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1. What is your name?

2.   Where are you now? 
3.  What time is it now? 
4.  What time was it four hours ago? 
5.  What time will it be 4 hours from now? 
6.  Where are you now? 
7.  Where were you four hours ago? 
8.  Where will you be four hours from now? 
9.  How many people are attending this class? 
10. How many of them are men? 
11. How many of them are women? 
12. Are any of them from Argentina? 
13. How many of them are from Mexico? 
14. How many of them are from Venezuela? 
15. Are you living in a house, an apartment, or an RV? 
16. Did you live there in 2017? 
17. Were you living there in 2017? 
18. Where had you lived before you moved
to your current residence? 
19. Where had you been living before you moved to your
current residence? 
20. When did you move there? 
21. How long have you lived there? 
22. How long have you been living there? 
23. How long will you have lived there by December 2021? 
24. How long will you have been living there by 2021? 
25.   What had you been doing before you started class? 
26.   About how long had you been doing that? 
27.   What time was it three hours ago? 
28.   What were you doing three hours ago? 
29.   What have you eaten so far today? 
30.    What have you drunk so far today? 
31. When was the last time you went to the grocery store? 
32. When was the last time that you went to a gas station? 
33. Have you been watching movies/a series lately? 
34. Have you been watching movies/TV series in English or with
English subtitles? 
35. Who have you called so far today? 
36. Who have you texted so far today? 
37.  Who has called you so far today? 
38. Who has texted you so far today? 
39. Who will you have called before you go to bed tonight?
40. What (day) is today? 
41. What is the date? [Day/Month/Date/Year] 
42. What day was yesterday? 
43. What was the day before yesterday? 
44. What is the day after tomorrow? 
45. Did you get up before 8 am this morning? 
46. Did you get up after 9 am this morning? 
47. Did you go to bed after 10 pm last night? 
48. Will you have gone to bed before 11 pm tonight? 
49. Have you driven anywhere so far today? 
50. Will you have driven somewhere by 9 pm? 
51. Have you eaten beans since last week? 
52. Have you drunk a soda since last week? 
53. Have you eaten chocolate since Friday? 
54. Have you drunk tea since Friday? 
55. Were you outside yesterday? 
56. Were you home at 6 pm yesterday? 
57. Will you be outside tomorrow afternoon? 
58. Will you be home tomorrow night at 9 pm? 
59. How many friends do you have in New York City? 
60. How many relatives do you have in Houston? 
61. Have you sent an email since last Monday? 
62. Will you have sent an email by the end of the day? 
63. Where is your teacher from?
64. Where was he living in 1984?
65. Where was he living in 1988?
66. Where was he living in 1990?
67. Where was he living in 1995?
68. Where was he living in 2002?
69. Where was he living in 2007?
70. Where was he living in 2012?
71. Where was he living in 2015?
72. Where was he living in 2019?
73. Where is he living now?
74. When did he move there?
75. How long will he have been living in New Jersey by August
76. Where had he been living before, he moved to NJ?
77. How long had he been living in Midland before he moved to
1. Who is speaking now?
2. What time do you usually get up on Mondays?
3. What is the first thing that you usually drink in the morning?
4. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
5. What time did you get up this morning?
6. What did you drink before class?
7. What did you eat before class?
8. How many hours have you been up?
9. What have you eaten so far?
10. What have you drunk so far?
11. How many miles do you drive daily?
12. How many miles did you drive before class?
13. How many miles have you driven since Friday?
14. How many miles will you have driven before 9PM?

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