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Date: June 15, 2020

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a

means of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis
– à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways
by which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel
structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.

Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an

informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.

Learning Competencies:
1. Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues.
Learning Content: Lesson 2: The Arab World in Africa
Learning Resources: English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro-Asian Literature pp 12-23
Core Values Integration: Open mindedness/Accuracy

A. Motivation Technique
 The teacher will show pictures of illustrated idiomatic expressions and they will guest
its meaning.
What is in the pictures?
Jump at your own shadow Lovey dovey

To be everly frigthened

Making an excessive display of affection

Guide Question:
1. Can you tell me the meaning of the expression written above the pictures?
B. Transitions/ Linking Statements
Read and understand about Idiomatic Expressions by Noting context Clues because
there are some words that you really need to understand about idioms.
An idiom or idiomatic expression is a word or group of words whose meaning is
different from the combined meanings of the words expressed.
1. between you and me---- a secret
2. for a song---- very cheaply
3. down to earth----- very practical
4. from a to z----- from the beginning to end
5. through thick to thin---- in spite of all difficulties

Guide Questions:
1. What is the difference between idiom and idiomatic expression?
2. What have you observe in every words?
3. Is it difficult in understanding?

A. Learning Activities (ie. Cooperative Strategy & Active Learning)
o The teacher will ask the student to prepare one whole sheet of paper.

B. Assessment Techniques (Formative and Summative)

Activity 1:
Direction: Determine and circle the idiom in each sentence below.
1. Sharon had butterflies in her stomach before the game.
2. My dad blew his stack when he saw my poor grades.
3. Jennifer was a bundle of nerves before her exam.
4. Last night, it was raining cats and dogs.
5. The boxer was as fit as a fiddle.
6. My parents rolled out the red carpet for my sister’s return.
7. There was a lot of red tape when applying for the job.
8. Did you get out on the wrong side of the bed?
9. I’m going to go out on a limb for you.
10. The dog days of summer are starting to wear on me.

Activity 2:
Direction: Read the following sentences determine the correct idioms through
analyzing the given meaning. (2pts each).

cat nap cats got one tongue

apple of the eye far from cry keeps the
pot boiling
tickled pink
down in the dumps sick as a dog
pulling your leg a piece of cake

1. Although Allen and Allan are twins, Allen is _______ Allan.

2. He has been jobless for several months, and it is his wife who _______.
3. Mark is our younger brother. He is the _______ in our family.
4. I will get a _______ at the back stage, just wake me up if it’s my turn.
5. It looks like the _______ Lucy. Are you always this quiet?
6. She was _______ by the good news.
7. I’ve been feeling pretty _______ lately.
8. I’m feeling _______.
9. No, I was just _______.
10. This assignment is just _______.

C. Guide Question:
1. Did you find it difficult in expressing the words using idioms? How?

A. Transfer of Learning
 Direction: In a one forth sheet of paper, read the idioms below and write their
1. Bad hair day
2. Blind leading the blind
3. Don’t be a back seat driver
4. He is like a bull in a China shop.
5. Brownie points
B. Reflection Questions (PVMGO)
As a student, what attributes of graduates will you relate in our topic?

C. Closure & Synthesis (Circle, Triangle, Square)

• (Circle): Something that is still going around in your head
• (Triangle): Something pointed that stood out in your mind
• (Square): Something that “squared” or agreed with your thinking

Prepared by: Mark Joshua B. Vallespin

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