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This is how “Karaka” are calculated:

1. Atmakaraka: The planet/graha that obtains the highest longitude / degrees in

the chart is the Atmakaraka. It is the significator of the native (the soul or atma).

Your Atmakaraka is Mercury 29.9 degrees  (planet with the highest degrees)
2. Amatyakaraka: The planet/graha obtaining the second highest longitude /
degrees is called Amatyakaraka. It is the significator of one's career.

Your Amatyakaraka is Sun 20.23 degrees

3. Bhatrikaraka: The planet/graha obtaining the third highest longitude / degrees
is called the Bhratrikaraka. It is the significator of siblings, co-born.

Your Bhatrikaraka is Jupiter 12.9 degrees

4. Matrikaraka: The planet/graha obtaining the fourth highest longitude /
degrees is called the Matrikaraka. It is the significator of mother.

Your Matrikaraka is Moon 9.28 degrees

5. Putrakaraka: The planet/graha obtaining the sixth highest longitude / degrees
is known as the Putrakaraka. It is the significator of children.

Your Pitrikaraka is Venus 9.17 degrees

6. Gnatikaraka: The planet/graha obtaining the seventh highest longitude /
degrees is known as the Gnatikaraka. It is the significator of relatives.

Your Gnatikaraka is Mars 9.1 degrees

7. Darakaraka: The planet/graha obtaining the eighth highest or the least
longitude / degrees is called Darakaraka. It is the significator of spouse.

What is the significance of 'AtmaKarka Planet' in Vedic

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18 Answers

Vindeshwari RS Chauhan, Pt. Sanjay Rath books and teaching is my source of knowledge

Answered September 28, 2019

first of all let me tell you where this concept of atmakarka came. There is a concept in
astrology known as Jaimini Sutra or Jaimini astrology, in which different planets become
karakas for different things in our life. Now what is this karaka, it means significance, each
planet signify different things. Pandit Sanjay rath considered 8 (including Rahu) Karkas and
K.N. Rao ji considered 7 karkas (excluding Rahu).. Ketu can never become karka because it is
the planet of liberation , and the planet which help to liberate us can never signify any
materialistic thing in our life..

now i will tell you what are this karkas: i will write them in order of their degrees ( highest to

1. The atma karaka (the indicator of self), planet with highest degree.
2. The amatya karaka (the indicator of career);
3. The bhatri karaka (the indicator of siblings and father);
4. The matri karaka (the indicator of mother and education);
5. The putri karaka (the indicator of children, intelligence and creativity);
6. The gnati karaka (the indicator of strife, disease, and spiritual sadhana);
7. And dara karaka, the indicator of marriage (and partnerships in general).
now coming back to the question, Atmakarka is the planet with highest degree which
signifies the reason of our birth, higher the degree , higher the pending karmas will be there
to fulfill, if someone have all the planets at very low degree , then it means the person have
very less karma remain to fulfill, higher the degree of planets more the karma are remaining
to fulfill in this lifetime.

now how to understand the significance, i will tell you what different planet signify when
they become atmakarka.

1. Sun as AK indicates the native has to learn to overcome his ego and should become

2. Moon as AK indicates that the native should be very caring and compassionate.

3. Mars as AK indicates that the native should refrain from all forms of violence and stick to
the path of Ahimsa.
4. Mercury as AK indicates that the native should control his speech and be truthful at all

5. Jupiter as AK indicates that the native should always respect the Guru, husband and care
for children.

6. Venus as AK indicates that the native must have a very clean character and refrain from
illegitimate sex/lust.

7. Saturn as AK indicates that the native should not give sorrow to others and will have to
share the sorrow of many others.

8. Rāhu as AK indicates that the native maybe cheated often and will still have to be free
from guilt and clean their heart.

now what is the meaning when this atmakarka placed in different houses in navmansha:

1. If AK is in navāṁśa Lagna, the native belongs to a royal family/ is of noble birth

and lineage. If navāṁśa Lagna Lord conjoins AK, then the native, although of
humble origin shall rise to a high rank equal to a king. If the AK aspects navāṁśa
Lagna, then Royal association shall be present from birth. The natural karaka of 1st
house (Sun) should be strong to indicate the extent of Rājayoga.
2. If AK is in 2nd house, the native shall be very spiritual and a great saint. If Saturn
is strong, the renunciation shall be complete whereas if Venus is strong the native
shall perform severe austerities.
3. If AK is in 3rd house, the native shall be rich and successful in many
undertakings. He shall be a friend of many powerful people.
4. If AK is in 4th house the native shall be a Karma Yogi. If the Moon and Jupiter
are strong, he shall have fame whereas if the Sun is strong Rajyoga and a strong
Saturn indicate a hard working person.
5. If AK is in 5th house the native is Dharma Parayana i.e. obeys the laws of his
dharma diligently and is straightforward. If Sun is strong, he shall have many good
yogas. Blessings of his father shall always protect him.
6. If AK is in 6th house, the native is diseased and troubled. Propitiate as per
Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon days and speak the truth OM
7. If AK is in 7th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and many joys. If
Venus is strong, marriage shall be a great blessing.
8. If AK is in 8th house, the native has many troubles and weaknesses. He is
defeated in war. Propitiate as per Saturn or Lord Satya Nārāyana, fast on full Moon
days and speak the truth OM TAT SAT.
9. If AK is in 9th house, the native is a very pious person and is wealthy and
10. If AK is in 10th house, the native is blessed with a clean heart and good home.
He shall be a pillar for his family and mother; the Moon in strength shall be an
added blessing for this.
11. If AK is in 11th house, the native shall be brave, successful in war and capable of
executing any task. If Mars is strong there shall be Rājayoga.
12. If AK is in 12th house the native is very rich and blessed by Lakshmi.
now some points on condition of atmakarka:

1. If a malefic planet is the ātmakāraka, it indicates a high level of spiritual

development whereas a benefic planet as the ātmakāraka indicates a relatively
lower level. Example: Rāhu was the ātmakāraka for Srila Prabhupada and
Ramakrishna Paramhaṁśa.
2. The ātmakāraka invariably indicates suffering during its Vimśottari daśā,
especially if a malefic. During the Nārāyaṇa daśā of the sign occupied by the
ātmakāraka or those aspecting it, great achievements are made. If the native is
spiritually inclined then the daśā of the ātmakāraka can be beneficial.
3. A retrograde ātmakāraka indicates a deep-rooted desire as being the cause of
the birth. This has to be seen from the nature of the planet which becomes the AK.
For example, if Mars is AK and retrograde, then there is a very strong desire
related to succeeding in some battle or competition in this planet and the native
will be dragged into innumerable fights and will be fighting all the time. The
solution lies in finding the best self defense strategies based on Kārakāṁśa of
which, Ahimsa is the greatest. Similarly, if Saturn is the retrograde AK then the
desire would manifest in the native doing something related to the elders or old
knowledge in new bottles. When retrograde, this desire is very strong and will be
the cause of all direction in life. The other signification of Saturn is sorrow and if
the native gives sorrow to others, especially elders and those who are like Guru,
then know that he is running a bad time and a lot of sorrow is in his destiny (in any
case). The best remedy for him would be to develop a stoic attitude towards the
acts and words of others and keep prodding in his path. In this manner, the
retrogression is to be understood.
4. Combustion of AK gives spiritual insight.
now i will tell you one intresting thing about atmakarka:

this planet also signify path of our career. why? because career is our karma, and karma is
what our atma needs to fulfill in this lifetime. now how to read it. There is chart known as
karkamansha chart, you can easily make your karkamansha chart by following method:

Once you figure out which planet is the atmakaraka, look at the sign placement of that
planet in the navamsa chart.
example if i have my atmakarka in leo sign in d9(navmansha) chart, come back to your lagna
chart, in lagna chart make that leo sign your ascendent,new chart is generated, that chart is
known as karakamsa chart. this karkmansha have all its different story to tell.

if you don’t want to go in all this calculations than download an app known as astrosage,
you will get all the chart directly. now coming back to our question.

Such placements of atmakarka give a much clear indication of the native's spiritual and
professional life. Through the placement of atmakarka in karakamsa one can see what the
soul or 'Atma' is desiring.

now look where this atmakarka is placed in karkamansha, work related to that house will be
our profession, and the planet which help us or give us skills in work is amatyakarka ( 2nd
highest degree planet) look where this planet is placed in karkmansha, that house related
skills you need to develop and if that planet is strong it will help you in your profession.

example: if i have moon as my atmakarka which is placed in 9th house, then 9th house
related career will be my profession. ie. teaching , learning , publishing etc, with the help of
my imagination or emotionally connect with students etc, and if amtyakarka placed in 4th
house then , i will teach from home or home based teaching may be the profession, just like
this we have to look in karkamansha chart to see the career.

hope all this information is sufficient and you all like it :)

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Pradip Verma, works at Vedic Astrologer

Answered May 29, 2019
‘Atma’ means soul and ‘Karaka’ means significator. This means that the Atmakaraka isn’t
your soul, but it signifies your soul in a certain manner. Many answers have stated that the
Atmakaraka signifies what your soul desires, but how can a soul have any desire? A soul
only desires to attain moksha and the Atmakaraka has a special role in realising that. Your
Atmakaraka is your subconscious, it is what you keep trying to run away from
consciously but what you desire subconsciously, it is what you aren’t aware of until
someone tells you or you see your chart. That is why it is difficult to realize the Atman,
because it is hidden from our view and we keep trying to run away from the
Atmakaraka without knowing why.

I would like to warn you, do not be proud to have a planet with a very high degree in
your chart. It means that is the karma that you have to burn during this lifetime, the
Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in the birth chart and signifies all the
karmas of the past lifetime that you have to burn to remove the curtain hiding you from
your soul. Through the burning of those karmas will you be able to remove the
blockage towards liberation or moksha, or Ketu.

In Vedic Astrology we have 9 planets, yet we only have 8 karakas. Many modern

astrologers with their interpretations planned to remove Rahu from the list of Karakas but
that seems an unfruitful proposition. The 8 planets that signify the karakas are - Sun,
Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. Each planet shows the pieces
that distract from the realization of the soul, in how many directions you are running
away from realizing your soul, in how many directions you are chasing materialism and
relationships and what is distracting you. You can see that Ketu is not included in this list,
but why so? Because Ketu is what the soul tries to achieve in this lifetime, and has been
trying to achieve in the past many lifetimes. Ketu is the liberator, the moksha deliverer, it is
the sage or the monk that has realized de-attachment from everything and everyone, it is
one with the Universe or with God and has no good and no bad karma, it is freedom from
the cycle of re-birth.

Why should we add Rahu to the list? Through trials and tribulations Rahu burns our karma
and through boons and gains Rahu adds to our karma, by taking us towards the Maya or
illusion or greed of materialistic gains Rahu gives us the opportunity to sacrifice everything
willingly and walk towards the path of Ketu. In the Kaal Purusha Kundli Rahu owns the 11th
house, and lifetime after lifetime it is always trying to divert you from the 12th house of
Moksha. If someone has Rahu as their Atmakaraka that person is a highly spiritual
individual, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of Rahu.

The 6th and 8th drishti or aspect of your Atmakaraka are the things that you
subconsciosly do not want in this life, so if you have your Atmakaraka in the 12th house
and the 8th aspect is on the marriage bhava, the 7th house, then this person does not want
to get married and may not even realize it. The actualization of marriage for this person
might not happen and this individual might live the life of the 12th house, of a monastic

To see your hurdles towards realizing the soul you have to see what the issue is with
your Atmakaraka, and what distracts you from looking at your Atmakaraka head on.

For example : If your Atmakaraka is Mercury then you are a very intelligent person but your
problems are that when there is a conflict you go towards Mars i.e. fighting. The reason for
this is because you are ruled by your emotions, Chandra/Moon, you are ruled by
unconditional love. To burn the Karmas of Mercury you must stop with your unconditional
love and assistance, you must learn to choose whom to help, you must introspect and speak
less and write more, you must learn to calm your anger by balancing your expectations.
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Arsh Mishra, Astrologer, HR Professional, Writer, Poet
Answered December 21, 2017

Important Clarification: Atmakaraka does not represent soul which I see several others

are professing.

It is a very common misconception that people have thanks to the English translation of the
word. The word in sanskrit as mentioned is not Atmaakaraka with a long “a” sound in
between. It is Atmkaraka to be specific.

Atmaa with a long a means soul

Atm or Atma with an ending m sound means self.

Atmakaraka is the Self Significator and not the significator of the soul.

By definition it is the sustitute of Lagna and Lagna lord. The way it works is that, there are
several systems of judging a horoscope.

The bhava system uses the 12 houses to determine all life events. Each house rules
something specific in life.

The planetary system uses karakatwas where each planet rules over something specific in

The sign system similarly uses the signs. The nakshatra system uses the nakshatras. The
division system uses divisional charts.

Within the planetary system, there is a subsystem of charakarakas or movable significations.

Which planet represents what keeps changing. Within that system, the planet which has
travelled the greatest distance in a sign (distance not degree) becomes the atmakaraka.

The atmakaraka is equivalent to lagna. Within the rules of judgement in the planetary
system, the strength and weakness of the atmakaraka defines the strength of the
horoscope. Just like the life is judged keeping the first house as centre, it is similarly judged
in the horoscope keeping atmakaraka aa the centre.
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Shrinithyaa Gopalan, works at 22nd Century Media

Updated August 19, 2019

Atmakaraka is a very important part of Jaimini astrology. For this very accurate birth time is
essential to know the degrees of planets.

In vedic astrology, Jaimini principle “Atmakaraka” is the planet that was responsible for
giving the present birth to learn some important lesson related to the planet.

The planet occupying highest degree and its placement in Navamsa is very important for
this study. The place where the planet occupying highest degree and the 12th from it can
show Ishta devata and many people do research on these.
When Atmakaraka is Sun, a person should know humility and lose ego. It indicates fame as
great desire.

When Atmakaraka is Moon, there is some lesson to learn to love selflessly and to take care
of the loved ones. To understand between selfishness and to practice love without

When Atmakaraka is Venus, purity in relationships and decency is expected. A person has to
keep away from unnatural and illicit methods of gains in relationships

When Atmakaraka is Saturn, undersanding of sorrow, detachment and selfless service of

higher order is expected

When Atmakaraka is Jupiter, lessons with respect to children, to love imperfect husband and
children unconditionally are required

When Atmakaraka is Mars, violence of all sorts and in words to be avoided. One should stop
anger and violence in all forms and strive for peace and helping to resort to peace is

When Atmakaraka is Rahu, cheating is to be avoided. Universal acceptance of other religion,

being honest are all expected.

Ketu is above these and doesn’t come under “Atmakaraka” study.

Ketu and its placement, involvement and aspects help towards liberation and salvation.

Quoting from a website here, You are learning to fine-tune and cultive the qualities of
Merucry. Always learning something new, developing writing and speaking skills, learning
what your patterns of thought are and re-channeling the less constructive patterns, learning
new languages, reading a lot, acquiring knowledge, using knowledge, writing, and/or
speaking ability to redirect others in a more positive direction, improving mathematical
ability and analytical skills, continuing the learning experience even in old age for a young

What I infer is mercury gives intellectual level lessons learning. These persons question
everything and would be interested and curious about stuff…they would have to learn more
and infer from others. They should learn that intellect is not their sole property and other
proofs other theories and from others theres a lot of possibility to learn

Also there are studies relating to various deities for Atmakaraka. It would be suffice to know
the deity and lessons to prosper in this life and after.
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Astro Nidhi, Software Developer(java) at KPMG (2013-present)

Answered June 3, 2019

Atma means the soul and karaka means significator. Atmakaraka is the significator of the
soul’s desire. According to the Vedic philosophy, a soul will reborn because of its infinite
needs that were left unsuccessful within the previous lives and it's born once more clothe or
body another chance to satisfy them.

What are these desires? Will they be fulfilled or will you struggle with them? This is revealed
by the Atmakaraka planet.

Sun Atmakaraka-Sun Signifies Soul in Vedic jyotish. Therefore Sun is natural Atmakaraka
for each individual. Once Sun is additionally atmakaraka in your horoscope, the person
mechanically possess Leadership qualities. He's Authoritative and self assured. however he
will be self-centered. He ought to find out how to beat the Ego and become humble. This is
often the aim of the soul during this birth.

Way to connect Atmakaraka Sun

Offer Arghya to Sun to indicate your feeling throughout sunrise

Moon Atmakaraka-With Moon Atmakaraka , The person is incredibly compassionate, kind

hearted and friendly in nature. He ought to perceive the sufferings and unhappiness. With
Moon Atmakaraka, He ought to learn the distinction between true Love and false Love.

Way to connect Atmakaraka Moon

Moon represents “Mothers” - therefore obtaining blessings from Mothers or mother like
figures in your life could be a nice remedy.

Mars Atmakaraka-When Mars is that the Atmakaraka Planet, the Person is given with
heroism, energy, strength, ability to hold out troublesome task. however he ought to follow
the trail of Non Violence. this is often the lesson that he must learn during this Life. He
should perceive the distinction between passion and aggression. With Atmakaraka Mars in
birth chart, The management of energy and anger is most significant.
Way to connect Atmakaraka Mars

Mars represents younger siblings. So defrayal longer and giving attention to the
requirements of your younger siblings activates the positive energy of Mars.

Mercury Atmakaraka-When Mercury is Atmakaraka, The person become terribly all-mains,

fast learner, humorous and intelligent. however he ought to be truthful and management
his speech. He will be very communicative.

Way to connect Atmakaraka Mercury

Listen to Vishnu Sahasranama on Wednesdays. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Lord Vishnu

is connected to Mercury.

Jupiter Atmakaraka- once Jupiter is Atmakaraka in Horoscope, The native should respect
his guru or seniors and care his youngsters. Jupiter is that the Karaka for youngsters, Guru,
old person. therefore we should always be anxious and careful regarding these side of life.
With Jupiter Atmakaraka we've got to be told lessons regarding these areas of life. we've
got some unfinished destiny from past lives relating to the world Atmakaraka Jupiter

Way to connect Atmakaraka Jupiter

Jupiter represents academics and Gurus in our lives therefore observance them and being of
service to them could be a good way to activate the positive qualities of Jupiter.

Venus Atmakaraka-When Venus becomes Atmakaraka Planet, the person enjoys luxury,
wealth and every one form of comfort in life. however with Venus Atmakaraka, he ought to
have terribly clean character and perceive the distinction between Love and Lust.

Way to connect Atmakaraka Venus

Listen to Lalitha Sahasranama on Fridays.

Saturn Atmakaraka-This could be a powerful position for native. The person won't solely
absorb his pain and sufferings however additionally of others. it'll offer him the power to
figure terribly laborious. With Saturn Atmakaraka, the soul ought to learn to beat loneliness
and harsh reality of life. however this is often sensible for religious growth.

Way to connect Atmakaraka Saturn

Donation - Pay your karmic debts while not expecting something reciprocally - Saturn is
that the lord of fate.
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Saurabh Jha, studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Answered December 20, 2017

AtmaKarka is the Planet with the highest degrees in a native’s chart. Atma means soul so the
Atmakarka signifies one’s soul in their chart.

The Atmakarka helps in understanding the desires of a soul and it tells us about the
life of an individual from the soul’s perspective.

In case you believe in reincarnation then you would agree that the soul never dies. Hence
we all live in two planes , one is the physical plane where we enjoy/suffer the activities in the
physical world while the other plane or the dimension is at the Spiritual level where we
never die and carry the fruits of our karma from one life to another. Atmakarka is the planet,
whose position and the position of planets relative to it, informs us about the information
carried in our soul from our past life. For instance, A darakarka which signifies Spouse, when
positioned 8th from the Atmakarka suggests that the native has some bad pending karmas in
the context of his/her spouse hence in this particular life they will not enjoy support from their
spouse unless that pending karma is exhausted.

An individual may seem very happy in the physical world but might be going through a lot
of invisible troubles internally which may keep him restless. On the other hand, one may not
have enough wealth or happiness in the Physical world but deep down he or she might be
very content and happy with their lives. This is the kind of information that the Atmakarka
helps us to understand.

Now, Atma or soul is something that cannot be perceived and hence it is only with the
position of the Atmakarka that one can understand the true desires of a soul, the support
that the soul is getting in fulfilling those desires by other souls around him and the troubles
that he or she is likely to face. If somebody ever asks you- : “Whether I will be happy or not”,
always answer this question based on the position of the planets from the Atmakarka in the
D-9 chart.
The position of the Atmakarka in the D-1 chart will tell you about the happiness or sorrows
the person is going to enjoy at the physical level, whereas its position in the D-9 chart
speaks about the same at Spiritual or the Dharmic level.

For instance, When Atmakarka and let us Say PutraKaraka(Planet with 5th highest degrees in
a native’s chart) are conjunct in the chart of the President of a country then it would mean
he would be very popular in the eyes of his followers and that popularity will help him in
carrying out his duties as the President. Whereas the same combination in the D-9 chart
would mean someone who has followers who are following him because of his spiritual
qualities. A spiritual Guru may have such a combination. Needless to say that if such a
combination is there in both the charts then it is a great Rajyoga and the person is said to
be blessed.

Planets in the 4th and 12th from the Atmakarka in the D-9 chart hints about whether
someone will be able to attain moksha or not. If ketu is there in the 4th or 12th from the
Atmakarka in the D-9 chart, then the native will attain moksha.

Obviously, there are many other combinations which depends on an individual’s chart. But
Overall, the Atmakarka in everyone’s chart is solely used to understand the individual at a
much deeper level.
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1 comment from Ajay Kanwar

Athena Sharma, Founder and Owner

Answered April 16, 2017

First understand Karak. Karak is any planet who is responsible for the results of a certain
area of life or certain bhava or house of horoscope, irrespective of its placement and
lordship. Thus, each planet is associated with certain karakatwas or significations to deal
with in addition to its placement and lordship.

We have two types of karaks : fixed karak, and moveable( char) karak.

Fixed karak says that planets are fixed for certain specifications irrespective of their
strengths and states etc. Thus, if a karak is weak ghe results are generally blemished. These
fixed karaks are same in all h
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1 comment from Steve Hora

Arindam Chattopadhyay, Doctor of Medicine

Answered January 18, 2014

Amatyakaraka planet is the planet which occupies the second highest degrees in your Vedic
astrology horoscope. It is responsible for bringing in all the necessities in life like clothing,
food, shelter. These are the Amatya in life. Atmakaraka is the planet which occupies the
highest degree in your horoscope. It represents your atma (soul ). It is the significator of
what you should be doing in this life. I believe in Vedic astrology. Most of the people who
are online don't, and hence the criticality that you encounter. The concepts you've asked
about comes under gemini astrology which is a subdivision of Vedic astrology.
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3 comments from Subrato Roy and Vaidyanathan Sivasubramanian

Adim Phukan, Astrologer and Vastu Consultant (2002-present)

Answered December 23, 2016

Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degrees in your birth chart, from 1′ to max 29′,
that is with exclusion of retrograde planets, and the permanently retrograde Rahu Ketu.
With relevance to the navamsa chart, the location of the Atmakaraka defines the soul
journey, personality, character unfolding go the person. Google atmakaraka and you will get
various relevant articles on it. as an astrologer, my experience is that if the Atmakaraka is in
the Kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house) in the Natal chart and Navamsa, it plays a highly key
position in the individual nature of the horoscope. pr
 … (more)
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Mukesh Petshali, 5+ yrs, quite good guidance system

Answered December 12, 2017

Atmakaraka is the highest degree planet in your D1 (natal chart).

Sig.: It decides the lifelong direction of your life by guiding (or controlling to be fair) your
major decisions throughout life. It is your goal (for this life) to master over the energies
governed by this planet coz it is the most suppressing or dominant energy inside you.
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Gautama Maharshi, Indian Astrology Enthusiast

Answered August 23, 2016

The planet in your chart with highest individual degrees in any sign is considered to be
Atmakarak in Jaimini astrology.

According to the system, the planet with highest degrees has the most significant impact on
the native in terms of the nature and character traits. The 7 traditional planets and Rahu can
be the Atmakarak.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on Quora message.
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Jai Kumar, Software Engineer

Answered September 29, 2019

Atmakaraka, in the Jaimini astrology, signifies the direction in which an individual soul wants
to go and was born on the earthly plane in the first place. Atmakaraka could be one of 7(or
8) planets except Ketu. Sun signifies leadership, Moon signifies family, Mars signifies
physical strength, Mercury signifies intellect, Jupiter signifies wisdom, Venus signifies desires
and Saturn signifies law. Some consider Rahu as one on karakas while some dont, hence
there are either 7 or 8 karakas out of which Atmakaraka(Highest degree) and
Amatyakaraka(Second highest degree) planets are most important controlling spiritual and
professional aspects of a person. Atmakaraka forms Karakamsa chart(for Artha-Kama) and
Swamsa chart(for Dharma-Moksha) also.

Effects of Atmakaraka and Karakamsa

Planetary Karakatwas

1-2. I now detail below Atmakarka etc. obtainable from among the 7 planets viz. the Sun to
Saturn. Some say that Rahu will become a Karka when there is a state of similarity in terms
of longitude between (two) planets. Yet some say that the 8 planets including Rahu will have
to be considered irrespective of such a state.


Among the planets from the Sun etc. whichever has traversed maximum number of degrees
in a particular sign is called Atmakarka. If the degrees are identical, then the one with more
minutes of arc and if the minutes are also identical then the one with higher seconds of arc
will have to be considered. In that case, these three are called Amathyakarka, Madhyakarka,
and Upakheta. In the case of Rahu, deduct his longitude in that particular sign from 30. The
Karakas will have to be decided as above and as per further rules given below. Out of these
Karakas, Atmakaraka is the most important and has a prime say on the native just as the
king is the most famous among the men of his country and is the head of all affairs and is
entitled to arrest and release men.

O Brahmin, just as the minister cannot go against the king, the other karakas, viz.
Putrakaraka, Amatyakaraka etc. cannot predominate over Atmakaraka in the affairs of the
native. If the Atmakarka is adverse, other karakas cannot five their benefic effects (fully).
Similarly if Atmakaraka if favorable, other karakas cannot predominate with their malefic


The planet next to Atmakaraka in terms of longitude is called Amatyakaraka.

Similarly follow one another in terms of longitude are Bhratru karaka, Matru karaka, Pitru
karaka, Putrakaraka, Gnati karaka, and Streekaraka. These are chara karakas or inconstant
significators. Some consider Martukaraka and Putrakaraka as identical.

If two planets have the same longitude, both become the same karaka in which case there
will be a deficit of one karaka. In that circumstance, consider constant significator in the
context of benefic/malefic influence for the concerned relative.


If Atmakaraka be in Aries Navamsa, there will be nuisance from rats and cats at all times.

A malefic joining will further increase the nuisance. Should Atmakaraka be in Taurus
Navamsa, happiness from quadrupeds will result. Should he be in Gemini Navamsa, the
native will be afflicted by itch etc.If he be in Cancer Navamsa, there will be fear from water
etc.. If he be in Leo Navamsa, fear will be from tiger etc.. If he be in Virgo Navamsa, itch,
corpulence, fire etc. will cause trouble; while in Libra Navamsa, the Atmakaraka will make
one a trader and skillful in making robes etc. Scorpio Navamsa holding the said planet will
bring troubles from snakes etc., and also affliction to mother's breasts. There will be falls
from height and conveyances etc. if it is Sagittarius Navamsa that is occupied by
Atmakaraka. Capricorn Navamsa in this respect denotes gains from water-dwelling beings
and conch, pearl, coral, etc.. If it is Aquarius Navamsa holding the said planet, the native will
construct tanks etc. And in Pisces Navamsa the Atmakaraka will grant final emancipation. A
benefics aspect will remove evils while that of a malefic will cause no good.


If the 12th from Karakamsa has a benefic, the expenses will be on good account while a
malefic will cause bad expenses. If the said 12th be vacant then also good effects (in respect
of expenses) will follow. If there be a benefic planet in exaltation or in own house in the 12th
from Karakamsa or if Ketu is so placed and aspected by or conjunct a benefic one will attain
heavens after death. One will attain final emancipation if Ketu is in the 12th (from
Karakamsa) identical with Aries/Sagittarius and is aspected by a benefic. If Ketu is in the
12th from Karakamsa and be with aspect/conjunction of a malefic one will not attain final
emancipation. If the Sun and Ketu are in the said 12th the native will worship Lord Shiva.

The Moon and Ketu in the said 12th denotes a worshipper of Gauri (a consort of Lord Siva).
Venus and Ketu in the said 12th denotes a worshipper of Lakshmi (a consort of Lord Vishnu)
and a wealthy person. Mars and Ketu in the said 12th denotes a worshipper of Lord
Subramanya (an offspring of Lord Siva). Rahu in the 12th from Karakamsa will make one
worship Durga or some mean diety. Ketu alone in the said 12th house denotes
Subramanya's or Ganesa's worshipper. If Saturn is in the said 12th in a malefic's sign one will
worship mean deities. Venus and Saturn in the said 12th in a malefic's sign will also make
one worship mean deities. Similar inferences can be drawn from the 6th Navamsa counted
from Amatya Karaka's Navamsa.

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