be
incorporated into the COTS items. The realization includes risk assessment with respect to potential impacts on
perform ance which may be minimal dependent upon service conditions. During this phase electronic components and
PWB substrates must be selected to be compatible with Pb-free processes. Some factors that must be considered for the
components include package plastic molding compatibility with 260 °C instead of 245 °C according to J-STD-020 criteria,
and BGA solder sphere composition, and for the PWB substrates include glass transition temperature, coefficient of
thermal expansion, and time to delamination.

Conversion of termination finishes for whisker mitigation and replacement of BGA solder spheres for process compatibility
needs to be part of the detail design activity. This is almost always used for conversion from PB-free to SnPb.

7.4 System Test and Evaluation

The primary consideration during system test/evaluation should be on choosing the most appropriate methods to assess
product performance. The incorporation of a new suite of Pb-free materials and processes requires a heightened
awareness of the system response to test and use environments, which may have not taken place when using SnPb
alloys. Given the latest status of knowledge (including any available Pb-free field data), analysis/modeling may be sufficient
if enough data is available to validate the approach. Otherwise, the focus should be on testing based on informed and
sensible methods and approaches. In the case of Pb-free assemblies, qualification testing may have to include longer term
accelerated durability testing, which may require many qualification cycles.
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Obsolescence presents another challenge to controlling configuration and using the parts selected for use during the
original design of electronic assemblies. The RoHS Directive has undoubtedly exacerbated the problem for obtaining
traditional SnPb parts/components due to the subsequent market changes. As the commercial market transitions to Pb-
free construction/lead finishes on parts/components, the availability of the originally selected parts in SnPb becomes
smaller. In many cases, since the Military/High Reliability portion of the market can be as small as 1 %, component
manufacturers will stop using SnPb finishes entirely. The configuration control challenge increases since these
manufacturers sometimes retain the same part number for the Pb-free part that was used for the SnPb part. For SnPb
applications, if the program parts management team has no assurance the electronic component technology is SnPb (e.g. ,
through process control notification (PCN), contact and written confirmation of the original component manufacturers or its
franchised distributors), then receipt screening for package marki ng and testing samples via techniques, such as X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF), or other techniques to determine lead finish or solder, is essential to prevent the unintended incursion
of Pb-free components into the manufacturing/repair process. Even if the component manufacturer elects to continue to
produce a SnPb version of their part, configuration tracking is confused since there is no consistently accepted protocol on
whether to keep the original part number or to assign a new part number to the SnPb part.

In other instances, the original design parts will no longer be available due to technological progress/change. Due to the
same commercial market forces, new technology components are unlikely to have configurations with SnPb
construction/finishes. Unintended and uncontrolled incursion of Pb-free into a program will undoubtedly have negative
consequences. Some of the attendant potential failure modes are discussed in Section 6 above. Programs with DMSMS
(Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages) management should consider the risks caused by failure to
maintain the original configuration and allowing or failing to control the use of Pb-free components/parts. Some of the
possible mitigation approaches include: allowing the use of Pb-free in non-critical applications, and refinishing component
leads with SnPb, on components intended for use in critical assemblies. Failure to recognize, mitigate, and manage the
potential risks of unintended use of Pb-free solders and finishes can result in early u nanticipated failures that will be hard
to diagnose and have deleterious impacts on program reliability and supportability.


Quality is a critical consideration in the transition to Pb-free. The responsible Quality Manager should understand the LFCP
and ensure that it is incorporated into the quality management program and flowed down to suppliers as applicable.


Due to potential compatibility issues associated with Pb-free, it is critical to maintain configuration control of materials used
in design of ADHP products. The requirements for configuration control with regard to Pb-free are in GEIA-STD-0005-1
section 5.2 and 6.2 and IEC/TS 62647-1 sections 5.3 and 6.3. Additional guidance is provided in Appendix C of GEIA-
STD-0005-1 and IEC/TS 62647-1 . Note, the responsible manager must select the configuration control for the various
levels (i.e., component, assembly, unit, system).

Component termination (e.g. , package materials, etc) and PWB substrate composition is critical and can affect reliability
and performance of the finished product. The responsible manager should ensure that appropriate and demonstrated
processes are in place at suppliers that will accurately identify and control the material content of components and PWB
substrate used in soldered assemblies, and that the material content is compatible with the soldering process(es).

The mixing of solder alloys and electronic components with different plating materials on PWBs poses configuration
challenges. Precise knowledge of the locations and part numbers of these components and solder alloys may be
necessary for future maintenance and repair activities. The GEIA-STD-0005-1 and/or the IEC/TS 62647-1 provide
requirements for managing configuration control of mixed assemblies.

The responsible manager may require that a Parts, Materials, and Processes (PMP) Plan is in place at the supplier to
assure system performance requirements are met. The PMP requirements should be flowed down to subcontractors.
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The responsible manager needs to insure that all internal organizations comply with the requirements of the LFCP. The
responsible manager may choose to implement the LFCP requirements in a variety ways, which may includ e one of the
following methods:

 Require the use of a standard LFCP for all programs.

 Require the use of a standard “baseline” LFCP, but allow tailoring for specific program requirements.
 Require development and implementation of a unique LFCP for each program.

In accordance with GEIA-STD-0005-1 and/or IEC/TS62647-1 the responsible manager should flow down a requirement for
systems suppliers and subcontractors to develop and deliver an LFCP that conforms to contract requirements. The
process for flow down, verification and assurance of these requirements should be in accordance with the applicable PMP
process. Appropriate contractual language should be included in new contracts that define the customer requirements
regarding the use of Pb-free parts, materials and processes.

The flow-down language used will depend on the level of Pb-free required. i.e., totally RoHS compliant, a mix of Pb-free
component finishes and SnPb solder, or a total prohibition of Pb based component finishes and solder. A specific leve l of
tin control (IAW GEIA-STD-0005-2 and/or IEC/TS62647-2) may also need to be flowed down.


Typical ADHP systems are costly, designed and built for long term use, and are maintained through regular inspection and
repair ac tivities over the course of the product’s lifecycle. Since maintenance upkeep and repairs include PBA rework and
the replacement of parts, it is necessary to be aware of the tin whisker and Pb-free solder reliability risks addressed in 6.
Guidance for rework and repair can be found in GEIA-HB-0005-3 and/or IEC/TS62647-23; Rework/Repair Handbook to
Address the Implications of Pb-free Electronics and Mixed Assemblies in Aerospace and High Performance Electronic


Global Pb-free and other environmental restrictions on materials and processes used in electronics are an important
external constraining influence that has resulted in dramatic changes to electronics components and printed circuit board
materials and processes.

Currently, by volume and technology needs, the dominant product application for the electronics supply chain is portable
consumer electronics. That product sector is dynamic and highly competitive. The typical product has a throw-away life
cycle that lies in the 1 8 to 30 month range. That is obviously in stark contrast to a 1 5+ year lifecycle with reparability
requirements that is typical for aerospace applications.

ADHP is a very small consumer within the electronics supply chain (approximately 1 %) with no influen ce at this foundation

Managing the Pb-free risks in the supply chain presents a variety of challenges that vary depending on the type of supplier.
Suppliers can be broken down into one of three broad categories for this purpose.

1 3.1 ADHP Subcontractors

This category includes suppliers that routinely provide subassemblies to the ADHP industry, and who exercise design
authority over what they deliver. Such suppliers should be required to provide an LFCP that satisfies the requirements of
GEIA-STD-0005-1 and/or IEC/TS62647-1 , and to have these plans accepted and approved. Adherence to the
requirements of their LFCPs should then become part of routine supplier quality activities.
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1 3.2 COTS Assembly Suppliers

This category includes suppliers of COTS items, where the customer can only choose between existing catalog items.
Little or no insight into the materials and processes used for such items will be available, nor there any insight when they
change over time.

When using COTS electronic assemblies, it is a reasonable assumption that Pb-free solders and pure tin finishes will be
used routinely in a manner that does not conform to the requirements of GEIA-STD-0005-1 . Therefore, it is useless to
require such suppliers to provide a compliant LFCP. The risks associated with Pb-free should be one of the factors
considered when determining whether the use of such items is appropriate, and in the selection of such items from among
various options that are available on the market. Programs that utilize such items will need to account for these inherent
limitations in their LFCP.

Some suppliers offer standard catalog items that are intended for use in ADHP products, these items are sometimes
referred to as “Mil - COTS”. Similarly, some suppliers will offer ruggedized versions of their catalog items, sometimes
referred to as “ruggedized COTS” (ROTS), or "modified COTS" (MOTS). Suppliers of such items will typically provide
information relating to specific design features and process controls that they use to mitigate the risks of PB-free in their
products. See Section 6.4 for additional COTS considerations.

The costs, risks, and benefits of using the various types of COTS assemblies must be included as part of the COTS
selection process.

1 3.3 Build to Print Suppliers

This category includes suppliers that build to print, exercising no design authority. The design that is provided to the
suppliers will need to conform to the applicable LFCP requirements, exactly as if these items were to be manufactured in -
house. Those LFCP requirements, related directly to manufacturing processes, will still need attention. The relevant
manufacturing processes must be assessed to determine whether they result in a product that conform s to the
requirements of the LFCP. Examples of this include, but may not be limited to Pb-free soldering processes, reflow
processes used in mixed-alloy assembly for Pb-free BGA attachment, conformal coat processes used for tin whisker
mitigation, and tin whisker mitigation resulting from normal eutectic SnPb SMT assembly.

1 4. NOTES

1 4.1 Revision Indicator

A change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, n ot
editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title
indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original
publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.

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The purpose of this appendix is to raise awareness of potential Pb-free issues. The appendix serves a dual purpose by
cross referencing a list of potential issues to: (1 ) the responsible manager(s) that should be concerned with the issue, and
(2) the applicable section within this handbook.

Section 9 - System Engineering

Section 5 - General Discussion
Systems Engineering Manager

Section 7 - Cost and Schedule

Section 1 3 - Implementation &

Flow-down of Pb-free Reqmts
Section 6 - Reliability Impacts

Section 8 - Lead-free Control

Section 1 1 - Quality Impacts

Section 1 0 - Obsolescence

Section 1 5 - Supply Chain

Section 1 2 - Configuration

Section 1 4 - Rework and

Supply Chain Manager

Sustaining Activities
Program Manager

Quality Manager


of Concerns


Requirements Issues
Impact to performance
requirements. X X X X X X
Changing the scope of any
>> contracts when system X X X X X
requirements are reallocated.
Impact on reliability of piece parts,
>> assemblies, line replaceable units X X X X X X X X X X X X
and the system.
Impact to safety. X X X X X X X
>> Impact to frequency of
maintenance. X X X X X X X X X X
Impact on the components of the
system that interface with the X X X X X
delivered product.
>> Impacts on test equipment and/or
test facilities. X X X X X X
>> Required changes in support
equipment. X X X X X X X X
>> Form Fit Function changes and its
impact on product configuration X X X X X X X X X
>> Marking of the hardware, piece
parts, and shipping containers. X X X X X X X X X
Changes to the drawing
requirements; solder callouts,
>> process specifications, assembly
cleanliness, board material, board X X X X X X X X
finish, part finish, and conformal
Engineering and Business Process
>> Design for whisker mitigation
strategy determination X X X X X X X X
>> MTBF/MTBUR calculation
methods X X X X
>> Failure rates for Safety Analysis X X X X
Service interruption rate
calculation method X X X X
>> Service life estimate calculation X X X X
Acceleration factors used to
>> interpret test results (life test X X X X
Vibration and mechanical shock
>> related analysis and test X X X X
validation methods
Maintenance procedures and
maintenance materials control X X X X X X
Tin whisker mitigation steps that
>> must be included in repair and X X X
maintenance procedures
Receiving inspection / material
>> verification requirements X X X X X
Supplier Management Issues
Availability of alternative
suppliers. X X X X
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Section 9 - System Engineering

Section 5 - General Discussion
Systems Engineering Manager

Section 7 - Cost and Schedule

Section 1 3 - Implementation &

Flow-down of Pb-free Reqmts
Section 6 - Reliability Impacts

Section 8 - Lead-free Control

Section 1 1 - Quality Impacts

Section 1 0 - Obsolescence

Section 1 5 - Supply Chain

Section 1 2 - Configuration

Section 1 4 - Rework and

Supply Chain Manager

Sustaining Activities
Program Manager

Quality Manager


of Concerns


Lifetime buy feasibility for legacy
parts. X X X X
Controls for screening/receiving
Pb-free finishes piece parts. X X X X X X
Supplier’s internal delivery
schedule for any new parts. X X X
Technical requirements flow down
>> to suppliers and sub tier X X X X
New supplier capability to
continue delivering legacy parts. X X X X X
Risks due to changes by
suppliers and sub tier suppliers. X X X X
Configuration control
>> requirements flow down to X X X X X X X X X
suppliers and sub tier suppliers.
Schedule Issues
Time for part refinishing and
reballing X X X
Extended lead times delivery of
tin-lead parts and assemblies X X X
Time to develop and implement
Time required for additional
>> testing (qualification, reliability, X X
part verification, etc.)
Cost Issues
Cost to develop, administer and
support lead free control program X X
Cost for part refinishing and
reballing X X
>> Maintenance cost determination X X X
Cost for incoming parts screening
and control X X
Cost to audit and evaluate
suppliers X X
Cost to mark, segregate and label
Pb-free and tin-lead parts X X
Cost of additional
>> testing/qualification (facility, labor, X X X X X X

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