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Anastasiia - natal chart calculation

Date of Birth: January 20, 2004, time 14:25
(GMT +2)
Place of birth: Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
Coordinates: latitude 47°n51', longitude 35°e7'

House system: Placidus




Planet Longitude

z Capricorn
Q Sun 29°46'32"

z Capricorn
W Moon 11°06'49"

E z Capricorn
Mercury 06°05'46"

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House Longitude

Ascendant (House f Cancer

1) 08°07'50"

f Cancer
House 2

House 3 g Leo 14°29'43"

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Planet Aspect Planet Orb

Q Sun o Quincunx ~ Selena 1.17

W Moon q E Mercury 5.02


W Moon t Sextile R Venus 4.07

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Figure Planet

Grand Trin
YJupiter - MChiron - {North

}South Node - YJupiter - M

{North Node - MChiron - }
South Node - YJupiter

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Anastasiia - interpretation of your

natal chart
The interpretation of the horoscope boils down to
combining the meaning of the four basic elements
of astrology (Planets, Signs, Aspects and Houses)
into one alloy, which, in fact, will be individual for

The SUN is the most important
luminary, the focus of vitality. It
can be likened to a king on a
chessboard. Determines the
health and well-being of the
born. It communicates a creative
impulse, ideals - the desire for power, influence,
power. The position of the main luminary in our
natal chart has a fateful meaning, for example, the
happiest people on earth, those who do not have
pronounced tense aspects with the Sun. Although
at the same time one might think that their
character traits may be “soft”, because through the
Sun we teach our “ego”, strengthen our life
“backbone”. It is important to remember that the
Sun represents our inner mind, not instinct. Read

Q Sun in Capricorn z 29°

People born under the sign of Capricorn are

distinguished by their incredible dedication and
resistance to various kinds of life's difficulties. The
characteristic of Solar Capricorn is the embodiment
of strength and spirit, be it a woman or a man.
There is no such task that this true representative
of the borrowed element could not cope with. At
the same time, they are proud and self-confident,
which often causes conflicts with others and
misunderstandings in relationships with loved ones.

Q Sun in the 8th House

8TH HOUSE (house of life and death, rebirth, and

inheritance). SUN (planet of life energy and
individuality) in the 8th house: you have a
philosophical mindset and insight, strive for self-
improvement. You can inherit money or receive it
from your marriage partner. You have a chance to
gain fame at the end of life or after death. Dignity:
you take responsibility with pride. Disadvantage:
you can lose your father or husband early. Read
more ...

Sun in the 8th house - forum answers

On the birth chart Ascendant is
the top of the 1st house. This is
the second most important factor
after the position of the Sun. The
position of the Ascendant in the
signs of the Zodiac determines
how people manifest themselves in the external
plane. The position of the planet on the Ascendant
greatly enhances the manifestation of the qualities
of such a planet in a person. In general, the
position of the planets on or near the Ascendant is
the third most important factor. Symbol in the table

Ascendant tells us what kind of mask we wear in

public, this is the first impression we make when
meeting people. Often, if you are confused about
how others describe you, it is because they are
describing that aspect of your personality. The
Ascendant is present in your appearance and
personality, sometimes going as far as the
influence of physical characteristics. The sign
becomes tangibly expressed in your image, style
and demeanor. It also reflects in the way you act.
Some astrologers believe that the sign gets weaker
after people reach 30 years old, as their confidence
in who they are grows. Your ascending sign shows
up in your first personality traits, in how you react
to the environment.

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ASCENDANT in the sign of Cancer f

08° - Ruler of Moon

Moon ruler Cancer. The moon is the planet that is

responsible for the subconscious, this planet of
emotions. The characteristic of a typical Cancer is
that the Moon gives depth to itself. Cancer feels its
vulnerability and is ready to hide in its shell from
others. But also the Moon is the planet of
motherhood and people of the Cancer sign,
especially women, are inherent in caring. Typical
representatives of Cancer have heightened
emotionality and sensitivity, but in the negative
version it turns into hysteria and inability to hear
others, only their own emotions begin to interest

For people born in the Ascendant Cancer, as a rule,

are characterized by: sympathy, compassion,
passivity, caring, receptivity, patronage,
changeability, extrasensory abilities, sentimentality,
persistence, as well as timidity, sensitivity and
moodiness. Just like cancer, which is the symbol of
the sign, you may have the habit of looking both in
front and behind you at the same time, not wanting
to openly look into the future and always worrying
about the past - this is what makes you very
anxious. You walk sideways through life, never just
looking straight ahead. You are sensitive and
always hide in your shell if you feel a threat
coming. Your feelings are easily hurt and even
when there is no reason for it, you can take
everything personally.

You love to travel, but you need to be sure that

your home is waiting for you to return at all times.
Safety means everything to you. Physical security
for you is represented by the comfort of your home
and the activities you do when, emotionally, you
derive from the possession of property that has
emotional value to you. In fact, this is why you are
trying to keep everything - you are attached to all
these things emotionally or physically. Once you
receive something, you cannot easily let go of it.
You react to life through sensation, not thinking.
Your mood swings up and down like the ebb and

A key lesson to learn: learn to be judicious and

develop detachment by setting clear boundaries.

The Moon rules Cancer, therefore Moon will be

essential in the natal chart. Read more ...

Ascendant Aspects:

Opposition Ascendant - Moon

Opposition Ascendant - Mercury

Trine Ascendant - Venus

Conjunction Ascendant - Saturn

Quincunx Ascendant - Neptune

Midheaven (MC)
The Midheaven (Meridian, MC) -
the culmination of the natal
chart, symbolizes the midday of
life, coincides with the cusp 10th
house of the horoscope. The
Meridian line, MC - IC is the
vertical axis of the horoscope, the Ascendant -
Descendant (AC - DC) line is the horizontal axis.
Together they create the so-called "axial cross" or
"cross of fate". In terms of importance Midheaven
ranks third in the horoscope after Ascendant and
Sun positions. The middle of heaven, like the 10th
house of the horoscope as a whole, symbolizes
everything that relates to the profession and social
position of an individual: success or failure in
society, career, popularity, fame, titles, awards or
lack of all this, it shows human qualities of
individuals in society, indicates their professional
skills and the possibility of climbing the social

Midheaven in Pisces c 09° - Ruler of

Neptune and Jupiter

Ruler: Neptune and Jupiter. Often the position of

the MC in the sign of Pisces speaks of a reduced
vitality and lack of purpose. People in this position
can “looking for themselves” for a long time. There
is some indifference to everything, physical
lethargy, laziness, which negatively affect both the
profession and relations with people, including
family members. People with "Midheaven" in Pisces
are subconsciously afraid of resistance from the
outside, so they prefer to stay inactive. It is not
surprising that for a long time they cannot decide
on either a job or a profession, and any crisis can
unsettle them for a long time. Instead of resisting
circumstances, they prefer to sit in a secluded
corner and wait for good luck.

Willpower, professional ambition in this position of

the Meridian in most cases does not show through,
there is often no goal at all, but the desire for an
easy lifestyle, carelessness, and pleasures is
expressed. This position of the Meridian also warns
that a person's reputation may be damaged due to
a reprehensible love affair or a dubious
acquaintance. But you can only judge this by
studying the position of the "Midheaven" and its
rulers, as well as the planets in 10th house,
because with strong planets and their good
configuration, the picture is not so sad, especially if
the rulers Neptune or Jupiter are in 1st house. In
this case, even if outwardly it may seem that
people do not have a goal and they float at the will
of the waves, such individuals have a goal, but it is
internal and usually it takes some time until they
hear the call of the soul and find themselves in
some either area. This is the case with people of
creative professions when they discover talent in
themselves, or with people who devote themselves
to spiritual service.

But, on the other hand, people with such a MC

position are often helped by a happy accident or
unexpected help, including material help. An
improvement in the financial situation can be
associated with both speculation and inheritance.
Read more ...

Midheaven aspects:

Sextile Midheaven - Moon

Sextile Midheaven - Mercury

Conjunction Midheaven - Venus

Trine Midheaven - Saturn

The moon is a transmitter of
sensations, emotions, mood. It
reigns in the spheres of the soul
and subconsciousness, innate
reflexes and habits that come
from childhood. The moon is the
mistress of Cancer. The sign of Taurus is considered
the place of its rise. Capricorn is considered the
place of her fall, Scorpio is the place of exile
(captivity). If the Moon in the horoscope is strong
in status and has favorable interactions with other
planets of the natal chart, then the subject feels
harmony in his soul, and even if some difficulties
arise in life, he easily overcomes periods of trouble.

W Moon in Capricorn z 11°

Moon: is the second most important luminary, for

women, mostly, it is the first. The moon collects
and transforms the energy of other planets,
especially the sun. Lady of instincts and emotions.
The planet of moods. The symbol of the feminine
principle as conception and motherhood - in
contrast to Venus as a symbol of sensual love.

People born with

the moon in the
sign of Capricorn
are serious and
responsible, they
consider duties
above all else. You
are uncomfortable
showing your
emotions to other
people, and even
more so, you do not want to demonstrate that you
need help and support. You don't want to look
emotionally weak. You have high ambitions,
perhaps because you feel unloved, unwanted, and
imperfect. You work very hard because it allows
you to feel a sense of importance or need.
Read more ...

W Moon in the 7th House

7TH HOUSE (the house of marriage and

partnership). MOON (planet of emotions and
instincts) in the 7th house: in marriage and
relationships with people security is important to
you. You may see your spouse as a parent. Your
husband or wife will take care of you. You will likely
become popular at some stage in your life.
Advantages: sensitivity in partnership, sensuality in
marriage. Disadvantages: inconstancy in love;
divorce is possible. Read more ...

Moon in the 7th house - forum answers

Aspects of the Moon

Aspects of the Moon determine the daily lifestyle of

a person, affect his health, relationships with
others. They control the maternal nature of women
and the feelings of men associated with the
opposite sex.

Conjunction Moon - Mercury

Sextile Moon - Venus

Trine Moon - Jupiter

Opposition Moon - Saturn

Opposition Moon - Ascendant

Close proximity to the Sun
defines the face of this small but
charismatic planet. Its main
functions are: reason, logical
thinking, cognition,
communication, communication
between the individual and society.

Traditionally, the most specific "character" trait for

Mercury is the ability to establish relationships. The
myths also said that Mercury (Hermes) is an
intermediary between Olympus and the Earth, the
messenger of the gods, connecting their world with
the world of people by transmitting information
(commands of the gods to people, requests from
people to gods).

E Mercury in Capricorn z 06°

People born with Mercury in the Capricorn sign

endowed with clarity of mind, discipline,
seriousness, practicality, orderliness, objectivity
and sobriety. You are not impressed by inflated
Read more ...

E Mercury in the 6th House

6TH HOUSE (house of service and health).

MERCURY (planet of the mind) in the 6th house:
you are a person striving for perfection; you can
suffocate under the avalanche of daily activities.
You are interested in health, diet and hygiene and
are usually well informed about the latest advances
in these areas. You are prone to nervousness, you
may suffer from diseases of the stomach and
respiratory system. Dignity: you are practical and
effective, especially in writing and communication
work. Disadvantage: suspiciousness about health
and work. Read more ...

Mercury in the 6th house - forum answers

Aspects of Mercury:

Conjunction Mercury - Moon

Sextile Mercury - Venus

Opposition Mercury - Saturn

Sextile Mercury - Uranus

Opposition Mercury - Ascendant

Venus's zones of influence:
beauty, love, art, choice,
friendship, partnership and
material values.

Venus is the mistress of the

second and seventh houses. The
second house indicates money and property,
describes not only material values that a person
owns, but also his natural talents and abilities,
using which, with certain efforts, he acquires
material wealth. The seventh house is responsible
for matrimony, partnerships in business and
politics, business contracts. Strong Venus is a
source of warmth, tenderness, selfless devotion
and material wealth. Read more ...

R Venus in Pisces c 07°

The afflections of people born with Venus in the

sign of Pisces, are expressed in empathy,
compassion, gentleness and a romantic attitude.
You unselfishly give yourself to those you love and
to those who need or ask you for help.
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R Venus in the 9th House

9TH HOUSE (house of research and education).

VENUS (planet of love and pleasure) in the 9th
house: you treat people with warmth and
understanding of various origins. You are able to
absorb new ideas and experiences. You have a
chance to earn a reward. You may be getting
married abroad or with a foreigner. Dignity: high
ideals. Disadvantage: you strive for the
unattainable. Read more ...

Venus in the 9th house - forum answers

Aspects of Venus:

Sextile Venus - Moon

Sextile Venus - Mercury

Trine Venus - Saturn

Square Venus - Lilith

Trine Venus - Ascendant

Mars is about strength,
assertiveness, aggressive
sexuality, struggle and rivalry.
The most important functions of
the planet: protection, self-
preservation instinct, self-
expression. In the modern world, people rarely
have to protect their lives or homes from mortal
danger. In the foreground - defending one's own
opinion, protecting personal interests in the
professional and social spheres, competition and

Strong Mars gives the world heroes who can

sacrifice themselves for the sake of other people or
high ideals. In everyday reality, a person clearly
manifests himself in activities aimed at the
common good. Read more ...

T Mars in Aries a 21°

People with Mars in the sign of Aries are

aggressive, adventurous and always looking for
new projects and prospects. You hate restrictions
and do not like being told what to do and how to do
Read more ...

T Mars in the 11th House

11TH HOUSE (house of hopes, desires and friends).

MARS (planet of energy and self-affirmation) in the
11th house: you actively interact with friends and
often find yourself leader. Your connections with
others are based on mutual help and services. You
have clear goals and you pursue them vigorously.
Advantages: willingness to help people and take
responsibility. Disadvantage: conflict. Read more ...

Mars in the 11th house - forum answers

Aspects of Mars:

Quincunx Mars - Jupiter

Trine Mars - Pluto

In astrological theater, Jupiter
plays the role of a "great
benefactor." Since antiquity, it
has been associated with luck
and material wealth. But the
largest planet in the solar system
has other uses as well. She is responsible for
spiritual and intellectual development, encourages
a person to seek the meaning of life. From the
standpoint of psychology, Jupiter is the
embodiment of a generous, fair father. His main
enemies are stagnation and boredom. The ninth
and twelfth houses are ruled by the giant.

The remarkable qualities of a strong Jupiterian are

often not his merit, but the result of fantastic luck.
A winning lottery ticket, an unexpected legacy -
typical gifts from the magnanimous Jupiter. Read
more ...

Y Jupiter in Virgo h 18°

People born with Jupiter in the sign of Virgo have a

cautious, intellectual, analytical and practical
disposition. You have an amazing ability to sift the
wheat from the chaff.
Read more ...

Y Jupiter in the 4th House

4TH HOUSE (house of the home, as well as the

beginning and end of life). JUPITER (planet of
fortune and expansiveness) in the 4th house: you
are happy in your home, you are comfortable in it,
you are proud of your family. As a child, you
probably felt protected by the love of your parents
and inherited material or spiritual values from
them. The final stage of your life will take place in
a comfortable environment. Dignity: You can find
material success in the city or country where you
were born. Disadvantage: extravagance, excessive
generosity to your family and children. Read more

Jupiter in the 4th house - forum answers

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