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Did you guys know

◦ 107 billion spams are being sent everyday 306.4 Billion Emails are sent and received each day. 35
Percentage of spams are sent through Emails
What is a spam
◦ Spam email is unsolicited and unwanted junk email sent out in bulk to an indiscriminate recipient
list. Often,spam email is sent for commercial Spam email is unsolicited and unwanted junk email
sent out in bulk to an indiscriminate recipient list.Often,spam email is sent for commercial
purposes or can also be a malicious attempt to gain access to your computer.
Types of spam
:Commercial advertisement- When businesses capture your email address, they often subscribe you
to their newsletter by default, as a low-cost way to sell their products. Antivirus warnings- Antivirus
warnings are a common spam tactic. These emails warn you about a computer virus infection and
offer a solution which often sound urgent, so you feel the need to act. And by clicking the link can
grant the hacker access to your system or may download a malicious file.
Types of spam
◦ Email spoofing- In a spoofing attack a spammer picks a company brand victims will trust, such as
a bank or an employer, then uses the company’s exact formatting and logos(masterfully mimic
legitimate corporate messages to get you to act). Sweepstakes winners: Spammers often send
emails claiming that you have won a sweepstakes or a prize. They urge you to respond quickly to
collect your prize, and may ask you to click a link or submit some personal information.
Types of spam
Money scams- A common money scam begins with emails asking for help in dire circumstances. The
spammer fabricates a story about needing funds for a family emergency or a tragic life event or promise to
give you money if you just send your bank account information or pay a small processing fee.
Types of spams
◦ Comment spam:-
◦ Forum spam, posts on Internet forums that contains related or unrelated advertisements, links to
malicious websites, and abusive or otherwise unwanted information Newsgroup spam, a type of
spam where the targets are Usenet newsgroups Social spam, unwanted spam content appearing
on social networks and any website with user-generated content
Types of spam
◦ Trackback spam : A trackback allows one website to notify another about an update. Some
individuals or companies have abused the TrackBack feature to insert spam links on some blogs.
This is similar to comment spam but avoids some of the safeguards designed to stop the latter
practice. As a result, TrackBack spam filters similar to those implemented against comment spam
now exist in many weblog publishing systems.
How to prevent spam
◦ Never, ever reply to a spam message. This includes buying a product that is for sale or clicking the
often-misunderstood “unsubscribe” link, which actually informs your spammer that you exist. If
you can tell from the subject line that a message is spam, don’t open it — delete it. Avoid spam
suggestion lines such as a more youthful appearance, prescription drugs without a doctor’s
approval, love, thicker hair, or a better mortgage rate. They also use attention-demanding
punctuation, such as exclamation marks or all caps.
How to prevent spam
◦ Don’t forward an email from someone you don’t know to a list of people. You remember those
“forward this email to 20 of your friends” messages? They are perfect for spammers to harvest
email addresses, even if the sender of the original email did not have this intent.
How to prevent spam
◦ Use a complicated email username. Spammers' software will look for the easy and obvious
addresses first, such as those with identifiable names like, as opposed to
Done and presented by

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