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Take note:
Oral language

Phonological Awareness

5 Macro Skills

• Listening
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Viewing
Audio or auditory- associated with listening
Language Domain

• Oral Language- is the system through which we use spoken words to express
knowledge, ideas, and feelings.
Has something to do with Parts of Speech such as noun, pronoun, adjective etc.

• Phonological Awareness- let kids recognize and work with the sounds of spoken
language. In preschoolers, it means being able to pick out rhyming words and count
the number of syllables in a name.
• Vocabulary and Concept Development-
Vocabulary- the body of words used in a particular language.

- the body of words known to an individual person.

- Determine his capacity for using words in writing and speaking.
• Grammar Awareness- the ability to reflect on and intentionally manipulate the
grammatical structure of the language.

Difference between Oral Language and Phonological Awareness

Oral Language refers to the spoken words while Phonological Awareness refers to the
sound of spoken words
Process of Speaking

• Producing
• Preceding
• Processing information- brain is working, intellect is processing
Review Language teaching and learning strategies for READING

Strategies in decoding or getting the meaning of a word

Strategies in Vocabulary Development

Types of Verbals

• Infinitves
• Gerunds
• Participles

1. Affixes
• Prefix (Unlapi)
• Infix (Gitlapi)
• Suffix (Hullapi)
2. Denotation and connotation

Homonyms- words that have the same spelling but different meaning

Content- first syllable NOUN


Content- second VERB


3. Context Clues are hints found within a sentence

Biology is the study of plants and animals

Psychology refers to the study of human behavior

4. Definition

Example: In English, define plot etc.

Define – deduce

5. Appositive noun

Jerry Yan, meteor garden star is so humble.

6. Configuration- use of boxes for words
7. Association- pictures and words

What is Reading?

“Reading is a subtle and complex process that involves sensation, perception, comprehension,
application and integration.”

“Reading is the magic key to the world of enlightenment and enjoyment. It is the basic tool
for learning in all the subject areas.”

“Reading is the process of making and getting meaning from printed word symbols. It is not
a process of making conventionalized noises associated with these symbols.”

“Efficient reading is an active dialogue between author and reader. The efficient reader is
ready to evaluate, challenge, and criticize reading materials. The man who reads well is the
man who leads.”

“Reading can be one of man’s deepest pleasures. It extends his experiences, giving him a
glimpse of the world’s excitement, pleasure and wisdom.” – Virgil Holmes

“Reading enables man to ponder the mysteries of the world, explore accumulated knowledge
and contemplate the unknown. From his search, he begins to uncover some answers to
questions, he is stimulated to raise more questions, and to continue his pursuit for deeper
understanding. It can be one of man’s ingredients for blending his most psychological world
with the outer social world, and emerging into a new world of thought, imagination and reality.”

Re. Villamin, Araceli, (1999) Remedial Reading.

Vocabulary Words

Sensation- awareness or impression

Subtle- precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe

Conventionalized- usual and generally accepted

Ponder- to think about

Mystery- difficult to understand

Accumulated- gathered or collected

Stimulated- motivated or energized

Pursuit- action of following or pursuing

Emerge- appear or comes out

Written symbols- letters

Example: Stand up, Come in front

Oral language- speaking of written symbols

Decoding- making sense of received words

Gesture- an action which gives more meaning

Picture- gives thousands meaning

Coding and Comprehending- giving meaning

Decoding and Comprehension- two processes of reading

Erik Erikson

Trust vs. Mistrust- a child can read

Sense of smelling- the child us

Preoperational- use his perception


Concrete Operational Stage- Iba ibang perceptions sa teacher tas narealize na kung ano
ang tunay na ugali

Skills of Comprehension
• Noting details
- Writing important terms or information, identify the characters in the story (natutukoy)

Lower Grade: answer WH questions

• Study skills- parts of the book

• Getting the main idea of selection
• Infer character trait
• Tell the theme of the selection
• Find the main idea
• Deduce instructional analysis through affixes (prefix, suffix in a sentence)
• Infer meaning
• Infer the purpose of the author
• Criticize or react to the message of the speaker
• Judge or justify the solution or conclusion
• Identify idioms used in the paragraph or selection
• Infer the mode and the tone of the selection read
• Identify the setting of the story
• Identifying the supporting ideas
• Reading title of the selection
• Decoding words through context clues or deducing meaning of words through affixes

Application of Reading


Traffic signs

Valuing can also be shown by simply having appreciation since when we say appreciate
it means recognizing the worth of something. One of the example of appreciation for the role of
science in everyday lives is simply driving a car or other vehicles because through driving, role
of science can be applied specifically one of the laws of newton which is the law of inertia.
People value this law for them to have safe driving.
Target of our discussion is learning objectives

Integration in Reading

Demic - distinct population of people

• What lesson do we derive from the story?

• Good Manners and Right Conduct


• Do you agree with the statement of the character

• If you were the author, what will be the ending of the story?
• If questions

We read to improve our vocabulary

Brain- the main reader

Eyes- mirror

Cognitive- it has something to do with thinking

When we read, we use our mind

Concrete Operational stage-

Formal Operational stage- logical, evaluation

1. Phonological Skills- the material to be used here is pictures

Application: showing pictures then permit pupils to pronounce each letter

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding developing vocabulary in oral


Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding developing vocabulary in written


Performance Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding in using vocabulary both

in oral and written form
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding developing vocabulary in both
oral form and written form (for CREAM section)

Lesson material: List of words with initial sounds, medial sounds or final sounds

2. Phonics and Word Recognition (students read here)

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding the value of reading and writing
communicative activities

Performance Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding on the importance of

reading grade level texts

The learners demonstrate how to read a word in a sentence

3. Fluency

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding words with f sound and p sound
with appropriate speed accuracy and proper expression

Performance Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding in reading words with f

sound and p sound with appropriate speed accuracy and proper expression

Materials: News articles

4. Reading Comprehension

Content Standard:

5. Vocabulary and Concept Development

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