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The Ninth House in Astrology

stargazer April 14, 2020

If you need to take a step back and think about life again, go to the ninth house in
astrology. It will help you find the bigger picture and give you a deeper understanding.
The ninth house in the natal chart is about two things: expansion and understanding.

It is the house of philosophy, wisdom, foreign travel, higher education—but how are they
related to each other?

Keyword of the Ninth House in the Natal Chart

With that said, here’s a short list of the keywords of the ninth house in astrology:

the higher self

long-distance travel
foreign cultures

scratched the surface

What is the Meaning of the 9th House in Astrology?

As you can see, the ninth house in the natal chart is complex and it has many meanings.
But actually they are all very similar and all serve the same purpose: expansion.
Incredible things happen in every aspect of life when you get out of your comfort zone—
sounds cheesy, but it’s true.

First of all, the ninth house includes literally expanding your horizons. Spending some
time (or even better, living for some time) abroad makes your world view completely
shift. This house governs foreign countries and cultures.

Law is traditionally associated with the ninth house in astrology. This includes both laws
of a country and your inner laws. Your ethics and principles are also shown through the
ninth house in the natal chart. This house helps you develop an inner awareness that
guides you through life.

Higher education is another ninth-house matter in astrology. This house describes your
approach towards studying in general. It also includes self-education, however. The point
is to accumulate knowledge, it’s not important how did you acquire it.

Sagittarius and Jupiter, the Explorer and the Wise
If you’ve stumbled upon this article, it’s likely you already know a bit about the zodiac sign
Sagittarius in astrology (in a nutshell: Sagittarius is freedom-loving, open-minded and full
of life). Sagittarius is the natural sign of this house because these qualities go hand in
hand with the matters of the ninth house in astrology.

Every sign has a planetary ruler. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is no one else but
majestic Jupiter, the planet of abundance, good fortune and growth. Did you know that
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System? This gas giant is all about expansion, and
the ninth house and Sagittarius reflect this quality, too. They want to learn and have new
experiences all the time!

The ninth house in the natal chart is a cadent house. Cadent houses include the 3rd, 6th,
9th and the 12th house in astrology. The common denominator here is service and
learning. Planets in these houses act more on a mental level than in the physical world.

Higher Education and the Ninth House in Astrology

The ninth house governs higher education in the natal chart. The focal point here is
expansion. Pursuing an education is a great way to broaden you perspective, plus it adds a
solid base to your whole life.

It’s important to distinguish the third house learning and the ninth house learning. The
third house governs elementary school and the concrete mind. On the other hand, the
ninth house is about the abstract mind. The pieces of information you gather in the third
house come to their place in the ninth. You are capable of processing much more complex
data here.

One of the perks of going to college is that you get to make new friends. Meeting new
people from various backgrounds helps you evolve and grow. Besides this, college is a
place where you are bombarded with knowledge all the time—it’s clear why university is a
matter of the ninth house in astrology.

An emphasized ninth house suggests that the person doesn’t just attend university, but
they also might become a professor themselves. Several planets here suggest that the
person has excellent researcher skills. They are able to see through chaos and find the big

The sign on the cusp of the ninth house describes your approach to learning.

Foreign Travel

Looking for new ideas and new experiences? How about visiting some new countries?

Throughout history, universities were rare and you had to travel a long distance if you
wanted to attend one. Hence the connection between universities, travel and the ninth
house in astrology.

Acquiring knowledge about other places broadens your perspective, this is why foreign
travel is part of the ninth house in astrology. Sagittarius, the natural sign of the ninth
house loves freedom and wants to discover the world. The ninth house is just about that.

Everything related to long distance travel and foreign cultures is related to the ninth
house in astrology. An emphasized ninth house suggests a lot of contact with foreigners.
Maybe the chart holder will have a job in tourism or they will have to travel a lot. Working
with foreign languages is also possible.

Man’s Search For Meaning

What do you believe in?

We are all on a continuous journey of discovering ourselves and understanding the world
around us. In the eighth house, you went through some shocking and deep
transformation. But it’s inevitable to think about why that happened. People have to find
a meaning not to loose their faith.

The ninth house is the house of spirituality. The twelfth house in the natal chart is also a
spiritual house, but it’s describes it from a different aspect. The ninth house is, on the
other hand, definitely an upbeat and optimistic place. The spirituality of the ninth house
is based on philosophy and tries to understand the bigger forces of the universe.

Jupiter is the planet of wisdom. Through the quest of the ninth house, you gain a deeper
understanding. The sign on the cusp also shows how you can restore your faith.

The ninth house is the house of higher self. It describes your views and opinions on the
world. In ideal case, however, they are not static but they change as you do. And if you
choose to absorb new knowledge each day, you change a lot and quickly.

Over time, humans become wiser and wiser as they gain life experience. It’s normal to
overwrite your opinion as you find some more pieces of the puzzles and the picture just
looks different when you add them to it. This house shows your personal beliefs and

People of religion are also represented by the ninth house. All nuns, priests, monks belong
here. It’s important to note that religion as an institute and monasteries are part of the
twelfth house in astrology.

The Ninth House in the Natal Chart: Jupiter and Luck

Jupiter is the planet of luck in astrology. Venus brings luck, too, but Jupiter is the BIG
luck. (In the dictionary of astrology, Jupiter equals big.) The natural ruler of the ninth
house, it’s interesting to think about how education and luck are connected.

To make one thing clear first, the ninth house isn’t exclusively about college education.
It’s also about self-education, knowledge you acquire through books and experience on
your own. The point here is expansion. Well, you have to admit that learning of any kind
broadens your view significantly.

Jupiter also represents faith in astrology. Sagittarius (which is a fire sign by element) is
endlessly optimistic and self-confident. Isn’t it interesting how luck and faith go hand in
hand in astrology? You have to believe in yourself to achieve your goals, or to try at all.


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