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Savage Destiny - Amanda Browning

He was just using her!

Five years before, Pierce had married Alix one day--and rejected her the next. And why?
Because she had been his route to a fleet of ships and his revenge. He had been passionate and
she had been in love--but once was enough for Alix to have her fingers burned!

Now he was back and as demanding as ever. She must marry him to help her sick father
and the ailing family business--and again she had no choice. But this time things were
different. Before she had loved him now she hated him. She was determined not to suffer
again as she had before--but was he too hot to handle?

Chapter 1
ALIX Petrakos down the taxi and stopped a moment at the foot of the stairs before
entering the hotel lit. Invitation was a dance, although in other circumstances it would have
rejoiced that night did not like. She was exhausted after a busy day, and if he had felt obliged
to attend the charity ball, to keep up appearances, he would have stayed home.
After a charge it off his coat, the newcomer took a deep breath before entering the
ballroom. His figure, tall and thin, like something out of the pages of a fashion magazine. Her
evening dress was designed by St. Laurent, Italian shoes and Cartier jewelry, but she knew
that the length of these belongings will be very short. Please find the financial support that the
family business urgently needed, should dispense with all the luxuries. And the sad thing was
that the family's possessions could not, not by a long, cover the large amount of debt.
Standing next to the door, looked at the crowded room and was not surprised to recognize
the faces of several of the attendees. In fact, in recent weeks had spoken with many of them in
their offices. Those who realized quickly switched arrival of place and lost no time discussing
with others, quietly, the economic distress of the family of Alix.
After catching a glass of wine, answered the greetings of those who had the courage to
look into her eyes with a faint smile of mockery. Six months before everything was very
different. Now things had changed and had to face the awkwardness of his father. But despite
what these people think, she would not forget his good education and make them a bad time.
"Do not be surprised that," said a mocking voice near her. When the boat is about to sink,
the rats abandon.
The serious tone and energetic cost him little confidence in herself that she had, and for a
few seconds, Alix felt that the room was spinning around her. Then got checked and had to
summon all her courage to turn his head toward the owner of the voice … already knowing
who she was.
"And leave the field open for the vultures to pounce on the carcass immediately replied,
surprised by the firmness of his voice, despite the heart-pounding against the man who stood
silently beside her. Why is my impression that it would be inappropriate to say that I'm
surprised you here?
Pierce Martineau, so attractive and dangerous as ever, smiled slowly.
"You have learned to teach nails, Alix. What does not surprise me, but like kittens, you
need to learn when it is better scratch.
The ironic comment recalled the helplessness she had felt once, and far away, from
which he had learned to defend itself vigorously.
"As far as I'm concerned, with Martineau always appropriate!" he said with disdain.
"Do you tend to aggressively and greeting old acquaintances?" he asked. I recognize you
did not expect to be here, but it would be wiser you would stop attacking me, Alix. You never
know where the enemy is. Maybe you're estranged ally," he said softly.
"Ally!" she exclaimed with disgust. "Never were nor will be. You are the enemy, Pierce,
and as such, I feel only contempt for you. I'm afraid you must excuse me. You know, I am
more selective with my companions," and here she turned and walked away. The wobbly legs
threatened to bend with every step he took. I did not know where it went, but kept on walking
until you reach a small room that had no choice. When standing, he realized it was trembling
all over. Why only now had to find it? Is it that he had not done enough, and had to come
along to mock his ruin? I felt that I hated much as it once had loved.
Alix arched her head, feeling a knot in my stomach distressing. Martineau Pierce still had
everything going for it, and physique to women crazy. On one occasion, she had also lost his
head for him. It had not been immune to that glossy black hair, or his piercing blue eyes, or
cheeks framed a mysterious sensual mouth. Their masculinity and confidence in himself had
drawn inexorably. He, meanwhile, had pursued with such zeal that he had intimated to his
lovesick heart that he loved her.
The bitterness was like gall on her tongue, and unconsciously pressed the cup until it hurt
your fingers. With his lies, he had turned that love into hate. Because everything was a lie
from beginning to end. The sad memory was interrupted by the cracking of the cup, followed
immediately by a slight exclamation of pain. The broken glass fell from his hand and blankly
noted that it was bleeding.
Only then did she realize that she was not alone.
"Have you cut? Let me see," said Pierce, who must have followed. He approached her
quickly and took her hand to examine it before giving him a chance to get away.
Alix started, and suddenly looked Pierce bowed head. The proximity of black hair
brought to mind old memories that he believed buried about what he was feeling the touch of
man. He breathed hard, but all I got was more vividly capture the intense aroma of his
cologne. When he felt the touch of his hands on his wrist, a shiver ran through her from head
to toe.
"You will survive."
Pierce's statement out of her shock, the second he took to raise his eyes allow it to adopt
an expression of coldness.
"It's just a scratch, and is not infected," he glanced sardonically. "Did you think that the
cup was my neck?"
Not bear his gaze and looked away from the mocking eyes of his interlocutor.
Lowering his head, he found the handkerchief he had bandaged his hand, and the white
cloth stained with blood. The same blood that had spilled when Pierce came into her life!
"If any man deserves to be throat cut you," he said dryly, as he lifted his eyes again.
"Several have tried, unsuccessfully," Pierce said, laughing.
"Someone will get it someday," said Alice, smiling at the conceit of him. "I hope to see
For a moment, he appeared in his eyes something like an expression of regret, but
disappeared before she could define it.
"Our story seems taken from a Greek tragedy. A vindictive woman planning her
husband's death. Bailarías above my grave, Alix?"
She refused to follow suit.
"Ex-wife," said quickly, feeling her heart shrank.
"You say with great joy," Pierce nodded, "as if that were the answer I expected."
"The day I left you was the happiest day of my life.
"That's odd, I seem to recall you said the same thing about our wedding day," he said
"Then I knew what kind of villain you were. The joy of it vanished."
"I had to do. Understand."
"I never will understand, nor forget!" gray eyes darkened by the tumultuous emotions and
sent him a message of hate.
"Do not be so sharp. Maybe someday thank me-" had to make an effort not to pounce on
him to scratch, but realized that at the time could not control himself, he would win, and
should be avoided at all costs.
"What? What my grandfather kill her?"
Pierce came up to her, being controlled with obvious effort.
"I was not my fault, Alix. I agree that it was an old man, but lived several years after I
last saw him," he observed.
"Maybe, but hastened his death by taking away everything that was precious to him-" his
lips trembled with rage and desolation. "I took anything that is not mine by right, and in
return, he stayed with you."
Alice laughed, stunned. What he had left behind him was just a woman with a broken
"You're a thief and a murderer, and I despise you."
"Nevertheless, I still have something you want," his face still seemed carved in stone.
"I cut off a hand rather than take something from you!"
"Always so dramatic," smiled again, but this time with no joy. "I'd forgotten how
passionate you are in bed and beyond."
Alix started on hearing this allusion to intimacy that both had shared.
"You're right, I have something to thank ... the fact teach a valuable lesson, I will never
forget," she accused.
Were a few seconds before he could answer, and as I watched closely, his lips curled
back and Alix.
"If I was a good teacher, you were very accommodating, a disciple deliberately
misinterpreted the words of his interlocutor. It appears that you also went well. You're prettier
than before."
Alix teeth clenched in anger. The fact that he had been the first man in her life was
something that bothered her. But he had a lack of sensitivity at the time you remind him
"I guess not expect me to thank you for the compliment, because frankly the only words
that come to my mouth right now are insults."
"I'll take the risk. Maybe I should stop before you suffer a fit of anger, but I cannot resist.
I love your hair short, it gives you an elegant, fragile at the same time. When you've cut?" he
went on a familiar tone, and she held her anger, which only seemed to amuse him.
"Cut it off five years ago," replied, while he ran a challenging look.
"Uh-huh. I loved playing with your hair. He dreamed of putting your fingers in it as you
made love."
Alix was nearly run out of breath because she had almost the same dreams in relation to
him, and soon after the marriage was over. Now the thought caused him discomfort.
"That's why I just cut it. Do not want anything to remind me of your presence," said.
"Apparently not forgotten me-" Pierce crossed his arms while looking at her with scorn.
"That's why you're alone here tonight?"
"At this point, you no longer have anything to do with my life! I'm here alone because
my father is ill, as I assume you know. We could have been in the family, but I came alone.
Why does it satisfy your curiosity?"
"Nonsense! Blind Are all men in England? Is not nobody has offered to come?
What about your most recent partner? he asked, ignoring the gleam of anger in
the eyes of Alix.
- What is exactly what you want to know, Pierce? Is the situation of my love life?
"Her cheeks turned red by the audacity of it.
"Judging by the tension where you are, would not you have a partner. 0 if you
have it not going very well with it, because you're so irritable replied, leaving her
- "How dare you?
- Does that mean I'm wrong or I have guessed? he asked sardonically.
"It means you're a shameless, and I'm not so personal a question to answer,"
replied angrily and he laughed.
"I think you just answer it. However, if people have not absorbed your time, what
you been doing these last five years?
To live beautifully without you.
"I see that easily-evaluated his clothes and jewels. No doubt you live in opulence.
Do not pay . . your father? he asked, mocking, and again the enraged.
"Wrong. Pay my clothes with the money I receive from my work. The jewels were
a gift when I turned twenty-one, and you might even see a dim! Alix countered

with violence.
"Spoken like a lioness defending her cub.
- Why? If you enjoy hurting people when it is unable to defend himself, not me.
Moreover, I do not like to interact with people of that class, so if you do not mind
. . "She gave him an icy smile, and would have touched in passing, if his hand
would not have subjected a dol to keep away.
"Not so fast. We have not yet spoken.
He tried to get rid of him, but in vain.
"As far as I'm concerned, we've been more than enough," replied coldly.
"We have not even started," Pierce shook his head. While you're right, this is not the
time nor the place. Tomorrow I will go to your office at ten in the morning.
How dare to suppose that he could go back to your life?
"Even if you appear, do not receive. I have an appointment that wil occupy me
all day, "he said with great satisfaction.
He released her wrist, only to lift his chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.
- Do me a hole, otherwise, the only event that will be with the tax collector! And if
that's not enough to convince you, stop thinking only of yourself and start
worrying about your employees, because maybe this is your last chance to save
their jobs. You see, Alix. ¿0 is first your pride? "After looking into her eyes, he cried.
Until tomorrow, and it was he who moved, doing a little bow his head. Alix was
tempted to send him to hel , but his last words was arrested . . and doubtless, he
knew it beforehand. I was pretty sure Alice would agree to him the next day if
that meant saving the jobs of their employees. He had hinted he was willing to
help her, and though I hated him, could not afford to refuse.
During the rest of the evening, their mood was on the floor. He left early, but not
home, but took a taxi towards the hospital London, where Stephen Petrakos was
still in the intensive care unit. Three weeks earlier he had suffered a heart attack,
and since then had had at least one other heart, minor. It was a miracle he had
survived. And while his life hung by a thread, she realized the poor condition it
was in the advertising firm of his father. As doctors fought the battle to slow his

father lived, she tried to save his company.

When Alice entered the room, her mother looked up at her and smiled.
- Hello, darling! Do you you have a good time?
Alix kissed his cheek. Emily Petrakos was a sweet woman whose character
inspired a feeling of protection in those around her, and especially his family. Since
long before the illness of his father, his mother Alix protected from the hardships of
life, and for that reason he struggled so far useless to solve all their problems.
However, without doubt, her mother sensed that something was wrong, but if her
husband had not said anything, her daughter would not either. For this reason,
Alix smiled pretending joy.
"You know how those things. The cause was right, and that's what matters. How's
"Now sleep, but has been very restless. I wish to inform me what happens, "her mother
sighed, while biting her lip, and unintentionally confirmed the suspicions of
her daughter.
Try not to worry, Mom, "Alice hugged her. You know I hate being sick father,
especially when it prevents you attend to business. However, I am temporarily in
charge of things, and I think that soon I can give you good news, mentally crossed
his fingers, hoping that was true.
You are a great relief, Alix. Only God knows how I'd do without you, "said Emily,
and her smile replaced by a look of concern. You look tired, child. Did not sleep
Although in recent days had hardly slept, he would not admit it.
"I assure you I'm fine, but today was a rough day. When you get home, I
immediately go to bed. And you try to sleep, Mom. If Dad finds out that you are
worried it will get worse.
- You give me the impression that I am a medicine!
"You are, and the best that could have" Alix laughed and looked at his watch. I'd better
go. Tomorrow I wil come again. Give Dad a kiss on my behalf, and ask
him to stop worrying-kissed his mother before leaving again.

His apartment was in Chelsea, near the river, and although it was small, covering
all your needs. I had rented before his brief marriage, and because he refused to
accept any financial assistance following his divorce, he found it pleasant to return
to that place and heal their wounds. With a sigh of relief, opened the door, and
did not feel safe until they bolted. Pierce was to blame for her to feel well .. as if it
should run, never stopping. He left his coat on the couch and poured himself a
glass of brandy, which was urgently needed, since the presence of Pierce had been
a violent jolt. After the divorce, she had thought would never see him again.
"Why had he come back?" He asked. "You've got everything I wanted.
At the time Pierce had thought Alix wanted, but had only been an instrument for
him. Al your loving words and tender looks, even the solemn promises they had
exchanged, were designed with a purpose . . achieve its goal.
Did not know that anyone could fake that. I was in love with him and believed
he was owed. But that was what made him believe Pierce. She was only twenty
years old and very naive. Now, at twenty, had changed greatly.
Trembling, Alix huddled in a chair. Pierce was right about her love life.
Completely lacked it, and no wonder. What had been with him had definitely
marked. He had friends, and was aware that some of them would like to keep
her a closer relationship, but had always been careful to keep them away.
He closed his eyes. It was impossible to halt the painful memories that assailed his
mind. During the five years he had been facing daily torture which involved the
memories of his relationship with Pierce. Recently seemed to have passed, but
that night he was again unable to fight his own mind.
Pierce had been so clever that had managed to convince her that he loved her.
He had played his part with such consummate skill, until the morning after her
wedding, she discovered that the man she had married was an impostor.
The day began their life together, met the real Martineau Pierce . .

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Chapter 1

ALIX Petrakos down the taxi and stopped a moment at the foot of the stairs
before entering the hotel lit. Invitadaa was a dance, although in other
circumstances it would have rejoiced that night did not like. She was exhausted
after a busy day, and if he had felt obliged to attend the charity ball, to keep up
appearances, he would have stayed home.
After a charge it off his coat, the newcomer took a deep breath before entering
the ballroom. His figure, tall and thin, like something out of the pages of a fashion
magazine. Her evening dress was designed by St. Laurent, Italian shoes and
Cartier jewelry, but she knew that the length of these belongings will be very
short. Please find the financial support that the family business urgently needed,
should dispense with all the luxuries. And the sad thing was that the family&#39;s
possessions could not, not by a long, cover the large amount of debt.
Standing next to the door, looked at the crowded room and was not surprised to
recognize the faces of several of the attendees. In fact, in recent weeks had
spoken with many of them in their offices. Those who realized quickly switched
arrival of place and lost no time discussing with others, quietly, the economic
distress of the family of Alix.
After catching a glass of wine, &quot;answered the greetings of those who had
the courage to look into her eyes with a faint smile of mockery. Six months before
everything was very different. Now things had changed and had to face the
awkwardness of his father. But despite what these people think, she would not
forget his good education and make them a bad time.
&quot;Do not be surprised that,&quot; said a mocking voice near her. When the

boat is about to sink, the rats abandon.

The serious tone and energetic cost him little confidence in herself that she had,
and for a few seconds, Alix felt that the room was spinning around her. Then got
checked and had to summon all her courage to turn his head toward the owner
of the voice .. already knowing who she was.
&quot;And leave the field open for the vultures to pounce on the carcass
immediately replied, surprised by the firmness of his voice, despite the heart-
pounding against the man who stood silently beside her -. Why is my impression
that it would be inappropriate to say that I&#39;m surprised you here?
Pierce Martineau, so attractive and dangerous as ever, smiled slowly.
&quot;You have learned to teach nails, Alix. What does not surprise me, but like
kittens, you need to learn when it is better scratch.
The ironic comment recalled the helplessness she had felt once, and far away,
from which he had learned to defend itself vigorously.
- As far as I&#39;m concerned, with Martineau always appropriate! &quot;he
said with disdain.
- Do you tend to aggressively and greeting old acquaintances? he asked. I
recognize you did not expect to be here, but it would be wiser you would stop
attacking me, Alix. You never know where the enemy is. Maybe you&#39;re
estranged ally, &quot;he said softly.
- Ally! she exclaimed with disgust. Never were nor will be. You are the enemy,
Pierce, and as such, I feel only contempt for you. I&#39;m afraid you must excuse
me. You know, I am more selective with my companions, &quot;and here she
turned and walked away. The wobbly legs threatened to bend with every step he
I did not know where it went, but kept on walking until you reach a small room
that had no choice. When standing, he realized it was trembling al over. Why
only now had to find it? Is it that he had not done enough, and had to come
along to mock his ruin? I felt that I hated much as it once had loved.
Alix arched her head, feeling a knot in my stomach distressing. Martineau Pierce

still had everything going for it, and physique to women crazy. On one occasion,
she had also lost his head for him. It had not been immune to that glossy black
hair, or his piercing blue eyes, or cheeks framed a mysterious sensual mouth. Their
masculinity and confidence in himself had drawn inexorably. He, meanwhile, had
pursued with such zeal that he had intimated to his lovesick heart that he loved
The bitterness was like gall on her tongue, and unconsciously pressed the cup until
it hurt your fingers. With his lies, he had turned that love into hate. Because
everything was a lie from beginning to end. The sad memory was interrupted by
the cracking of the cup, fol owed immediately by a slight exclamation of pain.
The broken glass fel from his hand and blankly noted that it was bleeding.
Only then did she realize that she was not alone.
- Have you cut? Let me see, &quot;said Pierce, who must have followed. He
approached her quickly and took her hand to examine it before giving him a
chance to get away.
Alix started, and suddenly looked Pierce bowed head. The proximity of black hair
brought to mind old memories that he believed buried about what he was
feeling the touch of man. He breathed hard, but all I got was more vividly
capture the intense aroma of his cologne. When he felt the touch of his hands on
his wrist, a shiver ran through her from head to toe.
-You wil survive.
Pierce&#39;s statement out of her shock, the second he took to raise his eyes
allow it to adopt an expression of coldness.
&quot;It&#39;s just a scratch, and is not infected,&quot; he glanced sardonical y.
Did you think that the cup was my neck?
Not bear his gaze and looked away from the mocking eyes of his interlocutor.
Lowering his head, he found the handkerchief he had bandaged his hand, and
the white cloth stained with blood. The same blood that had spilled when Pierce
came into her life!
&quot;If any man deserves to be throat cut you,&quot; he said dryly, as he lifted his
eyes again.
&quot;Several have tried, unsuccessful y, Pierce said, laughing.
&quot;Someone will get it some day,&quot; said Alice, smiling at the conceit of
him. I hope to see it.
For a moment, he appeared in his eyes something like an expression of regret, but
disappeared before she could define it.
&quot;Our story seems taken from a Greek tragedy. A vindictive woman
planning her husband&#39;s death. Bailarías &quot;above my grave, Alix?
She refused to follow suit.
-Ex-wife said quickly, feeling her heart shrank.
&quot;You say with great joy&quot; Pierce nodded, as if that were the answer I
&quot;The day I left you was the happiest day of my life.
&quot;That&#39;s odd, I seem to recall you said the same thing about our
wedding day,&quot; he said softly.
&quot;Then I knew what kind of vil ain you were.
The joy of it vanished.
&quot;I had to do. Understand.
- I never will understand, nor forget! -gray eyes darkened by the tumultuous
emotions and sent him a message of hate.
&quot;Do not be so sharp. Maybe someday thank me-had to make an effort not
to pounce on him to scratch, but realized that at the time could not control
himself, he would win, and should be avoided at al costs.
- What? What my grandfather kill her?
Pierce came up to her, being controlled with obvious effort.
&quot;I was not my fault, Alix. I agree that it was an old man, but lived several
years after I last saw him, &quot;he observed.
&quot;Maybe, but hastened his death by taking away everything that was
precious to him-his lips trembled with rage and desolation.
&quot;I took anything that is not mine by right, and in return, he stayed with you.

Alice laughed, stunned. What he had left behind him was just a woman with a
broken heart.
&quot;You&#39;re a thief and a murderer, and I despise you.
&quot;Nevertheless, I still have something you want, his face stil seemed carved in
- I cut off a hand rather than take something from you!
&quot;Always so dramatic, smiled again, but this time with no joy. I&#39;d
forgotten how passionate you are in bed and beyond.
Alix started on hearing this allusion to intimacy that both had shared.
&quot;You&#39;re right, I have something to thank . . the fact teach a valuable
lesson, I will never forget, &quot;she accused.
Were a few seconds before he could answer, and as I watched closely, his lips
curled back and Alix.
&quot;If I was a good teacher, you were very accommodating, a disciple
deliberately misinterpreted the words of his interlocutor. It appears that you also
went well. You&#39;re prettier than before.
Alix teeth clenched in anger. The fact that he had been the first man in her life
was something that bothered her. But he had a lack of sensitivity (at the time
you remind him nauseous.
I guess not expect me to thank you for the compliment, because frankly the only
words that come to my mouth right now are insults.
&quot;I&#39;ll take the risk. Maybe I should stop before you suffer a fit of anger, but I
can not resist. I love your hair short, it gives you an elegant, fragile at the
same time. When you&#39;ve cut? &quot;he went on a familiar tone, and she
held her anger, which only seemed to amuse him.
- Cut it off five years ago, &quot;replied, while he ran a challenging look.
Uh-huh. I loved playing with your hair. He dreamed of putting your fingers in it
as you made love.
Alix was nearly run out of breath because she had almost the same dreams in
relation to him, and soon after the marriage was over. Now the thought caused

him discomfort.
&quot;That&#39;s why I just cut it. Do not want anything to remind me of your
presence, &quot;said.
&quot;Apparently not forgotten me-Pierce crossed his arms while looking at her
with scorn. &quot;That&#39;s why you&#39;re alone here tonight?
- At this point, you no longer have anything to do with my life! I&#39;m here
alone because my father is ill, as I assume you know. We could have been in the
family, but I came alone. Why does it satisfy your curiosity?
- Nonsense! Blind Are al men in England? Is not nobody has offered to come?
What about your most recent partner? he asked, ignoring the gleam of anger in
the eyes of Alix.
- What is exactly what you want to know, Pierce? Is the situation of my love life?
&quot;Her cheeks turned red by the audacity of it.
&quot;Judging by the tension where you are, would not you have a partner. 0 if
you have it not going very wel with it, because you&#39;re so irritable replied,
leaving her breathless.
- &quot;How dare you?
- Does that mean I&#39;m wrong or I have guessed? he asked sardonically.
&quot;It means you&#39;re a shameless, and I&#39;m not so personal a question to
answer,&quot; replied angrily and he laughed.
&quot;I think you just answer it. However, if people have not absorbed your time,
what you been doing these last five years?
To live beautifully without you.
&quot;I see that easily-evaluated his clothes and jewels. No doubt you live in
opulence. Do not pay . . your father? he asked, mocking, and again the enraged.
&quot;Wrong. Pay my clothes with the money I receive from my work. The jewels
were a gift when I turned twenty-one, and you might even see a dim! Alix
countered with violence.
&quot;Spoken like a lioness defending her cub.
- Why? If you enjoy hurting people when it is unable to defend himself, not me.

Moreover, I do not like to interact with people of that class, so if you do not mind
. . &quot;She gave him an icy smile, and would have touched in passing, if his
hand would not have subjected a doll to keep away.
&quot;Not so fast. We have not yet spoken.
He tried to get rid of him, but in vain.
&quot;As far as I&#39;m concerned, we&#39;ve been more than enough,&quot;
replied coldly.
&quot;We have not even started,&quot; Pierce shook his head. While you&#39;re right,
this is not the time nor the place. Tomorrow I will go to your office at ten in
the morning.
How dare to suppose that he could go back to your life?
&quot;Even if you appear, do not receive. I have an appointment that will
occupy me all day, &quot;he said with great satisfaction.
He released her wrist, only to lift his chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.
- Do me a hole, otherwise, the only event that will be with the tax collector! And if
that&#39;s not enough to convince you, stop thinking only of yourself and start
worrying about your employees, because maybe this is your last chance to save
their jobs. You see, Alix. ¿0 is first your pride? &quot;After looking into her eyes, he
cried. Until tomorrow, and it was he who moved, doing a little bow his head. Alix
was tempted to send him to hell, but his last words was arrested .. and doubtless,
he knew it beforehand. I was pretty sure Alice would agree to him the next day if
that meant saving the jobs of their employees. He had hinted he was willing to
help her, and though I hated him, could not afford to refuse.
During the rest of the evening, their mood was on the floor. He left early, but not
home, but took a taxi towards the hospital London, where Stephen Petrakos was
still in the intensive care unit. Three weeks earlier he had suffered a heart attack,
and since then had had at least one other heart, minor. It was a miracle he had
survived. And while his life hung by a thread, she realized the poor condition it
was in the advertising firm of his father. As doctors fought the battle to slow his
father lived, she tried to save his company.

When Alice entered the room, her mother looked up at her and smiled.
- Hello, darling! Do you you have a good time?
Alix kissed his cheek. Emily Petrakos was a sweet woman whose character
inspired a feeling of protection in those around her, and especially his family. Since
long before the illness of his father, his mother Alix protected from the hardships of
life, and for that reason he struggled so far useless to solve all their problems.
However, without doubt, her mother sensed that something was wrong, but if her
husband had not said anything, her daughter would not either. For this reason,
Alix smiled pretending joy.
&quot;You know how those things. The cause was right, and that&#39;s what
matters. How&#39;s Dad?
&quot;Now sleep, but has been very restless. I wish to inform me what happens,
&quot;her mother sighed, while biting her lip, and unintentionally confirmed the
suspicions of her daughter.
Try not to worry, Mom, &quot;Alice hugged her. You know I hate being sick
father, especially when it prevents you attend to business. However, I am
temporarily in charge of things, and I think that soon I can give you good news,
mental y crossed his fingers, hoping that was true.
You are a great relief, Alix. Only God knows how I&#39;d do without you,
&quot;said Emily, and her smile replaced by a look of concern. You look tired,
child. Did not sleep well?
Although in recent days had hardly slept, he would not admit it.
&quot;I assure you I&#39;m fine, but today was a rough day. When you get
home, I immediately go to bed. And you try to sleep, Mom. If Dad finds out that
you are worried it will get worse.
- You give me the impression that I am a medicine!
&quot;You are, and the best that could have&quot; Alix laughed and looked at
his watch. I&#39;d better go. Tomorrow I will come again. Give Dad a kiss on my
behalf, and ask him to stop worrying-kissed his mother before leaving again.
His apartment was in Chelsea, near the river, and although it was small, covering

all your needs. I had rented before his brief marriage, and because he refused to
accept any financial assistance following his divorce, he found it pleasant to return
to that place and heal their wounds. With a sigh of relief, opened the door, and
did not feel safe until they bolted. Pierce was to blame for her to feel well .. as if it
should run, never stopping. He left his coat on the couch and poured himself a
glass of brandy, which was urgently needed, since the presence of Pierce had been
a violent jolt. After the divorce, she had thought would never see him again.
&quot;Why had he come back?&quot; He asked. &quot;You&#39;ve got
everything I wanted.
At the time Pierce had thought Alix wanted, but had only been an instrument for
him. Al your loving words and tender looks, even the solemn promises they had
exchanged, were designed with a purpose . . achieve its goal.
Did not know that anyone could fake that. I was in love with him and believed
he was owed. But that was what made him believe Pierce. She was only twenty
years old and very naive. Now, at twenty, had changed greatly.
Trembling, Alix huddled in a chair. Pierce was right about her love life.
Completely lacked it, and no wonder. What had been with him had definitely
marked. He had friends, and was aware that some of them would like to keep
her a closer relationship, but had always been careful to keep them away.
He closed his eyes. It was impossible to halt the painful memories that assailed his
mind. During the five years he had been facing daily torture which involved the
memories of his relationship with Pierce. Recently seemed to have passed, but
that night he was again unable to fight his own mind.
Pierce had been so clever that had managed to convince her that he loved her.
He had played his part with such consummate skill, until the morning after her
wedding, she discovered that the man she had married was an impostor.
The day began their life together, met the real Martineau Pierce . .

Chapter 2

ALIX recal ed in detail the day they met. It had been a very hard day for her, was
about to end their exchange of six months, during which he had applied to study
the operation of a subsidiary mate. This knowledge will be useful on his return to
England, where he was to occupy an executive position in the advertising
company founded by his father. Coworkers often out at night, and she joined her
plans, although she was not accustomed to that lifestyle. That night was very
tired, but had agreed to go to the theater with some friends of his father.
The play was magnificent, and while he commented with enthusiasm in the hall
during the first intermission, she felt her eyes resting on. A shiver ran down her
back, and felt as if those strange eyes nearly drove it back to them. When obeyed
this mysterious call, after a quick glance at the audience, his gaze rested on eyes
that seemed to pierce her heart. His lips parted in a silent gasp, unable to dodge
the man's eyes stopped inches from her. Alix felt a strong current of attraction
flowing between them. f:, n that moment required the attention of someone
unknown, and Alix was released.
Immediately, she walked away, but an irresistible impulse forced her to look back
over his shoulder. He was aware that his heart was pounding, and instinctively
grasped his hand on his neck. The stranger continued to speak and could only see
his profile. Even that was enough to make something inside is removed. He was
the handsomest man I had ever seen. His body never before experienced
sensations experienced. Stunned, Alix realized that the man walked toward her.
For the second time he looked away, but his inner tension increased as he
approached her. The brain seemed to have stopped working long before, he
heard his companion greeted him with joy and he responded with a deep,
smooth voice that made her shiver. Hearing his name, made an effort to calm
Alix, we want you to meet a good friend, Robert Wells Martineau Pierce
presented them with cheerfulness. This girl is English and is the daughter of an old
friend, Alix Petrakos.
Automatically, Alix extended a hand, knowing that she was looking with eyes

open wide, like a fool.

How are you? greeted him with a hoarse voice, and felt the hand that pressed
hers tighten, as if an electric current moves through them both.
Martineau Pierce stared back, and for a moment Alix had the strange feeling he
was on jumped.
"Excuse my astonishment, but his tone has baffled me," she said, smiling. That, coupled
with its beauty, is enough to knock out any man, "he apologized so
- Be careful, Alix, Pierce has a well-earned reputation! Olivia Wells warned him
while laughing. It is a conqueror.
Pierce dropped her hand against her will Alix, his attention fixed on her, even as
he replied to Olivia.
"Stop talking bad about me, Livvy, or frightened.
A soft blush of her cheeks Alix, and nervously licked his lips, a gesture that Pierce
did not go unnoticed.
"I'd rather make my own judgments about people ventured to discuss it, and
noted that he smiled.
"I am relieved to hear that," she answered softly, making Alix believed they were the
only two people in the salon. "Petrakos? It seems Greek, not English.
"My family came from Greece after the war. My mother is English and I was born
there, "said a little breathless, at the precise moment the bell announcing the
second act. She bit her lip as she realized that she must go, the possibility of not
seeing the man made her tremble.
- Can I buy you dinner after the show?
His heart seemed to run wild with joy, and I was sure that his face reflected it.
"I would, but we've reserved a table," he said, recalling the invitation of the Wells.
-Outgrown-four, "said Olivia. Come with us, Pierce.
"Delighted, accepted without taking his eyes of Alice, who felt as if he were
drowning in its impenetrable depths. See you later with a smile, Pierce left.
- Wow! Olivia exclaimed, astonished. Pierce never seen behaving in this way. Alix,
you've obviously impressed.
She waited. Though he had never believed in it, Alice realized that she had fallen
in love at first sight. He was unable to concentrate in the rest (we wil work, since
their thoughts were elsewhere. Although applauded at the end, knowing what
had happened on the scene, and only when they reached the lobby, where Pierce
was waiting near the door, life inside seemed reborn.
Dinner at a nearby restaurant, was unusual because of the unknown feelings that
flooded her heart. Then, he had no doubt that Pierce would take her home. He
escorted her to the door of his apartment, and when she got the key to open,
Pierce took his hand.
Alix Petrakos murmured with a strange regret. Who would have thought you
would come into my life and put it upside down?
- Are you . . really?
"Absolutely. It's something unexpected for me. I came here to work, not . . -not
know what to say.
"Right," agreed Pierce, looking into her eyes. Perhaps not the right thing on our first
date kiss, but I want both!
The passion in the voice of his partner took her breath away.
- Is this a date?
-The first of many, "he promised hoarsely, pulling her towards him gently that if I
refuse, I could do.
Alix threw herself into his arms, feeling they belong there, he bent his head to
brush her lips. At first, as if fearful, the tip of his tongue was delicate strokes on her lips.
Alice gasped as the pleasure tormenting his nerves, and opened her lips to
give freedom to caress the sensitive inner skin. Escaped from his throat a little cry
of delight, and with a groan he touched her hair, pulling her further, as the kiss
became more passionate. Alix suddenly felt his senses were given the pleasure
they received, and that incited to reciprocate. We walked around the neck, arms,
first tentatively, then more boldly, and with his tongue welcomed his. When
Pierce pulled away from her, both breathing fast.

"No more, he kept his distance and then closing your eyes, deep breath. Would
drive a saint to lose control and, as I said Livvy, I'm not.
I do not want a saint, "said dangerously, and shuddered at the gleam in the eyes
of his interlocutor.
"At this moment, a wise man would, but I can not do a hand touched his lips.
Dinner with me tomorrow.
Alix had no idea how his life changed by the fact that we have accepted that
The next night went out for dinner and hours flown. And when he took her home,
Alice was in love with him. Pierce was someone he could talk freely and showing
interest in everything she said. At times he spoke of himself, Alix was so busy
watching the expressions on his face and hearing the soft sound of his voice, he
barely remembered his words, but still was captivated.
Each new appointment with Pierce proved to be an adventure, which started in
new and exciting experiences. One night might succumb to the charm of a grand
opera and then dine at a fancy restaurant, and the next, walking barefoot along
the beach and eating seafood on the pier. However, what remained unchanged
was the strong attraction that pushed them toward each other. Although he
showed signs of his love, always maintained control over their actions. On one
occasion when she was afflicted by the same feeling of frustration that had kept
her awake all night, she protested her leaving, Pierce pulled her to him and lifted
his face with his hand to his eyes to meet.
"When I take you to bed, Alix, is to consummate a marriage, not an adventure,"
he confessed, his voice hoarse.
Looking up at him, her lips still quivering for him kisses, tears glistened in her eyes.
Will you marry me? she asked incredulously, because even though it was what she
wanted, was not sure Pierce interested him more than an adventure.
"I prefer to think that I must, before losing control cl.
"You know I do not need you to marry me, Pierce," he said, because it was true.
She loved him too much to refuse him anything.

"I know, marriage or anything, but his blue eyes seemed to burn. Are you saying
you do not want to marry me? -the accused, and she shook her head quickly.
- Oh, no! I do want to marry you, Pierce. I love you desperately cried, hugging his
neck while leaning his head on his shoulder.
A second later, his arms surrounding it.
"Then we'l get married as soon as they managed to fix," said a voice unclear. Do you
mind if we are only two? "No friends, no family?
"My parents wil like, if I'm happy.
Without telling anyone, married a few days later in Los Angeles, and from the
church went straight to the airport for the flight to New York. She did not care to
know so little about him except that he was American and a businessman. She
was in love and their time was too valuable to waste on worry. Although she
knew he was a man of success, would have given the same if it were not. She
discovered that love was all that needed to be happy.
They came to his apartment, rather late, and Alice knew she was nervous. That
would be the first time they were alone, and the prospect of the approaching
night made her shiver with a feeling that was a mixture of excitement and fear.
She had no experience in the field of love, Pierce certainly would have lived much
more than her, and did not want to disappoint. Especially when she seemed in a
strange mood. During the flight had been silent, absorbed, and when he spoke, a
bit puzzled by his tone concerned.
- Is something wrong? she asked, while taking the dinner that the housekeeper
had prepared.
Without looking at her, Pierce continued to cut the meat, with an exclamation of
disgust, pulled a knife and fork. It fell upon the startled gaze of Alix with one that
she knew too well, and that made her heart leap inside my chest.
-No. I just want one thing and not eat. I love you, Alix. I expected a lot and my
patience has finally snapped exhausted, "he confessed, and stood up.
Then he realized the cause of their concern. She did not protest when he took her
in his arms, carried her into the room and began to possess her passionately. Any

fears that would have been disappeared in the growing heat of passion, fueled by
men's hands caress on your skin and rubbing his mouth on her breasts.
Gently awakened his desire, with infinite care, her mouth and hands until the
tormented Alice began to move forward under him and his hands reached out to
touch him. The moans of pleasure revealed that Pierce gave him fondling her,
and as he invited her to be more daring, his inhibitions vanished. It was not
enough and she did know each supplicant contortion of his body. That's when
Pierce began endorsing it so urgent that were soon joined, and made an effort to
achieve a goal unknown to her. When he entered it, the pain was momentary,
but forgot when your body is united with him to experience pleasure or even
imagined. Alice could not help crying out, and in that instant he heard echoing
the cry of her husband.
With her head on the pillow, Alix smiled as he examined the back of Pierce's
head, with dark hair tousled by something more than just sleep. And the memory
caused a very special warm feeling inside. Their marriage had been the night
before. Now it was the next morning and all I had to do was to approach and
touch, and Pierce would react. The heart began to beat harder at the prospect.
Smiling, he turned the sheet beneath silk and reached out to slide around his
It was an unfinished movement because he felt the touch of the hand, the man
beside her sat up in bed, pushing the sheet.
- Do not touch me! -mol pinned her harsh tone, but only for a moment. Like him,
she sat and watched with utter disbelief that her husband out of bed with an
abrupt gesture. With a shaking hand away from her eyes long blond locks. The
gray eyes, shaded by long dark eyelashes, suddenly saddened by disappointment
and offense.
- What? he asked in a tone that ranged from the fun and fear.
His body seemed to shudder at the sound of his voice, but Pierce kept going into
the adjoining bathroom. Alix got out of bed, pulled the sheet and walked behind
him. Pierce had to justify his comment if he wanted her to consider only a joke.

- Pierce! -with great effort, Alix managed to keep his voice calm. Not funny,
Leaning over the sink, Pierce waited to be filled and closed the taps before
turning his head toward her. Alix was not able to meet her gaze because those
blue eyes inspected from head to toe with chilling contempt, and felt he
undressed her, not the clothes but of their dignity. An unknown humiliation came
over her, his eyes opened wide, and the stomach appeared to fill with something
so cold and heavy as lead.
"I'm not having it," he said with an icy tone.
- Pierce! he exclaimed, incredulous that he was able to humiliate her like that. It
was a joke, but something much more terrible and should find out before they
make their world shattered. What's wrong?
Pierce lay on his face shaving foam, but stopped to give him a look of derision.
- What makes you think something wrong with me?
Alix was completely confused. The day before his attitude had been so loving, and
now . . He searched frantically in her mind the answer, or something containing
the rising tide of pain.
- Have I done something to upset you? Do you regret you married me?
"No, my plans were always to marry you. It was what he wanted, "laughed
without mirth.
Although they were the answers she wanted to hear in his voice was something
that his heart froze.
"Maybe it was what you wanted, but I am convinced that something bad
happens. I'm not that stupid, though at the moment it seems. But I am sure that,
whatever it is, we can solve it together because we love His voice, despite its
efforts to maintain composure, had overtones of despair.
- Who said that our love is mutual? he asked while shaving.
The unexpectedness of the question made Alix definitely lost composure.
"But I love you, Pierce said in despair.
"That's something we all agree inflexible looked at her, daring her to deepen

what he said.
- No! His voice was hoarse, while the tearing pain inside.
"No," Pierce calmly took off the foam and looked for a towel. It's true. A good night's
sleep seems to have sharpened your understanding.
Alix had to lean against the door to keep from falling, and with one hand
gripped his chest.
"I made sure that I wanted," he whispered feebly
"I never used those words.
His tortured mind its pre reviewed and acknowledged that he was right. The day
he admitted that he wanted, Pierce had responded . . He closed his eyes in
anguish. He thought he had confessed his love. But in fact his words were
unaware of the depth of feeling that she was inspired! It was not love! He had
never wanted, just . .
- Why did you marry me, Pierce? was essential to know the truth, although the
- Why? Although it may seem melodramatic, I married you for revenge.
- For revenge? I do not understand. Why? What have I done?
- How can you ignore Petrakos Yannis's granddaughter? he asked, with a terrible
expression of anger in his eyes. I can not believe Alix. Examine your memories, and
I am sure you will understand the truth. Of course, if you do not succeed, you can
ask. And now you will forgive me because I get to the office at eight-thirty, I take
a shower, and if you do not mind, I would do it in private. ^ 0 see a naked man
walking part of your hobbies? he asked, before abruptly closing the bathroom
Alix awkwardly approached the bed and collapsed on her. His limbs trembled, his
thoughts were a mess. The only reality was that he loved her, and the words
whirling in his head like a broken record, so that when Pierce left the bathroom,
he was still sitting in the same position. He looked at her without paying much
attention and proceeded to dress.
"My housekeeper is Mrs. Ransome. If you need help, call her, "said Pierce, pausing a
moment before leaving.
Alix Pierce could not answer and left without saying another word, leaving her
with her grief and tormented thoughts. When Mrs. Ransome was presented,
minutes later to ask if he wanted breakfast, Alix was still motionless. His face
showed no traces of tears, because I was so stunned that he could not react.
"No thanks, Mrs. Ransome-rejected the offer with a smile. I'm still a little tired
from the trip. I think I need rest more than eating.
"Okay, Mrs. Martineau, the housekeeper nodded. Can I take this opportunity to
wish happiness to you and Mr. Pierce?
Alix did not know to laugh or mourn. However, due to give an answer acceptable
because the housekeeper smiled and left the room. When she was alone, Pierce's
words began to resonate strongly in his brain. Unaware that she had wanted him
to understand, because her family had never done anything. He had not even
heard mention his name. But Pierce seemed to be completely convinced. His
purpose with respect to it had been deceiving her and she fell into a trap. He had
spent weeks chasing, to conquer it, using all her charms to persuade her love . .
and ask him to be his wife .., and then treat it that way.
She covered her face with her hands. I wanted so much! How could he show an
attitude towards it so inhumane? Alice thought she was going mad with grief.
However, as the pain intensified, she came within a feeling of anger. F; IIa that
did not deserve such treatment. Given this thought, he wanted to hurt this man
as he struck. The memory of how he had given all her love and trust her soul
lacerated and tears glistened in her eyes, but refused to shed them. The fall had
been very low, but would never mourn.
With a shudder, Alix stopped thinking about the past. The brandy in the glass was
intact, and she pulled it away, while rubbing her arms with his hands to keep
warm. Revenge had planned at the time of frustration and pain never came
true, because that was just the beginning. Although what happened next was not

comparable with that first betrayal. The wound was so deep that nothing could
make it worse.
However, as he had said to Pierce, his brief marriage taught him a valuable
lesson. She would never trust a man lies, would not give any control over their
lives, to prevent the manipulated and injured. Nor would allow their own
emotions to sink into the same dangerous waters, preventing him from
understanding reality.
That night, he had the impression that the attraction he felt for her was stronger
than ever, and wished not to feel vulnerable in front of him. It was necessary to be
on guard and not allow their emotions to exert influence on its aims, it was the
only way to take advantage. In the most cruel, had learned to distrust Pierce.
Plans would be careful with him because he now knew everything about the
company Martineau. He had a habit of acquiring companies in bankruptcy and
then sell with some profit. If that was what I intended with Petrakos Publishing,
and could go to forget about their plans.
However, it was essential to swallow his pride and practical, to benefit the
livelihoods of thousands of people.
If you do not forget that, I was sure I could manage to Pierce. He had matured a
lot over the past five years, and now he felt much stronger. He would not behave
like a coward and run. This time they face him and win.
This thought made her smile when she finally entered her bedroom. Perhaps,
after all, he might take revenge.

Chapter 3

Next morning, Alix dressed more careful y than ever. That meeting with Pierce
was a challenge for her, and wished to project an image of safety. So he chose a
black pantsuit, extremely formal, and cheered him with a diamond brooch on the
lapel, completing the set with earrings to match her brooch, and a simple gold

She looked in the mirror, trying to guess what he would think to see her well
trimmed. It makeup seemed slightly and realized that a business woman, with
complete control of your life.
The walk to the office was as heavy as ever in terms of traffic, but that day Alix
seemed especially long because I was very nervous. Finally, he reached the office
on time:
- Good morning, Ruth! "he greeted, stopping at the desk of his secretary.
Women, middle age, looked up and smiled.
- Good morning, Alix! How's your father?
"Better, thankfully. Forget the mail now. Someone is coming at ten, so I need to
cancel appointments this morning, "said Alice, as he nails tapping on the desk.
"Before eating, you just had an appointment with Mr. Johnson, the union
informed him Ruth, after consulting his agenda.
Alix grimaced. The union had been a serious concern for her for several days. He
had tried to deceive while receiving a final notice.
"Well, not like, but I have no choice. Try to make an appointment for the
afternoon, and if not, tell .. tell him maybe find a solution.
- What is it? Ruth asked, eager as others to keep their jobs.
"Everything depends on this meeting with Pierce Martineau-confessed, while he
bit his lips.
- Did you mean: Martineau, the shipping company? asked the secretary, with
visible joy.
"Yes," replied Alix, discouraged.
"You know, for the first time I am confident we will change" Ruth almost leaped into
his seat. After al , did wonders with that fleet and turned losses into profits in
an instant, is not it?
"Yes, but I appreciate it do not tell anything until you know what the deal is.
Martincau Pierce never does anything without asking anything in return,
"murmured Alice, worried.
"It seems as if you knew him," said Ruth with curiosity, and Alix tried to act calmly.

"Our paths crossed before," was all he admitted. If you need me, I'll be at my father's
He went into his own office to leave your wallet on the desk, before heading to
the big office of his father through the door that communicated. Looked bleak,
without the vital presence of the occupant in the main chair and could not
imagine that he would not return. However, if doctors were not wrong, Stephen
Petrakos should make changes in their activities if they wanted to prolong his life.
Alix had been forced to take the place of his father, because that was what
everyone expected, even herself. Now a miracle was needed because in recent
weeks had utterly failed in their attempts to raise money to improve your
He sat on the couch of his father and turned to look out the window. Alix was
efficient as it relates to the publishing business, but was unaware of the
administration. It had done its utmost, but he doubted that anyone else was
aware of the seriousness of its financial problems. It was hard to believe the debts
he had incurred his father, carried by a stranger for her arrogance. The company
had expanded so. excessive, and it was impossible to meet the interest payments
on borrowing from banks to start new projects. The money pouring out, and
seemed not to go, and that was a nightmare. No wonder his father had suffered
a heart attack. What the company needed was a major injection of capital and a
firm hand at the front.
He complained loudly. It was a bitter irony that the only person who met the two
requirements were her ex-husband. Cone did not want him to do business,
knowing that the price would be high. The last time was his grandfather who
suffered. Although not worth much, the shipping line Petrakos was his pride, and
lose it killed him.
Though his eyes remained fixed on the window, her attention was concentrated
on the memory of the shipping line Petrakos. Five years earlier, she was unaware
of its existence, but it was something he would never forget . . nor forget that day,
and what he heard from the lips of Martineau Pierce . .

The noise from the apartment door opened and closed, followed by the voice of
her husband, Alix forced to raise his head, which was resting on his knees. He
checked his watch, surprised that they were more than seven in the evening. The
time had passed while he was huddled on a chair beside the window, completely
abstracted and insensitive. Pierce was waiting to come home. It was gone, as his
pride had suggested, because he had to face him again. Pierce had killed her love
for him. He had used no matter their feelings, and she must know why. At least,
he deserved to tell him the truth, however painful it was.
He stood up abruptly. I ached all over, and although he had jeans and a wool
sweater, I still felt cold. I knew it was a logical reaction, and only hoped that
Pierce would not notice anything. He knew that he had hurt, because he had
deliberately proposed, but she would not allow him to know how much. Facing
him again was not easy. It might be the most difficult of his life, and anger could
only give him the strength he needed.
The apartment was spacious, but she only knew the dining room and bedroom.
He had waited impatiently for the time to explore it, but this morning had no
desire. The sadness is accumulated in the throat and, standing in the lobby, he
quickly looked around. To his left, a door was ajar and a light came out. If Pierce
was somewhere, should look there.
Alix was found in a large room. Velvet curtains covering almost the entire wall,
perhaps indicating that they were windows. Elegant sofas and chairs around the
coffee tables, the soft carpet muffled tread even stronger, and the walls were
decorated with paintings. In another moment would have seemed a charming
lounge, but I was too tense. Ahead was a fireplace and although was out,
approached her, as if by mere association achieve its icy fingers warm.
The clink of ice in a glass made her turn her head. Pierce, standing in front of a
beverage cart, watched with an expression of anger.
- Would you like a drink before dinner?
The unexpected question came as a slap in the face. How could he be so calm
after what happened that morning? It was as if nothing had happened! The

anger in her deepened.

"No thanks," he declared through his teeth, while watching how he approached
"I see you mourn," he said mockingly.
Alix realized he was completely dressed in black. It was not anything intentional
on his part, had been the first thing he found. However, it was the best clothing.
"Something has died today, Pierce, and still do not know why," he said huskily.
Pierce moved closer and put an arm on the mantelpiece.
"Mrs. Ransome said you've spent all day in our bedroom.
Although the closeness of her husband was almost unbearable, made no
movement to depart.
"I'm wondering why you've done this. From what you meant about my
For a moment he stared, as if wondering if their was real or feigned ignorance,
then shrugged his shoulders.
"My dear Alice, you and I took Greek blood in our veins. An oath is serious, and
I'm keeping the promise I made, "she said softly. For Yannis Petrakos, I will gladly tell
you all in due time.
His arrogance was given nausea, and the only way to avoid giving a blow was
clench his fists and kept close to his side.
"I know now," he insisted angrily.
"After dinner blue eyes slowly roamed the rigid figure.
- I hate you! "The words were almost a sob, and pressed his lips together.
- Really? Just yesterday I wanted.
With a groan, staring into the eyes of his interlocutor, wanting to kill him.
- Why not chal enged me when we met, if your oath was so important?
- Still can not find the answer yourself? You've had all day. Because I needed you
to be my wife. Otherwise, you could have left without paying anything.
"I still do," replied, feeling intolerable pain that only by appealing to his pride could not
hide. ^ 0 trying to tell me I'm your prisoner?

"You can go whenever they want, a wry smile appeared on her lips. I do not need
a hostage. Al I needed was you were my wife. And you are, do not you, Alix? In
all aspects.
Alix felt pale.
- You mean you slept with me just to consummate the marriage?
- Are you so foolish as to suppose that he would leave some out? "He raised an
eyebrow in disdain. That depended on the fulfil ment of the oath.
- How could I be so foolish to think that you wanted? he asked incredulously.
- Are you sure you do not know? -Pierce touched her cheek with a fist.
The contact made him shudder, and hating herself for his reaction, Alix twisted his
lip with disdain.
"I do not feel love for you, only hatred.
"Maybe love is not, but I want? brevee-launched a jeering laugh. Are we an
Its hardness left her breathless. I had just confessed that he had made love
because it was necessary, not because he wanted her, and now trying to prove he
was still hers by the time they wanted.
- Do not you dare touch me!
Suddenly appeared in his eyes looked strange.
"I never defy me, Alix, is the worst thing you can do," he said huskily, and when she
tried to leave, he caught her in his arms. For a moment their eyes came
together, the expressed her disgust and it showed a strange expression that she
could not interpret. Then Pierce Alix lowered his head and prepared to withstand
But it turned out well. Men's lips were nice and hot, and kiss here and there until
she could bear. Sobbing, he tried to pull away, but he deepened the kiss using the
tongue and lips to seduce her. He knew her so well, I knew the moment they
cease to fight to live up to his kisses, and she could not help it.
His answer revealed his feelings, and when finally released her, her eyes looked
huge in her pale face. It's so bright, dazzling.

"Not so easy, right?

If his intention was to humiliate her, could not have picked a better way.
"I never thought I could despise a human being as much as you. What do you
show me? What you still excited? Perhaps, and perhaps amuse you keep me in
your bed again. But you would hate knowing that every touch of your hands. My
answer has nothing to do with what I feel, and feel only hate for someone who
had the courage to act with me as you have done today! "His voice was ful of
hatred and abhorrence against itself can not resist, even at that time. He left
abruptly, but after walking two steps, his legs wobbly, his voice stopped her.
- Where are you going?
"In my room, until you're ready to talk to me.
"If you find out the facts, you have dinner with me. I insist, "he said at the time she was
going to protest.
"Okay, if it amuses you. I will drink the cup now.
"I would say that I enjoy," explained dryly, as he walked away to prepare his
usual martini.
Alix averted face him, drank his glass and took great care that their fingers do
not mix. There was a silence because she was not interested in holding a courtesy.
It was over the honeymoon, and was no longer a shy bride. So it was a relief to
hear a knock at the door. It was Mrs. Ransome, who informed them that dinner
was ready. Think of it disgusting to eat, and Alix was not able to eat. Pierce
looked at from the other side of the table.
"He's very rich, you should try it," he said, pointing to the soup.
- Is an order? she asked with insolence, and Pierce's face stiffened.
- You mean to let you die of hunger?
- "Because yours? Never!
"Then eat some soup," smiled distaste. According to Ms. Ransome, you have not
eaten anything all day had strongly in Pierce's voice, mixed with impatience. ^ 0
is that I have to sit next to you to force you?
- What is it? Alix turned to sarcasm. Are you afraid that if I get sick that would

hurt your good name?

"I fear nothing, sat back in his chair and glanced at him gloomily. Just doing what I do.
My intention was never to you to put yourself sick.
"Then, or you remove yourself from my sight or let me go, because it makes me
sick to see you!
"Do not worry, my desire is to extend our relationship. Once you've got what I
came for, do not need to see me again.
- I wish I had never known! she cried, just when the housekeeper came back into
the dining room. He waited for Mrs. Ransome remove the soup plates and
replaced by the stew to answer Alix.
Once alone, Pierce shrugged.
"We had to know, Alix. Some things are meant to happen.
"I'm not superstitious. You planned every last detail without leaving anything to
chance. Much arrogance! Tel me, what would you have done if he had been
"I would have done the impossible to break that commitment.
"I have no doubt, and al I feel for you is contempt.
"As I've vented, and given that neither is enjoying the meal, it is best to go to the office.
She stood up quickly, although his heart was pounding, and fol owed him to
another locked door. It was a room decorated in soft colors, full of books, a desk
at one end and several chairs around a fireplace. Beside her was a shelf, which
Pierce took a framed photograph to show to Alix.
- Do you recognize anyone?
At first did not recognize anyone, but something in one of the stern faces of the
two men who appeared in the photograph more carefully noted.
- This is my grandfather! she exclaimed, surprised.
"And this mine. George Andreas.
- Andreas? It is a Greek name and yours is Martineau.
"My grandparents were Greek, but after the war left Greece and emigrated to

America. My mother married an American, Lawrence Martineau, and I was born

here, "Pierce said with some kindness, pointing to another man, before indicating
the bottom. And this is the fleet Andreas.
"I understand, forgot her anger. You say that our grandparents knew?
"I mean they were enemies," he laughed. To demonstrate, Yannis Petrakos fleet
stole my grandfather.
- Does he stole? Alix gasped and returned the photo. Do not be ridiculous! My
grandfather had no ships!
"I can assure you that is true," Pierce smiled cheerful y. A few boats are rotting in a
shipyard in North Africa, and is the only thing left of the line Petrakos. Splendid
boats that once bore the name of Andreas. Yannis Petrakos always wanted to
take them. It was a fleet of the most select, and meant to possess wealth, prestige,
acceptance at the highest levels of society . . three things that your grandfather
was ambitious. Seeks to achieve by marrying the daughter of the owner, because
they were part of her dowry, but she was already committed. That woman was
my grandmother and my grandfather was the ships when they married. From
that day, Petrakos the hated and vowed to destroy both my grandparents and
ships. After the war he found the ideal way. Falsified some documents showing
that my grandfather was a traitor, and so generous, your grandfather gave him a
way out. If I was giving the ownership of vessels, the papers would disappear. If
not, the whole family would be killed.
Alix heard with amazement the words of Pierce.
"It certainly was not true, but there was no way to prove, as Yannis Petrakos had
ties to the black market and ways to get what he wanted. So finally stayed with
the boat, because my grandfather loved his family. He lost everything, but took
the oath of someday recover their boats. He came to America, started a new life
and made a fortune, but he never forgot that incident. It broke her heart to see
how the fleet slowly deteriorated, and several times offered to buy it, but always
refused Petrakos. When you no longer good for anything, let the ships to rot.
He continued with the story while looking at the picture.

"When my grandfather was dying, he made me swear I would do what he was

capable of. Petrakos had refused to sel the fleet, and saw no reason to continue
giving me head against a wall. I looked another way and found you. You are the
key, Alix. Petrakos want the shipping line, and you're going to give it to me!

The loud buzz the intercom to Alix forced out of his mind once again the painful
He turned the chair to answer the call.
- Who is Ruth?
"Mr. Martineau is here, Miss Petrakos.
Her heart pounded and licked his parched lips.
"Show him, please," said Ruth, knowing that should also ask for some coffee, but I
hoped that he shortened his visit and would not accept.
Barely had time to smooth his hair with his hand and check the buttons of his
coat, before the visitor entered the office. He stood with studied politeness.
"Good morning, Alix greeted with kindness, while he held out a hand. Her hand
seemed to disappear covered by it. As a result, pulled too abruptly and blushed
while newcomer's eyes rested on her.
"Hello," muttered coldly, pressing hard on the fingers on the desk surface, to avoid
shaking. The touch of him had produced chills. You see, I have granted an
appointment, however, she would not abuse my valuable time. I meet with other
"Sit down, Alice, and ceases to impress me with your efficiency," he sat in front of her,
making himself comfortable. We both know you do not expect anyone. Have
you talked to all persons able to help without success.
Alix was filled with anger. Was it necessary to remember him? It was one thing to
be aware of their own failure and that someone else mentioned it.
"I asked you to come," said unnecessarily, and took his seat because his legs, somewhat
weak, impeded the stand. Nobody was as capable as Pierce to make

him lose confidence in itself.

- How is your father? -the unexpected question startled her.
- Do you really care? If not, would prefer not to feign interest, "he replied sharply, and
the face of Pierce took an icy appearance.
"Good manners are not part of what you have learned in five years. You're biting
the hand that could feed you, Alix. I remember that I have no obligation to help
and I can leave at any time.
"Sorry," apologized, embarrassed to find that he seemed amused.
- Should I assume you want me to stay? he asked, mockingly.
"Yes," with effort.
"Then I suggest you ask coffee? No doubt you wil .
He did not answer and asked the coffee by phone. He leaned on the seat of the
chair and then to breathe deeply, tried to calm down. It was essential to prove
that he was no longer a pushover.
"Last night hinted that maybe you could help," she said in a tone more gently.
What are your intentions?
"I understand that the Petrakos Publishing Group has many debts. To save not
only need a strong inflow of capital, but also a radical overhaul of the way
business is handled. In short, once the debts are settled, you need to reduce the
company to manage it better. Am I wrong?
Undoubtedly he knew how to get to the bottom of the problem.
"You know that. However, you can advance without access to any acquisition of
the company without the permission of my father.
- What makes you think I want to buy the company?
"I'm no fool, gave him a strange look. That's the way you work and everyone
knows it. Purchasing the business, split up into parts so small and get a
considerable profit.
- Is it a criticism? How strange! I never heard anyone complain. I do my business
head on and honestly. The owners get the business value of their companies, then
the risk is all mine. However, that was not the deal I'm offering, "explained calmly, and
Alix was so nervous, I could not sit still, so I stood up.
- Please speak clearly!
"Dear Alice, I'm willing to pay the debts and also to provide the money needed to
get the company back to work," Pierce said softly.
- What? Alix looked as if he had gone mad. You just told me not interested in
acquiring the business. Not crazy enough to give the money without getting any
"You're right. I'm not so crazy. But what I offer is a gift rather than a loan. And of
course, I hope to obtain. a profit.
- A gift? Startled, he sat down slowly, his gray eyes wide open, staring to his
interlocutor. He swallowed. It was too wonderful to be true. Under what
conditions? I guess there are some, right?
"Of course. The conditions are: I will give the money and I will create a
management team to review the situation of the company the day that you, my
dear Alice, you become my wife.

Chapter 4

Your wife!
For a moment he felt his senses Alix turning, but then threw a sarcastic laugh
while shaking his head in disbelief.
- You're crazy! You've lost your mind! he exclaimed.
"It's a matter of opinion-Pierce expression did not change at all. And it has
nothing to do with the issue we are discussing . .
- Except that you expect me to marry a madman! interrupted.
"I hope you act sensibly," he said, adopting a studied expression of kindness. If I'm
mad, as he says, I remain a very rich fool, and I offer the solution to your
problems. From any point of view, it's your only way out. The decision to accept is
yours alone, "he said coldly.
Alix felt sick for daring to make such a proposal.

"If you think that after the experience that represented our first marriage, would
be willing to marry you again, then it is your madness is really serious.
"Do not be so melodramatic. You're a business woman and this is a deal, "Pierce said
- You mean you would do the same offer if a man were sitting here? Alix eyes
opened wide. How kind! "he mocked.
"Do not get me out of my mind, Alix. my offer is uncommon, and can be
withdrawn at any time.
Alice could not keep quiet much longer. Quickly he stood up and looked out the
window, seeing nothing.
"I used once, and now intend to do it again" she said boldly. "On the contrary, I want to
- Do you really expect me to believe that only content to help you? "His laughter
hurt his own ears. Are you trying to tell me to let go, as soon as the money is paid?
Pierce got up from his seat and approached her. Given its proximity, Alix became
nervous, not only by the authority which emanated from him. He was very
conscious of his masculinity, the strong aroma of his after-shave lotion, and
radiating heat.
"No," he said in a firm voice. The agreement is not negotiable. You will remain my
wife. This time there will be no divorce, and marriage is genuine.
Alice could not help but bring to mind certain memories that caused him
discomfort. Sex with Pierce was more than satisfactory, but then I was in love with
him. Everything had changed.
- You would have some sick satisfaction to a woman who hates you?
Pierce came to feel the touch of her dress on her. Alice knew it was a deliberate
move, and concluded that their best defense was to stay calm and ignore it.
"Maybe you hate me, Alix. But have you stopped to wish me? Her voice was
different, that made her shiver from head to toe. You became a volcano when I
Despite their strong intentions to ignore the words failed him. He turned around

and full of anger, slapped him so hard that she hurt herself.
- Only a scoundrel would remind me that I was stupid! My answer is no, Pierce. A
thousand times no. Go now, before I call security to take out for you! he ordered,
pushing his shoulders with his hands.
His eyes filled with fury. Quickly, Pierce held her hands behind her back and
forced it to close.
- Oh, no! Not until you've convinced me something, little beast, "he said jokingly
before he kissed her hard.
Her reaction was to press his lips to prevent access to your mouth. Have insisted,
she would have continued to refuse. But within seconds the male attack
weakened, into a gentle caress. The slow slide of her tongue licked the sensitive
flesh, sent to your nervous system an infinite pleasure, that the tense muscles
relaxed. Taking advantage of the time, Pierce held her hand in hers and lifted his
free hand to caress her breast.
Alix felt the touch of his hand like a hot iron, even through the jacket. With a
groan of satisfaction, Pierce took over his mouth, striking the language of Alix
with it until she could not keep relying on his chest. At that time, Pierce released
her hands and grabbed her hips to pull her towards him. With a groan, Alix both
hands stroked the fabric of his jacket, while seeming to float in the air.
He missed the tumult of sensations that assailed. No one could make you feel
something similar, only Pierce ... Returning to reality, filled with a deep disgust
with herself. By noticing it rigid in his arms, Pierce immediately released her and
stood back to look with scorn those haunted eyes.
- Would you dare to deny now that I want? he asked hoarsely, and she turned
away, unable to contradict him.
"I want to go," he said, categorically, upset at herself for not being able to resist.
"Not until we have clarified this," Pierce refused bluntly. You feel resentment towards
me and would like to get back at what I did, right? What better way to
marrying me? "I suggested with absolute control of himself.
Swallowing the bitterness of realizing his own impotence, Alix sat down again.

"I'll never go through something like that," she assured him, in the strongest terms.
A moment later, Pierce sat on the edge of the desk.
"Okay, then consider it in this way. Stop thinking about yourself. You say you
want to help your father and I offer you the only way to do it. Where is your
family loyalty, Alix? What has become your personal loyalty, to those you love
and who love you?
Alice was hurt by the words of Pierce. How dare he ask that? No sacrifice was too
large, try them! Yet his refusal to his father denied him the only chance he had,
since the others had failed. Pierce always had the gift of opportunity.
- You are a scoundrel! "she accused strangled voice.
"I'm realistic," he put his hand on his chin to force her to face him in the eye. All you do
is agree to marry me, and within three days the money is on the bench,
and concerns of your parents completed.
- No! Alix said, turning away from him. Besides, my father would never accept
your money! She tried to justify.
- Why not? My name speaks pro-claimed himself without false modesty, because
it was true. Throughout the world his name was a guarantee.
- ^ 0 trying to tell me you told him of our marriage? he asked, squinting.
She would love to say yes, and that his father considered him a scoundrel, but
that would break the promise he had made to his grandfather.
"Nobody knows," he said reluctantly. But if you know the kind of man you are, I doubt
very much accepted, regardless of the consequences! "he added.
"I know you wish they could, but your father is also realistic-Pierce seemed
amused. Why not try to ask them?
"Do not be so sure that I will," his eyes gleamed with anger. Again forced to react
almost childlike way. Where were his composure and cool, now that both
needed? Pierce was to blame.
"I wonder, dear Alix he laughed outright. But remember you can still abstain to
inform our brief marriage. Nor be too confident that he would oppose a marriage
of convenience. He knows what is good for you, and you would marry me for life

He was a monster. He had foreseen every possibility imaginable, and every time
he felt more trapped. I never thought it was possible that his hatred grew, but he
was wrong.
"You think you're very smart, right?
- So what do you think? -as she stood, a strange expression on his face reflected.
You'd be surprised how often I've called myself an idiot, Alix. But this time I have
nothing to lose.
Alix did not understand his words, nor wanted to.
- Except for a lot of money!
"Money is not everything, gently stroked her shaking a finger at the lips. I learned long
ago. As we are concerned, I do not consider your refusal as a final answer.
Think about it, Alice, and if necessary, talk to your father. I'll give you twenty four
hours, and if you want to talk to me, I'm at the Savoy.
Alix did not answer, and looked at him as he left the office. The gentle sound of
the door closing made her shudder. Pierce Marry? How was it possible to accept
the offer? It was inconceivable. But what other choice did? Was prepared to allow
all the work of his father was lost? Could live quietly afterwards, knowing that his
hand had been avoided?
Chil ed to the bone, he began to tremble. Pierce Marry? He rested his elbows on
the desk and buried his head in his hands. Five years ago he had nearly
destroyed. How could again rely on their promises? What could I do?

At three o'clock, Alix gave up his attempts to work. The brain did not respond,
even in simple matters, and his meeting with the union representative was a
disaster. When he finally left, she was exhausted. Pierce Offering absorbed his
thoughts would not be able to rest until this matter was settled, and there was
only one way.
"I will see my father," Ruth said, pausing at the desk of the secretary. I argue with him
something important.
- Has not Mr. Martineau made an offer impossible to refuse? he asked
"I fear-Alix grimaced with distaste. See you tomorrow.
The traffic was terrible, but the focus on driver gave his mind a rest. However,
when he parked the car at the hospital, I was hot and uncomfortable. His father
had a private room, so there were no restrictions on visits. Alix was not surprised
to find there his mother when he entered.
- Have you been here all night? -Alix censured after greeting her warmly with a
-No. You know I can sleep in an empty room, "said Emily Petrakos Alix.
"Look, I'll stay a while with dad. Why do not you go to breathe clean air? The day
is precious and do not enjoy being here. The change wil do you good.
"Well, if you insist," his mother, undecided. I must admit that there are some things that
benefit me. I understand that it is absurd, but I hate to leave him alone. I
have a horrible feeling that something will happen if I move away, "he declared,
and Alice hugged her.
"I understand, but I'll be here. So you can go, "helped her mother put her coat and gave
him a warm smile. Then he walked back to the bed, sat on the couch
where he had been Emily, and inched toward his father.
Although he needed to talk with him, he would not wake him. Unfortunately, it
gave him more time to think. When he had gone to see his grandfather, five years
before there was such a delay, but as it was night, he was also lying. Then the
deceased had been the same now: Pierce Martineau.
Yannis Petrakos left the bedroom of his apartment in Manhattan, fastening the
belt of an exotic silk robe. His obvious displeasure at being disturbed became
surprised to see his granddaughter, seated in one of its Louis XV-style armchairs. -
Alix? What? "Her look of astonishment in her alternately passed and Pierce,
standing next to the newcomer.
- Who is this man?
"Let me introduce myself-dragged the words with mockery, before Alix dared to
answer her grandfather. My name is Pierce Martineau, and I am the husband of
- Does your husband? Petrakos Yannis asked, astonished. Why have not I been
notified? he asked with a stunning burst of wounded pride, which only served to
increase the Pierce sneer.
"We're doing now," said in a nutshell, what made the old man looked carefully, eyes
narrowed, as her brain began to work slowly.
- Martineau? The name is familiar. Have we met?
"Not directly. I made a bid for the shipping line Petrakos. You refused.
Before the sardonic comment, Grandpa frowned even more. He was not used to
interview people who are not impressed by his presence.
"It's true. Now I remember. Although it was very convincing, the company has
never been nor will be for sale according to him, the issue was over, and held out
her hands to Alix. But what does this have to do with your marriage? You are a
rude girl for not having warned your grandfather, but I can not be angry with
you. Let me kiss you. We should celebrate.
While Alix stand against his wil , the effusive embrace of his grandfather, Pierce
smiled derisively.
"I send to bring champagne. I think Alix is going to say that he wants a divorce. Is not it
true, dear?
- A divorce? Yannis's face grew sad again as he backed a few steps. What
nonsense is this?
"It's no nonsense. I am ready to divorce . . through a price-Pierce countered with
serenity, without the least bit alarmed by the anger of the elder. If you agree to
pay, I will not object. However, if you disagree, I assure you that for years
inmovilizaré with litigation.
- What kind of man are you? -grandfather threw his head back, feeling outraged
and attracted to his granddaughter at his side, with protective gesture. "He
married my granddaughter only to divorce her?

Pierce smiled and raised an eyebrow mockingly.

"I just want to avenge my family. I want back what you stole, Yannis Petrakos,
and in return, he gave his granddaughter.
For the first time since he entered the apartment Alix had the strength to speak.
"Grandfather, the shipping company wants Petrakos," said a strangled voice.
That's why he married me. I told you to steal y. ..
The change suffered Yannis Petrakos was surprising to Alice, but Pierce seemed to
expect something.
- Shut up! "he ordered his grandfather with such violence that left her speechless.
The old man's eyes remained fixed on the man before him. Who are you?
- You still do not believe it? I am the grandson of George Andreas, and I've come
to reclaim what was ours.
"You're an idiot. But I, Yannis Petrakos, I'm not. The document of transfer of the
ships was legal. These boats are mine by law, and I'll take what's mine! Alix-
squeezed tightly. And now that I have brought my granddaughter, not let go.
Never let a sully a Petrakos Andreas! A marriage is void, and you will not get
Alix stiffened, the words choked in his throat and looked at Pierce, horrified.
This, in turn, gave him a long look and then paid attention to his enemy.
"Marriage can not be annulled. I'm afraid, Petrakos, who has arrived late. Alix
and I were married yesterday. He spent the night in my bed and apparently
enjoyed it tremendously, "said a voice devoid of emotion.
Alix thought that day had suffered the greatest humiliation of his life, but Pierce
had managed to prove, with this brief statement, he could still do more damage.
She detected the stress overwhelmed her grandfather, and looked up to face his
accuser look.
"Say It Is not So-called. Say, Alice, who did not you ashamed to go to bed with
He had always been aware that his grandfather was a very proud man, but had
never imagined that the accused of shaming her family. However, it would be

futile to confess to know who was Pierce. The damage was done.
All I could do was vent their anger against the man responsible for all that.
"I can not admit, throwing her husband a look of hatred and disgust.
His grandfather then launched a string of Greek words, she did not understand,
but Pierce yes, judging by his expression of anger. Pierce responded more
moderately, and grandfather of Alice was silent, but looked a shocking manner.
Alix had the strange feeling that Pierce had defended her, but did not know why
he did it. He glanced toward him, but did not catch anything on those features of
granite. It was certainly wrong, and was struck in the stomach feel a wave of
disappointment. After the cruelty with which he had handled, that would be the
worst fol y.
"It's a clever man, Mr. Martineau," said Yannis in English. He knows that there is only
one thing that would force me to accept their demands. Even if you've won, I
put some conditions. Arrange a divorce, and this marriage will be as if it never
existed. Neither you nor my granddaughter to tell anyone, not even his family. If I
learn that they have disobeyed me, I assure you they will repent.
"Petrakos, keep your threats for those who fear him. All I want is what legally
belongs to me. The issue we can fix here and now. I learned that always travels
with his attorney. Order him write the paper tonight and tomorrow morning I will
be out of your life.
And so ended the short marriage of Alice, to sign the document that night gave
him back his freedom in exchange for the shipping line.
"Sorry you were so," Pierce said, approaching her before leaving.
"I suppose I will take this dream, the contempt in his eyes showed he did not
believe him. I hope it's worth, Pierce, and that dirty piece of paper give you
happiness. But if not, I assure you I will not be regret it "was al he dared to say.
His grandfather never forgave him for having forced to lose their pride, and died
a few years later. Alix kept his word and never mentioned his marriage to Pierce.
It was part of her life she preferred to forget . . but had not succeeded. Now
Pierce was back, with another of his traps, and Alix was as trapped as before.

Chapter 5

ALIX still puzzling over the unexpected resurgence of Pierce in his life, when a sigh
coming from the bed made him turn his head quickly, and noted that his father
was watching.
"You were far away, Alix, and your thoughts do not look nice," she said, her voice
devoid of energy.
After kissing his cheek, took her hand and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Hospitals make me think bad things. How are you? Tell the truth, "he added in
Petrakos Stephen smiled.
"Now you look better, but I like your gesture, the smile disappeared and his eyes
were saddened by the concern and remorse. I never should have left you in
charge of everything! Damn it, why I had to get sick now? The last place that
should be is in a hospital bed! she cried, full of frustration.
Alice felt her heart to pieces to see him so depressed. She knew she benefited at
all excited like that.
"Relax, Dad. You wil not help anyone if you get sick again. Besides .. "She bit her lip,
not knowing how to expose the matter and acknowledged that much of his
indecision was because he was afraid to hear the answer.
- "Besides what? Besides, nobody move a finger to help? "continued his father
angrily, before collapsing on the pillows.
Alarmed, Alix is quick to refute his claim.
"No, Dad, that does not.
- What do you mean, Alix?
"Well, someone wants to help, but his offer is . . uncommon.
- Pretty unusual, you say? In what sense? "His father was immediately intrigued.
After all, although we have problems now, basical y we were a good company.
We can become so if we can correct my mistakes. I guess someone willing to

provide the money would become a shareholder and exercise some control over
the results "to see the expressionless face of his daughter, he reconsidered. Do not try to
tell me that someone thinking of buying the entire company, right?
Aware that this was the worst nightmare for her father, Alix hastened to reassure
-No. Indeed, quite the contrary. There's a man . . wants to marry me. Meet our
problems and willing to help economical y, but . . there is a problem. Pierce called
Martineau, after pronouncing his name with tension waited his father's reaction.
For a moment, his father was speechless, and then, the words left his mouth
- Do you mean the billionaire Martineau? he asked, well animated. "And you
think that a problem?
Alice gasped, because I knew that Pierce was so rich. And he wondered why, if I
could buy anything he wanted, he decided to help Stephen, without asking a
profit in return.
"There's more. His grandfather was George Andreas-the response was immediate.
"Oh, man my father was determined to hate. You never mentioned this, Alix, but
the reason why your grandfather was and I quarreled over the question of
Andreas. I also tried to participate in that hate, something about a boat, but I
refused. That was when I came to England and founded my own company. You
see, Alice, I have no resentment against the Andreas family. And now it turns out
that the grandson seeks to marry you and me out of trouble? "Her father sat up
in bed and a big smile lit her face. Gosh, that's the best news you could give me.
Why on earth would have imagined that trouble? I could not think of a better
marriage for you. Is it time that you know him?
"I knew . . several years ago. He went and nothing happened, almost choked with
the lie, and before continuing, cleared his throat. He appeared on the party last
night y. .
- You confessed that you had forgotten all those years and I asked you to marry
him? So that was what he meant when your mother told me that perhaps you

would give me good news!

- Do not you think it is too hasty?
"Nonsense. When a man meets the woman he wants, you should not pass up!
Why wait? And why should not he want to marry you? You're beautiful and
smart. The perfect woman for any man.
"Dad, you asked me if I'm in love," she smiled wryly.
"If you're not now, will be later. Was worried about you, Alix. What will become of you
when I'm here? This marriage will drive away all my worries, "impulsively
squeezed her hand. There are worse things than marriages of convenience, Alix.
Your mother and I were married in the same conditions, and could not have been
happier. You just have to learn to give and receive.
He knew very well, but on their own experience someone had received more than
they had given. However, he kept the secret. Nor told his father that he had not
accepted the proposal. Appear calm and smiled, though inside snorted cholera in
the trap that closed around him.
"So, wish me happiness. And this time, when I tell you to stop worrying, you know
you can do it. Right?
His father laughed and then returned her mother. Upon hearing the news, wept
with relief at her husband and her daughter's happiness. Alix promised to bring
Pierce to know each other. When at last he was half an hour later, I was
completely exhausted by the effort made to keep this farce.
He could have postponed the interview until the next day, but decided against it.
Pierce was better to face soon.
He drove his car into the Savoy, feeling his anger increased at every moment.
When they divorced, she thought she would never see Pierce, but now would be
tied to him for the rest of his life. That had been its offer was not negotiable. The
money would be available only if he returned to become his wife, and there was
the possibility of another divorce.
I dreaded being trapped like that, and they do not understand why Pierce
wanted to marry her, when her feelings for him were very clear. Nor was he

foolish enough to think his offer was altruistic. There must be something else
behind this decision, not just the desire to help his father out of their financial
problems. He was extraordinarily handsome and rich, and could have chosen to
marry another woman, then why be tied to someone who hated him?
The question kept turning in his head as he entered the hotel and asked the
receptionist to call the suite of Pierce. I was hoping that was not, but became
discouraged when he was asked to come up. In the elevator, revised its
appearance in the mirror. Her dress was a little wrinkled and make-up was low.
He reviewed the lipstick and quickly brushed her hair to look more presentable.
Pierce opened the door. He looked comfortable without a tie, his shirt
unbuttoned and sleeves rol ed up, which left him bare forearms, bronzed by the
sun and covered with hair. He did not even bother to ask why he was there and
stepped back to let her only and then closed the door. Alix felt that they had
taken the ultimate means of escape, and dropped the bag impotent rage on the
nearest table. Pierce walked behind her. Alix felt his eyes on his back and the
feeling was so strong that he turned. Pierce's eyes watched her vigilante without
any trick.
"I come from the hospital informed him abruptly, and monitoring was further
- How is your father?
She let out a sigh of frustration, twisted his lips as if to mock it and ran a hand
through his hair.
-Improving rapidly. You will please find out who is not angry with any member of
the Andreas family.
"Unlike her daughter, Pierce said, mockingly, and then went to a drinks tray. Can
I bring anything? I feel you need it.
His shirt clung to the muscles while moving the bottles. She watched his broad
back with the desire not to remember the feel of her skin beneath your hands.
"I'll have a whiskey," said Alice, and lifted his chin in a gesture of defiance when he
gave her a look of surprise. Alix smiled. They claim that has anesthetic qualities,

which I need if I will live with you. Would not surprise me if I had to frequently
resort to alcohol.
Pierce asked him no grace, but she did not consider just taking into account their
feelings, if he ever had imported their own. Nor was surprised that he would serve
a glass of white wine. The whiskey was in the glass of the host, who drank half the
contents of a drink, while she fixed her eyes on his bronzed neck. Alix felt a
strange warmth growing inside her and turned away, hating herself for the
pleasure of your thoughts and your body's reaction. He had not touched, but his
mere presence made him feel sensations already forgotten. Unable to stand stil ,
wandered around the room and finally stopped near the window. She tensed
when Pierce went to her.
"By your reaction, I infer that you spoke of my offer and not rejected it, right?
"replied thoughtfully, and she laughed bitterly.
"You knew he would not. So I asked to speak with him. He was sure that I also
wanted to support me. It must be wonderful not never wrong! she cried, full of
hate, hoping to stay away not to feel the heat or smell the aroma. It was a
dangerous combination.
-Be honest, "said Pierce Alix softly. Really not that your father wanted to support my
- Wrong! I have every reason to reject you. Although my father thinks you're a
great pretender, I know you better, right? It has nothing against arranged
marriages, and there is nobody better than you to plan, for your own
convenience! replied with disdain, hoping to annoy him.
"You're beautiful. Moreover, you are still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,
"he said gently disarming.
- What? He opened his eyes wide, making him smiled faintly.
"I'm throwing a compliment.
"Do not waste your time. No need to try to convince me, flattered with nonsense
words. You have in your hands all the cards, and I do not even have thought for a
minute that I would refuse. I too despise my father for the only offer that has

been presented, but I'd love ended with resentment.

"As far as I'm concerned, there can be anything," she objected. ^ 0 you thought you'd
marry the same stupid before? That person no longer exists, because it
destroys you, Pierce. Will you marry me as I am, and if you like, you're the only
culprit. Is that clear?
"You have explained very well," Pierce finished the contents of his glass and
pushed it. However, if you think your dislike of the state wil induce me to change
my plans, you're wrong. You'll be my wife, from al points of view.
"I can not think of object-Alix gritted his teeth and responded to the sight of him with
the utmost contempt he could muster. After all, is a matter of honor. You
will have al rights. But there is something you have not taken into account . . it is
my duty to enjoy it.
- Are you suggesting that you will enjoy it? "He came to her with a mischievous
glint in his eyes. It is very risky statement tub. I have a very clear recollection of
where you unconditionally abandoned to make love she whispered, as she was
making him goosebumps.
"It was before I learned to hate you" he replied, biting, and moaned as his hands gripped
her shoulders, to stroke. Let me go, Pierce. I tell you let me go! -asked,
while struggling in vain to free himself, but he was too strong. Aware of their
weaknesses as he was concerned, looked up at her face, but the watchful eye of
Pierce made her heart throb with precipitation.
"When I decide," replied firmly, while he managed to hold her, holding her hands
behind her back. After all, just told me that I bought, so I do what I please ..
Right? he asked, leaning forward to kiss her.
And as before, was not an assault, but a calculated seduction of your senses. He
brushed his lips with his tongue, he pressed his mouth sensual fullness of the lower
lip and stroked Alix inside, until it quiver. Never mind that kept his teeth
clenched. He insisted, until she could no longer suppress a groan of pleasure, and
then took possession of his mouth without impediment, teasing with the
movement of his tongue.

Although reluctant to react, it was not possible to fight this powerful magic and
the rapid awakening of your body. Although part of their brain called the "idiot,
he returned the kiss feverishly. He did not realize when he unbuttoned his jacket,
then pulled her hand to caress her breast, nipple torment to the point of sending
an incredible pleasure to Alix. At the time that separated his lips from hers, Alix
trembled, and when sin entered the cavern men's wet mouth, threw back his
head under his wing moaning, her body shook with pleasure.
His dazed eyes locked on the roof. His hands were free, if only he could use them
to stick to his arms, while the room was spinning. Abruptly returned to reality and
saw that Pierce was staring at her. In an instant, the heat faded, leaving it cold
and abandoned. Her only company was a frightening self-disgust.
"Looks like our wedding night will be very interesting," said Pierce, with obvious irony.
Your hatred will add excitement, "he concluded, releasing her.
Alix lowered his head, al owing him to see his clothes revolt. Thwarted by evidence
of his own weakness, buttoned his jacket, he looked up and noted that Pierce was
looking over the rim of the cup that had just filled. She shuddered and her cheeks
turned pale. Unable to find an appropriate word, waited for him to speak .
- Have you eaten?
Not expecting a prosaic question.
"No," hoarsely, while wondering why Pierce had not used in full this time so
propitious for him.
"I will ask that we decided to climb something, Pierce, coming into the phone. We
have things to discuss, and I would not do in public. Do you agree?
- Did I say? caustic tone he asked, struggling to maintain some composure.
"Of course you can say. I'm not a monster, "he said moments before changing the tone
of his voice to address the waiter came to take the order.
Thinking it would be unable to eat anything, Alix collapsed on the nearest seat.
She was exhausted, emotionally exhausted, and leaned his head on the back,
closed her eyes. I would have given anything not to think. And most still do not
feel this attraction towards Pierce. I thought I was forgotten, but since I'd seen

again, his senses had risen.

His hatred of him was still intact, but the passion made him forget. Was that how
he hoped to control? Did you think that the passion of his nights make up for his
abhorrence day? Even if he wanted, he was forced to cede without a fight. Pierce
had said this when asked if there was a better way of revenge to marry him. So
he had not ignored, but now the idea took shape. Perhaps it could get rid of this
marriage, but it was his duty to become a submissive wife! After all, he was
helpless, a woman had its own weapons. And though not win the war, he should
win many battles to win the victory!
That thought made her smile, restoring some of its lost energy, and again opened
his eyes, only to realize that Pierce's fun watching her gesture.
- Plotting my fall?
She felt the nervousness at the thought he could read her mind, and could not
help blushing revealingly.
- Why not? he asked boldly. I learned something in our first marriage, although it
was very short .. You can get almost anything, if planned properly.
"You'll never forgive me, right? Pierce said sadly, and Alix gave him a disdainful
"If that's what you want, you'll have to wait a bit ... Perhaps a reincarnation-Parr
concluded mockingly.
Despite his defiance, Pierce did not seem angry, but rather thoughtful.
"I like the idea of living together through the centuries. Always together, "he repeated
mockingly, savoring the words.
"Do not be so vain-Alix snapped his fingers, irritated. Nothing indicates that we
should return as humans. If there were any justice, would come back as a bug, so I
could crush you with my foot! she exclaimed, caustic. Pierce laughed, amused.
Suddenly seemed to be rejuvenated, and remembered more the man he had
known long ago. Alix realized it was now a sorrow that contrasted with his old
vitality. Darkened before that loss, but immediately called stupid for reacting
with such sentimentality.

"Glad to have fun" he said with frustration, and he smiled.

"You get much more than that," he said kindly, and sultry eyes sent her a message she
had no problem in interpretation. The attraction was mutual. He excited her
as much as she loved him, and know it filled her with desire, a desire that turned
"If you manage not to keep thinking about obscenities, we can discuss business,"
she asked, with evident displeasure. He approached her slowly.
"True, but do not be so conceited, Alix. We both know that I did not take much
effort you, like me, think of obscenities. You're so embroiled in your own passion
you would not mind at all where as long as you give the satisfaction they so
ardently wish, "she taunted softly, making her blush and that mouth gets dry.
"You're a . . "His gray eyes glittered with tears.
-Rogue-finished for her. I know, and would be easier for you if you will remember,
if you want to keep your precious pride intact.
Although Alice had found an answer, would have had opportunity to say it,
because interrupted by a knock on the door.
- I saved my lunch! -walked to the door, leaving the trembling Alix seated.
He wondered how he would manage to live with him. But he had no other

Chapter 6

ALIX arrived at his office two days later completely devoid of energy. After she
accepted the marriage proposal, Pierce had acted quickly and had dragged into
its vortex of shares.
While coffee was served in a cup, looked out the window in an effort to not feel
as if everything was beyond their control. He wondered what would be presented
unexpected situations. The previous day, Pierce had insisted on accompanying her
to the hospital to meet his parents, and was annoyed that the moment he
sympathized with them. However, despite his anger, he admired the way he

handled the situation.

Even had extended its offer to save the business from the father of Alix. With the
authorization, may be appointed a manager to oversee the company, while
Stephen was not in perfect condition to return. Neither system would be
implemented to improve production, compiled by Pierce's management team,
without the consent of the father of Alix. All this made him respected Stephen
The only thing that spoiled the situation was about the insistence that Stephen
Pierce was in love with her daughter and that was so generous. Pierce was not
trying to disprove the assertion of his future father, and even hugged Alix often.
And though she knew that was a tactic to avoid problems, he was resentful.
After a deep sigh, he sat at the desk, took correspondence, and was surprised that
on take off his name only. He opened it and pulled the single sheet of paper it
contained. They were written only a few words that angered. They were from
Pierce, mentioning the date, time and place of the wedding. How dare she send
that information in a manner so cold and impersonal!
At the moment, full of fury, was about to telephone the hotel to say some things
that bother you undoubtedly heard the phone rang in the office of his father.
Puzzled, because all the calls they had happened to her in recent weeks, rose, and
at that time the phone stopped ringing, and then he heard a voice.
As he crossed the office to investigate, he had a premonition. Opening the door,
not surprised to see Pierce sat on the couch of his father, speaking by telephone.
Seeing her, beckoned to sit, but only served to enrage her further. He ignored it
and let her know her look her feelings for him.
Pierce took his time. After hanging up the phone, turned to her, but she was
about to explode.
- What are you doing here? How dare you think you can enter the office of my
father and take possession of it? -challenged him angrily.
"For your information, dear, I have not thought, but he was safe. Last night I went to
visit Stephen and suggested I use his office to facilitate the plans I've developed.

I agreed-Pierce leaned back in his chair and looked at her with scorn.
- Why was I not informed? I guess now you're in charge of everything, and I do
not count! If you did not feel able to tell me face to face, at least you should have
done was send me a note! replied, rough. He raised eyebrows with sudden
understanding, thoughtful and slid his finger along his nose.
Pierce did not want to discuss, and that's stil more exasperated. He uttered an
exclamation of disgust before exiting.
- I do not like being treated like someone who is over!
"To me you are very important," said Pierce, with undisguised glee. However, I felt ..
and correct me if I'm wrong .. you wanted everything to remain in business
"I care less what I want, Pierce. And as for keeping us in the field of business, why then
pretended to be in love with me yesterday? We both know that was a lie,
although I must admit that did not live up to other tricks yours.
"Your parents believed it, and that was the purpose," Pierce looked at her. * 0
suggest that perhaps should have told the truth, openly, instead of a lie in time?
"I suppose you would not have had the bad taste to say I was getting my body in
exchange for services rendered smiled sarcastically.
In a moment he stood up and approached her with rage.
"Do not provoke me, Alix. Do you want me to lose patience? Is that what you
Staggered by the violent emotion that seized, Alix stared at him, her heart
quailed. Never seen him so upset, and agreed to be the culprit. Inside it was a
demon who is forced to bother, so it was logical that finally upheld. It was time to
use a strategy.
"No," hoarsely, and was relieved to see he was breathing more calmly.
"Then I suggest you go more carefully. I am willing to grant you certain freedoms,
but if you push me, you must pay the consequences, "he said, adding, holding an
envelope: this is yours.
She tried to keep her composure and approached him, quickly taking him who

betrayed him, like a snake ready to bite. Inside was store credit cards known, and
gave him a quizzical look to Pierce.
You'll have to buy clothes. Take the afternoon off to go shopping, "he suggested
quietly, and listened to papers on his desk, as if it would terminate the
"I need to buy me clothes, Pierce. I earn a good salary, and I have enough clothes,
"said Alix.
"You know, it's fantastic that, at least for once, I am pleased" Pierce shook his head
slowly. However, I see you're determined to take the opposite in everything,
is not it? Unfortunately, I'm as stubborn as you. I do not care how many clothes
you have, Alix. In my experience, a woman always has room for more, and that's
what you do .
It was a battle of wills, although it was stronger.
"If it's so important to you, I am surprised that not insist on accompanying me,"
she challenged.
"Believe me he would, if he were not so busy saving the bankrupt company from
your father.
While acknowledging that its interior should be grateful, always made her rage
and that emotion was stronger than gratitude. His senses and came to the
conclusion that there were other ways to annoy him.
-Escucharte is obey, master, could not resist making fun of him.
However, instead of getting angry, he seemed to have regained a sense of humor,
because he looked with obvious pleasure.
"I like having a slave. I like you, every encounter between us is much more than
an adventure.
- How is it possible, if it .. ? -cut the sentence, and his cheeks flushed.
- Have I had? "he finished, his voice velvety. True, but then I wanted and not now,
"he said, and her cheeks turned pale.
"I do not ever have loved you," he said, categorically, and walked toward the

"If I was not wanted, I would have hated for so long. But who can define when
the love ends and begins the hate? I've never forgotten, nor I either. The spark still
exists between us, despite your desire that it is not.
"Sex is not love, Pierce grabbed the doorknob and gave him a look of discomfort.
You taught me. Now I know the difference, and never again confuse the truth
with a lie.
"I like to hear it showed no indication of shame and looked at his watch. It is time to go.
And do not think you can get rid of me just disappeared al afternoon and
pretend to go shopping. I'll pick you at eight to take you to dinner, and I see what
you've purchased. Is that clear?
For an instant, she felt she could read minds, and his wry smile almost convinced.
"Obviously," he murmured softly, and he laughed.
- What obedient! "were the words that went with it as he left the office. After
picking up her bag, walked to the desk to inform him that Ruth would be absent
the day.
"No doubt look more cheerful immediately said his secretary, and Alice made a
face of irony.
"The little things bring happiness to the greatest minds. Once you finish these
letters, Ruth, you'd better put on the orders of Mr. Martineau. Over the coming
days, will occupy the office of my father was about to leave, when something else
happened. Oh, and if anyone wants me, he also treats you. Until tomorrow.
Once in the street, decided to take a taxi and leave your car in the parking lot.
By collapsing onto the seat, pulled out cards with the thumb and hit them
thoughtfully. His first reaction would have been cut into pieces, but had a better
idea. If Pierce incited to spend money on him, obey him, and for once he would
refrain from looking at the price before buying.
It was his habit to acquire just enough, and it seemed unwise to waste money, so
he felt remorse upon seeing the massive amount of boxes that sat in the taxi after
visiting the first shop. Then he harshly rebuked as being weak nothing would do
him with a man as stubborn as Pierce. He must show that she was not docile and

had few opportunities to do so.

On reaching home, he reflected on whether he had overstated its expenses, seeing
that their purchases covered all the chairs and much of the living room carpet.
But thought it was not possible to return them, so it was better to act with a
certain impudence, and with that thought in mind, opened the boxes and pulled
out its contents.
As he expected Pierce to eight, took a bath and washed her hair. Rang the
doorbell, before the appointed time, took a deep breath and went down to open
with a dazzling blue coat that accentuated the gray of his eyes.
Pierce, handsome in his tuxedo, looked in silence for a moment.
- Are you ready to go, or your heating has broken down?
Alice tried to calm her heart, but starts beating wildly to the magnetism of him,
shook his head and stood back to let him enter.
"None of those things. This shelter is one of the purchases they wanted to see, "he said,
walking ahead of him into the hall. Even when he realized that Pierce
stopped in the doorway, she advanced to the middle of the room and turned
In silence, the newcomer was examining the scene, his hands in his pockets, and
looking up.
- Were you hoping to deplete my bank account? If so, I assure you that your
purchases will be felt soon.
"As I put a limit, I thought it might spoil every whim-with a dramatic gesture,
opened his arms to signal their purchases and, consequently, the shelter was
opened to discover the black lace underwear and red, which was everything he
wore. Everything you see what you bought and you paid, "he declared, noting
that Pierce was left breathless.
The unmistakable tension that pervaded made her realize she had gone too far,
and the muscles of his stomach shook with a mixture of fear and something else
that I can not define. He swallowed hard and watched the pale cheeks of his
partner and moved his jaws nervousness. He slowly took his hands from his
pockets, as he straightened.
"I suppose in that statement you are including yourself, right? asked a strange
voice, while he approached her. No doubt you have done everything possible to
see each article, but I notice that you are completely covered. Does not seem fair.
After all, I am entitled to see what I get and I would not buy blindly. Why do not
you take your coat, Alix? he asked, standing inches from her.
She knew that I had completely underestimated. His intention was to provoke
him, but had not thought about the possible consequences. However, his rebellion
forced to lift his chin as he dropped the coat. After all, there was more coverage
than if wearing a swimsuit, with the only problem I had chosen more attractive
underwear he had bought.
The slow appreciation of Pierce made her blush, and had to try to stay still and
not squirm with embarrassment, as the inspection was deliberately lewd. Alix
realized that his impetuosity had made her lose face, waiting for the bitter end.
"Turn around," he ordered huskily, and with a muffled groan she turned without
thinking, and shivered as his gaze.
"What I see . . is very attractive. Cold? "This last remark made her tremble again, and
not by temperature.
"No," hoarsely, and he sighed.
"Wonderful, because I'd like you to take your clothes off colds you wear" Pierce said,
"No . . You're not serious, right? stammered and looked at him, incredulous over
his shoulder.
- Do not speak you serious? You said you had bought all that was before my eyes,
and even bother to expose it for my inspection.
- But it was a joke! she protested, while trying to laugh.
- Really? Pierce asked sarcastically, crossing her arms. I see you laugh, Alix, nor do
I. Intended to humiliate, but I've realized in time. Now my turn, and is preferred
to obey me, because I have a reserved table at eight-thirty, and do not want to
be late.

Completely humiliated, Alix turned and bowed her head as she fought back
tears. She was the one that should be fun, but everything had gone wrong. He
sought a way out. The bedroom was not far, though Pierce was standing in a
strategic location. No doubt the stop, because I was determined to possess. All I
could do was obey. Controlling a sob, began to unzip the back, but stopped
halfway because the invaded crying, and knew he was not able to.
Pierce Oyó.ó launch an exclamation of disgust behind her and pushed her fingers
with his and. Zipped. With a firm hand stroked her chin and forced her to raise
her eyes brimming with tears.
"You're a fool. Have not you learned that you should not pull my leg? Go get
dressed! And forget about dinner, and not hungry. I leave you in absolute
freedom, Alix.
Alix saw him go out and bit her lip tightly a moment later he heard a knock at
the door. Feeling stupid, reflected on his recent humiliation. Pierce was right, had
tried to embarrass him, but was she who had suffered the consequences. He
looked at his clothes with scorn. I wish I had not bought, would never wear it.
Distraught, there was another shower to calm down, although he knew that
would not be so easy to remove the memory of her memory . He slept poorly,
and rolled all night in bed. During those hours in white, decided to apologize, but
the words refused to leave his throat.
Although it rose late, decided not to hurry. Anyway would be late. Took time for
breakfast, but did not want, and take special care in its arrangement. In an
attempt to appear calm, used makeup to conceal the ravages of the night
awake, and chose a silk suit, light gray, and a red blouse. Feeling very unhappy,
went to work.
Despite his efforts, he had trouble entering the crowded lobby. There was silence
and all eyes turned to her. I wanted to hide in the elevator. Why are they all
smiling? He found the answer when he entered the office and met Ruth, who
anxiously awaited his arrival.
- No doubt you keep a secret, Alix! -with a broad smile, closed the newspaper.

None of us imagined, judging from the way you behave. Congratulations, I hope
you both be very happy.
- What do you mean? Alix looked puzzled at his secretary.
-From the wedding. The announcement has come out in all the newspapers, "said
Ruth, handing him a copy. Ignore it? Perhaps Mr. Martineau wanted it to be a
Realizing the situation, Alix smiled and returned the newspaper.
"I suppose so," replied mockingly. And surely, he had succeeded.
Once in office, took one look at the messages and pursed his lips. With certain
exceptions, were from people who had refused to help a few days. Now with the
arrival of Pierce, this
No ban anxious to contact her. It was a bitter experience and it was more difficult
to break into her father's office and confront Pierce.
- How can I help you, Alix? "He looked up the document read, and looked at her
with evident impatience.
It was a deliberate pattern to put in place, but controlled his impulse to attack
- Why do not you tell me what the ad?
"Maybe because I did not want to argue with you. But it seems that I have to do
anyway, right?
"Actually, I did not come to fight, but to apologize," Pierce Alix deep breath. At least he
could speak without choking.
- You amaze me! "he sneered, and immediately changed the mood of it.
- Do you accept or not an apology? she asked sharply.
"It's funny, but looks more like a declaration of war, thoughtfully, he slid a finger on her
- Because you always say something that bothers me! "He lifted his hands
desperately. If you were silent for five minutes, you let me talk and then I would!
To her surprise, Pierce laughed.
"You'd be lost in the diplomatic corps. Okay, you have the word, Miss Petrakos.

She tried to keep her quiet voice, and lifted her chin in an unconscious chal enge.
"I admit that my attitude last night was in very bad taste. I apologize.
"Okay, I accept them," he said, and immediately continued to review the
- Is that all you're going to say? he asked incredulously.
- Did you expect anything else? "Pierce looked amused.
"I thought," began with contempt, which may excuse you.
- Why? -the joy was gone. Why beat you with your own game? Maybe if I
thought I would not try to do more in the moment you return back, "the harshly
rebuked. But since you're here, there are some things that you find out. Sit.
It was incredible. He seemed to think he could tell him everything he wanted,
then ask him to sit for a friendly chat.
"Thanks, I prefer standing.
"Sit down, Alice, or will I force you Pierce said without raising his voice.
Fearing his wrath provoke, Alix sat opposite him.
- Are you comfortable? "She gave him a cold smile and sat down. Try not to take
away too long. I know your time is valuable. You'll love knowing that after the
wedding, enjoy a brief honeymoon. So I advise you to fix your gear for the trip.
Also, ask the personnel department put a notice to take your place. Thus, we can
do interviews as soon as we return.
Alix was too stunned and could not talk for a moment.
- What do you mean, take my place? "he stammered. I've worked hard for it,
and I will not leave it to anyone.
"However, the post became vacant," he said with a twinkle in his eye inflexible.
You'll be my wife, Alix. I do not suppose you thought you'd be here when I return
to my country. Although I have houses in most European capitals, my address is in
the U.S. As my wife will live there with me.
He grew angry with herself for being so stupid and not anticipate what would
happen after they married.
- What about my job? -it 'challenge.

"I fear that will remain in the background," said Pierce, concise. Does it matter? I
remember once you commented that it was interested in being a working
"That was in another era-it was not necessary to remind him his own naivete.
Now my job is very important to me, Pierce.
"It will be when you have your own family. "0 and have forgotten that ours is a real
- It is assumed that a true marriage is based on love! "His eyes showed antipathy.
It's supposed to be a mutual respect. Among us there are none of both. My only
option is to obey, right?
"He who pays is in charge, is not it? So far, the generosity has been mine, "said Pierce
with rage, and she recoiled.
"I understand. Are you an expert at making you hate someone, do not you,
Pierce? I guess the honeymoon will pay the first installment, right? "she accused
strangled voice.
"We can not escape our destiny, Alix said quietly, and she shook her head.
"You talk as if we had no control over our lives. I do not think that everything is
determined by a higher being, and not succumb to your beliefs countered angrily.
"You may already be giving," he warned, irony. Although I would not have time
to discuss philosophical questions with you. My staff arrive today and we have
much work to do before the wedding. You should also clear your desk.
Alice was silent because he had nothing to say. Talk was useless, because it would
ignore his words. He got up and returned to his office, an office that would not be
yours for long. He approached the window and looked wistfully the landscape of
London. It felt as if they were canceling, as if in a short time would not get
anything from it. The only thing left was to swear to herself that she would not
give up without a fight, and ensure that Pierce's victory was false.

Chapter 7

THE wedding took place two days later. Because of the circumstances, was a
peaceful event attended only by her mother and a friend of Pierce. Alix would
not have liked it another way, because he believed that getting married was a
mockery of what had always considered sacred. The only way to bear was the
thought of his father.
The civil ceremony was short. Against his will, Alix carrying a bouquet of flowers
that his mother had given her. The main memory of the ceremony was the
surprising strength of the dissent Pierce. He managed to appear exchanged vows
mean something to him, although she was aware that was not true.
The photographer appeared suddenly when they took to the streets. Pierce must
have imagined that the event would not go unnoticed, but her heart sank
because it was all just a farce. Fortunately, there would be no celebration. He had
been an ideal choice for Alice, since it hesitated for a long time to conceal the
bride and groom barely spoke. After the last confrontation, the relations between
the two had become even more strained.
"I'll do a picture kissing the bride," said the photographer, who had not realized the
environment or had decided to ignore it.
Alix would have liked to refuse, but his mother was watching, like a small group
of onlookers. He had no choice but to raise his eyes toward her husband.
- I feel like trained seal! he muttered, as Pierce held her chin in her hand.
"Maybe, but a very beautiful," he said hoarsely.

He saw something that momentarily shone in the eyes of Pierce, but before
analyzing it, her husband kissed her and she closed her eyes helplessly. The
strangest was the kiss he received from him, and because of that, much more
disconcerting. Devoid of passion, was more a mixture of joy and relief, so that
when he lifted her head just looked at him in amazement. No doubt he had been
satisfied, and she smiled before releasing it.
"Enough," discarded the photographer and turned to her mother. If we leave, wil miss
the plane. Take care, Emily, Stephen and tell him not to worry while we're

out. Everything is in the hands of a good team, and the only thing to do is get
Emily Petrakos kissed him with tears in his eyes, then turned to his daughter a
"You look beautiful. Be happy, dear. Pierce is a good man and I take good care.
That confidence, that once she had felt that he did make a lump in my throat.
However, it did not intend to disappoint his mother, so to mask corresponded to
embrace despair, without a doubt, his eyes betrayed.
"I know, and do everything possible.
They got into a car and drove to the airport. Biting his lip to hold back her tears,
Alix sat down with a sigh, exhausted by the effort to behave normally. Things
were not and could not be normal. At least Pierce did not need to hide, since he
knew his feelings perfectly. He grinned at the bouquet of flowers, still in his hands,
and placed in the hollow of the seat between them.
Surprised, he heard Pierce moved and noted that it had collected.
"The flowers are not your enemy, Alix scolded, smoothing the wrinkled petals.
Although I think would have preferred to crush me.
You like, but it was she who was always defeated.
"You're unbreakable. A strong block of stone, "he replied, bewildered, observed that
placed the bouquet in the front passenger grabbing, as he spoke in Greek
with the driver, who always accompanied him on his travels.
"The stone is broken if you hit in the right place.
- You mean, if I may suggest, find your weakness? he asked mockingly.
"Obviously for those who can see it. Who knows? "A smile appeared on the corners of
his lips. If you find, you may not want to destroy me completely.
Irritated because he could so easily shaking it, he sat up straighter.
"I guess I'm not as forgiving" His eyes were fixed on the driver's head. Why you gave
my flowers? What did you say?
"That will take care to protect them. Maybe you would like them in the bedroom,
as a memento of this day.

He looked down to see the gold ring adorning her finger now. He had been the
origin of another pointless battle. She wanted something simple, but Pierce
refused, and as usual, made his will. The were surprised that the sponsor had
taken two rings, one identical to her to put him on the finger of Pierce. He was
surprised that he wanted a permanent reminder of their marriage.
- Did any of us will forget? I do not need reminders, "he said coldly.
"Anyway, we wil . Who knows? You may change your mind-Pierce grabbed his
left hand and studied the effect of gold in her slender hand. The ring suits you.
What did you do with the other?
His nerves were shaken for two reasons: the memory of another marriage, and
the thrill he felt along the arm when he touched her. Groaned and attempted to
free the hand, but he left her.
- Is the contact of my hand disgusts you, Alix? he cursed, and his wry smile he said
he thought the opposite.
- Everything about you makes me sick! "she lied desperately. As for your ring, I
nearly threw it in the Hudson River, but it seemed a desperdido. So I donated it to
the first charity I found.
"I like knowing you helped a noble cause," said ironically.
- The money is all that you are ready to give! Alix cried helplessly.
- Really? I remember it when you shake it tonight in my arms.
She blushed at the mere mention of the topic. It was a case in which avoided
thinking about because they always terrified her. A terror of knowing with
certainty that, despite what his brain to reason, your body will desperately
"You're a smug . . Please, you let go?
- What's wrong with 'a husband want to hold her hand on his wife? "He looked
curiously. Above all, when newly married.
"Do not be a hypocrite, Alix deep breath to calm down. Now there is no need to
pretend, Pierce. No one is watching "he said with contempt.
- What if I tell you I'm not pretending? -a smile contracted the corners of his lips.

"Do not believe it.

"However, I am more determined to make our marriage work, Alix sighed, Pierce
crossed legs while still holding her hand tightly. Her heart beat hurriedly.
Pierce looked very convincing, but past experience had shown that it was a good
- Need not my fault you get into so much trouble! Alix said, and he released her
"Oh, no problem, love. It was always my intention.
Not expecting such a response, looked stunned.
-You give the impression of wanting this marriage, "she said, and he merely raised
an eyebrow.
Unable to hold his gaze, he turned to the window, frowning. Without doubt,
Pierce could not have wished to marry her. There was no point the only thing was
she pushed her desire. But do not marry someone needed to satisfy a sexual need.
I could have blackmailed into becoming a temporary affair, but had not done. 0
marriage or nothing. What did that mean exactly?
- Why you married me, Pierce? You could have helped my father without being
married. If you are interested in empire Petrakos was possible to buy it. Why did
you want to tie me again? He was trying to accommodate the pieces of the
puzzle, but each time it was more difficult.
For a moment, Pierce looked back at him, but then turned back toward the
"I had my reasons, but you're not ready to hear them," he explained politely, but she
was furious.
"Oh yes, I forgot you like to choose the right time, right? I remember that you
have a penchant for early morning. Should I have the armor list for tomorrow? -
unconsciously, his voice was a mixture of anger and pain.
"Relax, Alice, this time there will be no surprises," his eyes were a deep guilt that did
not try to hide. You, like me, you know the exact time.
Alice noticed that his heart was beating fast. He was confusing, just when he

needed to think clearly.

- Why should I trust you?
"I can not force you to do so. The decision is yours. I do not understand "She bit her lip,
for unexplained reasons, was restless.
"You never understand me," explained, enigmatic, and she lifted her chin.
"Well, I do not know if you ever interested me understand you, there were too
many scars, too much pain, he thought, suffocated by memories. He turned to
focus their attention in the outside world and forget the man at her side.
However, it was easy to forget the memories. Pierce the manipulated and was
sure he was trying to weaken gradually. The first subtle signs had occurred a few
days earlier, during one meeting that Pierce had concluded with several
businessmen. Many of them knew Alix. In recalling the violence of his last
confrontation with him, had imagined that his insistence on being present was to
make her feel uncomfortable, but immediately he realized his mistake in
assuming that. His intention was not to make her feel bad to her but the men
who had come to ask favors. She had not liked being forced to talk to Pierce in
the presence of it, and Alix had to admit that had amused bewilderment. And
when he saw the knowing look of Pierce, had been a pleasant internal heat,
realizing that al that he had schemed for it.
Pierce did not know why he had behaved in that way, and had not dared to ask.
Something about him, impossible to define, which upset her. The only thing was
undeniable that it must be alert because a premonition that something terrible
was upon her.

The island lay before them, as it moves slowly into the blue sea. Alix had watched
since she was only a tiny dot on the horizon. Pierce acted deliberately in
mysterious ways, and only told him they were going to stay in a house he owned
in a Greek island where she had recognized Athens. That made the transfer of
Pierce's private plane to a helicopter that took them for the rest of the tour.

Now watching the final destination. It seemed an idyllic place, much greener than
she expected. In another era would have fascinated him stay there for some time,
but her heart skipped a beat between the prospect of sitting cooped up with
Pierce at the splendid isolation. Although he did not like would have given
anything to address a cosmopolitan resort, instead of that little paradise.
Feeling Pierce's eyes fixed on her, she turned to him and made an attempt to stay
calm. Earlier he had taken off his jacket and tie and unbuttoned his shirt buttons
left exposed part of his neck.
Pierce the warm gaze seemed puzzling. During the journey he had made a
change in him, and vanished the voltage at which she was accustomed. It seemed
as if you send subliminal messages, that although she did not understand, your
body itself, and looked down, happy to have a pretext to do so.
- Is this the only way to get to the island? -cleared her throat to speak.
"No, but the fastest. What, you're looking for a way to escape? he asked ironically.
He was joking, a further indication of the spirit that now paralyzed him, and she
was more heated than before.
- Will I need it? she asked wearily, and saw him shrug.
"With you never know. But no problem. The natives manage a fleet, and if you
ask anyone take you to the mainland. This is not a prison, Alix-ended, and again
she felt that invaded the confusion.
But he remembered the vows he had made that day were themselves a prison.
Of course, Pierce was not worried that she escaped from the island as it was
aware that his sense of honor to keep his side.
Alix decided not to think and concentrate on arrival. The helicopter circled the
island, presenting him with a spectacular view of the bustling port, before
heading to a white building, irregular distribution and brick-colored roof, which
was left by the caress of the afternoon sun. They landed in a field behind the
house, and while Pierce helped her down, two men arrived. They greeted the
newcomer as two old friends, and judging by their smiles and welcoming, it was
obvious they were aware that she was his wife.

Alix stepped back, feeling like an intruder. His grandfather, many years ago, he
had severed ties with that country, nor their children and grandchildren speak
Greek. He thought if they were going to stay there for some time, you should
learn it. When Pierce presented to Costas and Spiro as property managers,
agreed with a warm smile your good wishes.
As the two men were charged with the luggage, her husband took her arm to
take her home.
- Would you like to visit the house now, or do you first change? - he asked when
they entered the building comfortable.
"I'd change my clothes and get cooler.
"You look a little tired, blue eyes ran over from head to feet and made her
shudder. The master bedroom is this.
The room was large and cheerful, decorated in warm tones. The bathroom was
next, and the large window offering a wonderful view of the sea. However, the
large bed dominated the room, in the minds of Alix took gigantic proportions,
which caused a chill would run over the spine.
- Why not take a nap, Alix? Pierce, "he suggested. You can take a shower here. I
will use the bathroom in the room next door. No hurry, because we eat late.
Food was not his concern. It was a subtle move that also showed that this was his
room, but was willing to deal and alone ... for the moment.
Once he left, Alice sighed with relief, undressed and went into the bathroom
where there was also a jacuzzi, and immediately decided to change the shower
for a long soak in the bubbling water.
The tension left her in a moment and closed his eyes. The unpleasant thoughts
invaded could not control any longer. The concerns that I had was to add one
more: the night to come. Once there, the bed a few feet, I could not think of
anything else, and pressed her lips with bitterness. At a time nightfal longed to be
with Pierce, but now it was different because he had purchased the right to sleep
with her.
I hated with all her might be forced to pay that debt. Posed to her a terrible
degradation. All I felt was hatred for the man who had manipulated and
deceived so cruelly. But there was another feeling that tormented her further,
and had no choice but to recognize.
The reason he hated the idea of paying a debt, it was because he wanted his
marriage is true. Above all, yearned for the love of Pierce . . because I was in love
with him. And that love had made her feel like the biggest fool in the world!
She felt despair, although he had a nearly irresistible need to laugh. At last he
had recognized that she deceived herself.
I loved it. Always love him.
It was incredible that he still had those feelings for him after what he had done ..
and kept asking. He had used and continued to do so. How could I want a man
to behave like that?
I know, al I knew was that she loved him .. irrevocably. And if. learned, what else
would refrain from doing? The power that would give it all, and could not give
that victory. Now more than ever, he should continue fighting because it was the
only way to win over herself. Pierce should never learn of the extreme weakness
of her. Even if he was engaged to him, even sleeping with him, should not have
authority over his heart as before. He would take the secret to the grave.
"Do not fall asleep, Alix. I would not want to lose him so soon, "said a whispering
voice, and she opened her eyes wide.
Pierce squatted beside her. Alix had been so absorbed in his thoughts that had
never heard when he had entered. Alarmed and angry, stood up, only to realize
that it showed his nakedness, and immediately get back into the water.
"Of course you're not shy, are you, my love? After al , you have nothing you do
not know "A smile appeared on his lips.
- I do not like being spied on! "he stammered, his cheeks flushed. Now I was in a
more disadvantaged than before, not only for its nudity but also by the
revelations that had shaken a few moments before. You said you would use the
other bathroom, "he recalled biting.
Ago-I used about an hour. I thought maybe you were avoiding me and so I came

to look.
"Well, you found me. Now I would like to have some privacy.
-Do not give me orders, Alix's eyes, to the tone of her. I'm your husband, not a
servant, and I have every right to be here.
- Oh, your rights! Now I understand everything. It is time to collect, right? "she
accused, and again rose. Nobody will say that not fulfill my promises, "he declared
proudly. Where would I do? Here? If you do not mind drowning, I feel funny. Of
course it is the floor, or we can get into bed if you are more traditional.
She was so deep, defending herself, do not realize the anger that began to reveal
the face of her husband. It seemed to explode, and when she ceased speaking,
stood up violently.
- Stop! How dare you speak like you're a slut?
- Is not that the name of the woman that a man buys? "I was not ready to
retreat. I bought and am ready to pay the debt.
With eyes wide open, noted that her husband was burning with indignation and,
ignoring the clothes, got into the water and pulled her tightly. He took her in his
arms, shouting alarm, and after leaving the water, walked with her toward the
"This time you've gone too far, Alix growled, and not caring water dripping their
bodies tossed on the bed. If you want to pay, you can do!
Before allowing utter a word, Pierce was placed over her, pressing his mouth shut.
Alix complained, but it was too late to correct the error. All she wanted was to
protect themselves, show that he cared Pierce kissed her mouth until she was
breathless. There was Pierce who knew nothing of this man who, with a crushing
facility and controlled the struggles of her. His touch on the breasts, belly and
thighs were insulting for indifference. It was the same lust that had accused him,
but I knew that was alien to the nature of it. Tears welled up in her eyes because
she had led it and was solely to blame for the consequences. She felt dirty, like a
woman dedicated only to pleasure a man.
I knew if I could not stop, do not have the strength to stop him from possessing,

overcome by anger. But now, Pierce gasped and turned away from her, standing
up, and for a moment of anguish, and stood, breathing hard, he stared at her. He
seemed to be struggling with demons, and without saying a word, left the room
slamming the door.
Alix she lay on the bed, sobbing. He raised his hands to the eyes, but tears
streamed down his cheeks, so I put her head on the pillows. Cried incessantly, she
was exhausted .. and ashamed, because he was to blame for what happened.
Exhausted, he stopped mourn, and shuddered at the state of the bed. Into the
bathroom the wet sheets and put them in the laundry basket. Later he took a
shower to feel liberated from its own folly. After drying, covered with the robe
hanging behind the door.
Returning to the bedroom, he realized that not only had a tea tray arrived by
miracle, but his bags were already empty and the bed tidy. It was uncomfortable
to imagine what that person unknown must have thought it .. perhaps that the
two, dominated by passion, had collapsed on the bed with wet bodies. Deeply
embarrassed, he poured a cup of tea.
Now that was calmer could think better. He had been stupid, but now he knew
he should try to salvage something from this mess, to prevent their marriage
untenable. His pride had caused all this, and it was his duty to apologize. Only the
gods knew what awaited her.

Although dark quickly, it was useless to refer again to the clock that would tell
who had spent ten minutes, added to the hours since Pierce was gone.
She was sitting on the terrace, and Katina, Spiro's wife, an hour ago he had
brought coffee, and did not mention a word about the absent husband, nor the
fact that the bride ate alone. The silence was very telling for Alix, and regretted
having dressed and painted with such care to conceal the ravages of tears. All for
a man who had not been submitted.
She bit her lip. The concern had replaced anger. Where was I? What did he do?

Had she had an accident? Do you find somewhere, wounded, asking for help? It
was useless to tell herself that it was not illogical, he knew the island perfectly.
Every moment added to his unease.
A strange feeling made him turn his head. In the darkness, Pierce watched, but
this time her reaction was relief. If something had happened, he would never
have forgiven. Pierce came to light and she saw clearly the mournful expression
on his face. His eyes revealed nothing. Alix holding her breath, knowing that it
was necessary to speak before his courage failed him.
"Pierce, I . . -ion nervousness licked his dry lips.
- No! "The abruptness of that single word forced her to shut up. No, my sweet
wife, I gave your opinion, now my turn-Pierce was snapped. I will not apologize
for what happened, Alix. I know I would have preferred that you possess against
your will in order to continue hating, is not it? Unfortunately, I will not follow the
game and things will not be so. My rule is that you come to me. Although I love
you, I'm a patient man. I'll wait until I look, and you'll do because you are a
passionate woman, sensual. When the time comes, you must ask me, because not
a repeat of today, she leaned over to give him a dangerous look. Do not put a
finger on me until I beg you, understand?
Alix felt a shiver ran down his spine, and not realize that he was reassured to
blame for that situation.
"Your wait will be long," replied proudly, ready to give battle.
"I'm ready, although I do not think that is as long as you suppose," he corrected, and
after looking at her for a moment, entered the house.
Alix ran out of breath to hear the last comment from her husband. How had he
dared to suggest that she look for? He was not as compelling as I imagined! "Is not it?"
He asked mockingly a small voice, and she grimaced in pain. Perhaps it was,
but had lived all those years without him and could go on, I was sure that I never
look. Now there would be no truce between them, only one battle she could not

Chapter 8

ALIX could hear the shower with a heavy heart, and turning, saw the hole in the
pil ow where his head had supported Pierce last night. The fact that he slept in
the bed had caused the first fight, and she had lost. When Alix had entered the
bedroom last night, Pierce was already in bed, and had stopped seeing him
leaning against the headboard, stripped to the waist and, without doubt, to the
feet. While I was reading, as she came at her.
"Tell me if the light bothers you," she said cool y, as if sharing the bed were a habit, and
then flushed with anger Alix.
"Unless I share the room with you, let alone bed, it does not matter" she said, annoyed
with herself for having the look of that paragraph male body.
"On the contrary, will not sleep anywhere else," he warned softly, but with a
twinkle in his eyes inflexible.
"You can not keep me go to the bedroom.
"True, but that will require me to pick you up and bring you . . something that I
do as often as necessary. This is our bed and go to sleep here.
Alix looked at him furiously, helplessly, knowing he would, but she kicked and
- What is it, Alice? Are you afraid to sleep with me? You fear not being able to
take my hands off? "he teased.
Silently he entered the bathroom to put on her nightgown, and returning the
light and was off and he turned his back, which considered the worst mockery.
She could not sleep, especially since she heard the rhythmic breathing of Pierce.
For hours he turned in bed, and fell asleep when it began to dawn.
Now he was her husband's pillow, and something stronger than her will forced to
turn around, put his head on it and breathe the lingering scent male. A groan
escaped his lips. The night had been a torture. He had been constantly aware of
his presence, and worse, her desire to touch him.
The shower stopped ringing, and she immediately tensed. For he found her still in

bed, Alix reached for his silk robe, which was on the couch and froze up when he
saw that she had a beautiful rosebud.
"A Rose for another rose.
The unexpected remark made Alix Pierce leaped and she pricked her thumb with
a thorn. He winced, shaking his head. Pierce approached her, covered with a
towel and wet hair. Before she could stop, had seized his hand to examine the
"His role was to cheer, not to hurt you," he said brusquely, while lifting her hand to
wipe the blood with his tongue.
Alix's senses spun for a moment, overwhelmed by the friendly and sensual caress
of the tongue. This was not the man who knew very reluctantly, but rather the
lover who had seduced her, five years ago. But since then he could see that he
never did anything without a reason. Remembering cleared his mind. What did
he want now?
- Are you giving roses, Pierce? hand-pulled. What have I done to deserve this ..
sample estimate? -managed to give a touch of contempt for his words.
"Nothing," Pierce remained calm. You may have decided to offer my heart.
Her lips parted in a silent groan. It was possible she was saying that he cared for
her. ¿0 offered a way to get revenge on him? While the response appeared in a
violent way: No, Martineau Pierce. Again playing with it, and there was only one
reason: to weaken its decision to resist. With the sadness reflected in his face,
walked to the trash and threw the flower inside. Whenever she and Pierce were
together, something beautiful was destroyed.
"To do so, first you would need to have heart," she warned, and Pierce's chest swelled
so superb, while breathing deeply.
- Can you imagine that I have it? "Pierce went to the patio doors, and leaned
against the frame, so that sunlight illuminated his muscles. "I'm sure not. I have a good
"Nothing similar will happen this time, Alix," he promised with hoarse, and Alix's
nerves broke.

"Do not allow it. I'll never be stupid enough to show you vulnerable, Pierce lied
because he was terribly vulnerable.
"Someday I will talk about the past.
"Not worth it. I experienced it, so I know everything there is to know.
"Maybe you saw only what they wanted you to see. Did you ever think about it,
Alice? "he stood up and approached her, forcing her to breathe hard.
"I want to know if hiding something or not. The result was the same. You made a
kil ing, and you're absolution, go with a priest, not me!
- Absolution? "she pressed her face close to hers, making her realize she had hit
the nail on the head. Maybe it's what I want, but not from you. It is easier to
forgive others to forgive yourself.
- Martineau Pierce's powerful feel remorse? Alix laughed, but became a painful
effort of his strained throat. Are you trying to convince me that you regret what
you did?
- And if so?
He looked eyes that seemed overshadowed by something she did not know, but
remembered it was a good actor.
"You're so hard and false as ever, Pierce, and never think otherwise.
"If you think well, why spend the night curled up in my arms? -the challenge.
- Not true! "he stammered. I spent the night in the same place on the bed when I
woke up.
"Because I put it there when you left me to-end. I tried to do in the morning, but
you refused to let go. You were so soft as a kitten, but as sticky as a climbing
plant. Although I almost wake up to find out if you changed your mind, rather
wait to wake up.
- Liar! she exclaimed, blushing.
"Not in this case. It seems that your subconscious knows where to be, but your
foolish pride prevents you recognize.
- "So you boast of your victory?
"I seem to recall that you made sure that this time would be different. You do not

have much faith, love.

"Long ago you laid remedy my naivete. Wondering why my trust in your word is
also destroyed? Some things can never recover "His words were full of bitterness.
Although he loved, he could not trust him again.
Pierce stood still for a moment as they looked to each other, and then stroked her
cheek with his finger.
"We reap what we sow only muttered, before heading to his locker. Dress, Alix.
After breakfast we take a boat trip.
The order was so angry that his response was childish.
"Maybe I do not like boating.
"Once you told me that liked to travel by boat while crossing the door, turned to
her with a mocking smile. You mean to badger yourself to spite me?
"No," his smile softened.
"Then put on clothes to protect you. The sun is strong here and I would not want
you to put sick the first day of our honeymoon, "she warned as she walked away.
Alix had the feeling that he had handled. Pierce of the overnight, had changed
tactics and therefore should be alert. But his enthusiasm for the planned ride not
decrease, and with strange joy took a shower and dressed.

It was a day that would remain in his memory. It was impossible to board a ship
and be in a bad mood, and soon began to laugh. Alix noted that for the first time
in a long time was happy.
Under sail, Alix had the opportunity to sit back and watch Pierce, who was
steering. It was impossible not to look excited, because there was an appropriate
word to describe his physical perfection.
The expression in his eyes was melancholy, a yearning that things were different.
He tried to forget such thoughts moments after Pierce smiled and she smiled
"Your turn to you," he pointed out the rudder and she immediately accepted the
It was a heady feeling to feel that the answer to your yacht smal er order, but
nothing like the thrilling response from the body of Pierce, standing behind her.
For the first time were calm, and Alix threw back his head as he laughed with joy.
"Looks like you're happy, right? "said Pierce, and she found joy in his voice.
"I would have liked to miss this," he admitted. Lately I've prepared a little time to enjoy
these pastimes.
The blue eyes softened, as they watched the women's faction, and kissed her lips
"I knew it would please you nodded, before extending their hands to keep firm
the rudder, which escaped from her fingers. Beware of the course.
Alix made an effort to concentrate on what he did, but it was difficult. That kiss
was short enough to shiver. Although the words of his partner led her frown.
- Are we here to please me? he asked hoarsely.
- Are not you a better idea?
In the warmth of the voice of Pierce, Alix started.
"To please you," corrected, unable to heed the cautious voice coming from inside.
"Indulge me feel good," Pierce Alix lowered his head next to hers, and waved his arm
forward. See that island? Anclemos suggest that the ship there to eat. We
can also swim. Fancy?
"Much. Pierce, why do this? he asked. Why suddenly you behave so kindly with
- Do not you think you deserve? "he replied.
"It's not what I expect of you. There must be an ulterior motive.
"There is.
- For taking me to bed without problems? he asked bitterly.
"I could have done at any time, you know," came the calm reply.
It was a novelty that he dared not deny. He had a magic irresistible to her, never
able to overcome . . nor want to.
"So what do you want?

"A miracle, and this time did not think of many, his blue eyes betrayed self-
mockery. How likely do you think there?
"Minimal-the answer she shook him.
"You and I agree on most things every day. I will anchor the boat. Why not come
down to the cabin to see what has prepared us Katina?
I obeyed, just because I needed time to think. That morning I thought I knew
what I wanted Pierce, now was not so sure. A miracle, had told him, but had not
specified what type. Hinting that he wanted something, but was not sure of
getting it. And in the case of Pierce, was incredible. From experience, I knew I
always reach your goals. Have not had manipulated for the shipping line and
had manipulated his love for Stephen, for his consent to her to be his wife again?
That uncertainty made no sense, nor the change in him since his wedding.
Sometimes he acted like a lover. She did things to please her, as if he wished the
marriage was real, not a contract. Why was the feeling of being about to make a
great discovery?
- You okay? Pierce's voice interrupted his thoughts.
- Now go up! he shouted, as he sought food, and once he found the box under the
table, prepared to go on deck. At that time, Pierce appeared on the stairs and
took the box. His fingers touched, stared at him, and was troubled with the
warmth he found in them.
As if within-Pesa had enough food for several people. Would you rather eat now,
or swim?
"I'd rather swim-recognized, and Pierce laughed.
"I remember it was hard to get you out of the sea, once you were inside,
responded with joy in his eyes.
- I love your comment! exclaimed feeling aggrieved. You are the same, or
perhaps worse. I am surprised that your taking the time to work!
Pierce took off his pants and stood in a swimsuit.
-Never try to force me severely. Besides, you are a distraction more than water.
The smile vanished from his face.

"Oh, I doubt it, but pretended very well-said, annoyed, and turned his back to
remove his clothes.
"My passion for you was true, Alix. That is something a man can not pretend "said
Pierce, after a pause, and she turned, with an ironic expression on his face.
"No way. In any case, belongs to the past, although he has not forgotten. Come
on, I challenge you to a race up the beach, "he said, and plunged into the clear
She did not want to compete, but he had not only to continue talking about a
matter so painful. Pierce was a better swimmer than her, although she was
surprised to follow his pace and no overtaking. They came together at the beach,
and collapsed on the wet sand to the waves caressing their legs.
"It was farther than he knew he whispered,
when he finally regained his breath. I'm in shape.
"I do not say that. I get the impression that your fitness is excellent.
Catching the eyes of him caressing her curves, her cheeks flushed. He felt his own
body reacting as usual, but as they were alone, decided to act with sanity.
"It is not necessary to be gal ant.
"I know, but I like it.
"Not me.
"Before, you used to lie-Pierce pushed a lock of hair falling over her cheek.
"We can not say the same about you, right? replied, with the intention of silencing him,
but he just nodded.
"I myself was surprised at my ability. But we all pay for our sins.
In his voice there was something that surprised her.
- Are you paying for them?
"From the moment the first lie passed my lips" Pierce sighed and rested his chin in his
hand. One thing that should make you happy, Alix. You do not want to see
me suffer?
It was a direct question. I did not want to see him suffer. After all these years, had
suddenly realized that she was not vindictive.

But he could not accept it openly, because that would make it vulnerable.
"I do not like seeing anyone suffer," he said, calmly. There is too much suffering in the
"Thanks," replied hoarsely.
- Why?
"By including me-a wry smile twisted his lips. You were always generous and kind
woman. I am pleased that this generosity has not disappeared. What about the
There was no way to answer with a lie, so abruptly rose to his face revealed
"If you try to investigate how many lovers I've had, is something you do not mind,"
deliberately faked a misunderstanding.
"I've had none," Pierce said calmly, and her heart began pounding.
- How . . how do you know? "He rose, while she gave him a look of horror. Did
you fol owed me? "His fingers dug into the sand.
"I'd say I was looking after you, as a good friend.
"You were never my friend Pierce. How dare I?
- How else could find out if you had problems or needed my help? "I said softly.
And as the friendship is valued by the willingness of others to help when needed.
And so, I'm your best friend.
Although it was difficult to accept, correct, and yet . .
- You were not helping me, but yourself to stay with the company of my father!
"Neither I nor the need. Moreover, my financial advisors believe that I was a fool
to take responsibility, because it will absorb money like a bottomless pit. If it was
someone else, would have let go to ruin, "he explained.
- Are you insinuating that the company saved just for me? -was incredulous.
"Nothing else would have convinced me to do," she confessed, while the
excitement was reflected in the face of Alix.
"But . . Why?
- Why? He raised his eyebrow. Have you read Lovelace?

- The poet? more-wrinkled brow. No - why the hell was speaking in code?
"You should read" was his only reply, while he stood up and held his hand.
Automatically, Alix her away with his eyes fixed on his, although Pierce was
limited to directing an enigmatic smile.
"Let's go. I'm hungry and your skin starts to turn red. If you cover, you'll burn.
Pierce still holding her hand and she was in the water, so he had no choice but to
follow, even though my head was full of questions. Once again, Pierce swam to
the rhythm of it. When they returned to the yacht, went before a board to help.
Even there, she kept asking questions to give him a towel, before turning their
attention to the food box.
At one time placed the food on the table and opened a bottle of wine. Seeing the
delicious variety, Alix realized he was starving, and by the time abandoned its
intention to investigate more about the astonishing statement of his companion.
Neither spoke while savoring the various salads and cold meats. Alix was quiet,
and when he bit into a tomato and he dribbled to his chin, was overcome with
"It is good to see you without a frown Pierce also laughed when he squatted
down before her and took her chin with a napkin to clean it.
"I've had many things to laugh his response was drier than expected, because he
knew the feel of it.
"I know that feeling.
- Really? "I looked at skeptical y. I thought you went laughing to the bank! I refer to the
shipping line that you stole my grandfather . .
"It is strange that everything always leads us to this. You know the truth, Alice,
but you refuse to accept it.
- It was his pride and joy! "His eyes were sad.
- So why let it deteriorate? -anger also appeared in his eyes. It was a symbol, Alix,
a constant reminder of how my grandfather had made fun of his most hated
enemy. If I had kept in good condition, would have given you a fortune, but
chose to sell it see it destroyed. I did not get anything that does not legally belong

to me.
He was silent, because the comment about him was true. I always thought that
her grandfather loved his fleet, but if so, why he had left to rot? Not for lack of
money, because for the price Yannis Petrakos arrangement would have been
- Now you understand? Pierce asked, watching the excitement on his face and his
long silence.
- And what? That does not excuse you, because the end does not justify the
means. No excuse for the way I used to recover the boats! countered with a
trembling voice.
"On the contrary, I paid a huge price-Pierce released her and stood ironically.
- What do you mean? -dazed, stood up. Have you forgotten that I was present?
The money changed hands.
"There are things more important than money," explained, while she kept the
remains of the meal.
- What does that mean? It is unacceptable that make such a statement, without
explaining Alix watched with growing indignation.
- Have not you learned that I can do what I please? He laughed grimly. Also,
you're not ready to hear my explanations, "said, and looked up at the sun. It is
time to return, because I want to send a group for us.
Frustrated by the attitude of his, Alix suppressed anger.
"That can not be" attacked him, and in exchange received a look of disapproval.
"Do not be stubborn, or think you're frustrated.
- Sometimes I hate you, Pierce Martineau!
- And other . .? "I approached the box with the food, but when she took it, did not let go
immediately. What do you feel about me, Alix? he asked quietly.
"Other times . . I try not to think of you! "She pulled the box Pierce finally let go.
"Then I stil have hope," he chuckled. Because you have not been satisfied, "he
proclaimed, and bowed his head toward hers, but they have kept him away
Alice, raising his free hand.

- You said you'd put a finger on me! reminded him, and his smile became
"Look, no hands left the hands of his body while his head bent down to kiss her
lips parted. He trembled when he sought his own manly language, and fought
until he could control the response he demanded, and that his body craved him.
She knew that if I were not holding the box, nothing would have prevented to
hold him tight. And when Pierce pulled a few seconds later, he was glad he had
"I always keep my word, Alix . . unless you want to continue.
Not wanted and he knew it, and backed with trembling steps.
"You said we must return.
"You could change my mind.
I do not want, "said Alix, staggering.
"One day I will act according to what I say your eyes, not your lips. And you know
what, Alix? Not even fighting, "said, and left to lift the anchor.
She looked back, knowing it was true. Each time it was more difficult to fight
against itself. With a sigh, fell to his cabin.

Chapter 9

It was almost dinnertime, when the ship finally docked at the port. Pierce did not
offer to make a new attempt to take the helm, and she was too absorbed in
thought to ask. Several things were finally clear him, but he felt as if only a small
part of the mystery is discovered each time he took off a layer, and had a hunch,
increasing that when you remove the last, would be revealed some vital
No sense not to believe his version of the shipping line, because Pierce was always
truthful. But as she herself had said, that does not excuse his action.
He tripped going up the dock and the rapid movement of Pierce prevented from
falling. Pressed against his body, so that the face of Alix got stuck on his chest.

Deep breath, your senses while circling to the heady mix of sweat, salt and manly
aroma. She swallowed and looked at those unfathomable eyes while their
mouths almost touching.
- You okay? asked Pierce, discordant voice, and Alix took from his throat a
nervous laugh.
"Not very good at controlling my legs," he joked.
"Then it is precisely the time to carry you, right? "he said, lifting it off the ground
before Alice could protest, but would not have done. He simply surround the neck
with his arms as he carried her into the car, and enjoyed the pleasure of being so
close to him.
While settling into his seat, Pierce was leaning over her.
- Do I deserve some token of appreciation? "His eyes fell to his lips, in a visual
This time, Alice did not think twice and used his arm stil around his neck to pull
his head toward hers and brushed her lips.
- Is that enough? he asked with the same sweetness, and he straightened with a
"Not very long, but here in public, I can not ask for more," replied with gentle irony,
and turned to take his seat, while a soft blush covered her cheeks Alix.
The journey to the village was short, but long enough for her to understand that
from the day before had come a long way, even since this morning, as things now
questioned only hours before had defended tooth and nail. Maybe it was the
island or the lack of hostility to Pierce, but was convinced that his pride was not
important to her.
Katina, visibly anxious, received when they arrived at the house, and his words in
Greek that Pierce did frown.
- Problems? she asked, once the housekeeper returned to the kitchen.
"I hope not, seemed pensive. The company has been trying to contact me, that's
all. It is best to go to find out about it, "he smiled. Back soon and have dinner

Alix saw him leave and then went into the bedroom. As he took a shower and
changed, she knew they were at a crucial time. The air was excitement, but she
would dare to take that vital step, only evidence of a day? I wanted it because I
was in love with him, but needed to be sure that at least she was interested in a
Pierce arrived in time to accompany her to dinner, but was worried al the time.
Their responses to her attempts to start a conversation is limited to monosyl ables,
and Alix final y gave up. The silence continued when they went to the terrace to
drink coffee, and while standing, he saw the sea, Alix dared to ask a question.
- What happens, Pierce? "His eyes swept the taut line of her back.
"Forgive me if I have not paid attention," she smiled apologetically.
Do not be so condescending. Something is wrong, right? Can not you tell me?
Hearing her talk about her eyebrows raised, but said nothing and sat down
beside her.
"No need to worry. We're supposed holiday.
-No vacation, but our honeymoon. I'm your wife, "he insisted, and the sound of
the word possessive made her feel a strange sensation in my stomach. If I can do
nothing else, at least let me listen and try to lighten the load.
"Take advantage of a good time to start asserting your position," said mockingly, and a
shudder ran through her spine, because this was a response of the old
He immediately stood up and seemed to shake women's lips.
"You can not force me to argue with you, Pierce. I want to know what happens,
"she accused firmly, and caught his eyes in a flash of joy.
"Well, well, wel . I knew it would be time you started to help me out of trouble,
but never imagined it would be tonight, "he said, while laughing at himself. Okay,
if you insist. In one of our buildings is a small obstacle. As this is one of my favorite
projects, I resent not being available to help.
- What kind of obstacle?
"No one knows exactly who owns the land on which we are building.

- Is it just that? Judging from your behavior, I thought it was something more
- Do you think I lie? He smiled kindly.
"Yes, if you had to. If necessary.
"It's an interesting statement" His eyes were alert. I think you begin to understand, Alix.
She made a face, because for the first time in his life was beginning to think so.
- Do not you think it was about time? he asked mockingly.
In response, Pierce ruffled his hair with his hand and Alix felt the desire to cherish.
"Among us there are things hoped for long. What conclusions did you arrive?
Alix looked at his hands.
"You're a complicated man.
"Not real y. The answer to your riddle is always simple when you know it. The
difficult questions are those whose answers do not know.
- "Which means there is a logical answer for everything?
"I enclose.
"That leaves me with two questions. I want to know the answer? And if so, how to
find it?
"Well, I can not help with the first, but with respect to the second, how many keys you
need, Alix? he asked with some sarcasm.
- How to know when I communicate only half the facts?
"I want facts, but statements" said Alice sharply, and she was angry too.
- Why? What exactly would you like me, Pierce?
- What you want from me, Alix? countered gently and, seeing her confusion, she
sighed loudly. If ever you choose, you know where to find me. Should I make
another phone call, excuse me.
Alix, desperate, saw him leave. They had been so close! I had a premonition of it.
But . . "About what? The response to an unknown question. Why is it so
complicated things? There must be a simple answer to why he had gotten into so
much trouble to help. But it could have done without marrying her! What

certainly meant that he had wanted to.

The ideas began to turn over in his head and pressed his temples with his hands. It
was not logical, because it matched what I had always known him. And until
then had not realized that I really do not know. Do nothing was like. Like?
However, apologizing that he had hurt so cruel, and that was not the behavior of
a man who cared for her. But then he remembered that he had helped his father
without being required to do so.
Thinking of his father was taken aback, because he intended to phone his mother
the day before, when they arrived. By consulting the clock, realized it was too
late, and with that in mind, was looking for Pierce. Perhaps he was in his office.
- Are you looking for? asked out of the office, and his voice had a tone of irony.
"Indirectly. I needed to cal my mother. I should have said yesterday, but for some
reason he felt no confidence in itself, perhaps because of the dark lines on his face.
On hearing his reply, disappeared severity, and mockery returned to his eyes.
- What else? -words dragged wearily. With mock gallantry, he opened the door
and turned on the light.
"Thanks," she whispered and he laughed.
- Why do you thank me? It's also your phone. Everything here is yours, Alix. Give
my regards to your mother, "he added, before closing the door.
Once again it's eyes followed. Everything I had there was of it? Was he including
himself? And if so, what had wanted him to understand exactly? Beginning to feel
persecuted, as if he were making fun of her because despite all the indications we
gave him, was too blind to see the answer!
Annoyed, she gave up and proceeded to make the call. As envisioned, his mother
was still up, and talked for about an hour before Emily Petrakos mention the
price of the phone bill and Alix was forced to leave. After making the call was
better, although it had not solved anything. But it was nice to learn that his
father rapidly improving now that their worries were over.
With a sigh he remained on the desktop and ran the office curiously, seemed to
reflect the personality of Pierce. The wal s were lined with shelves, some with

books and other memories. In one of the shelves were the usual family photos,
and automatically got up to see them. There was a picture of a hombre_ he
recognized as the grandfather of Pierce, but was different from that taught him
in his apartment in New York and appeared in other various family members. In
the back there was a wedding picture. It was a great surprise to realize they were
the two . . But that was nothing compared to what he felt when he observed that
it was his first wedding.
She froze. How was it possible that Pierce had kept that photo? If he himself had
acknowledged that he had married her only to retrieve the shipping line? How
could a man motivated by revenge keep that photo, unless . .? Disbelief, shook his
head. It would be too incredible! But to turn his head, his eyes read the title of a
book. An anthology of poetry. He recalled later that he had mentioned to
Lovelace, and without hesitation, took the book and searched the index.
But, while looking for a page, the book made its own. And there was a poem,
with the last lines highlighted in red:

I could not love you no more honor, my beloved.

Love? Honor? He leaned on the shelf when she felt her legs shaking .
Had tried al this time to say he loved her? What had always loved? Although he
doubted his own reasoning, everything seemed to fit. His motives for helping his
family, and insist on marrying her. Had he done all this because he loved her?
How she longed to believe, but once he had suffered much by assuming that he
loved her. I could not bear to go through it again. However, what explanation he
had for those circumstances? But if he loved her, why had not he confessed?
Because he also had pride, and even the bravest man afraid of rejection, and he
had not given any reason to believe that he would be pleased to declare his love.
On the contrary, had wounded him lest he hurt, and Pierce had told him she was
not ready to hear the truth.
Maybe I was wrong, but should know. One way or another, I knew it was

necessary, because his whole future depended on it. Quickly put the book in
place, before going out, and walked towards the terrace. But Pierce was not
there nor in the room. No doubt he was in his room.
He found in it, the dim light of a lamp lit up his tall figure on the balcony. The
towel that covered her hair wet and indicated that had just emerged from the
shower. For a moment he hesitated but then took off his shoes and walked
toward him.
In the bearing of his back was something threatening but she would not cower.
- Pierce? "His voice was almost a groan that she could not hear. Pierce tensed, his
attitude was now waiting. "Pierce? Alix, this time stretched out a hand to touch
his shoulder.
With a groan, he whirled around and took her in his arms.
"Thank God. You're a hard woman, and never thought would come! he
exclaimed with excitement, and nodded.
With heart in throat, raised his hands to touch her shoulders in an attempt to stop
-No. Pierce No, I . . -the rest of the words vanished beneath his mouth.
The kiss with a passion that there was no room for protest. Although she tried to
fight, her hands betrayed her when he pulled the warm skin, to urge it to get
even closer. The groan of satisfaction from him, made him feel a hole in the
stomach, and Alice discovered that she was moaning also correspond to his kisses
with equal passion.
When she final y pulled her mouth away from hers, Alix deep breath to fill their
lungs heaving.
- Pierce . . wait! -still retained a vestige of sanity.
"It's too late to expect, Alix looked up, her passionate eyes locked on hers. The two
want it, right? he asked hoarsely, and Alix was unable to deny it.
"He was right. What words were used, if they could communicate well? The
reason that it disappeared before there was a more urgent need.
"Yes," he groaned. We both want.

He immediately turned to run out of breath as the men's lips crawled towards the
lower neck of Alix, where the pulse beat rapidly.
"I need you, Alix. God, how I need you tonight! "She breathed near her, and
before such a statement she was lost.
Just realized very quickly that he took his clothes off, and before taking her to
bed, she removed the towel. The feeling of being together, naked, pushed from
his mind al other thoughts. It was a delightful sensation, and her body craved
flourished while being closer to the heat of it. Pierce's hand went up the sleek lines
of Alix thigh, pierced bel y throbbing, reaching a breast. His mouth followed suit,
and lips and teeth turgid nipple tortured, before seizing the breast. She threw her
head back, closed her eyes while clutching their trembling skin from the origin of
a torture so overwhelming.
Crazy or not, that so desperately craved, his body melted, and inside she felt a
shudder. All his movements were jerky and uncoordinated, until he gave himself
as eager to answer it, from the moment he accepted that she stil loved him.
When he looked up, she protested with a whimper, but it was only to provide the
same exquisite pleasure in the other breast. The womanly hips arched against
him, moving with a wish that he no longer cared to conceal. He was crazy about
him, wanted to feel it inside her, to offset the loneliness and emptiness of previous
years. He stroked her hair with his fingers, and lifted his head and told him, but
before he could utter a syllable, seized his mouth to hers again.
When his lips parted from those of Alice, she gasped. Pierce jumped on her and,
after separating the thighs, possessed with great dexterity, heaving kept pace
with him, feeling that the spiral of increasing tension.
His desire then was too strong to resist a lot, and within seconds came the climax.
With a cry, Pierce collapsed on her, and although stunned by such absolute
pleasure, welcomed and put it around her shoulders, arms, passionately. Do not
want to think, but hold tight. Share what they had just been wonderful and
delirious, and then would be time for all questions.
Pierce's breathing calmed and she wondered if she was asleep. He also closed his

eyes, but after a while the weight of her husband was uncomfortable, so I tried to
move beneath him, but felt a hand around her hips while he was tense.
- No! he said determinedly. I will not miss again.
Alix's jaw dropped to the barely audible confession. Her heart sank and tears
came into her eyes. Pierce hear you say that filled the whole inner emptiness. But
was it love? I know, but by the time I had was enough. Because, until now, had
I'm not going anywhere. It's just too heavy.
More asleep than awake, let it move. "Sorry, hugged her, sat down next to his
Alix had never felt so loved and secure. His place was in those arms, he wanted it
or not, but asked God to love her, because she could not longer conceal her love
for him. Once again closed his eyes.

A familiar sound woke them put it tomorrow. Pierce moved first, and thus
brought back to Alice to the world of the living. He was still lying in his arms, and
seeing their naked bodies, closely entwined, made her remember that night when
Pierce was also up from the bed. Leaning on his elbow, looked her straight back,
as he walked to the window.
- What is it? he asked, unable to identify the noise.
"The helicopter was informed worried voice, which immediately vanished delicious
lethargy that overcame her and forced her to join.
He frowned as he realized that he did not seem surprised by his arrival.
- Are you expecting?
She turned from the window, and after relaxing your hair with both hands,
reached for his robe.
"I asked last night but did not expect to fall asleep this morning.
The fact that I knew and had not said anything caused him discomfort.
- Why did you come?

"I fear the honeymoon is over, Alix told categorically, and lack of emotion when
talking about him made his heart thump hard, with an inexplicable anxiety.
It was as if the events that occurred five years earlier recur. However, he refused
to give in to panic, because she was not ready to admit that last night would not
have meant anything.
- What do you mean? Her voice was firm.
"Which is better for you to view some clothes and lame. The rest is picked up later.
- You mean he has come for us? -felt a great relief. Tell me where we go, so I
know what I ponerr in my suitcase.
"You will fly back to England-raised his head.
If he had beaten, could not have been more shocked, and clenched his fingers on
the sheet.
- Do you care? -accused him stunned, unable to divert their eyes from their
"You'd better hurry. We have little time, and we have already wasted too.
A waste? Were you trying to insinuate that every act of love that was lost time? It
was a blow, but this time had the effect of removing it from the shock. Do not
allow history to repeat itself again. This time he refused to fire her so harshly.
- Why?
- Why? irritation-it was obvious, and she felt she was about to explode with
- Why did you turn away? Her voice was caustic.
"Because I have things to do, and do not want you here.
At that moment would have been easier to let their emotions govern their
actions, but was now more mature and experienced.
"I have cheated, right? In yesterday's phone conversation was more of what you
said I hated the way they had excluded, in which the continued exclusion. Why
you would not tell me? Do not I have a right to know?
"Not worth unnecessarily alarmed," said concise, and Alix's heart sank.
- Do you suppose it was less alarming than they ordered me to make the suitcase

and I left? he asked angrily, getting out of bed and putting on the robe.
"Just trying to avoid this kind of pointless argument.
- Useless? he asked, mockingly. It seems to me very important. How can I trust
you, if you treat me so? Why not tell me to do with this "minor incident"?
"I told you everything you need to know," he insisted, glacial, which increased her
- I've said all I want you to know that is completely different. What will you do
when you are out of your life?
"I must make a short personal trip-it was undeniable that he had not liked the
sarcasm of her. This is business and you do not need me.
"Which means that it's dangerous, it concluded, and a shiver ran down her spine.
What the hell was happening?
-Cross the street is dangerous or not. you do it with care, "replied sharply, alerting you
even more.
"Stop treating me like a silly girl, Pierce. Tell me where you go!
"If I told you things would not change.
"Okay, do not tell me, but I'm your wife, Pierce Martineau, and I will accompany
you wherever you go!
- I repeat not! You're not going anywhere!
- Try to stop me!
Pierce held his anger, his eyes sparkled with scorn.
- What is it? For weeks tried to get away from me, and now you cling like a
limpet. What happened?
"It happened last night, or have you forgotten already? "she reminded him faintly.
He breathed hard, while the lines of his face took a look inflexible.
"A low blow, Alix accused crisply.
"You started this, with your orders! Well, I will not give me orders without
justification. I'm
weak. I can handle the truth. I'll go with you because I've given no good reason to
convince me otherwise! -discussed, defiant.

"Look, Alice, if I keep arguing with you, I lose patience.

"Then stop doing it," he advised her.
Cursing under his breath, stepped back. "No time to lose. You go and that's all.
The disappointment and anger being overpowering. This was now a matter of
principle. 0 were married or not, and it was impossible for him to depart without
explanation. If you expected to trust him, then it must know the truth. Is it that he
could see how worried she was? All that he refrained from telling her anxiety
grew! If something went wrong, was willing to help and also to share with her
husband any danger. She loved it and would not let go only to face a danger!
- If you force me to leave here without any valid reason, Pierce never see me! -
the gesture also shocked Alix, encountered the words left her mouth, and Pierce
went rigid as a statue.
- Are you threatening me, Alix? he asked gently, and shook off her nerves.
He was as pale as wax, but it was impossible to retract the words he had just
uttered. He had no other way forward.
- Not admit that excludes me!
"And I will not be coerced.
"Then it is a matter over, right?
"Not entirely, his smile was creepy. Still you should have your suitcase. From the
mainland will not cost you work to catch a plane to England.
- "So it's over this way? "she declared, her voice hoarse.
"It's your decision, Alix.
She stared at him, and his heart was pounding so hard, he was sure he could hear
it. Where was all the warmth and promise of the night? How did they come to
this so unexpected? He felt il and desperately longed to forget everything.
-No. It's your choice. That was not necessary to this.
"Well here we are.
- So last night meant nothing to you? -control the tears that were about to leave
their eyes.
"On the contrary, we might cal the perfect farewell, something shone in his eyes

for a moment. Now, unless you have something else to add, it's best I go to see
who has arrived without a word, left the room.
It was a nightmare. Everything seemed deformed. The previous night they had
final y understood everything, and then this happened. Why are so starkly refused
to say where was I? The night before had assured him would not let her go, and
now asked him to leave? It was illogical.
With clenched teeth, went to the cupboard to get some clothes and then went to
the bathroom. At one point he took a shower and put on jeans and a shirt. He
suitcase and left it on the bed next to her bag. The need, but not to go to
Ten minutes later he entered the room, ready to fight, and Pierce, dressed,
chatted with a tall man with blond hair. The two turned their heads when she
walked, and her husband motioned for presentation.
-Alix, this is Pat Denning, my right arm presented them with icy voice.
"Nice to meet you at last, Mrs Martineau, Pat Denning greeted with a friendly
Texas accent. I am afraid to get her away from her husband.
"Do not worry, because I will not go away.
"I thought we had reached an agreement," explained Pierce.
"I lied and you knew," she said, shrugging.
Their eyes were united in a silent battle.
"I do not," he said, but she merely lifted her chin. My God, Alice, do not make me do
something I will regret later! "he said dryly.
- I do not think anything you've regretted in your life! And I refuse to leave until I
explain why I should.
- What are you trying to tell you, Alix? That as I found what I was interested in
you, force you to leave? Well, if that's what you want, like I said!
Something inside told Alix he was lying. Five years ago would have believed it,
but seeing the peculiar tension that invaded, lifted her chin again.
"I do not think she insisted gently. And the only way you make me leave this
island will be hit until I was senseless.

Pierce said a blasphemy.

"It's getting late," said Chief Pat Denning.
The comment made Alix turned his head toward him, and heard whispering
- Damn! "and hit her with his fist. The darkness came over her.
Pierce grabbed her before she hit.
"Okay. My fist is not too strong. Your suitcase is in the bedroom, bring it, please, while
the accommodation in the helicopter, his face rigid, picked her and take her
to the helicopter after it reviewed the blow to the chin. Alix, why fights with me
all the time? "He turned to Pat Denning, who rose to the device.
- Are you sure you want to make things so, boss?
"Take it out of here, Pat. Make sure it is safe.
Pat made a sign to the pilot and raised his voice when the helicopter started the
"I will, but I would be in your shoes when you return. Adieu, boss.

Chapter 10

ALIX regained consciousness with a whimper. The chin was hurting a lot and his
head seemed to spin it.
- Is he all right, ma'am?
The question we heard next to her made her turn her head, and realized that the
dizziness was because he was traveling in the helicopter. Then she remembered
everything . , his refusal to leave, the threat of Pierce, and the final insult of
beating her until she lost consciousness.
With a cry of pain which worsened his chin, looked around. In front sat the driver,
and beside it a very tall man, blond. Through the window he saw the island and
the sparkling blue waters around him.
We also spotted a tiny spot that saw them go: It was Pierce. Then with his hands
tried to remove his seat belt. Helicopter jump in midair!

- Who are you? he asked while raising a hand to touch his chin.
-Pat Denning, "replied the man. We were introduced. I fear that the strike will
hurt for a while, said sympathetically.
- He hit me! -the statement was a mixture of anger and disbelief.
"Maybe he thought it was the only way to force her to leave. I thought it was a
terrible mistake, but knows better than me.
- I'll kill him! cried Alice, angrily.
"I figured you'd like to do," he said.
Despite his anger, Alix felt like laughing, but his teeth.
"I want to return to the island," he ordered.
"Impossible, ma'am. I received orders, refusing, she looked at him with eyes shining
with anger.
- Where is my husband? he asked, thinking about taking a plane to follow.
"Excuse me, I can tell you," Pat Denning shook his head.
- Is there anything I can you tell me? -the look of it was mockery.
"I suppose not," he replied after some thought.
"You make many assumptions, right? Is that why you hired Pierce?
"I suppose so.
"For that and for abducting women.
"He must be careful, Pat Denning lady frowned at such a remark. To say things
like that a man can cause serious problems.
A little quieter, Alix realized that began to take the measure to the man.
"Exactly. So now you tell me where you tried to convince Pierce, knowing that
should not explain everything.
"His play is mean, ma'am. The truth is that Pierce is not going anywhere, "said
- What? And regarding the builder?
"Oh, the company is building a dam in Central America, but it has nothing to do
with it. Some lunatic resentful fired randomly at his brother in Italy, yesterday.
Fortunately not injured, but the man disappeared and we think it looks for
Pierce to kill him. Pierce The plan is that you stay home, and police arrested the
murderer they seek "to hear her gasp, gave him a look of seriousness. I figured
you had the right to know.
Alix controlled a feeling of nausea. Pierce was in the danger area, waiting to be
kil ed!
- Why did not you say? "The words came from his parched throat, and made an
effort not to cry that grew inside her.
"He said he did not want to worry her.
- Did not want to worry? - How might think they would worry less if you know
the facts? Was he mad? -. I should have said!
"I consider that I should have. I told him, but did not listen. He said that you insist on
sticking with it and pulling it wanted to protect the island.
- Oh, God! Alix Pierce conceded that he was not wrong, because he reportedly
refused to leave. But that does not change the fact that should have told the
"Do not be so hard on him, sir. Poor Pierce never thought accurately when you're
mixed, "he explained.
- What are you talking? Alix frowned, looking away from the window and on the
island ever more distant.
- "Where would you start? For example, the business of the shipping line. They all
insist that he could obtain it by a tenth, but we ignored it. He paid the market
price, as if the boats were in seaworthy, and then paid the same amount to fulfill
the requirements. Crazy! But he refused to hear reason.
- Are we talking about the shipping line Petrakos? he asked, and when he
nodded, he said incredulously, "But it did not cost anything -" I was there, "he thought,
unbending. Never forget him, she was so indelibly etched in his memory.
I do not like arguing with a lady, but she's wrong. I helped to draft documents,
and witnessed the sale contract, "he corrected.
Alice was silent, everything you think you understand, suddenly sank into
confusion. Pierce had bought the boats.

But why? Why, if it were hers? It was il ogical, but now I understand why he said
he had paid a heavy price for the line. According to Pat Denning, the price was
really high.
His grandfather had never said anything. Suddenly, Alice realized that money
was more interested in the feelings of her granddaughter. All those years had
believed that Pierce had changed ships and grandfather had never disillusioned,
he could not bear that was in love with a Andreas!
"Thanks for tel ing me, Pat," he whispered hoarsely.
"I hope it's worth, because I would not like Pierce was hurt, as before. We were all
worried and worked to that end, he stayed in the bones. All I said was that it was
the fault that you had left and that was the only way to fix things. When he
final y informed me that she had married you, I imagined that all was well. But it
would not surprise me to think that perhaps his chances of being happy again
been thwarted.
- Why should you think that?
"I think it would take a certain kind of woman, to forgive the man who beat her,
gave her a curious look.
Alix could not laugh, not with Pierce on the island, waiting for some crazy
appeared to shoot!
- How to forgive him, if he were dead? "His voice trembled with fear.
"Do not worry, ma'am. Pierce does not intend to kil him. You will have chance to
kil him!
Alix looked out the window, but now there was nothing, and fear invaded. -
What do I do?
"The best thing is to do what Pierce wants. It is not necessary that he also cares
about you. Go to England, and wait there.
Wait? He swallowed. What else could I do but wait and pray?

Twenty-four hours later, Alix once again walked to the window, wondering if he

would make a groove in the carpet in the apartment above the office of Pierce,
in the building Martineau. Contrary to expectations, had not gone to England.
Although Pat Denning had accompanied her to the airport, he had to leave
again, so did not notice that she changed the ticket he had given him another
route to New York.
He refrained from saying so, because it was unwilling to discuss the matter. All I
knew was that news of Pierce, arrive first at the central office was in New York.
His initial plan had been to use Pierce's apartment, despite the bad memories
that brought him, and visit the office everyday. But the apartment was empty
and, as a neighbor, had not been occupied for a long time. When I was about to
stay at a hotel, said that Pierce had told him he had an apartment above his
office in the building Martineau. It was late when he arrived, but the security
guard let her in when she realized who it was.
And then began the wait. The flight had been tense, but at least it was doing
nothing, now all I did was take walks. He managed to speak to the secretary,
and after feigning a trip to shop, he asked if Pierce was cal ed, told her that he
telephoned the apartment. But throughout the day there was no cal , and was
now desperate.
Where was her husband? How was he?
Much wanted to see, hear his voice. The silence was terrible. He did not care that
you do not explain what Pat Denning had revealed to him or that he confessed
what he believed Alix for her. The only important thing was knowing he was
I did not know what would happen next. There was much to explain, and dared
not to think too far ahead.
With a nervous gesture, he pulled the cord that closed the curtains. His stomach
made noises, and recal ed that since he had not eaten breakfast because I was
not hungry. Common sense made her reconsider and entered the kitchen for a
sandwich and coffee. He tried to eat while watching television, but could not
concentrate and eventually gave up.

He kept yawning, but I was too worried to sleep. Especially in that bed, which
seemed to accentuate his loneliness. Without looking at her, took a shower and
covered with a long silk gown, before returning to the room. He sat on the couch
and slowly overcame exhaustion.
The light woke several hours later, sideways and saw a tall figure standing by the
door like a ghost.
- Alix? "Her name sounded like a whisper on the lips of Pierce and she sat up,
wide awake now. He was exhausted, unshaven, and his clothes seemed impaired
have accompanied many days. But never had looked so wonderful.
- What are you doing here? he asked gruffly, before she could say anything.
Upon seeing him, would have liked to throw herself into his arms, but something
stopped her.
"I went to the apartment and found it empty. I remembered that once you
mentioned it, and the security guard let me in, "he explained, while moistened
"I gave up," she said a strange voice, although it ogling . . as if he had never expected to
Alix had the odd sensation of watching two actors play a scene from a play,
mentioning parliaments totally alien to what they actually felt.
- Why?
"After you left, I could not bear to stay there. It was impossible to live with the memory
of what had happened on the island, "said Pierce, and then started as if
waking from a nightmare. Alix, for God's sake, why are you here? He repeated
the question abruptly, forcing her to jump.
"Like I said it. I could not stay in para . .
In three strides he approached her and after squeezing shoulders shook.
"Not here. In America. It is assumed you'd be in England!
- I know, but was too far away! I came here because I thought the news would
come here first. It was necessary to know that you were well-explained, and was
surprised to see his face paled.

He released her and covered her face with her hands in a gesture of fatigue,
which broke the hearts of Alix. His laughter was mocking himself.
"God, do you have any idea of what I felt when I came to England and were not
there? When no one knew where you were? I had a hell again and I thought I
could not bear it, and meanwhile, you were here, waiting to hear from me!
"No . . knew.
"He was conscious that hit you had lost my last chance to come back to me, but
anyway I decided to make another attempt laughed without mirth. By not find
there, I nearly go crazy! When are you going to convince you that I love you? he
demanded, his voice strong enough to raise the dead.
For a moment he felt the room was spinning, but tried to calm down, because
that was not the time to faint.
"When you tell me," he said. Damn, Pierce, I am not guess! -was angry. I need to
confess these things! he yelled.
"I just do it.
"I've heard.
- So?
He knew what he wanted to hear, but the words refused to leave their lips. She
was afraid to acknowledge their feelings, get involved, because he had been hurt
before. Given his silence, Pierce's face contorted and turned away from her to
stand up to the television off.
"Long ago I gave up the right to hear you say you loved me, right?
The bitterness and despair in his voice tore her heart.
- No, Pierce! she exclaimed, desolate, and then gasped, and he turned his pale
face toward her.
- Do not what? What I hate myself? But who else can I blame, Alix? Who else was
hurt? I was guilty and deserved the punishment I received. When I married you I
loved you. Even if you wanted you destroyed, you've always wanted and I will
love you until the day I die.
Tears streamed down the cheeks of Alix.

- So why? He shook his head hopelessly.

There was no need to say more. Pierce then closed his eyes and shook his body in
his arms, rocking her head with trembling hands.
"Because I met you too late," she confessed in a hoarse voice, and sighed with
weariness of long years. My grandfather made me promise on his deathbed, to be
avenged Petrakos and Yannis regain our boats, not stopping at nothing. I gave
my word, Alix, long before I learned it existed.
He had to tell him the truth.
"I can not excuse what I did. When I heard that there was a granddaughter, and
after my failure to recover the boats through legal means, I decided to use it to
get them through blackmail. The honor I demanded. Try to understand. I knew
the fact of learning that her granddaughter had been dishonored by a family
member would drive Petrakos crazy. She knew that I would give anything to
clean that stain, and my price would be the fleet. It was cruel, yet simple . . Only
then did not know you.
He swal owed hard before continuing, as he looked.
"To know, I fell in love at first sight. You were so charming. So innocent, and at the
same time, generous .. all the qualities you expect to find at the woman he loved.
I wanted to change things, but it was impossible, because he had given my word.
Although I suffered the tortures of hell, I turned to the plan. All I could do on your
behalf, was to plan things so that I hated ... While I hated me from your life from
that moment. You said I killed a good thing that day . . yes, something died in
me. Although he had no hope of recovering what was destroyed, promised myself
I would come back for you and help you if ever you needed it, and perhaps ever
win the right to love me again.
Alix While listening, concluded that he had been so wounded as she was. There
was an apology, but a reality. He had acknowledged his guilt and had lived with
it every day. He raised his head and stared at Pierce.
- Is that why you married me?
"And so you back your freedom if you ask me," he added solemnly.

"You should be very fond of your grandfather," was now the turn of Alix to
smooth things over.
"True, but not in the same way that I love you," Pierce hesitated before
answering. What can I say? I met him before you. He took charge of my family
when my parents died. He deserved all his loyalty.
Alix had lived all his life with a sense of family honor of the Greeks. He understood
the situation, but could not forgive her. Pierce had used it to collect a debt.
"I should hate you" she looked up. "I deserve," he nodded his head. "I should tell you
that I'll never forgive.
- "Is that what you're saying, Alix? - How can I be sure that something similar does not
happen again?
"Because I cut the right arm before letting something bad will happen, caused by
me or by someone else in his words, had such determination that she felt a
- Until the point of beating me senseless and leave me?
"I wanted to protect you, Alix said, and made him sigh.
"You should try to talk to me, Pierce.
"I thought I would just listen. I figured it would act like me, and you would stick to me
like a leech, knowing that was in danger. Am I wrong? "The challenge with
sweetness, seeing the color returning to his cheeks.
"No," she admitted, and seeing her eyes on her lips, raised his hand to avoid his kiss.
- Have they arrested the man? Are you already safe?
- You said it Pat?
"He thought I had a right to know. Would rather hear it from your lips, Pierce.
"Forgive me, but all I cared about was getting you out of the island.
- Do not you hit?
"The police caught the man before they come over. It could have been here
before, but I had to answer questions and talk to my brother.

"I did not know you had a brother-she wondered if they ever succeed in
"When you and I are together, the chats seem unnecessary usual" Pierce smiled, as if
reading his thoughts. But I promise that from now on do not hide anything. I
have a brother and two sisters, all eager to meet you.
- You mean you know who I am? Alix was surprised.
"They're aware of everything. We are very close. They helped me cope when
things went wrong. My brothers expect to stop hating me so.
"If you were so determined to bring you hated when I used to get the shipping
line, why you bought it?
"Again, Pat.
"Do not blame him, tried to help," she said quickly, and then frowned. Were not you
afraid that I learned from my grandfather?
Before answering, Pierce kissed the palm of one hand.
"I would like you to know, but I knew that was impossible. Petrakos never would
have told you.
- Why do not you tell me when we met?
"I also had my pride, Alix. He was conscious of having done my job too well, and I
would not expose me to a woman who hated me. So you never mentioned that I
could not live with the idea of Haberte changed some ships, so your grandfather
forced to "accept full payment. With my return realized my feelings for you, and
used them to get me all he could. I also fought against it, because you deserved
every penny, though he never knew.
"So we really paid a heavy price for the fleet.
"No money, Alix. The price I paid for the boats was you . . the most valuable of all my
property. I ignored you because he knew he would not rest until you have
done everything possible to recover.
Overcome by emotion, Alix put her free hand over the heart of Pierce, who beat
- Do not you realize that you put your pride at my feet, Pierce?

"I'm fully aware. I've given my heart and my life, but if you want my pride, I give you
"I think . . if you do not forgive would be detrimental to me because you can not
forgive yourself. I forgive you, because I love you. I never stopped loving you. So if
you love me as you say, you must also forgive you. That's what I ask.
- What if I can, Alix?
"Then I must love you very much, until you do," he promised her, and his words ended
in a whimper because Pierce took her into his arms tightly, as if you never
drop out.
"You're shaking-Pierce breathed against her neck, and she laughed.
"And you too.
Pierce framed the head with not very strong hands.
"This time I thought I lost forever," he confessed, kissing her eyes and cheeks, until she
reached her mouth, but for a moment failed to kiss her.
A groan escaped his throat as he waited this long-awaited kiss.
"I would have returned, albeit to give you a punch in the nose!
Pierce laughed, her self-confidence back by leaps and bounds.
- Little beast! The idea is good, but prefers to kiss me.
- Will you begging you, Pierce?
- So, after all, you still want your reward?
- Desperately need a reward! What do you expect? "I squinted.
"Actually, I'm afraid to touch you," he said, though his eyes showed something quite
- But not to the point of letting me go?
Pierce laughed and picked her up.
"Never let you go. I am your destiny, Alix. Are you scared? took her to the
bedroom, lying on the floor beside the bed.
"Nothing scares me when I'm with you," he confessed, and closed his eyes as he bowed
and kissed his lips at last hers.
It was a kiss of passion, but love. A promise without words that showed their

mutual feelings. But her emotions were never subdued, and the kiss was not
enough. The pace changes with the beat of their hearts, and sought an answer
that only the other could give. The kisses became longer, deeper.
They undressed before lying down in bed. Each caress the burning. They moved
together, uttering cries of joy mixed with moans of pleasure. While her hands
caressed her back and shoulders, Alice realized that her sex had never been.
When Pierce raised his head from within, the lines of his face let him know how
difficult it was for him to maintain control.
Alix quickly lost his, but did not care. He twisted the man's hand when he slipped
into his most intimate and mixed with that touch, panting, her body arched
'without remedy. His reason mouth vanished when Pierce returned to the nipple,
but only as a step towards the surface of his stomach, and below, to give the most
intimate caress of all. Shaking her head from side to side, he cried when his body
was sensitive to a series of contractions delicious.
When Alix was breathless, Pierce sat on top of it. Had achieved its purpose of
giving pleasure to their partner, but now she also wanted to give her pleasure.
She stroked his chest until he managed to moan out loud, falling on his back
beside her. She imitated her tongue followed the same line, hands down more
and more until he found the male hardness.
Pierce could not stand it anymore. His control was shattered and took control,
turning until she was once more under him, and possessed with a shove that
threw them into the final stage. Dam in the spiral, Alix enjoyed male movements,
progressively deeper, until he thought crazy. The world col apsed around him,
while still holding, and heard the guttural cry of Pierce, when he joined her at the
supreme moment.
Took a long time before they returned to reality. With a sigh, Pierce returned to
his place, and leaning on one elbow, looked at her. Alix was sunk in a lethargy go
so absolute that she would not budge, but opened his eyes when he slid a finger
over his lips.
"Remind me to send you out more often if this is the way I receive," she smoothed the
wet strands that were on his cheeks.
"Do not do it again, Pierce" For a moment, his eyes darkened:
"I admit I was wrong, but I do feel that way. It's like having so afraid of losing you, you
should 'stay away from me! Forgive me?
Now that he knew that he loved her forgive him anything.
"I think I've shown that it is so easy to get rid of me," she said softly, and Pierce's voice
was plaintive.
"I can not believe my good luck. Pinch me to make sure it is real, "she confessed, while
he kissed her forehead. Happy?
"Incredibly happy," she sighed. Pierce was able to hurt her the most, but only he could
make her so happy.
- And you can rest assured that I love? "He looked long into her eyes. What
though all I did, I've always wanted?
"Oh, yes. It is the only logical explanation, sighing again, Alix took her hand and placed
it on his face. I am glad not to continue hating. It's very difficult when you
love someone. Real y it's over, Pierce?
"Now al I want is to forget. I do not hold any resentment towards your family. He
served only a promise. From now on my promises are you and your family.
-Family. It is a nice word-Alix's lips softened with a smile.
- Should I assume that you no longer wish me reborn as a nasty bug to crush it
with your foot?
- Really I frankly? She laughed.
"Yes, and also said other things pretended to be angry.
"Well, then you deserve it-so touted, but regained his seriousness when other
thoughts come to mind. He also mentions other things. The day you took me to
see my grandfather. I remembered that I never said you loved me.
"I regretted having told you that. Also, I mentioned that I never would know such
deep feelings he had for you in my heart. You believed that I meant a desire for
revenge, but my feelings were of love, Alice, although I had to pretend otherwise.
So it was completely wrong and it's nice to know, even now. However, there was

something else that struck deep.

- Why did I love our wedding night? Was it necessary to comply with a parody of
that? -did not realize the sadness of his voice revealed.
Pierce picked it, and closed his eyes in pain.
"Never was a parody. He should not make love, but I needed it. It was necessary
for me, my love, because I thought it might be the only time I have in my arms,
the only time I could show you how much I love you. I wanted to be nice to you
and, although he knew that later that would hurt us both, I could not help it. If I
would live in hell, was entitled to prove the sky even once.
"So for me it was heaven, Pierce. You've always been in heaven.
"Not always, he shook his head. I know you did much damage, but I intend to
make up for every second of suffering.
- And how you do it? "he joked, stroking his chest.
"Give me two more minutes, and think of something" he said, and she came,
rubbing a thigh against her husband.
- Are not you ashamed, Alice Martineau? "pretended to be annoyed, but his eyes
said otherwise.
"It hurts here," said Pierce lips. Can you kiss with passion?
- Will we be better?
"Try again" I walked around the neck with his arms. I'll tell you when to stop,
"suggested, and with a smile, her husband was ready to comply.

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