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CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (2020) xxx, xxx—xxx

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Tumor educated platelets, a promising

source for early detection of hepatocellular
carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative
approach to tissue biopsy
Sidra Asghar a, Walifa Waqar a, Muhammad Umar b,
Sobia Manzoor a,∗

Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences, National University of Sciences and Technology, H12, 44000
Islamabad, Pakistan
Centre for Liver and Digestive Diseases Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Purpose: Liver cancer is considered to be the sixth deadliest cancer worldwide. Hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC) is known to be the most prevalent type of liver cancer. The number of deaths
Tumor educated
due to HCC reported per year is on a constant rise especially in lesser developed countries.
platelets (TEP);
There are several contributing factors to this rise in number. Among other contributing factors
Liquid biopsy
is the late diagnosis of HCC. Patients are usually diagnosed when the disease reaches its advance
stage. The present study was conducted with total 30 samples. It was designed for investigating
the potential of TGF-␤, NF-␬␤, VEGF, AKT and PI3K as RNA based biomarkers in tumor educated
platelets for early detection of HCC.
Results: The results obtained from the transcriptional analysis revealed a significant high
expression of TGF-␤, NF-␬␤, VEGF by 2.48, 2.35 and 2.78 folds respectively in comparison
to the control. On the other hand, a decrease in expression by 0.6 and 0.65 folds was observed
in AKT and PI3K respectively in comparison to controls. Although all selected RNA biomarkers
showed promising potential to detect HCC however, AKT and PI3K were better able to detect
early stage HCC.
Conclusions: The results obtained clearly indicate the increased expression of TGF-␤, NF-␬␤,
VEGF in HCC patients. All these biomarkers are previously known for cancer initiation, pro-
gression and metastasis. The significant decrease in expression of AKT and PI3K in HCC patients
needs further investigation. All the selected RNA biomarkers can be used for detection of HCC as
they were able to distinguish HCC patients from controls successfully with AKT and PI3K showing

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Asghar), (W. Waqar), (M. Umar),, (S. Manzoor).
2210-7401/© 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 S. Asghar et al.

better potential to detect early stage HCC. However, translational analysis for all these RNA
biomarkers should be performed to gain further evidence for the ability of these biomarkers to
be used for early HCC detection.
© 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Introduction increasing the survival rate ultimately. Several studies have

evaluated the molecular signatures associated with liver
Primary liver cancer is presented as sixth most commonly cancer i.e. methylation, other genetic alterations, RNA
occurring primary malignancy worldwide [1]. It is consid- expression in circulating biomarkers (CB) and circulating
ered to be the reason for majority of the deaths attributed tumor cells (CTCs). The tumor sources that can be exploited
to cancers, second only to lung cancer [2]. Hepatocellular for their use in liquid biopsy include cell free DNA, exo-
carcinoma (HCC) is the most prevalent type of liver can- somes, CTC and platelets [10].
cer except for some parts of South East Asia [3]. Numerous These alterations can serve as markers for cancer. Their
risk factors contribute to the development of HCC which identification through liquid biopsy should permit not only
include diabetes, smoking, aflatoxin, obesity, chronic infec- unambiguous screening but also detection and character-
tion by Hepatitis B virus (HBV) or Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and ization of the tumor at early stage. Liquid biopsy is not
cirrhosis [4,5]. currently practiced for HCC as happening in case of breast
Another major reason for the high death rate of HCC is cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer. However, the
the late diagnosis. Patients are usually diagnosed when the exciting applications of liquid biopsy in early detection of
disease has progressed to such a stage that the patient is cancer, accurate prediction of the prognosis and easy mon-
left with very little to zero treatment options. According itoring of the recurrence of HCC hold great promises for its
to an estimation only in United States 42,220 new patients future use for HCC [10].
will be diagnosed with HCC in 2018 causing 30,200 deaths All other sources except platelets show limitation of
[6]. Although the incidence rate of HCC is lower in high- being very low in number in early stages of cancer [23] thus,
income countries yet the mortality rate due to Liver cancer hampering their use for early cancer detection. Platelets on
has increased as observed in the recent years in USA [7]. the other hand have no such limitation as they are read-
This rate is expected to rise in the next two decades. Male ily available to be used for diagnosis due to their relative
dominance in this disease has been observed, as the number abundance in blood. Platelets carryout various important
of males being diagnosed with HCC exceeds that of females functions of the body including vessel remodeling, immunity
[8]. According to another study out of the total 782, 451 and inflammation [24].
cases reported of HCC globally in 2012, majority of the cases Apart from their role in performing normal body functions
i.e. 83% belonged to the low and middle-income countries these platelets also play a part in cancer progression. They
[2]. Pakistan also has an equally moderate to high rate of aid in progression via helping the tumor cell in metastasizing
HCC prevalence in comparison to the rest of the world [9]. to distant areas of the body [25—28].
Studies on HCC reveal that around 82.4% of the patients Continuous evidence suggests that platelets do have the
diagnosed with HCC die within the first 5 years post diagnosis potential to be used as effective biomarkers in early can-
[10]. The main reasons for the grim prognosis of HCC are cer diagnosis. The foreign material released by the tumor is
ineffective tools for early detection and limited options for when ingested by the platelets either by vesicle dependent
treatment as the disease has high reoccurrence rate[11,12]. or independent manner, causes certain change of events
It is known that all the cancers develop due to accumulation in platelets causing them to undergo peculiar changes.
of several genomic as well as the epigenomic alterations. Platelets in such a state are known as being educated by
These alterations then orchestrate the abnormal expression the tumor [29,30].
of the downstream molecules i.e. RNA and proteins. Hence, The mRNA repertoire of platelets gets altered by the col-
Genetics based analysis of tumor can be really helpful for lective effect of the ingestion of foreign materials and direct
managing the cancer precisely [13,14]. interaction with tumor. This highly dynamic mRNA repertoire
Current available diagnosis options include imaging tech- can thus be exploited for its use as a biomarker in early
niques i.e. CT scan and tissue biopsy. For cancer study, cancer detection [29].
biopsy is done on patient to obtain the tumor tissue. This All the above stated evidences have laid to the foun-
tissue is further analyzed to obtain the genetic alterations dation of the present study. To the best of our knowledge
that are either directly or indirectly associated with tumor this is the only study of its kind where we are focusing on
development [15—19]. Although many consider this method exploring the mRNA profile of the platelets extracted from
to be a gold standard in cancer diagnosis yet the informa- HCC patients. Present study will further help in predicting
tion obtained after analyzing the tumor is limited making the changes which a platelet undergoes while interacting
it difficult to determine the heterogeneity of the disease with tumor hence assisting in prediction of HCC in the long
[20—22]. run. We, therefore, have selected TGF␤, NF␬B, VEGF, AKT
Another approach for early detection of HCC under con- and PI3K to study their potential as biomarkers for early
sideration is liquid biopsy. Advancements in this field hold diagnosis of HCC. All these genes are very well-known for
great promises in improvement of the early diagnosis and assisting in cell proliferation, tumor metastasis and cancer

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
A promising source for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma 3

progression in HCC. Early diagnosis of HCC through liquid to centrifugation at 120Xg for 20 min at 4 ◦ C (Eppendorf cen-
biopsy would not only be cost effective but it would assist trifuge 5810R). The acceleration and deceleration speed
in decreasing the mortality rate of HCC overall by detecting were kept minimum to avoid the activation of platelets.
HCC at an early stage leaving patients with more treatment This centrifugation speed was enough to separate the red
options. blood cells and a buffy coat layer containing the lympho-
cytes from the rest of blood cells. The upper plasma was
Methodology collected without disturbing both the layers and was trans-
ferred to another 15 mL falcon. This was later given another
spin of 360Xg with zero acceleration and deceleration speed
Collection of blood samples to separate out the platelets from rest of cells. A white pal-
let of platelets can be seen at the bottom of the tube after
IRB approval for the study was obtained from the parent the spin ends. Plasma was aspirated to leave only the pallet
department ‘‘Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences in the tube. 100ul of ACD buffer was used to resuspend the
(ASAB) National University of Sciences and Technology Islam- pallet. ACD buffer due to its peculiar properties is helpful in
abad, Pakistan. For obtaining blood samples Rawalpindi retaining the platelets in their inactive state.
Medical University (RMU) Rawalpindi, Pakistan was con-
tacted. After getting an IRB approval from their ethical
committee board, samples were collected from the Cen-
Testing the purity of isolated platelets
ter of Liver Disease (CLD) present in Holy Family Hospital
Rawalpindi (associated with RMU). Patients were asked for The resuspended platelets were then visualized under
their consents before obtaining the sample. Six ml of blood microscope to see if they had any contamination of red or
was drawn slowly with care. The blood was then shifted white blood cells in them. Getting 3 or 4 cells on the back-
immediately to the purple capped EDTA vacutainer tubes to ground of 10 million platelets was considered to be pure
prevent clotting of the blood sample. Tubes were labelled enough for further processing as indicated by Sol & Wur-
properly with patient’s name and ID. These collected sam- dinger, 2017 [31].
ples were then transported back on ice to ASAB within 3
to 4 hours of sample collection for further processing. 10 RNA extraction and quantification
Blood samples from both males and females (age 18yr to
65yr) were obtained according to the inclusion and exclu- MagMax mirVana Total RNA isolation kit (Invitrogen) was
sion criteria to be used as controls. All these samples were used for the isolation of RNA from platelets. The resus-
tested for ELISA and LFT at the diagnostic lab of ASAB before pended platelets were transferred to a 2 mL eppendorf tube
utilization. The patients included in this study were con- and the instructions mentioned in the product catalogue
firmed HCC patients. Sampling was performed from March were followed to extract RNA. Elution buffer containing the
2017 till June 2018. A total sample number of 30 was extracted RNA was carefully stored at −20 ◦ C.
used for conducting the study. All the patients were sub-
jected to the exclusion and inclusion criteria as described cDNA preparation
in Table 1.
Extracted RNA was checked on Nano drop. All the RNA
Separation of platelets from blood samples were used for preparing cDNA using the reverse
transcription process with the help of oligo (dT) primers.
Density gradient centrifugation with the correct speed can The PCR used for preparation of cDNA was THERMOCYCLER
lead to fractionation of blood. These fractionated blood GeneAmp® PCR system9700. Profile used was 25 ◦ C for 5 min,
cells can be separated to get the pure platelets population. 42 ◦ C for 60 min and at 70 ◦ C for 7 min. After reaction was
6 mL of the blood present in EDTA tubes was poured into complete, the PCR tubes containing the cDNA were stored
15 mL falcon tubes. The falcon tubes were then subjected at −20 ◦ C.

Table 1 Table summarizes exclusion and inclusion criteria used.

Exclusion criteria Inclusion criteria

Patients of age below 18 Selected patients (mixed gender) would be in

age range of 18 and above
Patients suffering from any bacterial or fungal Patients should have confirmed case of liver
infectious diseases i.e. Tuberculosis would be cancer: BCLC staging 0 to D
Patients who are not willing to be the part of Written and informed consents will be
research obtained from patients
Patients on medication especially aspirin or Patients of any etiology leading to liver cancer
any steroids will be excluded i.e. HCC
Patients on blood transfusions because of low Patients with known LFT and CT scans
Hb levels

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 S. Asghar et al.

Optimization on conventional PCR in cancer initiation, progression and metastasis. The objec-
tive of the study was to determine the potential of these
0.1—1ug of cDNA was used for optimization of all the biomarkers in early stage liver cancer detection. The fold
selected biomarkers on conventional PCR. The PCR profiles change difference in the expression of the selected biomark-
used are mentioned in Table 2. A final concentration of ers was recorded in both the 20 HCC patients and the 10
2%TAE agarose gel with ethidium bromide as a stain was control samples. Beta Actin was used as an internal control.
made for running 10ul of PCR product mixed with 5ul of 1X Results obtained from the experiments are demonstrated
loading dye along with 100bp DNA ladder in an electrophore- below in Fig. 1.
sis tank. Wealtec Dolphin Doc (S/N470883) was later used
to visualize the gel. Band size of all the biomarkers were
confirmed after comparison with the DNA ladder.
ROC curve analysis of selected biomarkers

Receiver operating characteristic curve often abbreviated as

Optimization of real time PCR amplification ROC curve is used for determining the diagnostic ability of a
selected biomarker. The false positive rate i.e. specificity is
All the genes were optimized for real time PCR by using plotted on the x-axis whereas the true positive rate i.e. sen-
cDNA concentration of 500 ng. PCR machine used for carrying sitivity is plotted on the y-axis of the graph. In the present
out the experiment was 7300 Applied Biosystem Real time study, ROC curve was performed for determining the poten-
PCR. PCR profile used was preheating the reaction mixture tial of the selected biomarkers to successfully detect HCC
at 95 ◦ C for 10 min, later 40 cycles were performed with pro- patients from controls. Moreover, ROC curve analysis was
file: 95 ◦ C for 15 sec, 60 ◦ C for 60 sec. The Ct values of both used for analyzing the ability of these biomarkers to iden-
the target genes and the reference genes (housekeeping) tify the early and late stage HCC. The results showed that
were observed and compared to determine the fold change all these biomarkers were able to successfully detect the 20
expression difference of the targeted markers in platelets HCC patients from the 10 controls as illustrated in Fig. 2.
of HCC patients. It also illustrated that AKT and PI3K in comparison to other
biomarkers i.e. TGF-␤, NF␬␤, and VEGF were able to detect
Statistical analysis early stage HCC with more specificity as demonstrated in
Fig. 3.
Graph pad prism version 7.0 was used for carrying out all
the statistical tests. Hypothesis was tested by using one-way
Analysis of the Expression pattern of selected
ANOVA. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.001 was considered sig-
nificant with confidence interval = 95%.
biomarkers in patients with different HCC Stages

The expression difference of TGF-␤, NF␬␤, VEGF, AKT and

Results PI3K was analyzed at various stages of HCC. Out of 20 HCC
patients 12 were diagnosed to have early to intermedi-
Transcriptional analysis of cancer biomarkers ate stage HCC and were grouped under ‘‘early stage HCC’’
whereas, 8 patients had advanced to end stage HCC and
TGF␤, NFкB, AKT, PI3K and VEGF were selected after a thor- hence, were grouped under ‘‘Late stage HCC’’ for the study.
ough literature search for their use as potential biomarkers. The expression analysis determined a definitive change in
All these biomarkers are known to have a well-known role expression pattern of all these biomarkers as compared

Table 2 Selected primers for all the genes with their sequences, amplicon sizes and PCR profiles.

Genes Primer Sequences Product size PCR profile

FP-VEGF 5 CCCACTGAGGAGTCCAACAT3 173bp (95 ◦ C for 45sec, 60 ◦ C for 45sec,

72 ◦ C for 45sec.) 35cylces with
RP-VEGF 5 AAATGCTTTCTCCGCTCTGA3 10 min at 72 ◦ C and storage at 4 ◦ C
TGF␤1-F 5 TATCGACATGGAGCTGGTGA3 240bp (95 ◦ C for 45sec, 60 ◦ C for 45sec,
TGF␤1-R 5 TGGGTTTCCACCATTAGCAC3 72 ◦ C for 45sec) 35 cycles with
NF␬␤1-F 5 AGAGGCGTGTATAAGGGGCTA3 155bp 10 min at 72 ◦ C and storage at 4 ◦ C
PI3KR1-F 5 CTGCCTCCTAAACCACCAAA3 153bp (95 ◦ C for 45sec, 58 ◦ C for
45sec, and 72 ◦ C for 45sec)
35cyles with 10 min at 72 ◦ C
and storage at 4 ◦ C
AKT-F 5 ACAAGGACGGGCACATTAAG3 188bp (95 ◦ C for 45sec, 57 ◦ C for 45sec,
and 72 ◦ C for 45sec) 35cylces with
AKT-R 5 ACCGCACATCATCTCGTACA3 10 min at 72 ◦ C and storage at 4 ◦ C

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
A promising source for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma 5

Figure 1 Expression level of TGF-␤, NF␬␤, AKT, PI3K and VEGF in control and HCC patients. The figure demonstrates the tran-
scriptional analysis of all the selected biomarkers. According to the obtained graph the expression level of TGF-␤, NF␬␤, and VEGF
was significantly increased by 2.48, 2.35 and 2.78 folds respectively. However, a decrease of 0.6 and 0.65 folds was observed in
AKT and PI3K expression respectively in HCC patients when compared to controls. Data was analyzed by applying one-way ANOVA.
Significance: *P value < 0.05, **P value < 0.005, ***P value < 0.001.

the most prevalent when compared to other types. Several

contributing factors are the reason for the continuous rise in
HCC cases reported each year. One such contributing factor
is the late diagnosis of HCC. It is a common observation that
HCC cases are reported at a very late stage. Patients are
usually left with zero to no treatment options at the time of
Certain imaging techniques i.e. CT scan and Tissue biopsy
are some of the current available options for detecting
tumor. Tissue biopsy although is considered to be a gold
standard for HCC diagnosis but its invasive nature is its draw-
back. Thus, there is a dire need to explore other diagnostic
measures. Liquid biopsy is emerging as a powerful tool for
cancer diagnosis due to its promising results. Furthermore,
its less invasive nature makes it a better alternative to tis-
sue biopsy. Many biomarkers are tested for their use in liquid
biopsy but most of them have the drawback of being very
less in number thus, making their detection very difficult.
However, platelets are not only abundantly found in blood
but also, they are known to interact with tumor directly or
indirectly. This interaction causes alteration in mRNA reper-
Figure 2 ROC curve analysis of TGF-␤, NF␬␤, AKT, PI3K and toire within platelets. This altered RNA profile can be used
VEGF. The figure demonstrates the ROC curve analysis of all the for identification of HCC patients from controls. Our aim of
selected biomarkers. It shows that all the biomarkers detected the study was to identify a specific biomarker for diagnosis of
HCC with 100% sensitivity. AUC = 1.00. HCC at an early stage as determined by related studies con-
ducted in other types of cancers i.e. Lung and Hepatobiliary
cancer [29].
to controls. The expression of all these biomarkers was
The present study was designed to explore the poten-
observed to increase with the advancement of HCC stage
tial of the selected biomarkers for early diagnosis of HCC
as seen in Fig. 4.
using blood samples from 20 treatment naive HCC patients.
The goal of our study was to establish a cost effective,
Discussion noninvasive and reliable way for early detection of HCC.
To achieve the goal the transcriptional analysis of all the
Cancer is a name often attributed to a characteristic abnor- selected biomarkers i.e. TGF-␤, NF␬␤, VEGF, AKT and PI3K
mal growth of cells originating at different parts of the body. was performed. The results indicated an increase of 2.48,
Liver cancer is a cancer that originates in liver organ of the 2.35 and 2.78 folds in expression of TGF-␤, NF␬␤, and VEGF.
body. Liver cancer is further divided into several types which According to researchers [32] all these biomarkers are well-
include Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HCC is known to be known to have a pro-tumor effect. Therefore, an increase

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 S. Asghar et al.

Figure 3 ROC curve analysis of AKT and PI3K. (a) The ROC curve analysis depicts that PI3K was able to detect early stage HCC
with AUC = 0.9286. (b) ROC curve analysis showed that AKT was able to detect early stage HCC with AUC = 0.8751.

Figure 4 Graphical analysis showing the expression of selected biomarkers in detecting early and late stage HCC. (a) TGF-␤ was
observed to be increased in all stages of HCC. (b) NF␬B was observed to be increased in all stages of HCC. (c) VEGF was observed
to be increased in all stages of HCC. (d) Expression of AKT was observed to be increased with advancement of HCC stage. (e) PI3K
was observed to be increased with advancement of HCC stage.

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
A promising source for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma 7

in their expression level in HCC patients indicated their our study. According to the literature both AKT and PI3K
possible role in assisting tumor initiation, development and have the pro tumor effect. They inhibit apoptosis and induce
dissemination. EMT (Epithelial mesenchymal transition) to assist in tumor
An increase in the expression level of TGF-␤ within cell proliferation, survival and metastasis. The PI3K/AKT
platelets may increase the release of TGF-␤ molecules from pathway within platelets is usually initiated by the bind-
platelets. These released molecules of TGF-␤ may then bind ing of thrombin molecule to its respective receptor. The
to their respective receptors on the tumor cells and aid activation of this pathway ultimately results in activation
in tumor growth [33]. These TGF-␤ molecules apart from of platelets. Platelets upon their activation release gran-
tumor proliferation also play a part in causing inflamma- ules containing molecules carrying the protumor potential
tion. Inflammation is further known to assist in fibrosis which and the ability to further cause activation in surrounding
ultimately help in development of HCC. Moreover, TGF-␤ platelets making it a continuous cycle [38]. However, on the
is also involved in survival of tumor by inhibiting apoptosis contrary a decrease in the expression of AKT and PI3K in
[33] and causes cell motility and invasion via inducing EMT all 20 of the HCC patients was observed in our experiment.
(Epithelial mesenchymal transition) hence contributing in This downregulation in the expression could be due to sev-
tumor metastasis [34]. The results of our study are in accor- eral reasons that includes the specific degradation of mRNA
dance with the previous findings in hepatobiliary cancer, population phenomenon within platelets. There is a possibil-
breast cancer, Adenocarcinoma, pancreatic and colorectal ity of occurrence of certain events during the platelets and
cancer [29]. HCC interaction causing specific degradation of the mRNA
In all of the 20 HCC patients an increase in NF␬␤ expres- of AKT and PI3K in the platelets. Further analysis i.e. trans-
sion was observed in our study. The result obtained is in lational analysis should be performed to further explore
agreement with the previously reported findings in Non it.
small cell lung carcinoma [29]. An increase in the expres- Receiver operating characteristic curve also known as
sion of NF␬␤ in platelets may cause the alteration of certain ROC curve is used for analyzing the diagnostic ability of
pathways within platelets i.e. the ability of platelets to a selected biomarker. The x-axis is used for plotting the
more effectively bind to fibrinogen may increase due to this false positive rate i.e. specificity whereas the true pos-
enhanced expression of NF␬␤. This effective binding may itive rate i.e. sensitivity is plotted on the y-axis of the
further initiate a cascade of events resulting in activation of graph. In the performed study ROC curve was performed
platelets. In addition to effective binding of platelets with for determining the potential of the selected biomarkers to
fibrinogen, high expression of NF␬␤ would also result in bet- successfully detect HCC patients from controls. Moreover,
ter interaction between the platelets and the tumor cells ROC curve analysis was performed to determine the poten-
further assisting in activation of the surrounding platelets. tial of all these biomarkers for detecting early and late stage
All these activated platelets are known to help in cloaking HCC. The ROC curve analysis of all the selected biomarkers
the tumor from the body’s immune surveillance [35]. After showed a successful identification of HCC patients with 100%
the successful activation of platelets, the release of granules sensitivity. Furthermore, the expression of all the selected
occurs from within the platelets. biomarkers in HCC patients was also related to the different
These granules released by platelets contain different stages of HCC. TGF-␤, NF␬␤, VEGF, AKT and PI3K expres-
molecules that carry the potential to promote the tumor sion was seen to elevate with the advancement in stage
cell survival, proliferation and metastasis. VEGF is one such i.e. from early to late stage of HCC as compared to the
molecule released among several other molecules. It is well control.
known for initiating angiogenesis [36]. A tumor requires The results of our study are quite promising as all the
nutrition to grow and thrive. The nearby blood vessels of selected biomarkers are able to successfully detect HCC
the tumor act as the source of this nutrition. A tumor while patients from controls. Moreover, AKT and PI3K were able to
growing starts to build blood vessels around itself to meet detect early stage HCC with higher significance as compared
the nutrition requirements. The signals for this construc- to other selected biomarkers. However, the potential of
tion of blood vessels are usually carried by VEGF molecules. these biomarkers for differentiating the HCC stages should
VEGF molecules not only initiate angiogenesis at the primary be verified by carrying out the study on a larger scale.
site of origin of the tumor but also assist in development of
blood vessels at the secondary site thus, aiding in tumor
spread by acting as the nutrition source for the tumor at
the secondary site. Interestingly an increase in expression Conclusion
of VEGF molecule was also observed during the transcrip-
tional analysis in platelets of HCC patients. This increased The outcomes of our study depict that all the selected
expression of VEGF molecule in all the 20 HCC patients in biomarkers can be used for the detection of HCC. Fur-
comparison to controls indicates the positive role of VEGF thermore, the selected biomarkers i.e. AKT and PI3K, in
in tumor growth and metastasis. This result of our study is in comparison to other biomarkers i.e. TGF-␤, NF␬B and VEGF
conformity of the findings reported by Hui-HsinKo [37] who in the study, carry better potential to be used for detection
studied the VEGF mRNA level in oral squamous cell carci- of early stage HCC as indicated by the results of the study.
noma tissue (OSCC). The researcher also concluded that the Present study could prove to be beneficial in determining
study of VEGF mRNA levels can be used for prognosis and the altered RNA levels in the platelets of HCC patients as
progression of OSCC. compared to control and can be a step forward in estab-
The expression of both the selected biomarkers i.e. AKT lishing the altered mRNA profile to be used for early HCC
and PI3K was observed to be decreased in the results of detection.

Please cite this article in press as: Asghar S, et al. Tumor educated platelets, a promising source for early detection of
hepatocellular carcinoma: Liquid biopsy an alternative approach to tissue biopsy. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol (2020),
CLINRE-1423; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 S. Asghar et al.

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